992 resultados para Niemann Pick C1
The tetraphyllidean metacestode diversity of 310 teleost fishes, including 87 species from 31 families, was examined from Heron Island, The Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Eleven metacestode 'types' were identified with the use of light microscopy. Host-specificity varied greatly among metacestode types. Incorporation of in vitro cultivation allowed generic identification for some types. Types 1 and 2 belong to Uncibilocularis Southwell, 1925, and have triloculate bothridia and one pair of Forked hooks with unequal prongs; Type 3 has quadriloculate bothridia. Hook development was insufficient to determine in which genus, Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1849 or Calliobothrium van Beneden, 1850, this type may belong. Type 4 has unilocular bothridia with simple edges and belongs to Anthobothrium van Beneden, 1850. Type 5 has multiloculated bothridia which are invaginated within pouches. This type belongs to the Rhinebothriinae although its generic identity cannot be determined. The bothridia of Type 5 everted within 24 hours of in vitro cultivation and revealed the presence of two forms, one having 48 loculi per bothridium, the other 72 per bothridium. In vitro studies provide additional support for existing theories of onchobothriid scolex development.
The present paper proposes an approach to obtaining the activation energy distribution for chemisorption of oxygen onto carbon surfaces, while simultaneously allowing for the activation energy dependence of the pre-exponential factor of the rate constant. Prior studies in this area have considered this factor to be uniform, thereby biasing estimated distributions. The results show that the derived activation energy distribution is not sensitive to the chemisorption mechanism because of the step function like property of the coverage. The activation energy distribution is essentially uniform for some carbons, and has two or possibly more discrete stages, suggestive of at least two types of sites, each with its own uniform distribution. The pre-exponential factors of the reactions are determined directly from the experimental data, and are found not to be constant as assumed in earlier work, but correlated with the activation energy. The latter results empirically follow an exponential function, supporting some earlier statistical and experimental work. The activation energy distribution obtained in the present paper permits improved correlation of chemisorption data in comparison to earlier studies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of RK-1, an antimicrobial peptide from rabbit kidney recently discovered from homology screening based on the distinctive physicochemical properties of the corticostatins/defensins. RK-1 consists of 32 residues, including six cysteines arranged into three disulfide bonds. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and activates Ca2+ channels in vitro. Through its physicochemical similarity, identical cysteine spacing, and linkage to the corticostatins/defensins, it was presumed to be a member of this family. However, RK-1 lacks both a large number of arginines in the primary sequence and a high overall positive charge, which are characteristic of this family of peptides. The three-dimensional solution structure, determined by NMR, consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta -sheet and a series of turns and is similar to the known structures of other alpha -defensins. This has enabled the definitive classification of RK-1 as a member of this family of antimicrobial peptides. Ultracentrifuge measurements confirmed that like rabbit neutrophil defensins, RK-1 is monomeric in solution, in contrast to human neutrophil defensins, which are dimeric.
Normal Sprague-Dau ley rat mammary gland epithelial cells and mammary gland carcinomas induced by 2-amino-1 -methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, a carcinogen found in the diet, were examined for the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha). PPAR alpha mRNA and protein was detected in normal and tumor tissue by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. By quantitative RT-PCR, carcinomas had a 12-fold higher expression than control mammary glands, a statistically significant difference. PPAR alpha expression was examined in carcinomas and normal tissues from rats on high fat (23.5/% corn oil) and low fat (5% corn oil) diets. Although neither carcinomas, nor control tissues showed statistically significant differences between the two diet groups, PPAR alpha expression was the highest in carcinomas from rats on the high fat diet. The expression of PPAR alpha in normal mammary gland and its significant elevation in mammary gland carcinomas raises the possibility of its involvement in mammary gland physiology and pathophysiology. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pimelic acid formation for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis has been proposed to involve a cytochrome P450 encoded by the gene biol. We have subcloned bioI and overexpressed the encoded protein, BioI. A purification protocol was developed utilizing ion exchange, gel filtration, and hydroxyapatite chromatography, Investigation of the purified BioI by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed spectral properties characteristic of a cytochrome P450 enzyme. BioI copurifies with acylated Escherichia coil acyl carrier protein (ACP), suggesting that in vivo a fatty acid substrate may be presented to BioI as an acyl-ACP. A combination of electrospray mass spectrometry of the intact acyl-ACP and GCMS indicated a range of fatty acids were bound to the ACP. A catalytically active system has been established employing E. coli flavodoxin reductase and a novel, heterologous flavodoxin as the redox partners for BioI. In this system, BioI cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate a pimeloyl-ACP equivalent, from which pimelic acid is isolated after base-catalyzed saponification. A range of free fatty acids have also been explored as potential alternative substrates for BioI, with C16 binding most tightly to the enzyme. These fatty acids are also metabolized to dicarboxylic acids, but with less regiospecificity than is observed with acyl-ACPs. A possible mechanism for this transformation is discussed. These results strongly support the proposed role for BioI in biotin biosynthesis. In addition, the production of pimeloyl-ACP explains the ability of BioI to function as a pimeloyl CoA source in E. coli, which, unlike B. subtilis, is unable to utilize free pimelic acid for biotin production. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Mammalian terrestrial locomotion has many unifying principles. However, the Macropodoidea are a particularly interesting group that exhibit a number of significant deviations from the principles that seem to apply to other mammals. While the properties of materials that comprise the musculoskeletal system of mammals are similar, evidence suggests that tendon properties in macropodoid marsupials may be size or function dependent, in contrast to the situation in placental mammals. Postural differences related to hopping versus running have a dramatic effect on the scaling of the pelvic limb musculoskeletal system. Ratios of muscle fibre to tendon cross-sectional areas for ankle extensors and digital flexors scale with positive allometry in all mammals, but exponents are significantly higher in macropods. Tendon safety factors decline with increasing body mass in mammals, with eutherians at risk of ankle extensor tendon rupture at a body mass of about 150 kg, whereas kangaroos encounter similar problems at a body mass of approximately 35 kg. Tendon strength appears to limit locomotor performance in these animals. Elastic strain energy storage in tendons is mass dependent in all mammals, but exponents are significantly larger in macropodid. Tibial stresses may scale with positive allometry in kangaroos, which result in lower bone safety factors in macropods compared to eutherian mammals.
Recruiting coral reef fish larvae from 38 species and 19 families from New Caledonia were examined for parasites. We found 13 parasite species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea, Cestoda and Trematoda) but no acanthocephalan, crustacean or nematode parasites. Over 23% of individual fish were infected. Didymozoid metacercariae were the most abundant parasites. We conclude that most of the parasites are pelagic species that become 'lost' once the fish larvae have recruited to the reef. Larval coral reef fish probably contribute little to the dispersal of the parasites of the adult fish so that parasite dispersal is more difficult than that of the fish themselves. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The response of a two-level atom in a strong polychromatic field composed of a large number of equidistant frequency components is investigated. We calculate numerically, as well as analytically,:the stationary population inversion and show that the saturation of the atomic transition strongly depends on whether or not there is a central (resonant) frequency component in the driving field. We find that, in the presence of the central component, the atom can remain in the ground state even for a strong Rabi frequency of the driving field. In addition, we find that the inversion is sensitive to the relative phase between the frequency components. When the central component is suppressed, the atomic transition saturates with the Rabi frequency independent of the relative phase.
We propose an absorptive measurement scheme via coupled quantum dots based on studies of the quantum dynamics of coherently coupled dots. The system is described through a Markov master equation that is related to a measurable quantity, the current. We analyse the measurement configuration and calculate the correlations and noise spectra beyond the adiabatic approximation.
On the southern Great Barrier Reef, Haliotis asinina (Vetigastropoda: Pleurotomarioidea) synchronously spawn every 2 wk in a predictable fashion. allowing detailed analysis of reproduction, gametogenesis, and gonad development. Histological examination of the ovaries of members of the Heron Reef population during this semilunar cycle reveals that oogenesis is also synchronous and predictable, and requires more than two spawning cycles (i.e. >28 days) to complete. Shortly after a spawning event the ovary comprises two cohorts of primary oocytes, one of which will be released at the next spawning event, and clusters of oogonia. At this time there is a rapid proliferation and expansion of trabeculae, germinal epithelial, and oogonia, and a dramatic increase in the size of the vitellogenic oocytes to be: spawned at the next spawning event. Within 4 days these oocytes have filled the ovary. On the day of the next spawning a lumen forms in the ovary as a result of localized degradation of trabeculae. The large primary oocytes dissociate from the receding trabeculae. initiate maturation, and accumulate in the lumen; these oocytes become embedded in a jelly coat layer. The next cohort of oocytes remain attached to the trabeculae. The jelly coat appears to be completely dissolved within 30 min of spawning. Comparison of the oogenesis and ovary development in II. asinina with other abalone species indicates that these processes are very similar in tropical and temperate abalone. This suggests that insights into the regulation of reproduction and spawning in H. asinina are likely to be applicable to other haliotids.
We give an asymptotic analytic solution for the generic atom-laser system with gain in a D-dimensional trap, and show that this has a non-Thomas-Fermi behavior. The effect is due to Bose-enhanced condensate growth, which creates a local-density maximum and a corresponding outward momentum component. In addition, the solution predicts amplified center-of-mass oscillations, leading to enhanced center-of-mass temperature.
Current theoretical thinking about dual processes in recognition relies heavily on the measurement operations embodied within the process dissociation procedure. We critically evaluate the ability of this procedure to support this theoretical enterprise. We show that there are alternative processes that would produce a rough invariance in familiarity (a key prediction of the dual-processing approach) and that the process dissociation procedure does not have the power to differentiate between these alternative possibilities. We also show that attempts to relate parameters estimated by the process dissociation procedure to subjective reports (remember-know judgments) cannot differentiate between alternative dual-processing models and that there are problems with some of the historical evidence and with obtaining converging evidence. Our conclusion is that more specific theories incorporating ideas about representation and process are required.
Objectives: To establish the prevalence and predictors of genital warts among healthy women presenting for contraceptive advice at two family planning clinics, one in a major Australian city and one in a country town in the same state. Methods: Consecutive consenting attendees (n = 1218)at two family planning clinics in Queensland completed a questionnaire and were examined for genital warts. Results: The point prevalence of visible genital warts was 3.3 per cent in the city clinic and 14.4 per cent in the country town. For half of these clients a finding of warts was unexpected, in that the client was unaware of their presence and presentation to the family planning clinic was not specifically for advice about sexually transmitted infections. The major predictor of a finding of warts was client age, with the highest prevalence in 20- to 25-year-olds. Warts were also commoner amongst smokers in the country town but not in Brisbane. However, no analysed sociodemographic variable predicted a finding of warts of which the client was not aware. Conclusions: Genital warts are common among young women presenting for contraceptive advice. Such women are often unaware that they have warts. Examination for genital warts should be a part of any routine examination of sexually active women, and medical practitioners should be aware of appropriate advice for patients who are found to have genital warts on routine examination.
Rheological properties of nine unprocessed unifloral Australian honeys (bloodwood, blue top iron bark, gum top, heath, narrow leafed iron bark, stringy bark, tea tree yapunyah and yellow box) were analysed over a range of temperatures (1-40 degreesC) The temperature effect on the viscosity follow ed an Arrhenius-type relationship and ail honey varieties exhibited Newtonian behaviour. if the Arrhenius equation constants (mu (0) and E-a) for a particular honey are known, the Arrhenius model can be used to calculate the viscosity of these honeys at specific temperatures, negating the need for tedious viscosity determination. (C) 2000 Academic Press.