995 resultados para Natural deep eutectic solvents
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Commercial exploitation and abrupt changes of the natural conditions may have severe impacts on the Arctic deep-sea ecosystem. The present recolonisation experiment mimicked a situation after a catastrophic disturbance (e.g. by turbidites caused by destabilized continental slopes after methane hydrate decomposition) and investigated if the recolonisation of a deep-sea habitat by meiobenthic organisms is fostered by variations innutrition and/or sediment structure. Two "Sediment Tray Free Vehicles" were deployed for one year in summer 2003 at 2500 m water depth in the Arctic deep-sea in the eastern Fram Strait. The recolonisation trays were filled with different artificial and natural sediment types (glass beads, sand, sediment mixture, pure deep-sea sediment) and were enriched with various types of food (algae, yeast, fish). After one year, meiobenthos abundances and various sediment related environmental parameters were investigated. Foraminifera were generally the most successful group: they dominated all treatments and accounted for about 87% of the total meiobenthos. Colonizing meiobenthos specimens were generally smaller compared to those in the surrounding deep-sea sediment, suggesting an active recolonisation by juveniles. Although experimental treatments with fine-grained, algae-enriched sediment showed abundances closest to natural conditions, the results suggest that food availability was the main determining factor for a successful recolonisation by meiobenthos and the structure of recolonised sediments was shown to have a subordinate influence.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken during the Swedish Deep Sea Expedition from July 1947 until October 1948 aboard the S/S Albatross (Boström). A total of 370 cores and trawls during this World circumnavigation.
Acknowledgements We are grateful for Dr. Jens Strauss and the other two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on an earlier version of this MS, and appreciate members of the IBCAS Sampling Campaign Teams for their assistance in field investigation. This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China on Global Change (2014CB954001 and 2015CB954201), National Natural Science Foundation of China (31322011 and 41371213), and the Thousand Young Talents Program.
Funding This work was supported by the HADEEP projects, funded by the Nippon Foundation, Japan (2009765188), the Natural Environmental Research Council, UK (NE/E007171/1) and the Total Foundation, France. We acknowledge additional support from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) funded by the Scottish Funding Council (Ref: HR09011) and contributing institutions. We also acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust to SBP. Additional sea time was supported by NIWA’s ‘Impact of Resource Use on Vulnerable Deep-Sea Communities’ project (CO1_0906)
The authors would like to thank the leadership of the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI), including Lisa Levin, Maria Baker, and Kristina Gjerde, for their support in developing this review. This work evolved from a meeting of the DOSI Oil and Gas working group supported by the J.M. Kaplan Fund, and associated with the Deep-Sea Biology Symposium in Aveiro, Portugal in September 2015. The members of the Oil and Gas working group that contributed to our discussions at that meeting or through the listserve are acknowledged for their contributions to this work. We would also like to thank the three reviewers and the editor who provided valuable comments and insight into the work presented here. DJ and AD were supported by funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the MERCES (Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas) project, grant agreement No 689518. AB was supported by CNPq grants 301412/2013-8 and 200504/2015-0. LH acknowledges funding provided by a Natural Environment Research Council grant (NE/L008181/1). This output reflects only the authors' views and the funders cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
1. Desmoscolecida from the continental slope and the deep-sea bottom (59-4354 m) off the Portuguese and Moroccan coasts are described. 18 species were identified: Desmoscolex bathyalis sp. nov., D. chaetalatus sp. nov., D. eftus sp. nov., D. galeatus sp. nov., D. lapilliferus sp. nov., D. longisetosus Timm, 1970, D. lorenzeni sp. nov., D. perspicuus sp. nov., D. pustulatus sp. nov., Quadricoma angulocephala sp. nov., Q. brevichaeta sp. nov., Q. iberica sp. nov., Q. loricatoides sp. nov., Tricoma atlantica sp. nov., T. bathycola sp. nov., T. beata sp. nov., T. incomposita sp. nov., T. meteora sp. nov., T. mauretania sp. nov. 2. The following new terms are proposed: "Desmos" (ring-shaped concretions consisting of secretion and concretion particles), "desmoscolecoid" and "tricomoid" arrangement of the somatic setae, "regelmaessige" (regular), "unregelmaessige" (irregular), "vollstaendige" (complete) and "unvollstaendige" (incomplete) arrangement of somatic seta (variations in the desmoscolecoid arrangement of the somatic setae). The length of the somatic setae is given in the setal pattern. 3. Desmoscolecida identical as to genus and species exhibit no morphological differences even if forthcoming from different bathymetrical zones (deep sea, sublitoral, litoral) or different environments (marin, freshwater, coastal subsoil water, terrestrial environment). 4. Lorenzen's (1969) contention that thearrangement of the somatic setae is more significant for the natural relationships between the different genera of Desmoscolecida than other characteristics is further confirmed. Species with tricomoid arrangement of somatic setae are regarded as primitive, species with desmoscolecoid arrangement of somatic setae are regarded as more advanced. 5. Three new genus are established: Desmogerlachia gen. nov., Desmolorenzenia gen. nov. and Desmofimmia gen. nov. - Protricoma Timm, 1970 is synonymized with Paratricoma Gerlach, 1964 and Protodesmoscolex Timm, 1970 is synonymized with Desmoscolex Claparede,1863. 6. Checklists of all species of the order Desmoscolecida and keys to species of the subfamilies Tricominae and Desmoscolecinae are provided. 7. The following nomenclatorial changes are suggested: Desmogerlachia papillifer (Gerlach, 1956) comb. nov., D .pratensis (Lorenz, 1969) comb. nov., Desmotimmia mirabilis (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., Paratricoma squamosa (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., Desmolorenzenia crassicauda (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. desmoscolecoides (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. eurycricus (Filipjev, 1922) comb. nov., D. frontalis (Gerlach, 1952) comb. nov., D. hupferi (Steiner, 1916) comb. nov., D. longicauda (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. parva (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. platycricus (Steiner, 1916) comb. nov., D. viffata (Lorenzen, 1969) comb. nov., Desmoscolex anfarcficos (Timm, 1970) comb. nov.
Within Canada there are more than 2.5 million bundles of spent nuclear fuel with another approximately 2 million bundles to be generated in the future. Canada, and every country around the world that has taken a decision on management of spent nuclear fuel, has decided on long-term containment and isolation of the fuel within a deep geological repository. At depth, a deep geological repository consists of a network of placement rooms where the bundles will be located within a multi-layered system that incorporates engineered and natural barriers. The barriers will be placed in a complex thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-biological (THMCB) environment. A large database of material properties for all components in the repository are required to construct representative models. Within the repository, the sealing materials will experience elevated temperatures due to the thermal gradient produced by radioactive decay heat from the waste inside the container. Furthermore, high porewater pressure due to the depth of repository along with possibility of elevated salinity of groundwater would cause the bentonite-based materials to be under transient hydraulic conditions. Therefore it is crucial to characterize the sealing materials over a wide range of thermal-hydraulic conditions. A comprehensive experimental program has been conducted to measure properties (mainly focused on thermal properties) of all sealing materials involved in Mark II concept at plausible thermal-hydraulic conditions. The thermal response of Canada’s concept for a deep geological repository has been modelled using experimentally measured thermal properties. Plausible scenarios are defined and the effects of these scenarios are examined on the container surface temperature as well as the surrounding geosphere to assess whether they meet design criteria for the cases studied. The thermal response shows that if all the materials even being at dried condition, repository still performs acceptably as long as sealing materials remain in contact.
A novel approach is developed for desulphurization of fuels or organics without use of catalyst. In this process, organic and aqueous phases are mixed in a predefined manner under ambient conditions and passed through a cavitating device. Vapor cavities formed in the cavitating device are then collapsed which generate (in-situ) oxidizing species which react with the sulphur moiety resulting in the removal of sulphur from the organic phase. In this work, vortex diode was used as a cavitating device. Three organic solvents (n-octane, toluene and n-octanol) containing known amount of a model sulphur compound (thiophene) up to initial concentrations of 500 ppm were used to verify the proposed method. A very high removal of sulphur content to the extent of 100% was demonstrated. The nature of organic phase and the ratio of aqueous to organic phase were found to be the most important process parameters. The results were also verified and substantiated using commercial diesel as a solvent. The developed process has great potential for deep of various organics, in general, and for transportation fuels, in particular.
Deep fat frying process is one of the widely followed cooking practices throughout the world. Cooking oils serve as a medium for frying food for transferring heat and makes fried food tasty and palatable. Frying process is a most complex process involving numerous physicochemical changes which are complicated to understand. Frying leads to thermal degradation of oil through thermo-oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization. Hydrolysis results in formation of free fatty acids whereas oxidation process produces hydroperoxides and small molecular carbonyl compounds. This whole process leads to the formation of polar compounds and degradation of antioxidants that further degrades frying oil. Eventually, through mass transfer process these degradation products accumulate into fried food and reduce the nutritional quality of both oil and food. Thus, the frying process is of research interest calls for detailed systematic study which is chosen for the present study. The primary objective of this study is to understand the mechanism of degradation and characterization ofdegraded products which helps in arriving at the limits for frying oil utilization in terms of number of frying cycles. The mechanistic studies and the knowledge on the degraded products help to understand the way to retard the deterioration of oil for stability and enhancement of frying cycles. The study also explores the formation of the predominant polar compounds and their structural elucidation through mass spectrometry. Oxidation of oil is another important factor that ignites the degradation phenomena. One of the best ways to increase thermal stability of any oil is addition of potent antioxidants. But, most of the natural and synthetic antioxidants are unstable and ineffective at frying temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to screen alternative antioxidants for their activity in the refined oils which are devoid of any added antioxidants. In this context, this study discussed the efficacy of several natural and synthetic antioxidants to retard the formation of polar compounds and thermooxidation during prolonged frying conditions. Similarly, the advantage of blending of two different oils to improve the thermal stability was explored. The present study brings out the total picture on the type of degradation products formed during frying and the ways of retarding the determination to improve upon the stability of the oil and enhancement of frying cycles.