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Chlorine oxyanions are valuable electron acceptors for microorganisms. Recent findings have shed light on the natural formation of chlorine oxyanions in the environment. These suggest a permanent introduction of respective compounds on Earth, long before their anthropogenic manufacture. Microorganisms that are able to grow by the reduction of chlorate and perchlorate are affiliated with phylogenetically diverse lineages, spanning from the Proteobacteria to the Firmicutes and archaeal microorganisms. Microbial reduction of chlorine oxyanions can be found in diverse environments and different environmental conditions (temperature, salinities, pH). It commonly involves the enzymes perchlorate reductase (Pcr) or chlorate reductase (Clr) and chlorite dismutase (Cld). Horizontal gene transfer seems to play an important role for the acquisition of functional genes. Novel and efficient Clds were isolated from microorganisms incapable of growing on chlorine oxyanions. Archaea seem to use a periplasmic Nar-type reductase (pNar) for perchlorate reduction and lack a functional Cld. Chlorite is possibly eliminated by alternative (abiotic) reactions. This was already demonstrated for Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which uses reduced sulfur compounds to detoxify chlorite. A broad biochemical diversity of the trait, its environmental dispersal, and the occurrence of relevant enzymes in diverse lineages may indicate early adaptations of life toward chlorine oxyanions on Earth.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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This work studied the physical immobilization of a commercial laccase on bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) aiming to identify the laccase antibacterial properties suitable for wound dressings. Physico-chemical analysis demonstrates that the BNC structure is manly formed by pure crystalline I cellulose. The pH optimum and activation energy of free laccase depends on the substrate employed corresponding to pH 6, 7, 3 and 57, 22, 48 kJ mol1 for 2,6-dimethylphenol (DMP), catechol and 2,2 -azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), respectively. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) value for the immobilized laccase (0.77 mM) was found to be almost double of that of the free enzyme (0.42 mM). However, the specific activities of immobilized and free laccase are similar suggesting that the cage-like structure of BNC allows entrapped laccase to maintain some flexibility and favour substrate accessibility. The results clearly show the antimicrobial effect of laccase in Gram-positive (92%) and Gram-negative (26%) bacteria and cytotoxicity acceptable for wound dressing applications.


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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.03.148.


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The aim of this study was to develop and validate a Portuguese version of the Short Form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF). Using an online convenience sample of Portuguese divorced adults (N = 482), we confirmed the oblique five-factor structure of the PTGI-SF by confirmatory factor analysis. The results demonstrated the measurement invariance across divorce initiator status groups. Total score and factors of PTGI-SF showed good internal consistency, with the exception of the New Possibilities factor, which revealed an acceptable reliability. The Portuguese PTGI-SF showed a satisfactory convergent validity. In terms of discriminant validity, posttraumatic growth assessed by the Portuguese PTGI-SF was a distinct factor from posttraumatic psychological adjustment. These preliminary findings suggest the cultural adaptation and also psychometric properties of the present Portuguese PTGI-SF to measure posttraumatic growth after personal crisis.


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In recent decades, an increased interest has been evidenced in the research on multi-scale hierarchical modelling in the field of mechanics, and also in the field of wood products and timber engineering. One of the main motivations for hierar-chical modelling is to understand how properties, composition and structure at lower scale levels may influence and be used to predict the material properties on a macroscopic and structural engineering scale. This chapter presents the applicability of statistic and probabilistic methods, such as the Maximum Likelihood method and Bayesian methods, in the representation of timber’s mechanical properties and its inference accounting to prior information obtained in different importance scales. These methods allow to analyse distinct timber’s reference properties, such as density, bending stiffness and strength, and hierarchically consider information obtained through different non, semi or destructive tests. The basis and fundaments of the methods are described and also recommendations and limitations are discussed. The methods may be used in several contexts, however require an expert’s knowledge to assess the correct statistic fitting and define the correlation arrangement between properties.


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OBJECTIVE:To assess the changes in the medicamentous treatment of elderly patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction occurring over an 8-year period. METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed 379 patients above the age of 65 years with acute myocardial infarction who were admitted to the coronary unit of a university-affiliated hospital from 1990 to 1997. The patients were divided into 2 groups, according to the period of time of hospital admission as follows: group 1 - from 1990 to 1993; and group 2 - from 1994 to 1997. RESULTS:The use of beta-blockers (40.8%chi 75.2%, p<0.0001) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (42% chi59.5%, p=0.001) was significantly greater in group 2, while the use of calcium antagonists (42% chi 18.5%, p<0.0001) and general antiarrhythmic drugs (19.1% chi 10.8%, p=0.03) was significantly lower. No significant difference was observed in regard to the use of acetylsalicylic acid, thrombolytic agents, nitrate, and digitalis in the period studied. The length of hospitalization was shorter in group 2 (13.4±8.9 days chi 10.5±7.5 days, p<0.001). The in-hospital mortality was 35.7% in group 1 and 26.6% in group 2 (p=0.07). CONCLUSION: Significant changes were observed in the treatment of elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction, with a greater use of beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and a lower use of calcium antagonists and antiarrhythmic drugs in group 2. The length of hospitalization and the mortality rate were also lower in group 2, even though the reduction in mortality was not statistically significant.


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PhD in Sciences Specialty in Physics


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OBJECTIVE: To study echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular systolic function and valvar regurgitation under pharmacological influence in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic mitral regurgitation (MR). METHODS: We carried out a double-blind placebo controlled study in 12 patients with MR, mean aged 12.5 years old, who were randomized in 4 phases: A) digoxin; B) enalapril; C) digoxin + enalapril; D) placebo. The medication was administered for 30 days in each phase, and the following variables were analyzed: shortening and ejection fractions, wall stress index of left ventricle, left ventricular meridional end-systolic wall stress, Doppler-derived mean rate of left ventricular pressure rise (mean dP/dt), stroke volume and MR jet area. The clinical variables analysed were heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. RESULTS: No significant variation was observed in the clinical variables analysed. The shortening and ejection fraction, the mean dP/dt and stroke volume significantly increased and the wall stress index of left ventricle, the meridional left ventricular end systolic wall stress and the mitral regurgitation jet area decreased in the phases with medication as compared with that in the placebo phase. CONCLUSION: The parameters of left ventricular systolic function improved significantly and the degree of MR decreased with the isolated administration of digoxin or enalapril in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic MR. The combination of the drugs, however, did not show better results.


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El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (ADHD) es un síndrome conductual de origen orgánico, que se manifiesta principalmente en niños. Está caracterizado por distracción moderada a severa, períodos de atención breve, hiperactividad, inestabilidad emocional e impulsividad. Los tratamientos se basan "paradójicamente" en psicoestimulantes. Las sustancias mas empleadas son metilfenidato y anfetamina. La sintomatología indica un mal funcionamiento en los circuitos dopaminérgicos que sería el resultado de factores genéticos como ambientales, ya que es común encontrar ADHD en niños expuestos prenatalmente al alcohol. Los modelos animales son importantes para estudiar patologías de etiología desconocida, en este sentido, estudios de nuestro laboratorio indican que ratones deficientes en p35 son hiperactivos y responden paradojalmente a psicoestimulantes. Cdk5/p35 participa en el desarrollo neuronal, liberación de vesículas, señales dopaminérgicas, etc. Además resultados preliminares indican que la experiencia prenatal con una dosis etílica moderada durante la gestación tardía, es suficiente para incrementar los patrones de actividad locomotora, semejantes a los descriptos en los modelos animales de ADHD. De acuerdo a estas consideraciones hipotetizamos que la exposición etílica prenatal a dosis moderadas y durante un periodo acotado de la gestación tardía, resulta en un patrón conductual similar al descripto en modelos de ADHD. Asimismo, drogas psicoestimulantes pueden revertir dichos efectos. Por otra parte, proponemos que estas alteraciones son consecuencia de los efectos ocasionados por el insulto etílico sobre el equilibrio en el funcionamiento del sistema de neurotransmisión dopaminérgio mesolímbico/cortical. Teniendo en cuenta que la etiología del ADHD aun no se conoce, el desarrollo de modelos animales, que recapitulen características clínicas de este trastorno, constituye una herramienta muy poderosa para el estudio de los mecanismos celulares y moleculares que subyacen a este síndrome, por lo tanto, en este proyecto nos proponemos obtener evidencias acerca de las alteraciones originadas a partir de efectos deletéreos de la exposición etílica prenatal, que recapitulan el desarrollo de fenotipos conductuales y bioquímicos descriptos en modelos para ADHD. Específicamente nos proponemos determinar, por medio de experimentos conductuales, si la exposición a distintas dosis moderadas de alcohol durante un periodo acotado de la gestación tardía, son suficientes para generar alteraciones conductuales características de ADHD y establecer si metilfenidato y anfetamina, son capaces de revertirlas. Evaluar, mediante métodos bioquímicos, si este modelo involucra cambios en algunos de los componentes claves de la neurotransmisión dopaminérgica, tales como niveles de dopamina y sus metabolitos, niveles de expresión de tirosina-hidroxilasa, de receptores y transportador de dopamina, del complejo cdk5/p35, entre otros. Esperamos recapitular características análogas a las observadas en sujetos diagnosticados con ADHD y que el tratamiento con psicoestimulantes re-establezca los niveles de conducta normales. Mediante ensayos bioquímicos, esperamos encontrar mayores niveles de dopamina en tejido estriatal, acompañados con un aumento en los niveles de sus metabolitos y mediante western blot y ensayos de actividad esperamos encontrar mayor nivel de expresión en D1, menor de DAT y alteraciones en la normal actividad y expresión de cdk5/p35, que podrían explicar los resultados comportamentales esperados. Dada la alta prevalencia de ADHD y que estos jóvenes pacientes son medicados con psicoestimulantes, junto con la poca información sobre las respuestas neuroadaptativas del cerebro inmaduro, es importante investigar los mecanismos que subyacen las alteraciones neurofisiológicas de este trastorno. Estos abordajes experimentales resultan centrales para el desarrollo de terapias mas eficientes para el tratamiento de este síndrome.


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Background: Changes in the properties of large arteries correlate with higher cardiovascular risk. Recent guidelines have included the assessment of those properties to detect subclinical disease. Establishing reference values for the assessment methods as well as determinants of the arterial parameters and their correlations in healthy individuals is important to stratify patients. Objective: To assess, in healthy adults, the distribution of the values of pulse wave velocity, diameter, intima-media thickness and relative distensibility of the carotid artery, in addition to assessing the demographic and clinical determinants of those parameters and their correlations. Methods: This study evaluated 210 individuals (54% women; mean age, 44 ± 13 years) with no evidence of cardiovascular disease. The carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity was measured with a Complior® device. The functional and structural properties of the carotid artery were assessed by using radiofrequency ultrasound. Results: The means of the following parameters were: pulse wave velocity, 8.7 ± 1.5 m/s; diameter, 6,707.9 ± 861.6 μm; intima-media thickness, 601 ± 131 μm; relative distensibility, 5.3 ± 2.1%. No significant difference related to sex or ethnicity was observed. On multiple linear logistic regression, the factors independently related to the vascular parameters were: pulse wave velocity, to age (p < 0.01) and triglycerides (p = 0.02); intima-media thickness, to age (p < 0.01); diameter, to creatinine (p = 0.03) and age (p = 0.02); relative distensibility, to age (p < 0.01) and systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p = 0.02 and p = 0.01, respectively). Pulse wave velocity showed a positive correlation with intima media thickness (p < 0.01) and with relative distensibility (p < 0.01), while diameter showed a positive correlation with distensibility (p = 0.03). Conclusion: In healthy individuals, age was the major factor related to aortic stiffness, while age and diastolic blood pressure related to the carotid functional measure. The carotid artery structure was directly related to aortic stiffness, which was inversely related to the carotid artery functional property.