998 resultados para Nye, Andrea


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This paper presents empirical evidence on firms’ decisions to cooperate in R&D and the extent to which government sponsored R&D programs increase cooperation. Using a sample of firms from the Spanish innovation survey we jointly estimate the determinants of firm participation in R&D programs and of choice of cooperation partners. We find that (i) firms participating in national and European programs have different profiles, suggesting program complementarity; (ii) private-private and publicprivate cooperation are associated on average with firms with different characteristics, and (iii) national R&D programs seem to have a positive effect on all types of cooperation, but especially on public-private partnerships.


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In order to evaluate the diversity and infestation level of Teredinidae wood-boring molluscs, ten satations were chosen along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. Using five pine-wood panels in each station, it was possible to distinguish five areas according to species dominance. Ilha Grande Bay is characterized by the dominance of Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch, 1922); Sepetiba Bay, by Bankia fimbriatula Moll & Roch, 1931, Tijuca Lagoon by Teredo navalis Linnaeus, 1758; Guanabara Bay by Notoredo knoxi (Bartsch, 1917) and Araruama Lagoon by Teredo furcifera Martens, 1894. Specific composition and dominance of these species were due mainly to abiotic factors such as salinity whereas infestation level was associated not only to salinity but also to other factors such as the quantity and quality of fouling, the presence of larval dispersion focus and the wood supply in each area.


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In this paper we examine the out-of-sample forecast performance of high-yield credit spreads regarding real-time and revised data on employment and industrial production in the US. We evaluate models using both a point forecast and a probability forecast exercise. Our main findings suggest the use of few factors obtained by pooling information from a number of sector-specific high-yield credit spreads. This can be justified by observing that, especially for employment, there is a gain from using a principal components model fitted to high-yield credit spreads compared to the prediction produced by benchmarks, such as an AR, and ARDL models that use either the term spread or the aggregate high-yield spread as exogenous regressor. Moreover, forecasts based on real-time data are generally comparable to forecasts based on revised data. JEL Classification: C22; C53; E32 Keywords: Credit spreads; Principal components; Forecasting; Real-time data.


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ABSTRACT Objectives: Patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) and chronic neuropathic pain experience levels of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) that are considerably lower than those reported in other areas of chronic pain. The aim of this article was to quantify the extent to which reductions in (leg and back) pain and disability over time translate into improvements in generic HRQoL as measured by the EuroQoL-5D and SF-36 instruments. Methods: Using data from the multinational Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study of Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome trial, we explore the relationship between generic HRQoL-assessed using two instruments often used in clinical trials (i.e., the SF-36 and EuroQol-5D)-and disease-specific outcome measures (i.e., Oswestry disability index [ODI], leg and back pain visual analog scale [VAS]) in neuropathic patients with FBSS. Results: In our sample of 100 FBSS patients, generic HRQoL was moderately associated with ODI (correlation coefficient: -0.462 to -0.638) and mildly associated with leg pain VAS (correlation coefficient: -0.165 to -0.436). The multilevel regression analysis results indicate that functional ability (as measured by the ODI) is significantly associated with HRQoL, regardless of the generic HRQoL instrument used. On the other hand, changes over time in leg pain were significantly associated with changes in the EuroQoL-5D and physical component summary scores, but not with the mental component summary score. Conclusions: Reduction in leg pain and functional disability is statistically significantly associated with improvements in generic HRQoL. This is the first study to investigate the longitudinal relationship between generic and disease-specific HRQoL of neuropathic pain patients with FBSS, using multinational data.


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To identify wild hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, surveys were conducted in the subandean valleys of Jujuy Province, Argentina, between June 1986 and March 1987. Seventy two mammals from 13 different species were examined by xenodiagnosis. Fifty two of them were mostly roedents trapped at the localities of Maimará, León and Tilcara, and the remainder had been kept in captivity at the Estación Biológica Experimental, in Jujuy. Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected only in 2 Octodontomys gliroides (2 pos./8 exam. 25%) from all 72 examined mammals. Isolates were called Octodontomys Argentina 1 and 2 (OA1 and OA2). Both infected animals were caught at the archaelogical ruin of Pucará, at Tilcara. Repeated searches for triatomines in the ruin itself and in neighbour houses rendered negative results. Groups of mice inoculated with either OA1 or OA2 isolates became infected between 7 (OA1) to 12 days (OA2) postinoculation PI. Parasitemia peaks were observed between day 12th - 14th PI. Scarce amastigote nests were found in myocardium and skeletal muscle. Mortality was observed only for mice inoculated with OA1. Isoenzyme patterns of OA1 and OA2 were identical to one found in dogs and slightly different from that of human parasites in Argentina. Bones from Octodontomys sp., were recently found in a cave, dated 10200-8600 BC, in Pumamarca, near Tilcara, Jujuy. There are evidences that O. gliroides cohabited with man in ancient times and was associated to the domestic cycle of T. cruzi transmission, playing a role like that of domestic cavies. in Bolivia.


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Este trabajo tiene el propósito de estudiar la socialización de la sexualidad femenina a través del análisis de las representaciones sociales de un grupo de mujeres que pertenecen a una comunidad virtual. Estas representaciones y disposiciones son rescatadas de los relatos y comentarios escritos provenientes de la comunicación virtual y del posicionamiento relacional entre mujeres. Dado que la base es comunicacional y por tanto relacional, la conceptualización operativa y la orientación metodológica se llevan a cabo por medio del análisis de redes sociales.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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Flight activity and invasion of houses by Triatoma sordida and T. guasayana were studied in the Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Spontaneous findings of both species in houses were recorded from 1982 to 1989. Light trap collections were performed in 1982, 1983 and 1984, at the woods surrounding the settlements of Amamá (43 houses) and Trinidad (19 houses). Most of the 101 triatomines collected, were unfed and negative for Trypanosoma cruzi. T. guasayana predominated over T. sordida, and both appeared on the lighted screens between 19-31 min (mean 24) after dusk and the catch time was 30-45 min. Although entomological evaluation of 41 houses at Amamá performed in September 1985, just before insecticidal spraying, showed that Triatoma infestans predominated, adults of T. guasayana were collected in sleeping places, in 7 houses (17%). Most triatomines invading houses from then up to 1990 were flying T. guasayana (20/27) and females outnumbered males. Three non infected T. guasayana females were fed on man and two T. guasayana males positive for "T. cruzi like" trypanosomes were unfed. Therefore, visiting hungry adults could transmit T. cruzi to people and introduce wild parasites to the domestic cycle. T. guasayana stands as the main potential substitute of T. infestans in the studied area, and it might play there the same role as T. sordida in Brazil.


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Durant molts anys, els jardins del Palau Novella han patit una sèrie de canvis que han desembocat en el seu abandonament i degradació. La falta de gestió i manteniment ha comportat l’aparició de fitopatologies en una part important dels individus, així com la colonització d’espècies invasores, tant de flora com de faun,a o la degradació dels elements arquitectònics. D’altra banda, la seva importància com a connector o la presència d’arbres i comunitats d’especial interès, li atorguen a la zona un gran valor a nivell ecològic. Per tant, tant per a la seva protecció, com per a la millora de les condicions actuals de degradació, seran necessàries una sèrie de mesures correctores que ajudin a restaurar i conservar la zona, de manera que, l’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi, serà l’avaluació de tots els factors, tant positius com negatius, per tal de poder elaborar les mesures esmentades.


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En aquesta tesis es presenten els resultats de la investigació duta a terme a les comunitats indígenes Tsimane’ de l’Amazònia boliviana. La investigació estudia la percepció dels indígenes sobre l’etnoclassificació del seu territori. S’estableix una clau de classificació i es determina la importància dels elements paisatgístics del territori Tsimane’ segons la percepció local. Aquesta informació permetrà integrar el coneixement local dins dels programes de desenvolupament integral i de planificació territorial en l’Amazònia Boliviana. L’estudi conclou que la població Tsimane’ classifica els elements paisatgístics del seu entorn en 89 taques conformades per una espècies arbòria dominant i que estan incloses en un o més dels nou paisatges identificats: Därsi Därä, Sajras, Sinues Ojñi’, Mayes, Múcúya, Tsäquis Därä, Cum, Tajñi’ i Jaman. A partir d’un anàlisi multicriteri s’ha determinat una importància total per cada paisatge segons els següents criteris d’importància: diversitat de taques, activitats econòmiques realitzables, presència espiritual, percepció individual i importància relativa segons els altres paisatges. Així doncs s’ha trobat que el paisatge més important és el Därsi Därä (bosc primari caracteritzat per un estrat arbori superior a 50 metres d’altura). També s’han analitzat les dades discernint segons el gènere de l’entrevistat i segons la proximitat de les comunitats estudiades a la ciutat més propera.


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We investigated correlates for suicidal expression among adolescents in the Seychelles. Data on 1,432 students (52% females) were derived from the Global School-based Health Survey. Participants were divided into three groups: those with no suicidal behavior (N = 1,199); those with suicide ideation/SI (N = 89); and those reporting SI with a plan to carry out a suicide attempt/SISP (N = 139), each within a 12-month recall period. Using multinomial logistic regression, we examined the strength of associations with social, behavioral and economic indicators while adjusting for covariates. Sixteen percent of school-attending adolescents reported a suicidal expression (10% with a plan/6.2% without). Those reporting SI were younger (relative risk ratio RRR = 0.81; CI = 0.68-0.96), indicated signs of depression (RRR = 1.69; CI = 1.05-2.72) and loneliness (RRR=3.36; CI =1.93-5.84). Tobacco use (RRR = 2.34; CI = 1.32-4.12) and not having close friends (RRR = 3.32; CI = 1.54-7.15) were significantly associated with SI. Those with SISP were more likely to be female (RRR = 0.47; 0.30-0.74), anxious (RRR = 3.04; CI = 1.89-4.88) and lonely (RRR = 1.74; CI = 1.07-2.84). Having no close friends (RRR = 2.98; 1.56-5.69) and using tobacco (RRR = 2.41; 1.48-3.91) were also strongly associated. Having parents who were understanding was protective (RRR = 0.50; CI = 0.31-0.82). Our results suggest that school health promotion programs may benefit from targeting multiple factors associated with suicidal expression. More research, particularly multilevel designs are needed to identify peer and family influences which may modify associations with suicidality.