929 resultados para Organic thin-film transistors


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Renewable energy is growing in demand, and thus the the manufacture of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced dramatically in recent years. This is proved by the fact that the photovoltaic production has doubled every 2 years, increasing by an average of 48% each year since 2002. Covering the general overview of solar cell working, and its model, this thesis will start with the three generations of photovoltaic solar cell technology, and move to the motivation of dedicating research to nanostructured solar cell. For the current generation solar cells, among several factors, like photon capture, photon reflection, carrier generation by photons, carrier transport and collection, the efficiency also depends on the absorption of photons. The absorption coefficient,α, and its dependence on the wavelength, λ, is of major concern to improve the efficiency. Nano-silicon structures (quantum wells and quantum dots) have a unique advantage compared to bulk and thin film crystalline silicon that multiple direct and indirect band gaps can be realized by appropriate size control of the quantum wells. This enables multiple wavelength photons of the solar spectrum to be absorbed efficiently. There is limited research on the calculation of absorption coefficient in nano structures of silicon. We present a theoretical approach to calculate the absorption coefficient using quantum mechanical calculations on the interaction of photons with the electrons of the valence band. One model is that the oscillator strength of the direct optical transitions is enhanced by the quantumconfinement effect in Si nanocrystallites. These kinds of quantum wells can be realized in practice in porous silicon. The absorption coefficient shows a peak of 64638.2 cm-1 at = 343 nm at photon energy of ξ = 3.49 eV ( = 355.532 nm). I have shown that a large value of absorption coefficient α comparable to that of bulk silicon is possible in silicon QDs because of carrier confinement. Our results have shown that we can enhance the absorption coefficient by an order of 10, and at the same time a nearly constant absorption coefficient curve over the visible spectrum. The validity of plots is verified by the correlation with experimental photoluminescence plots. A very generic comparison for the efficiency of p-i-n junction solar cell is given for a cell incorporating QDs and sans QDs. The design and fabrication technique is discussed in brief. I have shown that by using QDs in the intrinsic region of a cell, we can improve the efficiency by a factor of 1.865 times. Thus for a solar cell of efficiency of 26% for first generation solar cell, we can improve the efficiency to nearly 48.5% on using QDs.


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Understanding how a living cell behaves has become a very important topic in today’s research field. Hence, different sensors and testing devices have been designed to test the mechanical properties of these living cells. This thesis presents a method of micro-fabricating a bio-MEMS based force sensor which is used to measure the force response of living cells. Initially, the basic concepts of MEMS have been discussed and the different micro-fabrication techniques used to manufacture various MEMS devices have been described. There have been many MEMS based devices manufactured and employed for testing many nano-materials and bio-materials. Each of the MEMS based devices described in this thesis use a novel concept of testing the specimens. The different specimens tested are nano-tubes, nano-wires, thin film membranes and biological living cells. Hence, these different devices used for material testing and cell mechanics have been explained. The micro-fabrication techniques used to fabricate this force sensor has been described and the experiments preformed to successfully characterize each step in the fabrication have been explained. The fabrication of this force sensor is based on the facilities available at Michigan Technological University. There are some interesting and uncommon concepts in MEMS which have been observed during this fabrication. These concepts in MEMS which have been observed are shown in multiple SEM images.


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This research focused on the to modification of the surface structure of titanium implants with nanostructured morphology of TiO2 nanotubes and studied the interaction of nanotubes with osteoblast cells to understand the parameters that affect the cell growth. The electrical, mechanical, and structural properties of TiO2 nanotubes were characterized to establish a better understanding on the properties of such nanoscale morphological structures. To achieve the objectives of this research work I transformed the titanium and its alloys, either in bulk sheet form, bulk machined form, or thin film deposited on another substrate into a surface of titania nanotubes using a low cost and environmentally friendly process. The process requires only a simple electrolyte, low cost electrode, and a DC power supply. With this simple approach of scalable nanofabrication, a typical result is nanotubes that are each approximately 100nm in diameter and have a wall thickness of about 20nm. By changing the fabrication parameters, independent nanotubes can be fabricated with open volume between them. Titanium in this form is termed onedimensional since electron transport is narrowly confined along the length of the nanotube. My Ph.D. accomplishments have successfully shown that osteoblast cells, the cells that are the precursors to bone, have a strong tendency to attach to the inside and outside of the titanium nanotubes onto which they are grown using their filopodia – cell’s foot used for locomotion – anchored to titanium nanotubes. In fact it was shown that the cell prefers to find many anchoring sites. These sites are critical for cell locomotion during the first several weeks of maturity and upon calcification as a strongly anchored bone cell. In addition I have shown that such a surface has a greater cell density than a smooth titanium surface. My work also developed a process that uses a focused and controllably rastered ion beam as a nano-scalpel to cut away sections of the osteoblast cells to probe the attachment beneath the main cell body. Ultimately the more rapid growth of osteoblasts, coupled with a stronger cell-surface interface, could provide cost reduction, shorter rehabilitation, and fewer follow-on surgeries due to implant loosening.


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Magnetic iron garnets as well as magnetic photonic crystals are of great interests in magneto-optic applications such as isolators, current captors, circulators, TE-TM mode conversion, wavelength accordable filters, optical sensors and switches, all of which provide a promising platform for future integrated optical circuits. In the present work, two topics are studied based on magnetic iron garnet films. In the first part, the characteristics of the magnetization are investigated for ridge waveguides fabricated on (100) oriented iron garnet thin films. The magnetic response in magneto-optic waveguides patterned on epitaxial magnetic garnet films depends on the crystallographic orientation of the waveguides and the magnetic anisotropy of the material. These can be studied by polarization rotation hysteresis loops, which are related to the component of magnetization parallel to the light propagation direction and the linear birefringence. Polarization rotation hysteresis loops for low birefringence waveguides with different orientations are experimentally investigated. Asymmetric stepped curves are obtained from waveguides along, due to the large magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the plane. A model based on the free energy density is developed to demonstrate the motion of the magnetization and can be used in the design of magneto-optic devices. The second part of this thesis focuses on the design and fabrication of high-Q cavities in two-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal slabs. The device consists of a layer of silicon and a layer of iron garnet thin film. Triangular lattice elliptical air holes are patterned in the slab. The fundamental TM band gap overlaps with the first-order TE band gap from 0374~0.431(a/λ) showing that both TE and TM polarization light can be confined in the photonic crystals. A nanocavity is designed to obtain both TE and TM defect modes in the band gaps. Additional work is needed to overlap the TE and TM defect modes and obtain a high-Q cavity so as to develop miniaturized Faraday rotators.


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Metamaterials are artificial materials that exhibit properties, such as negative index of refraction, that are not possible through natural materials. Due to many potential applications of negative index metamaterials, significant progress in the field has been observed in the last decade. However, achieving negative index at visible frequencies is a challenging task. Generally, fishnet metamaterials are considered as a possible route to achieve negative index in the visible spectrum. However, so far no metamaterial has been demonstrated to exhibit simultaneously negative permittivity and permeability (double-negative) beyond the red region of the visible spectrum. This study is mainly focused on achieving higher operating frequency for low-loss, double-negative metamaterials. Two double-negative metamaterials have been proposed to operate at highest reported frequencies. The first proposed metamaterial is based on the interaction of surface plasmon polaritons of a thin metal film with localized surface plasmons of a metallic array placed close to the thin film. It is demonstrated that the metamaterial can easily be scaled to operate at any frequency in the visible spectrum as well as possibly to the ultraviolet spectrum. Furthermore, the underlying physical phenomena and possible future extensions of the metamaterial are also investigated. The second proposed metamaterial is a modification to the so-called fishnet metamaterial. It has been demonstrated that this ‘modified fishnet’ exhibits two double-negative bands in the visible spectrum with highest operating frequency in the green region with considerably high figure of merit. In contrast to most of the fishnet metamaterials proposed in the past, behavior of this modified fishnet is independent of polarization of the incident field. In addition to the two negative index metamaterials proposed in this study, the use of metamaterial as a spacer, named as metaspacer, is also investigated. In contrast to naturally available dielectric spacers used in microfabrication, metaspacers can be realized with any (positive or negative) permittivity and permeability. As an example, the use of a negative index metaspacer in place of the dielectric layer in a fishnet metamaterial is investigated. It is shown that fishnet based on negative index metaspacer gives many improved optical properties over the conventional fishnet such as wider negative index band, higher figure of merit, higher optical transmission and stronger magnetic response. In addition to the improved properties, following interesting features were observed in the metaspacer based fishnet metamaterial. At the resonance frequency, the shape of the permeability curve was ‘inverted’ as compared to that for conventional fishnet metamaterial. Furthermore, dependence of the resonance frequency on the fishnet geometry was also reversed. Moreover, simultaneously negative group and phase velocities were observed in the low-loss region of the metaspacer based fishnet metamaterial. Due to interesting features observed using metaspacer, this study will open a new horizon for the metamaterial research.


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During the past decades, tremendous research interests have been attracted to investigate nanoparticles due to their promising catalytic, magnetic, and optical properties. In this thesis, two novel methods of nanoparticle fabrication were introduced and the basic formation mechanisms were studied. Metal nanoparticles and polyurethane nanoparticles were separately fabricated by a short-distance sputter deposition technique and a reactive ion etching process. First, a sputter deposition method with a very short target-substrate distance is found to be able to generate metal nanoparticles on the glass substrate inside a RIE chamber. The distribution and morphology of nanoparticles are affected by the distance, the ion concentration and the process time. Densely-distributed nanoparticles of various compositions are deposited on the substrate surface when the target-substrate distance is smaller than 130mm. It is much less than the atoms’ mean free path, which is the threshold in previous research for nanoparticles’ formation. Island structures are formed when the distance is increased to 510mm, indicating the tendency to form continuous thin film. The trend is different from previously-reported sputtering method for nanoparticle fabrication, where longer distance between the target and the substrate facilitates the formation of nanoparticle. A mechanism based on the seeding effect of the substrate is proposed to interpret the experimental results. Secondly, in polyurethane nanoparticles’ fabrication, a mechanism is put forward based on the microphase separation phenomenon in block copolymer thin film. The synthesized polymers have formed dispersed and continuous phases because of the different properties between segments. With harder mechanical property, the dispersed phase is remained after RIE process while the continuous phase is etched away, leading to the formation of nanoparticles on the substrate. The nanoparticles distribution is found to be affected by the heating effect, the process time and the plasma power. Superhydrophilic property is found on samples with these two types of nanoparticles. The relationship between the nanostructure and the hydrophilicity is studied for further potential applications.


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Finite numbers of ions are present in microfluidic devices. This leads to ion limiting effects in microfluidic channels and electrode surfaces. These effects include electrode surface changes and ion concentration gradient formation across microfluidic channels, and can influence microfluidic device behavior. A literature survey on the use of electrochemical analysis techniques in micro- and nanofluidic devices was carried out, which puts into perspective the importance of electrode surface changes with regards to analytical microfluidic applications. Surface changes in Pt wire electrodes under various physiological buffer and electric field conditions were investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV), SEM-EDS and XPS. Effects of surface changes on electrochemical analysis performance of Pt wire and thin film electrodes were investigated. Electrode surfaces were subjected to varying phosphate buffer and electric field conditions, and their CV performance was monitored. Electrode surfaces were also studied with SEM-EDS. Two studies of ion concentration gradient formation in microfluidic channels were conducted. In the first, concentration gradients of H+ and OH- ions generated on electrode surfaces were found to cause significant pH decreases in certain buffer and electric field conditions, which was also found to play a key role in iDEP manipulation of proteins. The role of electrode surface reactions in this case shows the importance of understanding electrode surface changes in microfluidic devices. In the second study of ion concentration gradient formation, Cl- ion concentration gradient formation was attempted to be quantified upon electric field application across a KCl solution. Electrokinetic transport of the Cl- indicating fluorophore MQAE contributed significantly to the fluorescence microscopy signals collected, complicating Cl- quantification as a function of position and time. It was shown that a dielectric coating on electrode surfaces is effective at preventing MQAE electrokinetic transport.


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The dissipation of high heat flux from integrated circuit chips and the maintenance of acceptable junction temperatures in high powered electronics require advanced cooling technologies. One such technology is two-phase cooling in microchannels under confined flow boiling conditions. In macroscale flow boiling bubbles will nucleate on the channel walls, grow, and depart from the surface. In microscale flow boiling bubbles can fill the channel diameter before the liquid drag force has a chance to sweep them off the channel wall. As a confined bubble elongates in a microchannel, it traps thin liquid films between the heated wall and the vapor core that are subject to large temperature gradients. The thin films evaporate rapidly, sometimes faster than the incoming mass flux can replenish bulk fluid in the microchannel. When the local vapor pressure spike exceeds the inlet pressure, it forces the upstream interface to travel back into the inlet plenum and create flow boiling instabilities. Flow boiling instabilities reduce the temperature at which critical heat flux occurs and create channel dryout. Dryout causes high surface temperatures that can destroy the electronic circuits that use two-phase micro heat exchangers for cooling. Flow boiling instability is characterized by periodic oscillation of flow regimes which induce oscillations in fluid temperature, wall temperatures, pressure drop, and mass flux. When nanofluids are used in flow boiling, the nanoparticles become deposited on the heated surface and change its thermal conductivity, roughness, capillarity, wettability, and nucleation site density. It also affects heat transfer by changing bubble departure diameter, bubble departure frequency, and the evaporation of the micro and macrolayer beneath the growing bubbles. Flow boiling was investigated in this study using degassed, deionized water, and 0.001 vol% aluminum oxide nanofluids in a single rectangular brass microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 229 µm for one inlet fluid temperature of 63°C and two constant flow rates of 0.41 ml/min and 0.82 ml/min. The power input was adjusted for two average surface temperatures of 103°C and 119°C at each flow rate. High speed images were taken periodically for water and nanofluid flow boiling after durations of 25, 75, and 125 minutes from the start of flow. The change in regime timing revealed the effect of nanoparticle suspension and deposition on the Onset of Nucelate Boiling (ONB) and the Onset of Bubble Elongation (OBE). Cycle duration and bubble frequencies are reported for different nanofluid flow boiling durations. The addition of nanoparticles was found to stabilize bubble nucleation and growth and limit the recession rate of the upstream and downstream interfaces, mitigating the spreading of dry spots and elongating the thin film regions to increase thin film evaporation.


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A silicon-based microcell was fabricated with the potential for use in in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of materials under plasma processing. The microcell consisted of 50 nm-thick film of silicon nitride observation window with 60μm distance between two electrodes. E-beam scattering Mont Carlo simulation showed that the silicon nitride thin film would have very low scattering effect on TEM primary electron beam accelerated at 200 keV. Only 4.7% of primary electrons were scattered by silicon nitride thin film and the Ar gas (60 μm thick at 1 atm pressure) filling the space between silicon nitride films. Theoretical calculation also showed low absorption of high-energy e-beam electrons. Because the plasma cell needs to survive the high vacuum TEM chamber while holding 1 atm internal pressure, a finite element analysis was performed to find the maximum stress the low-stress silicon nitride thin film experienced under pressure. Considering the maximum burst stress of low-stress silicon nitride thin film, the simulation results showed that the 50 nm silicon nitride thin film can be used in TEM under 1 atm pressure as the observation window. Ex-situ plasma generation experiment demonstrated that air plasma can be ignited at DC voltage of 570. A Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that etching and deposition occurred during the plasma process and larger dendrites formed on the positive electrode.


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The effect of anions on the redox behavior and structure of 11-ferrocenyl-1-undecanethiol (FcC11) monolayers (SAM) on Au(1 1 1) single crystal and Au(1 1 1-25 nm) thin film electrodes was investigated in 0.1 M solutions of HPF6, HClO4, HBF4, HNO3, and H2SO4 by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ surface-enhanced infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS). We demonstrate that the FcC11 redox peaks shift toward positive potentials and broaden with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. In situ surface-enhanced IR-spectroscopy (SEIRAS) provided direct access for the incorporation of anions into the oxidized adlayer. The coadsorption of anions is accompanied by the penetration of water molecules. The latter effect is particularly pronounced in aqueous HNO3 and H2SO4 electrolytes. The adlayer permeability increases with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. We also found that even the neutral (reduced) FcC11 SAM is permeable for water molecules. Based on the property of interfacial water to reorient upon charge inversion, we propose a spectroscopic approach for estimating the potential of zero total charge of the FcC11-modified Au(1 1 1) electrodes in aqueous electrolytes.


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Liquid crystals (LCs) represent a challenging group of materials for direct transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies due to the complications in specimen preparation and the severe radiation damage. In this paper, we summarize a series of specimen preparation methods, including thin film and cryo-sectioning approaches, as a comprehensive toolset enabling high-resolution direct cryo-TEM observation of a broad range of LCs. We also present comparative analysis using cryo-TEM and replica freeze-fracture TEM on both thermotropic and lyotropic LCs. In addition to the revisits of previous practices, some new concepts are introduced, e.g., suspended thermotropic LC thin films, combined high-pressure freezing and cryo-sectioning of lyotropic LCs, and the complementary applications of direct TEM and indirect replica TEM techniques. The significance of subnanometer resolution cryo-TEM observation is demonstrated in a few important issues in LC studies, including providing direct evidences for the existence of nanoscale smectic domains in nematic bent-core thermotropic LCs, comprehensive understanding of the twist-bend nematic phase, and probing the packing of columnar aggregates in lyotropic chromonic LCs. Direct TEM observation opens ways to a variety of TEM techniques, suggesting that TEM (replica, cryo, and in situ techniques), in general, may be a promising part of the solution to the lack of effective structural probe at the molecular scale in LC studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:754-772, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In this paper, a new cruciform donor–acceptor molecule 2,2'-((5,5'-(3,7-dicyano-2,6-bis(dihexylamino)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']difuran-4,8-diyl)bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis (methanylylidene))dimalononitrile (BDFTM) is reported. The compound exhibits both remarkable solid-state red emission and p-type semiconducting behavior. The dual functions of BDFTM are ascribed to its unique crystal structure, in which there are no intermolecular face-to-face π–π interactions, but the molecules are associated by intermolecular CN…π and H-bonding interactions. Firstly, BDFTM exhibits aggregation-induced emission; that is, in solution, it is almost non-emissive but becomes significantly fluorescent after aggregation. The emission quantum yield and average lifetime are measured to be 0.16 and 2.02 ns, respectively. Crystalline microrods and microplates of BDFTM show typical optical waveguiding behaviors with a rather low optical loss coefficient. Moreover, microplates of BDFTM can function as planar optical microcavities which can confine the emitted photons by the reflection at the crystal edges. Thin films show an air-stable p-type semiconducting property with a hole mobility up to 0.0015 cm2V−1s−1. Notably, an OFET with a thin film of BDFTM is successfully utilized for highly sensitive and selective detection of H2S gas (down to ppb levels).