904 resultados para No-take zone
The movement of the snail Littorina littoreaon the North Atlantic coast is poorly understood. Most research has concentrated on the vertical distribution of the snail, and suggests that it prefers the low intertidal zone where its food source is most plentiful. In the winter, this distribution is reinforced by a documented seaward migration of snails from the high intertidal zone in response to falling temperatures. From October 14, 2006 to January 22, 2007, I examined the individual movements and recovery of snails in response to the onset of winter. I proposed that falling water and air temperatures drive the majority of snail movement within the intertidal zone, and that water temperature had the greater effect. I also examined the possibility that, in addition to a seaward migration, winter weather patterns in the Gulf of Maine and their effect on the ocean may encourage the wintertime vertical distribution of snails. Finally, I examined the possibility that populations of snails in the comparatively inhospitable high intertidal zone may endure the winter if given access to proper resources.
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Esta dissertação centra-se no exame da evolução dos componentes do marco institucional em associação com as trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas de produção e inovação em setores à base de recursos naturais em economias emergentes. Esse relacionamento é examinado no setor de etanol brasileiro, no período entre 1970 e 2009. O marco institucional é operacionalizado à base das macro-instituições (os regimes complexos constituídos por políticas públicas), meso-instituições (as relações políticas e estruturas burocráticas) e as instituições baseadas em conhecimento (os institutos de pesquisa e as universidades). As trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas são examinadas à base de níveis de inovação. A dissertação baseia-se em um estudo de caso em nível setorial. Além disso, o estudo baseia-se em evidências obtidas a partir de fontes diversas, em nível de indústria, em documentos governamentais e também em evidências secundárias em nível de empresa. Os principais resultados desta dissertação são os seguintes: (1) O setor de etanol atingiu níveis inovadores de capacidade tecnológica nas duas funções analisadas. Numa escala de 1 a 5, o setor adquiriu, durante o 1º período (1970-1989), capacidades tecnológicas industriais (produto e processo) no Nível 3 e, durante o 2º período (1990-2009), o setor de etanol acumulou capacidades tecnológicas industriais no Nível 5. No tocante à acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas na área agrícola (matéria-prima), durante o 1º período, o setor adquiriu capacidades tecnológicas no Nível 4 e apenas no período seguinte atingiu o Nível 5. (2) As instituições desempenharam um papel relevante sobre as trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas no setor de etanol brasileiro. Entre elas destaca-se às atividades de P&D desenvolvidas em instituições baseadas em conhecimento, que acumularam capacidades tecnológicas de produção e inovação, compartilhadas com as empresas. (3) Entretanto, o estudo aponta para algumas vulnerabilidades do setor de etanol brasileiro no que se refere a sua capacidade de sustentar o seu desempenho inovador. Entre elas destaca-se: (1) grande parte das atividades inovadoras em nível de P&D é realizada a base de arranjos externos, com pouco esforço de atividades realizadas a partir das empresas; (2) apesar do enorme esforço governamental para desenvolver o setor, esse está direcionado (locked-in) à trajetória de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas de etanol de 1ª geração; (3) os componentes do marco institucional incentivaram as atividades de pesquisa em universidades e institutos de pesquisa, em nível de bancada, que resultaram em invenções e projetos experimentais; (4) as condições favoráveis de mercado, a grande disponibilidade de cana-de-açúcar e a flexibilidade de produção de etanol/álcool contribuíram para a acomodação do setor de etanol, ou seja, parece haver uma zona de conforto no setor. Desta forma, as evidências alertam sobre a necessidade de investimentos em atividades inovadoras de P&D dentro das empresas (foco em inovações, riqueza e na diversificação para outros setores). Portanto, os resultados desta dissertação permitem apontar sugestões para gestores governamentais. As novas políticas públicas podem: (1) redirecionar as estratégias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas inovadoras, fortemente focadas na sustentação das trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas para produzir etanol de 1ª geração; (2) impulsionar a acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas de produção e inovação na trajetória emergente para produzir etanol de 2ª geração, atualmente em nível experimental e largamente desenvolvida dentro das instituições baseadas em conhecimento, e para diversificar os produtos para novos setores e linhas de negócio. Os resultados desta dissertação também sugerem aos gestores de empresas no setor brasileiro de etanol: (1) reformular as estratégias empresariais com a finalidade de expandir as atividades inovadoras dentro das empresas do setor de etanol, que poderão resultar na criação de inovações em escala industrial; (2) as empresas do setor de etanol deveriam assumir um comportamento proativo com a finalidade de coordenar os esforços de P&D em direção aos problemas e desafios futuros a serem enfrentados pelo setor brasileiro de etanol.
O modelo racional de decisão tem sido objeto de estudo constante na academia de vários países, contribuindo para evolução do ser racional como importante tomador de decisão. A evolução destes estudos tem aberto questionamentos quanto à capacidade de racionalidade que temos como tomadores de decisão, deleitando assim em várias teorias novas que pesquisam estas limitações no decidir. Especialmente aplicadas a teorias econômicas, estudos como Inteligência Artificial, Contabilidade Mental, Teoria dos Prospectos, Teoria dos Jogos entre outras se destacam neste cenário de estudo das finanças comportamentais. A contabilidade como ferramenta de apoio as decisões financeiras ocupa posição de destaque. Esta tem em seu escopo de trabalho normas (aquilo que deveria ser feito) que regulam sua atuação, em alguns casos esta regulamentação não é precisa em suas especificações, deixando janelas que levam seus profissionais a erros de interpretação. A imprecisão contábil pode causar viés em suas classificações. Os profissionais, deparados com este legado podem se utilizar de heurísticas para interpretar da melhor maneira possível os acontecimentos que são registrados na contabilidade. Este trabalho tem a intenção de análise de alguns pontos que consideramos importantes quando temos imprecisão contábil, respondendo as seguintes perguntas: a imprecisão de normas contábeis causa viés na decisão? O profissional que se depara com imprecisão contábil se utiliza de Heurística para decidir? Quais os erros mais comuns de interpretação sob incerteza contábil? Para que o assunto fosse abordado com imparcialidade de maneira a absorver retamente quais são as experiências dos profissionais que atuam na área contábil, foi elaborado um questionário composto por uma situação possível que leva o respondente a um ambiente de tomada de decisões que envolva a prática contábil. O questionário era dividido em duas partes principais, com a preocupação de identificar através das respostas se existe imprecisão contábil (sob a luz do princípio da prudência) e quais heurísticas que os respondentes se utilizam com mais freqüência, sendo o mesmo aplicado em profissionais que atuam na área contábil e que detenham experiências profissionais relacionadas à elaboração, auditoria ou análise de demonstrações contábeis. O questionário aplicado na massa respondente determinou, através das respostas, que existe, segundo os profissionais, interpretações diferentes para os mesmos dados, caracterizando assim zona cinzenta, segundo Penno (2008), ou seja, interpretações que podem ser mais agressivas ou mais conservadoras conforme a interpretação do profissional. Já quanto às estratégias simplificadoras, ou heurísticas, que causam algum tipo de enviesamento no processo decisório, alguns foram identificadas como: associações pressupostas, interpretação errada da chance, regressão a media e eventos disjuntivos e eventos conjuntivos, que reforçam a pesquisa dando indícios de que os respondentes podem estar tomando decisões enviesadas. Porém, não se identificou no estudo tomada de decisões com enviesamentos como recuperabilidade e insensibilidades ao tamanho da amostra. Ao final do estudo concluímos que os respondentes têm interpretações diferenciadas sobre o mesmo assunto, mesmo sob a luz do princípio contábil da prudência, e ainda se utilizam de estratégias simplificadoras para resolverem assuntos quotidianos.
We present a continuous time target zone model of speculative attacks. Contrary to most of the literature that considers the certainty case, i.e., agents know for sure the Central Bank behavior in the future, we build uncertainty into the madel in two different ways. First, we consider the case in whicb the leveI of reserves at which the central bank lets the regime collapse is uncertain. Alternatively, we ana1ize the case in which, with some probability, the government may cbange its policy reducing the initially positive trend in domestic credito In both cases, contrary to the case of a fixed exchange rate regime, speculators face a cost of launching a tentative attack that may not succeed. Such cost induces a delay and may even prevent its occurrence. At the time of the tentative attack, the exchange rate moves either discretely up, if the attack succeeds, or down, if it fails. The remlts are consistent with the fact that, typically, an attack involves substantial profits and losses for the speculators. In particular, if agents believed that the government will control fiscal imbalances in the future, or alternatively, if they believe the trend in domestic credit to be temporary, the attack is postponed even in the presence of a signal of an imminent collapse. Finally, we aIso show that the timing of a speculative attack increases with the width of the target zone.
Imagem componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
This dissertation is an attempt to understand how families with an income of up to three minimum wages and living in different Areas of Demographic Expansion (AEDs) of Natal municipality specifically in the districts of Igapó and Salinas (North Administrative Zone of the city), Ponta Negra (South Administrative Zone), Santos Reis, Praia do Meio, Areia Preta and Mãe Luíza (East Administrative Zone) and Felipe Camarão (West Administrative Zone) solve their problems of urban mobility. It is, therefore, a reflection upon the mobility needs of poor urban households as expressed in terms of origin-destiny displacements for specific movements (house-work, house-school, house-shopping, house-healthcare and house-leisure), all of which being analyzed within the relationship between public transportation and poverty spaces of the city. In order to develop the study, theoretical aspects and themes related to the production of the urban space, to social and spatial segregation, to urban mobility and to transportation were confronted with the collected data referring to the urban population previously selected. One of the research main findings is the crucial role mobility plays in the social differentiation of such people living in Natal and that any policy for the improvement of their living conditions must take mobility issues into account
The gas injection has become the most important IOR process in the United States. Furthermore, the year 2006 marks the first time the gas injection IOR production has surpassed that of steam injection. In Brazil, the installation of a petrochemical complex in the Northeast of Brazil (Bahia State) offers opportunities for the injection of gases in the fields located in the Recôncavo Basin. Field-scale gas injection applications have almost always been associated with design and operational difficulties. The mobility ratio, which controls the volumetric sweep, between the injected gas and displaced oil bank in gas processes, is typically unfavorable due to the relatively low viscosity of the injected gas. Furthermore, the difference between their densities results in severe gravity segregation of fluids in the reservoirs, consequently leading to poor control in the volumetric sweep. Nowadays, from the above applications of gas injection, the WAG process is most popular. However, in attempting to solve the mobility problems, the WAG process gives rise to other problems associated with increased water saturation in the reservoir including diminished gas injectivity and increased competition to the flow of oil. The low field performance of WAG floods with oil recoveries in the range of 5-10% is a clear indication of these problems. In order to find na effective alternative to WAG, the Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) was developed. This process is designed to take advantage of gravity force to allow vertical segregation between the injected CO2 and reservoir crude oil due to their density difference. This process consists of placing horizontal producers near the bottom of the pay zone and injecting gás through existing vertical wells in field. Homogeneous models were used in this work which can be extrapolated to commercial application for fields located in the Northeast of Brazil. The simulations were performed in a CMG simulator, the STARS 2007.11, where some parameters and their interactions were analyzed. The results have shown that the CO2 injection in GAGD process increased significantly the rate and the final recovery of oil
Sediment contamination by metals poses risks to coastal ecosystems and is considered to be problematic to dredging operations. In Brazil, there are differences in sedimentology along the Large Marine Ecosystems in relation to the metal distributions. We aimed to assess the extent of Al, Fe, Hg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn contamination in sediments from port zones in northeast (Mucuripe and Pecem) and southeast (Santos) Brazil through geochemical analyses and sediment quality ratings. The metal concentrations found in these port zones were higher than those observed in the continental shelf or the background values in both regions. In the northeast, metals were associated with carbonate, while in Santos, they were associated with mud. Geochemical analyses showed enrichments in Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn, and a simple application of international sediment quality guidelines failed to predict their impacts, whereas the use of site-specific values that were derived by geochemical and ecotoxicological approaches seemed to be more appropriate in the management of the dredged sediments. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The apportionment of natural resources between sovereign States is a subject that relates many aspects of International law, as long as Constitutional Law, at the execution and application phases of international treaties that regulates the exploration of common goods. In this sense, because of their natural characteristics that creates an environment of constant migration and fixation in transboundary regions, terrestrial or maritime, the petroleum and the natural gas bound a complex juridical apparatus that can control the sovereign rights involved. This research is aim at accomplishing a study concerning the international agreements that enable the non-unilateral action, specifically the unitization treaties between sovereign States, as a manner to resolve situations related to the individualization of oil and/or gas reservoirs that go across their national borders. These agreements will be analyzed considering the international public law sources theory, bearing in mind yet the already existed experiences in this sense, not disregarding the way that this fact could affect Brazil. It will begin with an historical incursion over the unitization institute, covering its main characteristics and its formation and execution procedures, and finally it will address the Brazilian legal system and the comparative law threats the institute. The clauses of these relevant agreements will be analyzed in details, concerning its particularities and its contents. Because these agreements are international obligatory rules of law, it is indispensable that they are considered under the auspices of the international law system, focusing their nature and the subjects of international law and establishing them as sources of the international law, analyzing them, then, as international rules and the applicable law to these juridical relations, the conventional established, the consolidated international custom and the applicable International Law principles, appearing the State s responsibility as an important subject for the verification of the acts lawful practiced by States. The analysis of the apportionment of these natural resources ends with the individualization of possible exploitable marine oil fields located between the exclusive economic zone and the continental platform ends and the region administrated by the International Seabed Authority. At last, the Brazilian constitutional system appears as the mechanism of integration, application and execution of the international unitization agreements in Brazil, detaching the format and the proceedings that the international treaties take to acquire validity at the national legal system, passing through the treaties interpretation and the applicable constitutional principles, coming to its application in Brazil, considering the existing constitutional peculiarities and the role played by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and bio-fuel ANP
The quarrel on the urban intensific use of determined areas of the city is carried through in some levels of the society, which had to the fact to bring direct influences the population that inhabits it. The question to become an area to intensific use, implies in determining that the local infrastructure has the capacity to take care of to a bigger amount of people, inhabitants or passers-by. In the quarter of Ponta Negra, in Natal city (state of RN), its condition of area to intensific use to the municipal Law 27/2000 happened due that it starts to allow a bigger level of occupation of part of the quarter. This law has a direct relation with the installation of a complementary infrastructure in the quarter, to put does not send to its complementation and maintenance, what it takes the consequences that are felt by the population. This work has as main objective the identification of the decurrent significant consequences of the creation of Ponta Negra s Intensific Use Zone, according to vision of the population of the quarter. The way followed for this involves the compatible bibliography research with the subject, analysis of documents that treat on the quarter, mappings of the area in search of a physical characterization and mainly, an application of questionnaire next to local population. In this questionnaire it is the main point of the necessary collection of data to the work, indicating the point of view of the population not only on the negative points, but also on the positive points that had happened since the creation of Intensific Use Zone. The answers indicate problems of natures social, infrastructure and enviromental, compatible with the problems of other areas that had passed the same for process, as point the studied bibliography, indicating imperfections in the planning process and maintenance of Ponta Negra s Intensific Use Zone
Several mobile robots show non-linear behavior, mainly due friction phenomena between the mechanical parts of the robot or between the robot and the ground. Linear models are efficient in some cases, but it is necessary take the robot non-linearity in consideration when precise displacement and positioning are desired. In this work a parametric model identification procedure for a mobile robot with differential drive that considers the dead-zone in the robot actuators is proposed. The method consists in dividing the system into Hammerstein systems and then uses the key-term separation principle to present the input-output relations which shows the parameters from both linear and non-linear blocks. The parameters are then simultaneously estimated through a recursive least squares algorithm. The results shows that is possible to identify the dead-zone thresholds together with the linear parameters