931 resultados para Minimum quantity lubrication
We investigated spatial and temporal changes in quantity, quality and bioavailability of organic matter in abyssal sediments of the northeastern Atlantic. Sediment samples were collected in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP, 4800 m depth) during 6 oceanographic cruises from September 1996 to October 1998 down to a depth of 15 cm. Sedimentary proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and their enzymatically hydrolysable fractions showed significant temporal changes, but different biochemical classes displayed different temporal patterns. Total proteins, carbohydrates and lipids displayed high concentrations, whereas the potentially hydrolysable fractions accounted for only about 10% of their total pools. From September 1996 to October 1998, bioavailable organic carbon concentration in the sediments decreased about 10 gC/m**2 indicating that this benthic system was not steady state. Hydrolysed proteins and carbohydrates were characterised by different vertical patterns. Carbohydrates increased their relative significance with depth in the sediment indicating a shift of organic matter bioavailability with important trophodynamic implications for subsurface consumers. Vertical profiles of reactive and refractory organic carbon in PAP sediments indicate that organic matter bioavailability in deeper sediment layers is higher than expected from previous theoretical models.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the DODO Expedition in May 1964 until December 1964 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Argo. A total of 290 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
The cores, dredges and submarine camera observations described in this report were taken on the KH-71-1 Expedition in January-March, 1971 by the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo from the Hakuho Maru. A total of 24 cores, dredges and camera station sites have been recovered.
Vertical distribution of zooplankton biomass from the surface to bottom layers (3400 m) is examined. Material was collected layer by layer by a BR 113/140 net at 41°59' N and 133°37' E on July 2 and 3, 1970. Quantity of plankton below 1000 m was found to be much less than at corresponding depths in the adjacent regions of the ocean. This impoverishment is due to absence of oceanic bathypelagic animals in deep layers of the Sea of Japan. Absence of specialized predators (plankton-feeders) deep in the Sea of Japan results in underconsumption of interzonal animals that sink to great depths. Upon dying they should reach the floor in larger quantities than in the ocean.
Two diagenetic manganese nodules from the Peru Basin were investigated by thermal ionization mass spectrometry and high resolution alpha spectrometry for uranium and thorium. The TIMS concentrations for nodule 62KD (63KG) vary as follows: 0.12-1.01 ppb (0.06-0.59) 230Th, 0.51-1.98 ppm (0.43-1.40) 232Th, 0.13-0.80 ppb (0.09-0.49) 234U, and 1.95-13.47 ppm (1.66-8.24) 238U. Both nodules have average growth rates of ~110 mm per million years. However, from the variations of excess 230Th with depth we estimate partial accumulation rates which range from 50 to 400 mm per million years. The 234U dating method cannot be applied due to remobilization of U from the sediment and subsequent incorporation into the nodules' crystal lattice, reflected by decay corrected 234U values far above the ocean water value. Sections of fast nodule growth are related to those layers having high Mn/Fe ratios (up to 200) and higher densities. As a possible explanation we develop a scenario that describes similar glacial/interglacial trends in both nodules as a record of regional changes of sediment and/or deep water chemistry.
In the green Oligocene clay of Krizanovice (former Krzyzanowicz) the author found numerous black nodules. In the 3-4 centimeter thick black crust of a particular specimen the concentration in MnO2 is evaluated at 46.6% MnO2. The determination was done using the Volhard's method (precipitation of Fe by ZnO and titration with KMnO4). Only the dissoleved part in HCL was analysed. The non soluble residue was essentially a silica precipitate in the form of many gray flakes. The specific gravity of the crust was evaluated at 3.8. In the internal yellow core the amount of manganese is about 2.39% MnO2. Due to the light color it is judged to probably be in the form of Mn2O3.
In May and June 1936 Dr. C. S. Piggot of the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, took a series of 11 deep-sea cores in the North Atlantic Ocean between the Newfoundland banks and the banks off the Irish coast. These cores were taken from the Western Union Telegraph Co.'s cable ship Lord Kelvin with the explosive type of sounding device which Dr. Piggot designed. All but two of these cores (Nos. 8 and 11) are more than 2.43 meters (8 feet) long, and all contain ample material for study. Of the two short cores, No. 8 was taken from the top of the Faraday Hills, as that part of the mid-Atlantic ridge is known, where the material is closely packed and more sandy and consequently more resistant; No. 11 came from a locality where the apparatus apparently landed on volcanic rock that may be part of a submarine lava flow.