985 resultados para Nitrate and Perchlorate


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The structure of the title compound, [Er-2(C3H7NO2)(4)- (H2O)(8)](ClO4)(6), consists of dimeric [Er-2(DL-alanine)(4)-(H2O)(8)](6+) cations and perchlorate anions. The four alanine molecules act as bridging ligands linking two Er3+ ions through their carboxyl O atoms. Each Er3+ ion is also coordinated by four water molecules to complete eightfold coordination in a square antiprism fashion. The perchlorate anions and the methyl groups of the alanine ligands are disordered.


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近年来,东中国海赤潮灾情严重,且74.7%的赤潮集中在 30°30′~32°00′N、122°15′~123°10′E的“赤潮高发区”。在研究该区赤潮成因时,长江口沿岸上升流的影响越来越受到人们的关注,并被一些专家观测和研究。但目前为止,针对该区营养盐动力学特征及其对叶绿素a影响的研究较少,且不系统。 本文根据2004年四个季度月的调查资料,系统地探讨了长江口上升流区营养盐动力学特征;估算了上升流的营养盐通量,并和陆源输入通量进行了比较。初步探讨了上升流对该区营养盐结构和浮游植物生长的影响。为深入研究长江口富营养化和赤潮形成机制提供了参考。 结果表明春季在122°20′~123°00′E,31°00′~32°00′N以北海域存在低温、高盐、低溶解氧的沿岸上升流。它不但可把底层高含量磷酸盐输送到10m层以上海区,而且还为上层海区输入了相对低含量硝酸盐和硅酸盐,从而改善了上层营养盐结构,使得营养盐比值接近Redfield Ratios,同时还改善了上层的透明度;从而有利于浮游植物的繁殖。夏季上升流受到强大的长江冲淡水压制,表现不如春季明显,主体水团出现在122°20′~123°00′E,31°15′~31°50′N海区10m层以下。 在秋、冬季,上升流现象被更强的对流现象所掩盖,表现为台湾暖流表层水的入侵。表、底层水域不仅温、盐度分布十分接近,而且营养盐结构差异也较小。冬季台湾暖流水中的磷酸盐含量远比秋季高,与春、夏季上升流水团中磷酸盐含量接近。硝酸盐和硅酸盐含量比秋季稍高,比春、夏季上升流水团中的含量稍低。 叶绿素a季节性分布表明,在春、夏季的10m层以下水域,叶绿素a受到透明度限制,含量相差不大;而在表层和10m层之间,春季叶绿素a的含量远高于夏季,说明春季的营养盐结构和自然条件更有利于浮游植物的繁荣生长。在秋季台湾暖流水影响的区域,表层叶绿素a含量较夏季稍低。而冬季该区叶绿素a含量则是最低的。 对长江口上升流水团春季营养盐通量的计算结果表明,上升流水团中磷酸盐输送通量远远高于长江径流输入,是其径流通量的两倍以上,可能会成为影响该海区磷酸盐分布以及浮游植物生长的一个值得关注的因素。 关键词:上升流,营养盐动力学,营养盐结构,叶绿素a,长江冲淡水


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Nutrient dynamics and its influence on the distribution of chlorophyll-a in the upwelling area of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were investigated in the spring (May) and summer (August) of 2004. In the spring, upwelling was apparent in the region of 122 degrees 20'-123 degrees 00' E, 31 degrees 00'-32 degrees 00' N and was associated with low temperature (16-21 degrees C), high salinity (24-33 practical salinity units [psu]), and low dissolved oxygen (2.5-6.0 mg L-1) in the upper 10 m of the water column. The spring upwelling increased the mixed-layer phosphate, nitrate, and silicate concentrations to roughly 1, 15, and 15 mu mol L-1, respectively, and improved the light transparency in the euphotic zone. This improvement in phytoplankton growing conditions was followed by an increase in chlorophyll-a concentrations. The summer upwelling was weaker and occurred over a smaller geographical area (122 degrees 20'-123 degrees 00' E, 31 degrees 15'-31 degrees 50' N). Strongly influenced by turbid Changjiang diluted water (CDW), it had little impact on the upper 10 m of the water column but instead increased nutrient concentrations at greater depths. The high concentration of particulates in the CDW reduced light transmission in the upper 10 m and, hence, limited phytoplankton growth throughout the water column. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the summer upwelling area were roughly an order of magnitude lower than in the spring. Water clarity, as influenced by the CDW, appears to be the principal factor limiting the impact of upwelling on phytoplankton biomass in this area.


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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A three-dimensional (3-D) coupled physical and biological model was used to investigate the physical processes and their influence on the ecosystem dynamics of the Bohai Sea of China. The physical processes include M-2 tide, time - varying wind forcing and river discharge. Wind records from I to 31 May in 1993 were selected to force the model. The biological model is based on a simple, nitrate and phosphate limited, lower trophic food web system. The simulated results showed that variation of residual currents forced by M, tide, river discharge and time-varying wind had great impact on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Laizhou Bay. High phytoplankton biomass appeared in the upwelling region. Numerical experiments based on the barotropic model and baroclinic model with no wind and water discharge were also conducted. Differences in the results by the baroclinic model and the barotropic model were significant: more patches appeared in the baroclinic model comparing with the barotropic model. And in the baroclinic model, the subsurface maximum phytoplankton biomass patches formed in the stratified water.


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The morphology and infraciliature of two ectoparasitic ciliates, Trichodina caecellae n. sp. and T. ruditapicis Xu, Song & Warren, 2000, parasitising the gills of marine molluscs from the Shandong coast of the Yellow Sea, China, were investigated following wet silver nitrate and protargol impregnation. T. caecellae was found on the small marine sand clam Caecella chinensis Deshayes and is distinguished mainly by the acute triangle-like blade, the very delicate central part and the needle-shaped ray. T. ruditapicis was studied based on four populations from three clams: two populations from Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams) and one each from Saxidomus purpuratus (Sowerby) and Solen grandis Dunker. All four populations fell within the range of morphometry and agreed closely in the overall appearance of the adhesive disc. However, variability was found in the denticle structure, especially in populations from different host clams. Our observations suggest that denticle morphology may be more or less variable between and within populations, and that such minor differences should not be overestimated. It should be emphasised that, except for the denticle morphology, the bright granules or circles in the centre of the adhesive disc represent another important feature facilitating the identification of this trichodinid species.


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The end products of atmospheric degradation are not only CO2 and H2O but also sulfate and nitrate depending on the chemical composition of the substances which are subject to degradation processes. Atmospheric degradation has thus a direct influence on the radiative balance of the earth not only due to formation of greenhouse gases but also of aerosols. Aerosols of a diameter of 0.1 to 2 micrometer, reflect short wave sunlight very efficiently leading to a radiative forcing which is estimated to be about -0.8 watt per m2 by IPCC. Aerosols also influence the radiative balance by way of cloud formation. If more aerosols are present, clouds are formed with more and smaller droplets and these clouds have a higher albedo and are more stable compared to clouds with larger droplets. Not only sulfate, but also nitrate and polar organic compounds, formed as intermediates in degradation processes, contribute to this direct and indirect aerosol effect. Estimates for the Netherlands indicate a direct effect of -4 watt m-2 and an indirect effect of as large as -5 watt m-2. About one third is caused by sulfates, one third by nitrates and last third by polar organic compounds. This large radiative forcing is obviously non-uniform and depends on local conditions.


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A new principle of sampling aerosol particles by means of steam injection with the consequent collection of grown droplets has been established. An air stream free of water-soluble gases is rapidly mixed with steam. The resulting supersaturation causes aerosol particles to grow into droplets. The droplets containing dissolved aerosol species are then collected by two cyclones in series. The solution collected in the cyclones is constantly pumped out and can be on- or off-line analysed by means of ion chromatography or flow injection analysis. On the basis of the new sampling principle a prototype of an aerosol sampler was designed which is capable of sampling particles quantitatively down to several nanometres in diameter. The mass sampling efficiency of the instrument was found to be 99\%. The detection limit of the sampler for ammonium, sulphate, nitrate and chloride ions is below 0.7 mu g m(-3). By reduction of an already identified source of contamination, much lower detection limits can be achieved. During measurements the sampler proved to be stable, working without any assistance for extended periods of time. Comparison of the sampler with filter packs during measurements of ambient air aerosols showed that the sampler gives good results.


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Diatom carbon export enhanced by silicate upwelling in the northeast Atlantic John T. Allen1,2, Louise Brown1,3, Richard Sanders1, C. Mark Moore1, Alexander Mustard1, Sophie Fielding1, Mike Lucas1, Michel Rixen4, Graham Savidge5, Stephanie Henson1 and Dan Mayor1 Top of pageDiatoms are unicellular or chain-forming phytoplankton that use silicon (Si) in cell wall construction. Their survival during periods of apparent nutrient exhaustion enhances carbon sequestration in frontal regions of the northern North Atlantic. These regions may therefore have a more important role in the 'biological pump' than they have previously been attributed1, but how this is achieved is unknown. Diatom growth depends on silicate availability, in addition to nitrate and phosphate2, 3, but northern Atlantic waters are richer in nitrate than silicate4. Following the spring stratification, diatoms are the first phytoplankton to bloom2, 5. Once silicate is exhausted, diatom blooms subside in a major export event6, 7. Here we show that, with nitrate still available for new production, the diatom bloom is prolonged where there is a periodic supply of new silicate: specifically, diatoms thrive by 'mining' deep-water silicate brought to the surface by an unstable ocean front. The mechanism we present here is not limited to silicate fertilization; similar mechanisms could support nitrate-, phosphate- or iron-limited frontal regions in oceans elsewhere.


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The electrochemical reduction of I atm hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) has been studied at a platinum microelectrode (10 mu m diameter) in five room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs): [C(2)mim][NTf2], [C(4)mpyrr][NTf2], [C(4)mim][OTf], [C(4)mim][NO3] and [C(4)mim]][PF6] (where [C(n)mim](+) = 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, [NTf2](-) = bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C(4)mpyrr](+) = N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium, [OTf](-) = trifluoromethlysulfonate, [NO3](-) = nitrate, and [PF6](-) = hexafluorophosphate). In all five RTILs, a chemically irreversible reduction peak was observed on the reductive sweep, followed by one or two oxidative peaks on the reverse scan. The oxidation peaks were assigned to the oxidation of SH- and adsorbed hydrogen. In addition, a small reductive peak was observed prior to the large wave in [C(2)mim]][NTf2] only, which may be due to the reduction of a sulfur impurity in the gas. Potential-step chronoamperometry was carried out on the reduction peak of H2S, revealing diffusion coefficients of 3.2, 4.6, 2.4, 2.7, and 3.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and solubilities of 529, 236, 537, 438, and 230 mM in [C(2)mim][NTf2], [C(4)mpyrr][NTf2], [C(4)mim][OTf], [C(4)mim][NO3], and [C(4)mim]][PF6], respectively. The solubilities of H2S in RTILs are much higher than those reported in conventional molecular solvents, suggesting that RTILs may be very favorable gas sensing media for H2S detection.


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The electrochemical reduction of benzoic acid (BZA) has been studied at platinum micro-electrodes (10 and 2 mu m diameters) in acetonitrile (MeCN) and six room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs): [C(2)mim][NTf2], [C(4)min][NTf2], [C(4)mpyrr][NTf2], [C(4)mim][BF4], [C(4)mim][NO3] and [C(4)mim][PF6] (where [C(n)mim](+)=1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, [NTf2](-)=bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide, [C(4)mpyrr](+)=N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium, [BF4](-)=tetrafluoroborate, [NO3](-)=nitrate and [PF6] = hexafluorophosphate). Based on the theoretical fitting to experimental chronoamperometric transients in [C4mpyrr][NTf2] and MeCN at several concentrations and on different size electrodes, it is suggested that a fast chemical step preceeds the electron transfer step in a CE mechanism (given below) in both RTILs and MeCN, leading to the appearance of a simple one-electron transfer mechanism.


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Colourless single crystals of [Ag-3(Dat)(2)](NO3)(3) were obtained from a reaction of silver(l) nitrate and 3,5-dimethyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole (Dat). In the crystal structure (orthorhombic, Fdd2, Z = 8, a = 1100.1(2), b = 3500.3(2), c = 1015.4(3) pm, R, = 0.0434) there are two crystallographically non-equivalent silver sites in a one (Ag1) to two ratio (Ag2). Both resemble linear N-Ag-N coordination although angles are 163 degrees and 144 degrees, respectively Each Dat ligand coordinates with the two ring nitrogen atoms at 216 to 219 pm and with one amino-nitrogen atom at 229 pro. According to the composition [Ag-3(Dat)(2)](3+) = [(Dat)Ag-3/2](3+), a polymeric structure is built with all Ag+ ions bridging.


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Concentrations of major ions, silicate and nutrients (total N and P) were measured in samples of surface water from 28 lakes in ice-free areas of northern Victoria Land (East Antarctica). Sixteen lakes were sampled during austral summers 2001/02, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 to assess temporal variation in water chemistry. Although samples showed a wide range in ion concentrations, their composition mainly reflected that of seawater. In general, as the distance from the sea increased, the input of elements from the marine environment (through aerosols and seabirds) decreased and there was an increase in nitrate and sulfate concentrations. Antarctic lakes lack outflows and during the austral summer the melting and/or ablation of ice cover, water evaporation and leaching processes in dry soils determine a progressive increase in water ion concentrations. During the five-year monitoring survey, no statistically significant variation in the water chemistry were detected, except for a slight (hardly significant) increase in TN concentrations. However, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that other factors besides distance from the sea, the presence of nesting seabirds, the sampling time and percentage of ice cover affect the composition of water in Antarctic cold desert environments.


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The title process comprises admixing cellulose with an ionic liq. capable of solvating or dissolving at least some of the cellulose, the ionic liq. being a compd. comprised solely of cations and anions (e.g., 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium sulfate) and which exists in a liq. state at a temp. at or below 150°, and in which the anions are selected from sulfate, hydrogen sulfate and nitrate; and treating the resulting solvate or soln. with an acid in the presence of water, the acid having a pKa in water of less than 2 at 25°. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2007