923 resultados para Neural Network-models


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Results obtained from a hybrid neural network—finite element model are reported in this paper. The hybrid model incorporates artificial neural network (ANN) nodes into a numerical scheme, which solves the two-dimensional shallow water equations using finite elements (FE). First, numerical computations are carried out on the entire numerical model, using a larger mesh. The results from this computation are then used to train several preselected ANN nodes. The ANN nodes model the response for a part of the entire numerical model by transferring the system reaction to the location where both models are connected in real time. This allows a smaller mesh to be used in the hybrid ANN-FE model, resulting in savings in computation time. The hybrid model was developed for a river application, using the computational nodes located at the open boundaries to be the ANN nodes for the ANN-FE hybrid model. Real-time coupling between the ANN and FE models was achieved, and a reduction is CPU time of more than 25% was obtained.


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Type reduction (TR) is one of the key components of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLSs). Minimizing the computational requirements has been one of the key design criteria for developing TR algorithms. Often researchers give more rewards to computationally less expensive TR algorithms. This paper evaluates and compares five frequently used TR algorithms based on their contribution to the forecasting performance of IT2FLS models. Algorithms are judged based on the generalization power of IT2FLS models developed using them. Synthetic and real world case studies with different levels of uncertainty are considered to examine effects of TR algorithms on forecasts' accuracies. As per obtained results, Coupland-Jonh TR algorithm leads to models with a higher and more stable forecasting performance. However, there is no obvious and consistent relationship between the widths of the type reduced set and the TR algorithm. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, a review on condition monitoring of induction motors is first presented. Then, an ensemble of hybrid intelligent models that is useful for condition monitoring of induction motors is proposed. The review covers two parts, i.e.; (i) a total of nine commonly used condition monitoring methods of induction motors; and (ii) intelligent learning models for condition monitoring of induction motors subject to single and multiple input signals. Based on the review findings, the Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) method is selected for this study owing to its online, non-invasive properties and its requirement of only single input source; therefore leading to a cost-effective condition monitoring method. A hybrid intelligent model that consists of the Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) neural network and the Random Forest (RF) model comprising an ensemble of Classification and Regression Trees is developed. The majority voting scheme is used to combine the predictions produced by the resulting FMM-RF ensemble (or FMM-RFE) members. A benchmark problem is first deployed to evaluate the usefulness of the FMM-RFE model. Then, the model is applied to condition monitoring of induction motors using a set of real data samples. Specifically, the stator current signals of induction motors are obtained using the MCSA method. The signals are processed to produce a set of harmonic-based features for classification using the FMM-RFE model. The experimental results show good performances in both noise-free and noisy environments. More importantly, a set of explanatory rules in the form of a decision tree can be extracted from the FMM-RFE model to justify its predictions. The outcomes ascertain the effectiveness of the proposed FMM-RFE model in undertaking condition monitoring tasks, especially for induction motors, under different environments. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this dissertation, different ways of combining neural predictive models or neural-based forecasts are discussed. The proposed approaches consider mostly Gaussian radial basis function networks, which can be efficiently identified and estimated through recursive/adaptive methods. Two different ways of combining are explored to get a final estimate – model mixing and model synthesis –, with the aim of obtaining improvements both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. In the context of model mixing, the usual framework for linearly combining estimates from different models is extended, to deal with the case where the forecast errors from those models are correlated. In the context of model synthesis, and to address the problems raised by heavily nonstationary time series, we propose hybrid dynamic models for more advanced time series forecasting, composed of a dynamic trend regressive model (or, even, a dynamic harmonic regressive model), and a Gaussian radial basis function network. Additionally, using the model mixing procedure, two approaches for decision-making from forecasting models are discussed and compared: either inferring decisions from combined predictive estimates, or combining prescriptive solutions derived from different forecasting models. Finally, the application of some of the models and methods proposed previously is illustrated with two case studies, based on time series from finance and from tourism.


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Spiking neural networks - networks that encode information in the timing of spikes - are arising as a new approach in the artificial neural networks paradigm, emergent from cognitive science. One of these new models is the pulsed neural network with radial basis function, a network able to store information in the axonal propagation delay of neurons. Learning algorithms have been proposed to this model looking for mapping input pulses into output pulses. Recently, a new method was proposed to encode constant data into a temporal sequence of spikes, stimulating deeper studies in order to establish abilities and frontiers of this new approach. However, a well known problem of this kind of network is the high number of free parameters - more that 15 - to be properly configured or tuned in order to allow network convergence. This work presents for the first time a new learning function for this network training that allow the automatic configuration of one of the key network parameters: the synaptic weight decreasing factor.


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Economic dispatch (ED) problems have recently been solved by artificial neural network approaches. Systems based on artificial neural networks have high computational rates due to the use of a massive number of simple processing elements and the high degree of connectivity between these elements. The ability of neural networks to realize some complex non-linear function makes them attractive for system optimization. All ED models solved by neural approaches described in the literature fail to represent the transmission system. Therefore, such procedures may calculate dispatch policies, which do not take into account important active power constraints. Another drawback pointed out in the literature is that some of the neural approaches fail to converge efficiently toward feasible equilibrium points. A modified Hopfield approach designed to solve ED problems with transmission system representation is presented in this paper. The transmission system is represented through linear load flow equations and constraints on active power flows. The internal parameters of such modified Hopfield networks are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to feasible equilibrium points, which represent the solution for the ED problem. Simulation results and a sensitivity analysis involving IEEE 14-bus test system are presented to illustrate efficiency of the proposed approach. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Economic Dispatch (ED) problems have recently been solved by artificial neural networks approaches. In most of these dispatch models, the cost function must be linear or quadratic. Therefore, functions that have several minimum points represent a problem to the simulation since these approaches have not accepted nonlinear cost function. Another drawback pointed out in the literature is that some of these neural approaches fail to converge efficiently towards feasible equilibrium points. This paper discusses the application of a modified Hopfield architecture for solving ED problems defined by nonlinear cost function. The internal parameters of the neural network adopted here are computed using the valid-subspace technique, which guarantees convergence to equilibrium points that represent a solution for the ED problem. Simulation results and a comparative analysis involving a 3-bus test system are presented to illustrate efficiency of the proposed approach.


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Bit performance prediction has been a challenging problem for the petroleum industry. It is essential in cost reduction associated with well planning and drilling performance prediction, especially when rigs leasing rates tend to follow the projects-demand and barrel-price rises. A methodology to model and predict one of the drilling bit performance evaluator, the Rate of Penetration (ROP), is presented herein. As the parameters affecting the ROP are complex and their relationship not easily modeled, the application of a Neural Network is suggested. In the present work, a dynamic neural network, based on the Auto-Regressive with Extra Input Signals model, or ARX model, is used to approach the ROP modeling problem. The network was applied to a real oil offshore field data set, consisted of information from seven wells drilled with an equal-diameter bit.


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This paper uses artificial neural networks (ANN) to compute the resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas (MSA), used in mobile communications. Perceptron Multi-layers (PML) networks were used, with the Quasi-Newton method proposed by Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno (BFGS). Due to the nature of the problem, two hundred and fifty networks were trained, and the resonance frequency for each test antenna was calculated by statistical methods. The estimate resonance frequencies for six test antennas were compared with others results obtained by deterministic and ANN based empirical models from the literature, and presented a better agreement with the experimental values.


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Apesar do avanço tecnológico ocorrido na prospecção sísmica, com a rotina dos levantamentos 2D e 3D, e o significativo aumento na quantidade de dados, a identificação dos tempos de chegada da onda sísmica direta (primeira quebra), que se propaga diretamente do ponto de tiro até a posição dos arranjos de geofones, permanece ainda dependente da avaliação visual do intérprete sísmico. O objetivo desta dissertação, insere-se no processamento sísmico com o intuito de buscar um método eficiente, tal que possibilite a simulação computacional do comportamento visual do intérprete sísmico, através da automação dos processos de tomada de decisão envolvidos na identificação das primeiras quebras em um traço sísmico. Visando, em última análise, preservar o conhecimento intuitivo do intérprete para os casos complexos, nos quais o seu conhecimento será, efetivamente, melhor aproveitado. Recentes descobertas na tecnologia neurocomputacional produziram técnicas que possibilitam a simulação dos aspectos qualitativos envolvidos nos processos visuais de identificação ou interpretação sísmica, com qualidade e aceitabilidade dos resultados. As redes neurais artificiais são uma implementação da tecnologia neurocomputacional e foram, inicialmente, desenvolvidas por neurobiologistas como modelos computacionais do sistema nervoso humano. Elas diferem das técnicas computacionais convencionais pela sua habilidade em adaptar-se ou aprender através de uma repetitiva exposição a exemplos, pela sua tolerância à falta de alguns dos componentes dos dados e pela sua robustez no tratamento com dados contaminados por ruído. O método aqui apresentado baseia-se na aplicação da técnica das redes neurais artificiais para a identificação das primeiras quebras nos traços sísmicos, a partir do estabelecimento de uma conveniente arquitetura para a rede neural artificial do tipo direta, treinada com o algoritmo da retro-propagação do erro. A rede neural artificial é entendida aqui como uma simulação computacional do processo intuitivo de tomada de decisão realizado pelo intérprete sísmico para a identificação das primeiras quebras nos traços sísmicos. A aplicabilidade, eficiência e limitações desta abordagem serão avaliadas em dados sintéticos obtidos a partir da teoria do raio.


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The Box-Cox transformation is a technique mostly utilized to turn the probabilistic distribution of a time series data into approximately normal. And this helps statistical and neural models to perform more accurate forecastings. However, it introduces a bias when the reversion of the transformation is conducted with the predicted data. The statistical methods to perform a bias-free reversion require, necessarily, the assumption of Gaussianity of the transformed data distribution, which is a rare event in real-world time series. So, the aim of this study was to provide an effective method of removing the bias when the reversion of the Box-Cox transformation is executed. Thus, the developed method is based on a focused time lagged feedforward neural network, which does not require any assumption about the transformed data distribution. Therefore, to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, numerical simulations were conducted and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error, the Theil Inequality Index and the Signal-to-Noise ratio of 20-step-ahead forecasts of 40 time series were compared, and the results obtained indicate that the proposed reversion method is valid and justifies new studies. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.