986 resultados para Midgut ultrastructure
The histological and ultrastructural characteristics of the heart ventricle in Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) has been studied by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The ventricle of the heart has a saccular shape and the myocardial wall consists of an outer thin compact myocardium and an inner well-developed spongy myocardium. The myocardial layer has small myocytes, interstitial spaces and blood vessels. The myocytes are the major constituents of the ventricular wall. They are long cells, with large nuclei, and predominantly euchromatin. The sarcoplasmic reticulum of the ventricular myocytes consists of a network of tubules and subsarcolemmal cisternae oriented mainly along the longitudinal axis of the myofibrils. In contrast to the ventricular structure of other fish species described in the literature (Greer-Walker et al., 1985 Santer, 1985 Sanchez-Quintana et al., 1995, 1996), the African catfish, a freshwater sedentary fish recently introduced in neotropical climatic environments, showed a saccular ventricle that consisted of two muscle layers, a thin compact layer with large vessels and a developed spongy layer. The ultrastructure of the ventricular myocardium of C.gariepinus is similar to that of other teleosts, inclusive that of fish with other swimming habits.
In the present study the different types of muscle fibers of the retractor ocular bulbi muscle of the South American opossum were classified according to their ultrastructural characteristics. The tridimensional characteristics of the neuromuscular junctions present: in this muscle were also demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Five adult opossums, three males and two females, were perfused with fixative solution through the left ventricle and their right retractor ocular bulbi muscle was prepared for the ultrastructural study of muscle fibers. The contralateral muscle was used for the study of neuromuscular junctions by SEM. Three types of fibers were detected, denoted 1r, 2r and 3r. Only simple neuromuscular junctions of the plate type were visualized by SEM.
The characteristics of the lining and glandular epithelial types of the wall of the stomach of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Columnar mucous cells were observed in the lining epithelial surface and the glandular epithelium that invaginated in the lamina propria showed secretory cells or oxyntopeptic cells as called by some authors in the literature. The columnar epithelial cells are narrow and show a basal nucleus. They are rich in organelles and contain secretory granules of round or rectangular shape heterogeneously electron dense in the apical portion. In the basal region of the glands there are secretory cells. The luminal half of these cells has abundant tubules (tubulo-vesicular system) that communicate with the external medium. Deeper basally in the cytoplasm there are the nucleus, mitochondria of various shapes and other scattered organelles.
The RT of domestic quail from Italian variety showed mainly an albuginic pattern being represented by tortuous channels lined predominately by a simple cubic epithelium. RT channels extended along the testicular albuginea and penetrates into the epididymal region (ER) through its myoconnective matrix. Passageways were continuous to proximal efferent ducts of the ER. Epithelium lining ultrastructure of RT passageways showed some differences between the spring and the inactive phase at middle fall, concerning the quail testicular reproductive cycle. The features observed in RT epitheliocytes in fall were the low cytoplasmic electrodensity, paucity of supranuclear vesicles, which were abundant and variable in form and shape in spring, and some degenerative aspects of cell organelles mainly in ER lamellae. Moreover, presence of apical cytoplasmic extrusions were verified in the fall. No marked features were seen in the RT ultrastructure during the winter and summer comparatively to the active phase of spring.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ovarian histology, the structural and the ultrastructural characteristics of the folliculogenesis in Didelphis albiventris were described in detail. Recent studies suggest that methatherian mammals have unusual reproductive cycle but there are few informations regarding the marsupials reproductive life. Despite of the opossum folliculogenesis pattern resembles methatherian and eutherian pattern in many aspects, the analysis shows some peculiar features of the oocyte structure and ultrastructure that make available new data on the reproductive biology of marsupials.
The ultrastructural characteristics and the morphometric evaluation of the different types of neurons present in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of the South American opossum (Didelphis albiventris) were studied. Four adult male animals were used and the neurons from cervical and lumbar DRG were removed and processed for histological and transmission electron microscopy observations. The morphometric data were obtained from serial sections stained by H/E and Masson's trichrome. The number of neurons in cervical and lumbar DRG was 22 300 and 31 000, respectively. About 68% of the cervical neurons and 62.5% of the lumbar neurons presented areas up to 1300 mu m(2) and were considered as the small neurons of the DRG. The ultrastructural observations revealed two morphological types of neurons: clear large neurons and dark small neurons. The nuclei of both cell types are spherical and the chromatin is disperse and rarefected. The cytoplasm of the dark small neuron is more electron dense and shows a regular distribution of small mitochondria and many rough reticulum cisterns in the periphery. A small Golgi apparatus was close to the nucleus and many disperse neurofilaments occupy most parts of the cytoplasm. Smooth reticulum cisterns are rare and lipofucsin-like inclusions are present at some points. In the clear large neurons, the organelles are homogenously scattered through the cytoplasm. The neurofilaments are close packed forming bundles and small mitochondria and rough reticulum cisterns are disperse. Lipofucsin-like inclusions are more frequent in these cells.
A espermiogênese que ocorre em piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus pode ser dividida em quatro etapas morfológicas, cujas características principais consistem em reduções dos volumes citoplasmático, nuclear e celular, e compactação da cromatina nuclear das espermátides, sendo que as etapas espermiogenéticas ocorrem simultaneamente. Ao final da espermiogênese, quando as espermátides atingem nível elevado de diferenciação, os núcleos se tornam mais compactos e os citoplasmas se tornam reduzidos. Estas modificações resultam na formação de células altamente diferenciadas, os espermatozóides com cabeça, peça intermediária e flagelo bem definidos. As espermátides e os espermatozóides foram observados em cistos germinativos, mas também podem ser encontrados na luz dos túbulos seminíferos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Previous works from our laboratory have revealed that food restriction (FR) promotes discrete myocardial dysfunction in young rats. We examined the effects of FR on cardiac function, in vivo and in vitro, and ultrastructural changes in the heart of middle-aged rats. Twelve-month-old Wistar- Kyoto rats were fed a control (C) or restricted diet (daily intake reduced to 50% of the control group) for 90 days. Cardiac performance was studied by echocardiogram and in isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle by isometric contraction in basal condition, after calcium chloride (5.2 mM) and beta- adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol (10(-6) M). FR did not change left ventricular function, but increased time to peak tension, and decreased maximum rate of papillary muscle tension development. Inotropic maneuvers promoted similar effects in both groups. Ultrastructural alterations were seen in most FR rat muscle fibers and included, absence and/or disorganization of myofilaments and Z line, hyper-contracted myofibrils, polymorphic and swollen mitochondria with disorganized cristae, and a great quantity of collagen fibrils. In conclusion, cardiac muscle sensitivity to isoproterenol and elevation of extracellular calcium concentration is preserved in middle-aged FR rats. The intrinsic muscle performance depression might be related to morphological damage.
This study evaluated the effects of exercise training on myocardial function and ultrastructure of rats submitted to different levels of food restriction (FR). Male Wistar-Kyoto rats, 60 days old, were submitted to free access to food, light FR (20%), severe FR (50%) and/or to swimming training (one hour per day with 5% of load, five days per week for 90 days). Myocardial function was evaluated by left ventricular papillary muscle under basal condition (calcium 1.25 mM), and after extracellular calcium elevation to 5.2 mM and isoproterenol (I PM) addition. The ultrastructure of the myocardium was examined in the papillary muscle. The training effectiveness was verified by improvement of myocardial metabolic enzyme activities. Both 20% and 50% food restriction protocols presented minor body and ventricular weights gain. The 20%-FR, in sedentary or trained rats, did not alter myocardial function or ultrastructure. The 50%-FR, in sedentary rats, caused myocardial dysfunction under basal condition, decreased response to inotropic stimulation, and promoted myocardial ultrastructural damage. The 50%-FR, in exercised rats, increased myocardial dysfunction under basal condition but increased response to inotropic stimulation although there was myocardial ultrastructural damage. In conclusion, the exercise training in severe restriction caused marked myocardial dysfunction at basal condition but increased myocardial response to inotropic stimulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Legume pulvini have a clearly delimited endodermis, whose variable content has been associated with the velocity and type of leaf movement: pulvini in leaves with fast nastic movement contain starch grains; pulvini in leaves with slow nastic movements have calcium oxalate crystals as well as starch grains in the endodermis. However, the studies carried out to date have involved few legume species. This study therefore purported to examine the consistency of this hypothesis in other legumes. Thus, the structure and content of the pulvinus endodermal cells of nine legumes of the Brazilian cerrado, with different types and velocities of leaf movement, were investigated: slow nyctinastic and heliotropic movements (Bauhinia rufa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Senna rugosa - Caesalpinioideae; Andira humilis and Dalbergia miscolobium - Faboideae; Stryphnodendron polyphyllum - Mimosoideae), slow heliotropic movement (Zornia diphylla - Faboideae), and fast seismonastic and slow nyctinastic and heliotropic movements (Mimosa rixosa and Mimosa flexuosa - Mimosoideae). Samples were prepared following standard plant anatomy and ultrastructure techniques. The endodermis of all the species contains starch grains. In the species displaying only slow movements, calcium oxalate prismatic crystals were observed in addition to starch grains, except in Zornia diphylla. in conclusion, oxalate crystals occur only in endodermal cells of pulvini that display slow movements, while starch grains are always present in pulvinus endodermal cells of plants with any kind of movement.
This paper reports on a study of the zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide method (ZIO) applicability to formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde prefixed extrafloral nectary tissues of Citharexylum mirianthum Cham. (Verbenaceae). The ZIO solution impregnates the dictyosome stacks and adjacent vesicles, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, multivesicular bodies, and peroxisomes. The use of this method greatly facilitates the observation and recognition of organelles in each nectary region. it also allows the correlation between structure and function in nectariferous cells. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)