999 resultados para Organizações do conhecimento
This paper is a small contribution to the knowledge of some species of brazilian Ithomiidae (Lep., Rhop.). The Author, during the year 1950, had an oportunity to study the development of the following species: Mechanitis lysimnia Fabr. Mechanitis polymnia casabranca Hsch. Dircenna dero Hübn. Methona themisto (Hübn.) The three first species live, in Piracicaba (State of São Paulo, Brasil), on Solanum variabile Mart., damaging its leaves, Mechanitis polymnia casàbranca being a serious enemy of this medicinal plant. The Author presents some notes on the biological cycle of M. lysimnia, which confirm D'Almeida's observations. Methona themisto is an old pest of Brunfelsia hopeana Benth. In Argentine, according to Hayward's observations, it occurs on Brunfelsia pauciflora Benth. The biology of this species previously has been studied by Figueiredo (1939). In Piracicaba it is not an enemy of B. hopeana on which it is reported to be so harmful elsewhere. The Author's observations were made in the Laboratory of Zoology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" in order to protect the larvae from the attack of their possible natural enemies. Notwithstanding, the Mechanitis polymnia casabranca caterpillars were attacked by an interesting Salticidae, identified by Hélio Camargo as Hasarius adan-soni (Audouin, 1827).
Foram utilizadas na alimentação de coelhos e cobaios as seguintes Leguminosas: Mucuna pruriens Wall, Styzolobium Deeringianum Steph e Bort, Indiqojera hirsuta Lam, Tephrosia cândida, Cajanus cajam Millsp, Canavália ensiformes DC, Clitoria ternatea L., Crotalaria juncea L., C. paulina, C. spectabilis Hoth, C. striata DC, C. brevijlora, C. campista, C. lanceolata e C. anagyroides. Delas, apenas a Crotalaria spectabilis Roth se mostrou altamente tóxica, ao ponto de matar os animais em experiência. Os quadros I e II demonstram a aceitação e aproveitamento controlado em dez dessas espécies, com coelhos. Foram feitos também algumas observações da toxidês das sementes com cobaios cujos resultados são apresentados nas conclusões parciais.
Êste trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento da Brassolis astyra God. e B. sophorae (L.), espécies muito nocivas ao coqueiro da Bahia (Cocos nucifera L.), carnaubera (Copernicia cerifera Mart.) e outras Palmáceas. Contém a sinonímia, resumo da bibliografia e a distribuição geográfica das duas espécies. Contém, além de dados biológicos, importância econômica e a natureza dos estragos causados pelos insetos, a lista das plantas hospedeiras. Apontam-se medidas de combate que incluem medidas culturais, artificiais, química, biológicas, inclusive a manutenção de parasitas. Trata também de todos os insetos parasitas das duas espécies de Brassolis. Os autores limitaram-se a dar a sinonímia, distribuição geográfica, resumo da literatura e lista dos insetos hospedeiros dos parasitas que não foram vistos. Dos parasitas obtidos pelos autores, dão-se também algumas notas biológicas e sistemáticas.
This paper deals with Mimosicerya hempeli (Cock., 1899) (Homoptera, Margarodidae) and its predator, the ladybeetle Exo-plectra erythrogaster Muls., 1851 (Coleoptews, Coccinellidae), which were found to occur at Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brasil. The first is a pest of "cássia imperial" (Cassia fistula L.), and several other trees. As those insects are little known, a few bionomical notes and descriptions of some of their stages are presented. The adult scales proved to be very resistant to an application of mineral oil plus malathion. Methyl Demeton applied with irrigation water showed no control. The same insecticide injected into the trunk gave very poor results.
This paper deals with field investigations on the biology of "saúva parda" (brown parasol ant, Atta capiguara Gonçalves, 1944), performed at Piracicaba and several other counties (State of São Paulo, Brazil). This ant is very noxious to several grasses and seems to make its colony only in very poor soils. Formerly the insect was known only in three counties; the writers found it in other fourteen ones.
In 1961, field investigations on "saúva de vidro" (parasol ant, Atta laevigata (Fred. Smith, 1858) were carried out at Piracicaba and other regions of the State of São Paulo (Brazil). This species was found to be a serious pest of cultivated plants, specially Eucalyptus and cotton. The ant makes its colony in any kind of soil, but it prefers to live in the poor ones.
In this paper, some notes on "saúva mata pasto" (paraol ant, Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908) are presented. This ant is very common in good soils and it is a pest of gramineous plants, mainly com, rice, sugar cane, and so son. In poor land it is too difficult or even impossible to ind it.
Contribution to the knowledge of some Citrus damaging Hemiptera. This paper deals with field and laboratory investigations on Crinocerus sancius (Fabr., 1775), Leptoglossus gonagra (Fabr., 1775), and. L. stigma (Herb., 1784), all belonging to the family Coreidae, Order Hemiptera. These three species are noxious to several fruits, including citrus. The two Leptoglossus and the damages they cause on oranges have been investigated by several writers in the last 25 years. On the other hand, c. sancius was discovered damaging Citrus only in 1959, increasing in importance since its discovery. Redescription of the adults, bionomical notes, hosts, and so on, are the main purpose of this study.
This paper deals with the oleander aphid, Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841, a very common aphid at Piracicaba (State of São Paulo, Brazil).
In this paper, the writers present a summary of their investigations on Rothschildia arethusa (Walker, 1855) ( Lepidoptera, Saturniidae ) performed at the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The larva was found to feed on "bacupari do mato" (Rheedia sp.) ( Guttiferae ). Some bionomical notes on the larval and pupal stages and the description of the adult are the mainly subject.
Eight root-knot nematode forms are known to occur in Brazil, namely Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita, M. j. javanica, M. j. bauruensis, M. inornata, M. hapla, M. arenaria arenaria and M. coffeicola. After presenting a historical resume of the root-knot disease, as well as observations on symptoms, distribution and spread, and life history of the nematodes, a study of the morphological characters used in identification of species is made, a key for separating the forms referred to above being also prepared. As no information on host plants of the coffee root-knot nematode (M. exigua) was available, a few tests were performed, as an attempt to infect several plant species. Pepper (Capsicum annuun) was the only plant attacked by M. exigua, having failed all attempts to infect nine other plants, including tomato var. Rutgers. M. exigua incited formation of galls on roots of cucumber, but no adult female was found in the tissue. In a final chapter dealing with control, a review of all methods available is presented.
São descritos, em minúcias, os afídeos Idiopterus brasiliensis Moreira, 1925 e Phorodon menthae (Buckton, 1876), da família Aphididae.
Duas espécies de cupim do Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, são estudadas. A primeira, Cornitermes bequaerti Emerson, 1952, é pouco conhecida, embora sua área de dispersão abranja três estados; a segunda espécie, Syntermes silvestrii Holmgren, 1911, é menos conhecida ainda, ocorrendo aparentemente apenas em São Paulo. As duas espécies constroem ninhos que afloram à superfície do solo; os termiteiros de C. bequaerti são encontrados em pastagens e eucaliptais e os de S. silvestrii, em pastagens.
Êste trabalho tem como objetivo principal descrever aspectos ecológicos e bionômicos das saúvas de 104 municípios do oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Em tôda a região pesquisada somente três espécies de saúvas foram constatadas: l.ª) Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (saúva limão); 2.ª) A. laevigata (F. Smith, 1858) (saúva-de-vidro ou saúva cabeça-de-vidro); 3.ª) A. capiguara Gonçalves, 1944 (saúva parda). Uma das grandes surpresas, durante o desenvolvimento dêste trabalho, foi o de se comprovar que a saúva parda A. capiguara é a espécie mais frequente e a mais importante. A sua importância e a das duas outras espécies é, entretanto, salientada no capítulo 5 (BIONOMIA).