987 resultados para Nursing models
Annual report of the Iowa Board of Nursing. Includes information on legislation, rule changes, and statistics related to all aspects of board business: education, continuing education, enforcement, administrative changes, financial report and general nursing demographics.
An important statistical development of the last 30 years has been the advance in regression analysis provided by generalized linear models (GLMs) and generalized additive models (GAMs). Here we introduce a series of papers prepared within the framework of an international workshop entitled: Advances in GLMs/GAMs modeling: from species distribution to environmental management, held in Riederalp, Switzerland, 6-11 August 2001.We first discuss some general uses of statistical models in ecology, as well as provide a short review of several key examples of the use of GLMs and GAMs in ecological modeling efforts. We next present an overview of GLMs and GAMs, and discuss some of their related statistics used for predictor selection, model diagnostics, and evaluation. Included is a discussion of several new approaches applicable to GLMs and GAMs, such as ridge regression, an alternative to stepwise selection of predictors, and methods for the identification of interactions by a combined use of regression trees and several other approaches. We close with an overview of the papers and how we feel they advance our understanding of their application to ecological modeling.
The objective of this study was to identify vulnerability to tuberculosis (TB) related to knowledge about the disease among 76 nursing students and professionals. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted using a closed questionnaire for the collection of data regarding transmission, preventive and biosafety measures, diagnosis, and prejudice regarding the disease. The SAS software version 9.1.3 was used for data analysis, with the level of significance set at 5% (p < 0.05). Nursing students and professionals showed a vulnerability to TB related to knowledge about transmission, preventive and biosafety measures, and diagnosis of the disease. With respect to transmission, vulnerability was higher among nursing professionals. The results indicate the need for investment by healthcare institutions surrounding this topic in view of the important role of nursing in the establishment of strategies for prevention and control of the disease.
OBJECTIVE: To better understand the structure of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) instrument. More specifically to test all published validation models, using one single data set and appropriate statistical tools. DESIGN: Validation study using data from cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: A population-based sample of non-institutionalized adults with diabetes residing in Switzerland (canton of Vaud). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: French version of the 20-items PACIC instrument (5-point response scale). We conducted validation analyses using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The original five-dimension model and other published models were tested with three types of CFA: based on (i) a Pearson estimator of variance-covariance matrix, (ii) a polychoric correlation matrix and (iii) a likelihood estimation with a multinomial distribution for the manifest variables. All models were assessed using loadings and goodness-of-fit measures. RESULTS: The analytical sample included 406 patients. Mean age was 64.4 years and 59% were men. Median of item responses varied between 1 and 4 (range 1-5), and range of missing values was between 5.7 and 12.3%. Strong floor and ceiling effects were present. Even though loadings of the tested models were relatively high, the only model showing acceptable fit was the 11-item single-dimension model. PACIC was associated with the expected variables of the field. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the model considering 11 items in a single dimension exhibited the best fit for our data. A single score, in complement to the consideration of single-item results, might be used instead of the five dimensions usually described.
Abstract Sitting between your past and your future doesn't mean you are in the present. Dakota Skye Complex systems science is an interdisciplinary field grouping under the same umbrella dynamical phenomena from social, natural or mathematical sciences. The emergence of a higher order organization or behavior, transcending that expected of the linear addition of the parts, is a key factor shared by all these systems. Most complex systems can be modeled as networks that represent the interactions amongst the system's components. In addition to the actual nature of the part's interactions, the intrinsic topological structure of underlying network is believed to play a crucial role in the remarkable emergent behaviors exhibited by the systems. Moreover, the topology is also a key a factor to explain the extraordinary flexibility and resilience to perturbations when applied to transmission and diffusion phenomena. In this work, we study the effect of different network structures on the performance and on the fault tolerance of systems in two different contexts. In the first part, we study cellular automata, which are a simple paradigm for distributed computation. Cellular automata are made of basic Boolean computational units, the cells; relying on simple rules and information from- the surrounding cells to perform a global task. The limited visibility of the cells can be modeled as a network, where interactions amongst cells are governed by an underlying structure, usually a regular one. In order to increase the performance of cellular automata, we chose to change its topology. We applied computational principles inspired by Darwinian evolution, called evolutionary algorithms, to alter the system's topological structure starting from either a regular or a random one. The outcome is remarkable, as the resulting topologies find themselves sharing properties of both regular and random network, and display similitudes Watts-Strogtz's small-world network found in social systems. Moreover, the performance and tolerance to probabilistic faults of our small-world like cellular automata surpasses that of regular ones. In the second part, we use the context of biological genetic regulatory networks and, in particular, Kauffman's random Boolean networks model. In some ways, this model is close to cellular automata, although is not expected to perform any task. Instead, it simulates the time-evolution of genetic regulation within living organisms under strict conditions. The original model, though very attractive by it's simplicity, suffered from important shortcomings unveiled by the recent advances in genetics and biology. We propose to use these new discoveries to improve the original model. Firstly, we have used artificial topologies believed to be closer to that of gene regulatory networks. We have also studied actual biological organisms, and used parts of their genetic regulatory networks in our models. Secondly, we have addressed the improbable full synchronicity of the event taking place on. Boolean networks and proposed a more biologically plausible cascading scheme. Finally, we tackled the actual Boolean functions of the model, i.e. the specifics of how genes activate according to the activity of upstream genes, and presented a new update function that takes into account the actual promoting and repressing effects of one gene on another. Our improved models demonstrate the expected, biologically sound, behavior of previous GRN model, yet with superior resistance to perturbations. We believe they are one step closer to the biological reality.
We show that a simple mixing idea allows one to establish a number of explicit formulas for ruin probabilities and related quantities in collective risk models with dependence among claim sizes and among claim inter-occurrence times. Examples include compound Poisson risk models with completely monotone marginal claim size distributions that are dependent according to Archimedean survival copulas as well as renewal risk models with dependent inter-occurrence times.
Foi objetivo desta pesquisa analisar a produção científica de fatores de risco para quedas, a partir do diagnóstico da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, na literatura científica brasileira e estrangeira, de 2005 a 2010. Revisão integrativa, na qual foram utilizados os descritores: acidente por quedas e idoso, nas bases de dados da Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, sendo selecionados 32 artigos para análise de conteúdo. Os resultados são apresentados conforme os fatores de riscos indicados na North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, sendo eles: fatores de riscos ambientais, como recinto com móveis e objetos/tapetes espalhados pelo chão, pouca iluminação, piso escorregadio; fatores de riscos cognitivos, tais como estado mental rebaixado; fatores de riscos em adultos, como idade acima de 65 anos; fatores de riscos fisiológicos, como equilíbrio prejudicado, dificuldades visuais, incontinência, dificuldade na marcha, neoplasia; fatores de riscos para uso de alguns medicamentos. A análise dos fatores de risco de quedas nos idosos evidência a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas estratégias modificadoras dos ambientes e componentes intrínsecos.
Two different approaches currently prevail for predicting spatial patterns of species assemblages. The first approach (macroecological modelling, MEM) focuses directly on realised properties of species assemblages, whereas the second approach (stacked species distribution modelling, S-SDM) starts with constituent species to approximate assemblage properties. Here, we propose to unify the two approaches in a single 'spatially-explicit species assemblage modelling' (SESAM) framework. This framework uses relevant species source pool designations, macroecological factors, and ecological assembly rules to constrain predictions of the richness and composition of species assemblages obtained by stacking predictions of individual species distributions. We believe that such a framework could prove useful in many theoretical and applied disciplines of ecology and evolution, both for improving our basic understanding of species assembly across spatio-temporal scales and for anticipating expected consequences of local, regional or global environmental changes. In this paper, we propose such a framework and call for further developments and testing across a broad range of community types in a variety of environments.
Dignity is recognised as both a central and also a contested value in bioethics discourse. The aim of this manuscript is to examine some of the key strands of the extensive body of dignity scholarship and research literature as it relates to nursing ethics and practice. The method is a critical appraisal of selected articles published in Nursing Ethics and other key manuscripts and texts identified by researchers in the UK and Brazil as influential. The results suggest a wide and rather confusing range of perspectives and findings albeit with some overall themes relating to objective and subjective features of dignity. In conclusion, the authors point to the need for more sustained philosophical engagement contextualising human dignity within a plurality of professional values. Future empirical work should explore what matters to patients, families, professionals and citizens in different cultural contexts rather than foregrounding qualitative research with such a contested concept.
The objective of this study was to compare the quality of life of women who survived breast cancer and women who have not had the disease, and to identify associated factors. It is cross-sectional study in which the comparison group includes survivors of breast cancer aged between 40 and 69 years. One hundred and fifty-four women were included, 70 with breast cancer and 84 without the disease. The SF-36 was used to evaluate quality of life. The chi-square test and multivariate linear models were used to compare the groups. The estimated mean physical and mental components were significantly better for the group who survived the disease (51.10 and 52.25, respectively) compared to the group without cancer (47.26 and 47.93, respectively). The study indicates that survivors of breast cancer had a better quality of life compared to women without the disease.
We propose a method to evaluate cyclical models which does not require knowledge of the DGP and the exact empirical specification of the aggregate decision rules. We derive robust restrictions in a class of models; use some to identify structural shocks and others to evaluate the model or contrast sub-models. The approach has good size and excellent power properties, even in small samples. We show how to examine the validity of a class of models, sort out the relevance of certain frictions, evaluate the importance of an added feature, and indirectly estimate structural parameters.
Intimate partner violence is a growing problem in health care. The purpose of this thesis was to find ways of confronting a victim of intimate partner violence in nursing care and methods how nurses can encourage the victim to disclose the abuse. The aim of this thesis was to help the health care professionals to understand the issue and the need of the victims better, and that way provide a better care. This thesis is a literature review of previously made research articles about intimate partner violence. The research material consisted of 10 published articles, which were collected from different databases. The articles were published within 10 years. A content analysis method was used to examine the articles by making descriptive summary tables according to each questions. The results of this study showed multiple factors which the health care providers should take into consideration when caring the patients. Asking with a non-judgemental attitude, in a safe, confidential setting without the partner present and prioritizing the abuse was mentioned to be important for the victims. Routinely screening and different kind of brochures was considered as good methods to encourage the victims to disclose the abuse. The need for better training and counselling of the health care providers was also discovered. The results of this thesis, did answer to the chosen study questions and that way the purpose of the thesis was filled. Hopefully, in the future this problem can be minimized and prevented in advanced. Further studies are needed to examine whether these caring methods are actually being used in clinical settings and do they have any effect.
International nursing has been a growing phenomenon throughout the globe. International nurses have been found to be an asset to healthcare organizations and an important part of the health care team. However, growing concern for the plight of international nurses facing obstacles such as professional stagnation and exploitation has spurred the development of strategies to mitigate and ameliorate the experiences of nurses working abroad. In this respect, the purpose of this study was to explore the management-influenced factors and the nurse team-influenced factors that promote the empowerment of the international nurse in the health care setting. The methodology used in this study was a systemic review. After a rigorous search for relevant empirical studies using OVID database, eight empirical research studies were selected using systematic review methodology to collect, analyze and synthesize data. The selected eight empirical studies were then subjected to a content analysis. The results suggested that the empowerment of an international nurse is inseparable from the empowerment of the health care organization. Based on the findings in this study, strategies to promote international nurses were found to mirror strategies evidenced to empower the nursing organization. Some of the management-influenced factors which were found to facilitate empowerment included a diversity rich work culture, transformational leadership at the management level, and a responsibility to foster the values of the organization. The team-influenced factors which were found to contribute to the empowerment of the international nurse included a united mutually-interdependent nurse team, shared accountability among the members of the nurse team, and the building of trust in work relationships. To conlude, this study indicates that efforts to empower international nurses without considering the work culture and the organization as a whole are futile because empowerment cannot take place in an environment that lacks antecedent conditions. Strategies to empower the international nurse should not focus on the deficits and special needs of the international nurse, but should focus on the similarities and commonalities of the nursing body. Empowerment of the international nurse mean open honest communication, supportive work environment, and a firm policy to quell disruptive elements that threaten the organization's values, mission, and philosophy of care.
The paper proposes an approach aimed at detecting optimal model parameter combinations to achieve the most representative description of uncertainty in the model performance. A classification problem is posed to find the regions of good fitting models according to the values of a cost function. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification in the parameter space is applied to decide if a forward model simulation is to be computed for a particular generated model. SVM is particularly designed to tackle classification problems in high-dimensional space in a non-parametric and non-linear way. SVM decision boundaries determine the regions that are subject to the largest uncertainty in the cost function classification, and, therefore, provide guidelines for further iterative exploration of the model space. The proposed approach is illustrated by a synthetic example of fluid flow through porous media, which features highly variable response due to the parameter values' combination.