999 resultados para Movimentos de sentido
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article aims to narrate and analyze possibilities on aspects of the work developed by the group that composes the Mental Health and Public Health Improvement, using the Wheel Method, created by Gastão W. Campos, in different and diverse articulations and work organization spaces in psychosocial care field, such as Mental Health Forum, work groups related to Regional Collegiate Management (CGRs), with municipal teams to organize mental health network and with newcomer residents to a therapeutic residence It is from these different experiences that it is intended to reflect, discuss and promote a dialogue on the possibilities of the Wheel Method.
This text aims to elucidate the textual processing strategies that give meaning to chronicle "The miracle of the leaves", of Clarice Lispector (1920-1977). Therefore, it starts from the basic postulate that the meaning is not in the fabric or verbal imagery, but the meanings constructed from the elements of language that are there to meet with the reader (BRONCKART, 2009, p. 257). Justified this reading strategy, since the chronic Lispector reveals multiple meanings endowed with a language and dialogue. The text processing is discussed in terms of an audience potentially youthful element that assigns characteristics relevant to the understanding of the functioning of this type of text in relation to younger readers. To achieve the goal, we start from the assumption that chronic, being a literary text endowed with aesthetic validity, not only conveys a content, but recreates it, adding to it new meanings.
We tried to analyze in this paper the meaning of silence into the analytical setting, based in Winnicott’s proposal of psychoanalysis and from clinical experience fragments of one the authors. Therefore, we surveyed the meaning of silence in the setting for some psychoanalysts and, afterwards, we made reference mainly to the concepts related to Winnicott’s Theory of the Emotional Maturity, such as holding, handling, the presentation of objects, and those concerning hesitation and transitionality. We further availed ourselves of the concepts of transference and count transference to ponder on the therapeutic dyad into the analytical setting. Our final considerations point to the need to consider silence as an important communication in certain circumstances of the therapeutic work, as well as suggesting that the setting, in this case study, requested hopeful non-invasive approach of the therapist, to allow the appearance of transitional space through which the emotional maturity can be resumed in this patient.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico(CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Considerado exemplo modelar do gênero giallo, estilo exclusivamente italiano e que envolve a solução de um mistério relacionado a uma série de assassinatos, o filme Prelúdio Para Matar (1975), do cineasta Dario Argento (1940-), é o objeto central deste projeto de pesquisa. Para esta pesquisa se dá especial atenção à investigação da trilha sonora, que, parcialmente, junto à composição visual, formalizam as dimensões de estrutura e sentido desse filme. Serão esclarecidas informações introdutórias sobre o som e composição para o cinema de horror e o ambiente de produção de filmes na Itália; os fatores concomitantes e anteriores a produção do objeto de estudo. No tocante à trilha, serão analisados dois elementos centrais da narrativa: (1) a música, com seus códigos específicos de composição sonora; (2) os efeitos sonoros que projetam ao espectador o reconhecimento ou não de determinados sons. Partindo da premissa que o som ainda é um elemento fílmico pouco explorado nas narrativas audiovisuais, esta pesquisa estabelece uma hipótese, a qual pode ser enunciada nos seguintes termos: a trilha musical e os efeitos de som, presentes no filme Prelúdio para matar, são elementos centrais para a articulação do gênero discursivo giallo nesse caso, co-participando, de modo visível ao espectador, com o controle, a estruturação e as estratégias de narração ali presentes
Numerous studies in physical education and music's area have been conducted to improve the quality of life and health of people, all of them under physiological, psychological and social fields. Thus, when properly analyzed, both Areas are connected, because the movement itself, main subject of physical education, has a close proximity to the rhythm, an essential element of music. That's why it is important to discover the benefits of this relationship, because, in many of its practices, physical education makes use of music, for example, in aerobic gymnastic and dance classes. As a consequence, this study aims to investigate, through literature, the influence of music in physical activities and its imprinting in the states of mind and body of practitioners, as well as clarify the criteria for choice of songs that are used in such practice. This research occurred under literary explore, done through theoretical analysis of the thematic. At first place, a contextualization of the auditory system and its relationship with the music and the perception of sound were made, then the main theme was explored. The music, even before generate and influence motor and psychic movements in the human body, is already moving in space, because it is formed through vibrations of molecules. It is decoded first as a movement from the ears, and then decoded as sound, when in the brain. It is important to worry about sounds at high intensities and also with those which are outside the hearing thresholds within physical activities involving music, because they may be harmful to health and also to states of mind. As far as music and movement is concerned, they are closely linked, and the human being has an instinctive sense of rhythm that can be seen when listening to music, because the motor cortex is also activated. Therefore, it is important to work the sound and body movement together, because in practice they are inseparable and they contribute greatly to...
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR