975 resultados para Nondestructive inspection


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Os estudos anatômicos do lenho são frequentemente aplicados à solução de questões taxonômicas, filogenéticas e evolutivas, visto que este tecido apresenta uma tendência mais conservadora e, consequentemente, menor plasticidade. Este trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da estrutura anatômica do lenho de oito espécies arbustiva-arbóreas da subfamília Ixoroideae ocorrente no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis-RJ, visando contribuir com subsídios à identificação local das espécies e à taxonomia e filogenia da subfamília Ixoroideae e da família Rubiaceae. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um importante remanescente do bioma Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O material botânico foi coletado por métodos não destrutivo, as amostras foram processadas segundo técnicas usuais em anatomia da madeira e as análises e descrições seguiram as recomendações da COPANT (1973) e IAWA Commitee (1989). Os resultados demonstraram que as oito espécies estudadas apresentam características qualitativas diagnósticas que permitiram segregar as espécies e construir uma chave de identificação com base na presença ou ausência de inclusões inorgânicas, paredes celulares disjuntivas, células envolventes nos raios e no tipo de parênquima axial. As análises estatísticas realizadas sustentaram o agrupamento das espécies estudadas na subfamília Ixoroideae, porém não foi possível o agrupamento em nível das tribos às quais estas espécies estão subordinadas. Os resultados indicaram ainda a necessidade de reanálise das árvores filogenéticas hipotéticas propostas para subfamília Ixoroideae, com base nos tipos de lenho, de inclusões minerais e de parênquima axial. Cabe ainda destacar que os resultados obtidos corroboraram a importância da anatomia do lenho para a identificação de espécies de difícil reconhecimento na família Rubiaceae. Esses dados são úteis especialmente na ausência de material reprodutivo, o que representa importante aspecto para o gerenciamento e manejo das espécies nativas da Unidade de Conservação onde este estudo foi realizado


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Os métodos de análise não destrutiva vêm sendo largamente empregados na área de Arqueometria. Estes métodos analisam artefatos históricos e obras de arte fornecendo informações da composição, das técnicas utilizadas e do local de manufatura da época. Assim, é possível fazer a datação, estabelecer a autenticidade e avaliar técnicas de conservação e restauração. A Fluorescência de Raios X por Dispersão de Energia (EDXRF) é um método que permite fazer análises quantitativas e qualitativas multielementares dos artefatos de forma não destrutiva. Neste estudo foram analisados artefatos compostos por ouro de diferentes épocas através da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X por Dispersão em Energia (EDXRF). Dentre os artefatos, encontram-se brincos, pingentes, estatuetas e adornos de roupa cedidos pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Histórica e Arqueológica do Rio de Janeiro (IPHARJ). As análises foram realizadas através do sistema comercial ARTAX 200. Este sistema possui ânodo de Molibdênio. Foi utilizado um filtro de alumínio com 315 μm de espessura e foi operado em 40 kV, 250 μA com 300 s de aquisição. As concentrações de Cu, Au e Ag foram obtidas através da curva de calibração feita com padrões de ouro de 24k, 18k, 16k, 14k, 12k e 10k. Os resultados mostram que todas as peças contêm ligas metálicas e ouro em diferentes concentrações em sua composição. A partir das diferenças nas concentrações de ouro, foi possível classificar as peças quanto à pureza do ouro (quilatagem). Além disso, foi possível estimar a época em que estas peças foram manufaturadas a partir da comparação dos resultados encontrados com aqueles encontrados na literatura.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): An analysis of the principal components of surface temperature and precipitation in the western U.S. is presented. Data consist of monthly mean temperature and total precipitation for 66 climate divisions west of the Continental Divide, for the years 1931-1984. The analysis is repeated for three separate combinations of months - the water year (Oct - Sept), the cool season (Oct - Mar) and the warm season (Apr - Sept). Inspection of monthly precipitation climatology indicates that selection of these combinations of months results in very few awkward splittings of the natural precipitation seasons found in the West.


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The problem of bias in female petrale sole age and length-at-maturity relationships caused by sampling from spawning aggregations was investigated. Samples were collected prior to aggregation, and histological methods were used to determine maturity status. Mature and immature fish were classified by inspecting oocytes for the presence of yolk in September, when substantial divergence in yolked and unyolked oocyte diameters had been observed. Comparison of macroscopic and microscopic assessment of maturity showed that maturity status cannot be determined accurately by using macroscopic inspection during the summer. Female petrale sole from the central Oregon coast were 50% mature at 33 cm and 5 years of age. Comparison of data from our study with data used in recent petrale sole stock assessments showed that both sampling bias and the use of samples from sea-sons when status cannot be accurately determined have likely caused errors in fitted maturity relationships.


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The genetic diversity and phylogeny of 26 isolates of Bursaphelenchus xlophilus from China, Japan, Portugal and North America were investigated based on the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA, nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The genetic diversity analysis showed that the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA of isolates of B. xlophilus from China, Portugal, Japan and the US were identical and differed at one to three nucleotides compared to those from Canada. ITS sequences of isolates from China and Portugal were the same; they differed at one or two nucleotides compared to those of Japanese isolates and at four and 23 nucleotides compared to those front the US and Canada, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that Chinese isolates share a common ancestor with one of the two Japanese clades and that the Canadian isolates form a sister group of the clade comprised of isolates from China, Portugal,Japan, and the US. The relationship between Japanese isolates and those from China was closer than with the American isolates. The Canadian isolates were the basal group of B. xylophilus. This suggests that B. xlophilus originated in North America and that the B. xylphilus that occurs in China could have been first introduced from Japan. Further analysis based on RAPD analysis revealed that the relationship among isolates from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui provinces and Nanjing was the closest, which suggests that pine wilt disease in these Chinese locales was probably dispersed from Nanjing, where this disease first occurred in China.


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Canned and frozen prawns are subjected to compulsory pre-shipment inspection, during which compliance of the products with their declared drained weights is verified. The materials used in the processing of these products being biological in origin, the drained weights are susceptible to variation due to a number of factors. Since determination of the drained weights involves destructive and time consuming procedures, application of control chart for drained weights on the processing line is not possible. The present study has shown that gross weights of the products are significantly correlated with their drained weights and since the determination of the former does not have the disadvantages of determination of the latter, the drained weights can be controlled through the application of control chart for the gross weights.


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This paper deals with an extensive study conducted to estimate the extent of weight loss in frozen prawns. The weight Joss varied from 7 to 12% in peeled and deveined (PD), 5 to 7% in headless (HL) and about 7% in cooked and peeled (CP) prawns from the date of processing to the date of inspection, normally within two weeks. To compensate the weight loss nearly 11% of excess material is being added with every frozen block resulting in an average annual loss of Rs. 2.68 crores in foreign exchange. The relevant data pertain to the period 1971 to 1973 and the annual average loss was estimated for the ten years ending 1973.


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Results of a preliminary investigation on the overall chemical nature of fish skin mucin in lung fish, Clarias batrachus, with special reference to water soluble low molecular weight compounds, are presented. Changes observed during room temperature spoilage have been studied with a view to present a new approach towards the assessment of freshness in fish inspection. pH of the mucin was distinctly alkaline (8.2) and remained unchanged during spoilage. Much of the nitrogen was found to be present in the glycoprotein fraction. Free amino acids and purine bases were present in appreciable quantities in the aqueous extracts which registered a significant increase after 10 hrs. Post-mortem increase in total solids was accompanied by a slight rise in protein nitrogen which may indicate tissue breakdown. Increase in TVN was also observed to occur earlier in the outside mucin as compared to the inside muscle. Presence of free sugars or sialic acid could not be confirmed nor was there any indication of cholesterol and lipoid material as stated in earlier literature.


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An outline is given of a sampling plan for prepacked fish products based on the net weight of the container, which may be used to make the inspection of fish and fish products easier and more effective.


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Shrimp culture in Bangladesh has emerged as an important aquaculture industry over the last three decades although its culture in greater parts of the farming area is done in traditional ways. In the meantime, the government of Bangladesh has taken necessary measures along with the private sectors to increase production, upgrade processing industries and to promote export performance. Long supply chain in raw material collection, inadequate infrastructure facilities, poor level of cool chain and lack of adequate HACCP-based training on hygiene and sanitation of different groups of people involved in the field level are the main problems of quality loss of raw materials. Shortage of raw materials results in poor capacity utilization of the processing plants. The growth of bagda (P. monodon) hatchery has expanded rapidly over the last few years, remaining mostly concentrated in Cox's Bazar region is enough to meet the target production. However, there is a shortage of pelleted shrimp feed in Bangladesh. A large number of export processors are now producing increasing amounts of value-added products such as individually quick-frozen, peeled and divined, butterfly cut shrimp, as well as cooked products. The export earnings from value added products is about half of the total export value. About 95% of total fish products are exported to European countries, USA and Japan and the remaining to the Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Most of the EU approved shrimp processing industries have been upgraded with laboratory facilities and provided HACCP training to their workers. As of now, HACCP is applied on the processing plants, but to ensure the quality of raw materials and to reduce risks, shrimp farms are also required to adopt HACCP plan. There is increased pressure time to time from importing countries for fish processors to establish effective quality assurance system in processing plants. Fish Inspection and Quality Control (FIQC) of the Department of Fisheries while having moderately equipped laboratories with chemical, bio-chemical and microbiological testing facilities and qualified technical personnel, the creation of facilities for testing of antibiotics is underway. FIQC mainly supervises quality aspects of the processing plants and has little or no control over raw material supply chains from farm to processing plants. Bangladesh export consignments sometimes face rejection due to reported poor quality of the products. Three types of barriers are reported for export of shrimp to EU countries. These are:(1) government participation in trade and restrictive practices (state aid, countervailing duties, state trading enterprises, government monopoly practices), customs and administrative entry procedures (anti-dumping duties, customs valuation, classification, formalities, rules of origin); (2) technical barriers to trade or TBT (technical regulations, standards, testing, certification arrangement); (3) specific limitations (quantitative restrictions, import licensing, embargoes, exchange control, discriminatory sourcing, export restraints, measures to regulate domestic prices, requirements concerning marking, labeling and packaging).


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Background Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is being analyzed by an increasing number of laboratories in order to investigate its potential role as an active marker of tumorigenesis in various types of cancer. Here we question the conclusions drawn in most of these investigations, especially those published in high-rank cancer research journals, under the evidence that a significant number of these medical mtDNA studies are based on obviously flawed sequencing results. Methods and Findings In our analyses, we take a phylogenetic approach and employ thorough database searches, which together have proven successful for detecting erroneous sequences in the fields of human population genetics and forensics. Apart from conceptual problems concerning the interpretation of mtDNA variation in tumorigenesis, in most cases, blocks of seemingly somatic mutations clearly point to contamination or sample mix-up and, therefore, have nothing to do with tumorigenesis. Conclusion The role of mitochondria in tumorigenesis remains unclarified. Our findings of laboratory errors in many contributions would represent only the tip of the iceberg since most published studies do not provide the raw sequence data for inspection, thus hindering a posteriori evaluation of the results. There is no precedent for such a concatenation of errors and misconceptions affecting a whole subfield of medical research.


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Quality changes during storage were investigated for several commercially important East African freshwater fish. Lates, Bagrus, Protopterus, Tilapia esculenta and T. nilotica were examined during storage in ice and at ambient temperature (250•C). After 24 hours at ambient temperature Lates and Bagrus were completely spoilt but Protopterus was still edible. In iced storage most fish were acceptable for at least 20 days. Organoleptic examination showed that T. nilotica was acceptable after 22 days storage in ice and that gutting was only marginally beneficial. Changes in physical appearance, which could form the basis of a fish inspection system, were recorded during storage. Possible chemical quality control indices were also investigated. It was found that total volatile bases and hypoxanthine are unlikely to be useful quality indices for the species studied with the possible exception of Lates. The bacterial counts of the flesh and skin of T. esculenta and T. niloticus were found to be low (a maximum of 10 organisms per sq cm of skin or per g of flesh) after 22 days storage in ice.


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The possibility of using acoustic Bessel beams to produce an axial pulling force on porous particles is examined in an exact manner. The mathematical model utilizes the appropriate partial-wave expansion method in spherical coordinates, while Biot's model is used to describe the wave motion within the poroelastic medium. Of particular interest here is to examine the feasibility of using Bessel beams for (a) acoustic manipulation of fine porous particles and (b) suppression of particle resonances. To verify the viability of the technique, the radiation force and scattering form-function are calculated for aluminum and silica foams at various porosities. Inspection of the results has shown that acoustic manipulation of low porosity (<0.3) spheres is similar to that of solid elastic spheres, but this behavior significantly changes at higher porosities. Results have also shown a strong correlation between the backscattered form-function and the regions of negative radiation force. It has also been observed that the high-order resonances of the particle can be effectively suppressed by choosing the beam conical angle such that the acoustic contribution from that particular mode vanishes. This investigation may be helpful in the development of acoustic tweezers for manipulation of micro-porous drug delivery carrier and contrast agents.