947 resultados para Muscle Performance
The performance of the Oxford University Gun Tunnel has been estimated using a quasi-one-dimensional simulation of the facility gas dynamics. The modelling of the actual facility area variations so as to adequately simulate both shock reflection and flow discharge processes has been considered in some detail. Test gas stagnation pressure and temperature histories are compared with measurements at two different operating conditions - one with nitrogen and the other with carbon dioxide as the test gas. It is demonstrated that both the simulated pressures and temperatures are typically within 3% of the experimental measurements.
We report here a validated method for the quantification of a new immunosuppressant drug, everolimus (SDZ RAD), using HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Whole blood samples (500 mul) were prepared by protein precipitation, followed by C-18 solid-phase extraction. Mass spectrometric detection was by selected reaction monitoring with an electrospray interface operating in positive ionization mode. The assay was linear from 0.5 to 100 mug/l (r(2) > 0.996, n = 9). The analytical recovery and inter-day imprecision, determined using whole blood quality control samples (n = 5) at 0.5, 1.2, 20.0, and 75.0 mug/l, was 100.3-105.4% and less than or equal to7.6%, respectively. The assay had a mean relative recovery of 94.8 +/- 3.8%. Extracted samples were stable for up to 24 h. Fortified everolimus blood samples were stable at -80 degreesC for at least 8 months and everolimus was found to be stable in blood when taken through at least three freeze-thaw cycles. The reported method provides accurate, precise and specific measurement of everolimus in blood over a wide analytical range and is currently supporting phase 11 and III clinical trials. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate the effect of periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge, and weaning-to-mating intervals, on sow fertility and litter size. Design Reproductive data were collected and analysed from 19 Hungarian swine herds over a 4 year period. Conception rates, farrowing rates and litter sizes of sows with periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge were used to evaluate the relationship between duration of vulval discharge and subsequent fertility and litter size. The possibility of interactions between weaning-to-mating intervals and duration of vulval discharges was investigated to determine if there was any effect on subsequent fertility and litter size. Results and conclusions Both parity 1 and parity 2 to 8 sows having had periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge in excess of 6 days duration had significantly (P < 0.001) lower subsequent fertility (conception, farrowing and adjusted farrowing rates) compared with sows of similar parity where the duration of vulval discharge was < 4 or 4 to 6 days. There was no difference in fertility rates between sows, in both parity categories, with vulval discharge for < 4 days compared with 4 to 6 days. A duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days in parity 1 sows significantly reduced litter size (total born and live-born) in subsequent farrowings, but not in parity 2 to 8 sows. There was no interaction between the duration of vulval discharge and post-weaning to mating intervals. However sows with weaning to mating intervals between 7 and 10 days had smaller (P < 0.001) subsequent litter sizes compared with 3 to 6 or 11 to 14 day intervals. It was concluded that the duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days was an indication of a severe persistent endometritis adversely affecting fertility of sows.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of three different high-intensity interval training (HIT) regimens on endurance performance in highly trained endurance athletes. Methods: Before, and after 2 and 4 wk of training, 38 cyclists and triathletes (mean +/- SD; age = 25 +/- 6 yr; mass = 75 +/- 7 kg; (V)over dot O-2peak = 64.5 +/- 5.2 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed: 1) a progressive cycle test to measure peak oxygen consumption ((V)over dotO(2peak)) and peak aerobic power output (PPO), 2) a time to exhaustion test (T-max) at their (V)over dotO(2peak) power output (P-max), as well as 3) a 40-kin time-trial (TT40). Subjects were matched and assigned to one of four training groups (G(1), N = 8, 8 X 60% T-max P-max, 1:2 work:recovery ratio; G(2), N = 9, 8 X 60% T-max at P-max, recovery at 65% HRmax; G(3), N = 10, 12 X 30 s at 175% PPO, 4.5-min recovery; G(CON), N = 11). In addition to G(1) G(2), and G(3) performing HIT twice per week, all athletes maintained their regular low-intensity training throughout the experimental period. Results: All HIT groups improved TT40 performance (+4.4 to +5.8%) and PPO (+3.0 to +6.2%) significantly more than G(CON) (-0.9 to + 1.1 %; P < 0.05). Furthermore, G(1) (+5.4%) and G(2) (+8.1%) improved their (V)over dot O-2peak significantly more than G(CON) (+ 1.0%; P < 0.05). Conclusion: The present study has shown that when HIT incorporates P-max as the interval intensity and 60% of T-max as the interval duration, already highly trained cyclists can significantly improve their 40-km time trial performance. Moreover, the present data confirm prior research, in that repeated supramaximal HIT can significantly improve 40-km time trial performance.
Radical-mediated oxidative damage of skeletal muscle membranes has been implicated in the fatigue process. Vitamin E (VE) is a major chain breaking antioxidant that has been shown to reduce contraction-mediated oxidative damage. We hypothesized that VE deficiency would adversely affect Muscle contractile function, resulting in a more rapid development of muscular fatigue during exercise. To test this postulate, rats were fed either a VE-deficient (EDEF) diet or a control (CON) diet containing VE. Following a 12-week feeding period, animals were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. Muscle endurance (fatigue) and contractile properties were evaluated using an in situ preparation of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle. Contractile properties of the TA muscle were determined before and after a fatigue protocol. The muscle fatigue protocol consisted of 60 min of repetitive contractions (250 ms trains at 15 Hz; duty cycle = I I %) of the TA muscle. Prior to the fatigue protocol, no significant differences existed in the force-frequency curves between EDEF and CON animals. At the completion of the fatigue protocol, muscular force production was significantly (P
Objective: To examine the effect of the application of tape over the patella on the onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) relative to vastus lateralis (VL) in participants with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design: Randomised within subject. Settings: University laboratory. Participants: Ten participants with PFPS and 12 asymptomatic controls. Interventions: Three experimental taping conditions: no tape, therapeutic tape, and placebo tape. Main Outcome Measures: Electromyographic onset of VMO and VL assessed during the concentric and eccentric phases of a stair stepping task. Results: When participants with PFPS completed the stair stepping task, the application of therapeutic patellar tape was found to alter the temporal characteristics of VMO and VL activation, whereas placebo tape had no effect. In contrast, there was no change in the EMG onset of VMO and VL with the application of placebo or therapeutic tape to the knee in the asymptomatic participants. Conclusions: These data support the use of patellar taping as an adjunct to rehabilitation in people with PFPS.
AB Study Design. A cross-sectional study was conducted. Objective. To determine the activity of the deep and superficial fibers of the lumbar multifidus during voluntary movement of the arm. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus contributes to stability of the lumbar spine. Because the deep and superficial parts of the multifidus are near the center of lumbar joint rotation, the superficial fibers are well suited to control spine orientation, and the deep fibers to control intervertebral movement. However, there currently are limited in vivo data to support this distinction. Methods. Electromyographic activity was recorded in both the deep and superficial multifidus, transversus abdominis, erector spinae, and deltoid using selective intramuscular electrodes and surface electrodes during single and repetitive arm movements. The latency of electromyographic onset in each muscle during single movements and the pattern of electromyographic activity during repetitive movements were compared between muscles. Results. With single arm movements, the onset of electromyography in the erector spinae and superficial multifidus relative to the deltoid was dependent on the direction of movement, but the onset in the deep multifidus and transversus abdominis was not. With repetitive arm movements, peaks in superficial multifidus and erector spinae electromyography occurred only during flexion for most subjects, whereas peaks in deep multifidus electromyography occurred during movement in both directions. Conclusions. The deep and superficial fibers of the multifidus are differentially active during single and repetitive movements of the arm. The data from this study support the hypothesis that the superficial multifidus contributes to the control of spine orientation, and that the deep multifidus has a role in controlling intersegmental motion. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Studies with the myogenic basic helix-loop-helix and MADS box factors suggest that efficient transactivation is dependent on the recruitment of the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC) and the cofactors p300 and p300/CBP-associated factor. SRCs have been demonstrated to recruit CARM1 (coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase-1), a member of the S-adenOSyl-L-methionine-dependent PRMTI-5 (protein-arginine N-methyltransferase-1-5) family, which catalyzes the methylation of arginine residues. This prompted us to investigate the functional role of CARM1/PRMT4 during skeletal myogenesis. We demonstrate that CARM1 and the SRC cofactor GRIP-1 cooperatively stimulate the activity of myocyte enhancer factor-2C (MEF2C). Moreover, there are direct interactions among MEF2C, GRIP-1, and CARM1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated the in vivo recruitment of MEF2 and CARM1 to the endogenous muscle creatine kinase promoter in a differentiation-dependent manner. Furthermore, CARM1 is expressed in somites during embryogenesis and in the nuclei of muscle cells. Treatment of myogenic cells with the methylation inhibitor adenosine dialdehyde or tet-regulated CARM1 antisense expression did not affect expression of MyoD. However, inhibition of CARM1. inhibited differentiation and abrogated the expression of the key transcription factors (myogenin and MEF2) that initiate the differentiation cascade. This work clearly demonstrates that the arginine methyltransferase CARM1 potentiates myogenesis and supports the positive role of arginine methylation in mammalian differentiation.
0na eg rcarmitimcaal tfieca tcuorem opfr ethhee nospieornat iodneafli cdietf i(nAitiCoDn )o ft hthaet frequently co-occurs with Broca’s aphasia is above-chance performance on well-formedness judgment tasks for many syntactic constructions, but impaired performance where syntactic binding of traces to their antecedents occurs. However, the methodologies used to establish this aspect of the performance profile of the ACD have been predominantly offline. Offline well-formedness tasks entail extralinguistic processing (e.g. perception, attention, short-term memory, conscious reflection) in varying amounts and the influence of such processes on parsing mechanisms is yet to be fully established. In order to (a) further understand the role of extra-linguistic processing on parsing, and (b) gain a more direct insight into the online nature of parsing in Broca’s aphasia, 8 subjects underwent a series of wellformedness judgment investigations using both offline and online test batteries. The sentence types and error types used were motivated by three current theories about the nature of the ACD, namely, the Trace-Based Account (Grodzinsky, 2000), the Mapping Hypothesis (Linebarger et al., 1983) and Capacity proposals (e.g. Frazier & Friederici, 1991). The results from the present investigation speak directly to the three aforementioned theories and also demonstrate the important role that extralinguistic processing plays during offline assessment. The clinical implications of the different outcomes from the offline vs. online tasks are also discussed.
In this paper I explore the Indigenous Australian women's performance classroom (hereafter ANTH2120) as a dialectic and discursive space where the location of possibility is opened for female Indigenous performers to enter into a dialogue from and between both non-Indigenous and Indigenous voices. The work of Bakhtin on dialogue serves as a useful standpoint for understanding the multiple speaking positions and texts in the ANTH2120 context. Bakhtin emphasizes performance, history, actuality and the openness of dialogue to provide an important framework for analysing multiple speaking positions and ways of making meaning through dialogue between shifting and differing subjectivities. I begin by briefly critiquing Bakhtin's "dialogic imagination" and consider the application and usefulness of concepts such as dialogism, heteroglossia and the utterance to understanding the ANTH2120 classroom as a polyphonic and discursive space. I then turn to an analysis of dialogue in the ANTH2120 classroom and primarily situate my gaze on an examination of the interactions that took place between the voices of myself as family/teacher/student and senior Yanyuwa women from the r e m o t e N o r t h e r n T e r r i t o r y A b o r i g i n a l c o m m u n i t y o f B o r r o l o o l a as family/performers/teachers. The 2000 and 2001 Yanyuwa women's performance workshops will be used as examples of the way power is constantly shifting in this dialogue to allow particular voices to speak with authority, and for others to remain silent as roles and relationships between myself and the Yanyuwa women change. Conclusions will be drawn regarding how my subject positions and white race privilege affect who speaks, who listens and on whose terms, and further, the efficacy of this pedagogical platform for opening up the location of possibility for Indigenous Australian women to play a powerful part in the construction of knowledges about women's performance traditions.
Concussion severity grades according to the Cantu, Colorado Medical Society, and American Academy of Neurology systems were not clearly related to the presence or duration of impaired neuropsychological test performance in 21 professional rugby league athletes. The use of concussion severity guidelines and neuropsychological testing to assist return to play decisions requires further investigation.
Three experiments investigated the effect of complexity on children's understanding of a beam balance. In nonconflict problems, weights or distances varied, while the other was held constant. In conflict items, both weight and distance varied, and items were of three kinds: weight dominant, distance dominant, or balance (in which neither was dominant). In Experiment 1, 2-year-old children succeeded on nonconflict-weight and nonconflict-distance problems. This result was replicated in Experiment 2, but performance on conflict items did not exceed chance. In Experiment 3, 3- and 4-year-olds succeeded on all except conflict balance problems, while 5- and 6-year-olds succeeded on all problem types. The results were interpreted in terms of relational complexity theory. Children aged 2 to 4 years succeeded on problems that entailed binary relations, but 5- and 6-year-olds also succeeded on problems that entailed ternary relations. Ternary relations tasks from other domains-transitivity and class inclusion-accounted for 93% of the age-related variance in balance scale scores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Objective: To investigate the impact characteristics of an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mouthguard material with regulated air inclusions, which included various air cell volumes and wall thickness between air cells. In particular, the aim was to identify the magnitude and direction of forces within the impacts. Method: EVA mouthguard material, A mm thick and with and without air inclusions, was impacted with a constant force impact pendulum with an energy of 4.4 J and a velocity of 3 m/s. Transmitted forces through the EVA material were measured using an accelerometer, which also allowed the determination of force direction and magnitude within the impacts. Results: Statistically significant reductions in the transmitted forces were observed with all the air inclusion materials when compared with EVA without air inclusions. Maximum transmitted force through one air inclusion material was reduced by 32%. Force rebound was eliminated in one material, and reduced second force impulses were observed in all the air inclusion materials. Conclusion: The regulated air inclusions improved the impact characteristics of the EVA mouthguard material, the material most commonly used in mouthguards world wide.