988 resultados para Nanostructures


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One-dimensional ferroelectric nanostructures, carbon nanotubes (CNT) and CNTinorganic oxides have recently been studied due to their potential applications for microelectronics. Here, we report coating of a registered array of aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) grown on silicon substrates by functional ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 (PZT) which produces structures suitable for commercial prototype memories. Microstructural analysis reveals the crystalline nature of PZT with small nanocrystals aligned in different directions. First-order Raman modes of MWCNT and PZT/MWCNT/n-Si show the high structural quality of CNT before and after PZT deposition at elevated temperature. PZT exists mostly in the monoclinic Cc/Cm phase, which is the origin of the high piezoelectric response in the system. Lowloss square piezoelectric hysteresis obtained for the 3D bottom-up structure confirms the switchability of the device. Currentvoltage mapping of the device by conducting atomic force microscopy (c-AFM) indicates very low transient current. Fabrication and functional properties of these hybrid ferroelectriccarbon nanotubes is the first step towards miniaturization for future nanotechnology sensors, actuators, transducers and memory devices. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We investigate the effect of a perpendicular magnetic field on the single-particle charging spectrum of a graphene quantum dot embedded inline with a nanoribbon. We observe uniform shifts in the single-particle spectrum which coincide with peaks in the magnetoconductance, implicating Landau level condensation and edge state formation as the mechanism underlying magnetic field-enhanced transmission through graphene nanostructures. The experimentally determined ratio of bulk to edge states is supported by single-particle band-structure simulations, while a fourfold beating of the Coulomb blockade transmission amplitude points to many-body interaction effects during Landau level condensation of the ν=0 state. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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Ultrafast lasers play an increasingly important role in many applications. Nanotubes and graphene have emerged as promising novel saturable absorbers for passive mode-locking. Here, we review recent progress on the exploitation of these two carbon nanomaterials in ultrafast photonics. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sub-picosecond tunable ultrafast lasers are important tools for many applications. Here we present an ultrafast tunable fiber laser mode-locked by a nanotube based saturable absorber. The laser outputs ∼500fs pulses over a 33 nm range at 1.5μm. This outperforms the current achievable pulse duration from tunable nanotube mode-locked lasers. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a novel utilization of periodic arrays of carbon nanotubes in the realization of diffractive photonic crystal lenses. Carbon nanotube arrays with nanoscale dimensions (lattice constant 400 nm and tube radius 50 nm) displayed a negative refractive index in the optical regime where the wavelength is of the order of array spacing. A detailed computational analysis of band gaps and optical transmission through the nanotubes based planar, convex and concave shaped lenses was performed. Due to the negative-index these lenses behaved in an opposite fashion compared to their conventional counter parts. A plano-concave lens was established and numerically tested, displaying ultra-small focal length of 1.5 μm (∼2.3 λ) and a near diffraction-limited spot size of 400 nm (∼0.61 λ). © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The highly sensitive and molecule-specific technique of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) generates high signal enhancements via localized optical fields on nanoscale metallic materials, which can be tuned by manipulation of the surface roughness and architecture on the submicrometer level. We investigate gold-functionalized vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests (VACNTs) as low-cost straightforward SERS nanoplatforms. We find that their SERS enhancements depend on their diameter and density, which are systematically optimized for their performance. Modeling of the VACNT-based SERS substrates confirms consistent dependence on structural parameters as observed experimentally. The created nanostructures span over large substrate areas, are readily configurable, and yield uniform and reproducible SERS enhancement factors. Further fabricated micropatterned VACNTs platforms are shown to deliver multiplexed SERS detection. The unique properties of CNTs, which can be synergistically utilized in VACNT-based substrates and patterned arrays, can thus provide new generation platforms for SERS detection. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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The usage of semiconductor nanostructures is highly promising for boosting the energy conversion efficiency in photovoltaics technology, but still some of the underlying mechanisms are not well understood at the nanoscale length. Ge quantum dots (QDs) should have a larger absorption and a more efficient quantum confinement effect than Si ones, thus they are good candidate for third-generation solar cells. In this work, Ge QDs embedded in silica matrix have been synthesized through magnetron sputtering deposition and annealing up to 800°C. The thermal evolution of the QD size (2 to 10 nm) has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques, evidencing an Ostwald ripening mechanism with a concomitant amorphous-crystalline transition. The optical absorption of Ge nanoclusters has been measured by spectrophotometry analyses, evidencing an optical bandgap of 1.6 eV, unexpectedly independent of the QDs size or of the solid phase (amorphous or crystalline). A simple modeling, based on the Tauc law, shows that the photon absorption has a much larger extent in smaller Ge QDs, being related to the surface extent rather than to the volume. These data are presented and discussed also considering the outcomes for application of Ge nanostructures in photovoltaics.PACS: 81.07.Ta; 78.67.Hc; 68.65.-k.


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Strongly enhanced light emission at wavelengths between 1.3 and 1.6 μm is reported at room temperature in silicon photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavities with optimized out-coupling efficiency. Sharp peaks corresponding to the resonant modes of PhC nanocavities dominate the broad sub-bandgap emission from optically active defects in the crystalline Si membrane. We measure a 300-fold enhancement of the emission from the PhC nanocavity due to a combination of far-field enhancement and the Purcell effect. The cavity enhanced emission has a very weak temperature dependence, namely less than a factor of 2 reduction between 10 K and room temperature, which makes this approach suitable for the realization of efficient light sources as well as providing a quick and easy tool for the broadband optical characterization of silicon-on-insulator nanostructures. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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In this work, we present some approaches recently developed for enhancing light emission from Er-based materials and devices. We have investigated the luminescence quenching processes limiting quantum efficiency in light-emitting devices based on Si nanoclusters (Si nc) or Er-doped Si nc. It is found that carrier injection, while needed to excite Si nc or Er ions through electron-hole recombination, at the same time produces an efficient non-radiative Auger de-excitation with trapped carriers. A strong light confinement and enhancement of Er emission at 1.54 μm in planar silicon-on-insulator waveguides containing a thin layer (slot) of SiO2 with Er-doped Si nc at the center of the Si core has been obtained. By measuring the guided photoluminescence from the cleaved edge of the sample, we have observed a more than fivefold enhancement of emission for the transverse magnetic mode over the transverse electric one at room temperature. Slot waveguides have also been integrated with a photonic crystal (PhC), consisting of a triangular lattice of holes. An enhancement by more than two orders of magnitude of the Er near-normal emission is observed when the transition is in resonance with an appropriate mode of the PhC slab. Finally, in order to increase the concentration of excitable Er ions, a completely different approach, based on Er disilicate thin films, has been explored. Under proper annealing conditions crystalline and chemically stable Er2Si2O7 films are obtained; these films exhibit a strong luminescence at 1.54 μm owing to the efficient reduction of the defect density. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The introduction of new materials and processes to microfabrication has, in large part, enabled many important advances in microsystems, labon- a-chip devices, and their applications. In particular, capabilities for cost-effective fabrication of polymer microstructures were transformed by the advent of soft lithography and other micromolding techniques 1,2, and this led a revolution in applications of microfabrication to biomedical engineering and biology. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to fabricate microstructures with well-defined nanoscale surface textures, and to fabricate arbitrary 3D shapes at the micro-scale. Robustness of master molds and maintenance of shape integrity is especially important to achieve high fidelity replication of complex structures and preserving their nanoscale surface texture. The combination of hierarchical textures, and heterogeneous shapes, is a profound challenge to existing microfabrication methods that largely rely upon top-down etching using fixed mask templates. On the other hand, the bottom-up synthesis of nanostructures such as nanotubes and nanowires can offer new capabilities to microfabrication, in particular by taking advantage of the collective self-organization of nanostructures, and local control of their growth behavior with respect to microfabricated patterns. Our goal is to introduce vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which we refer to as CNT "forests", as a new microfabrication material. We present details of a suite of related methods recently developed by our group: fabrication of CNT forest microstructures by thermal CVD from lithographically patterned catalyst thin films; self-directed elastocapillary densification of CNT microstructures; and replica molding of polymer microstructures using CNT composite master molds. In particular, our work shows that self-directed capillary densification ("capillary forming"), which is performed by condensation of a solvent onto the substrate with CNT microstructures, significantly increases the packing density of CNTs. This process enables directed transformation of vertical CNT microstructures into straight, inclined, and twisted shapes, which have robust mechanical properties exceeding those of typical microfabrication polymers. This in turn enables formation of nanocomposite CNT master molds by capillary-driven infiltration of polymers. The replica structures exhibit the anisotropic nanoscale texture of the aligned CNTs, and can have walls with sub-micron thickness and aspect ratios exceeding 50:1. Integration of CNT microstructures in fabrication offers further opportunity to exploit the electrical and thermal properties of CNTs, and diverse capabilities for chemical and biochemical functionalization 3. © 2012 Journal of Visualized Experiments.


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Deterministic organization of nanostructures into microscale geometries is essential for the development of materials with novel mechanical, optical, and surface properties. We demonstrate scalable fabrication of 3D corrugated carbon nanotube (CNT) microstructures, via an iterative sequence of vertically aligned CNT growth and capillary self-assembly. Vertical microbellows and tilted microcantilevers are created over large areas, and these structures can have thin walls with aspect ratios exceeding 100:1. We show these structures can be used as out-of-plane microsprings with compliance determined by the wall thickness and number of folds. © 2011 American Chemical Society.