978 resultados para Miami-Dade
Epilepsies are neurological disorders characterized by recurrent and spontaneous seizures due to an abnormal electric activity in a brain network. The mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most prevalent type of epilepsy in adulthood, and it occurs frequently in association with hippocampal sclerosis. Unfortunately, not all patients benefit from pharmacological treatment (drug-resistant patients), and therefore become candidates for surgery, a procedure of high complexity and cost. Nowadays, the most common surgery is the anterior temporal lobectomy with selective amygdalohippocampectomy, a procedure standardized by anatomical markers. However, part of patients still present seizure after the procedure. Then, to increase the efficiency of this kind of procedure, it is fundamental to know the epileptic human brain in order to create new tools for auxiliary an individualized surgery procedure. The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the occurrence of epilepticform activity -such as interictal spikes (IS) and high frequency oscillations (HFO) - in electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals acutely recorded during the surgery procedure in drug-resistant patients with MTLE. The ECoG recording (32 channels at sample rate of 1 kHz) was performed in the surface of temporal lobe in three moments: without any cortical resection, after anterior temporal lobectomy and after amygdalohippocampectomy (mean duration of each record: 10 min; N = 17 patients; ethic approval #1038/03 in Research Ethic Committee of Federal University of São Paulo). The occurrence of IS and HFO was quantified automatically by MATLAB routines and validated manually. The events rate (number of events/channels) in each recording time was correlated with seizure control outcome. In 8 hours and 40 minutes of record, we identified 36,858 IS and 1.756 HFO. We observed that seizure-free outcome patients had more HFO rate before the resection than non-seizure free, however do not differentiate in relation of frequency, morphology and distribution of IS. The HFO rate in the first record was better than IS rate on prediction of seizure-free patients (IS: AUC = 57%, Sens = 70%, Spec = 71% vs HFO: AUC = 77%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 70%). We observed the same for the difference of the rate of pre and post-resection (IS: AUC = 54%, Sens = 60%, Spec = 71%; vs HFO: AUC = 84%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 80%). In this case, the algorithm identifies all seizure-free patients (N = 7) with two false positives. To conclude, we observed that the IS and HFO can be found in intra-operative ECoG record, despite the anesthesia and the short time of record. The possibility to classify the patients before any cortical resection suggest that ECoG can be important to decide the use of adjuvant pharmacological treatment or to change for tailored resection procedure. The mechanism responsible for this effect is still unknown, thus more studies are necessary to clarify the processes related to it
Most of ontogenetic studies on circadian timing system have been developed on infants, adults and elderly. The puberty has not been a stage of life few studied, except for researches in human adolescents, that presents phase delay in sleep-wake cycle. However, few studies have focused on the basis of this circadian change due to methodological difficulties. Thus, an animal model to study the sleep-wake cycle at puberty is essential. In the common marmoset, a social primate, the circadian activity periodicity stabilizes around 4 months (juvenile stage) and the 8h period component has a seasonal variation. Puberty stage of this species begins near the 8th month of age in males and near the 7th month in females with 7 months of duration. With the aim to characterize the circadian motor activity rhythm during puberty in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) the motor activity was continuous registered by actiwatches in 6 animals between 5-12 months. Since the social factor influence the behavior of this specie, behavioral observations were realized in 30 minutes windows twice/week to a general evaluation of the influence social interactions dynamic across experiment. Determination of puberty onset was done by fecal progesterone and estrogens in females, and androgens in males. From the analysis of the multiple regression test was selected a model that evaluate age and seasonal variables effect on the activity rhythm according to the higher explanation coefficient. The total activity was the only parameter influenced by age. Moreover, the activity onset was the parameter more explained by the model, and the sunrise was the factor that most influenced it. After the puberty onset, 2 dyads advanced the activity onset. The activity total decreased in 1 dyad and increased in 2 dyads. This increase may be related to the birth of infants in these families. The motor activity circadian component stabilized later in 1 dyad, coinciding with the puberty onset of these animals, while bimodality, caused by the 8 h component, was modulated by seasonality. The agonistic behavior was not evaluated due to reduced number of events. There were changes across ages in affiliative behavior of contact in 1 dyad, grooming done in 1 animal and grooming received in 2 animals. Although there is evidence of puberty effect on the activity motor rhythm, the photoperiodic fluctuations influenced the rhythm. Therefore is not possible to affirm if the puberty modulate the activity rhythm in marmosets
The present thesis evaluated the contributions and limitations of the tutorship program introduced in EMATER-RN, as a tactic of organizational socialization for civil servants in probationary stage. Tutorship was understood as an intensive and continuous relational process, in which a more experienced person in the organization the tutor offers psychosocial support, stimulates the development of the professional career and enables to the newcomer the tutee learning on job performance. The organizational socialization was considered in the perspective of the symbolic interactionism. The study was characterized as a program evaluation and as an action research. The practical interventions for the program implementation were conducted and, at the same time, the evaluations of process, results and reaction to the program were applied. Among the major contributions of the action research, it stood out: the diagnosis of reasons for the formation of the pair and of expectations of tutors and tutees, the improvement of the tutorship registration tools, the ascertainment of the success of the program in the socialization of the new civil servants, the confirmation of the importance of the compatibility among them and of the adequate performance of tutorship functions for achieving its benefits. Based in constraints of the program, one may quote as essential recommendations: the formation of a technical team supporting the program, the clear establishment of deadlines for each procedure and the reinforcement to its compliance, the investigation of the functions performed by the tutor, the sensitization of the managers to the resolution of problems that affect the program, the voluntary participation of the tutor and the continuous meetings of tutors and tutees. One settles for the relevance of the program and in favor of its continuation, provided that its improvement and systematic management are conducted.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The mottled shore crab P. transversus is probably the most common brachyuran crab living in the marine rocky intertidal of southeastern Brazil. However, its biology is largely unknown. In this study, some aspects of the population biology of this species are investigated. Distribution of individuals in the intertidal range is heterogeneous. Sabellariid worm reefs and mytilid mussel beds can be considered as nursery grounds retaining most part of juveniles, while the rocky surface is mostly inhabited by adults, which find safety shelters in rock crevices. Annual size frequency distributions revealed clues of population stability and indicated that young individuals reach the adult habitat in a gradual process. Sex-ratio follows the 1:1 proportion in smaller size classes but is biased towards males in larger ones. Higher mortality in larger females is indicated as a possible cause of this pattern. Ovigerous ratio shows a remarkable seasonality in which highest percentages of ovigerous females occur during summer months, while recruitment of young is more intense from April to July, suggesting a very extensive larval development. Once established in the intertidal zone, young recruits will develop to mature individuals in late spring, when molting crabs become scarce and proportion of breeding females increases. Therefore, growth and reproduction are in a great part temporally separated, allowing an annual life cycle in which settlement, growth and breeding may take place within a I-yr period.
In this study, the reproductive behavior exhibited by Arenaeus cribrarius in captivity was described, and the duration of each behavioral stage was measured. Swimming crabs were trawled in Ubatuba, northern littoral of São Paulo State, Brazil, and maintained in aquaria. Water conditions and food items were provided according to this species' natural requirements in the wild. In the presence of premolt females, intermolt males exhibited a courtship display that became intensified when the potential mate was visually perceived. After mate selection, the male carried the female under itself (precopulatory position) for 29.8 +/- 5.1 d until the female molted. Afterwards, the male manipulated the recently molted female, and inverted her position under itself as to penetrate her with his first pair of pleopods (copulation), a process that took 17.1 +/- 4.6 h. After copulation the male continued to carry his soft-shelled mate for 29.7 +/- 5.8 d (postcopulatory position). The time elapsed between copulation and spawning was 57.8 +/- 3.8 d and the time interval between successive spawns 33.8 +/- 7.1 d. Total embryonic development took 13.5 +/- 2.1 d in temperature conditions of 25.0 +/- 2.0 degrees C. During the last 4.7 +/- 1.4 d embryos' eyes were already visible. The reproductive behavior pattern in A. cribrarius is very similar to those previously described in other portunids.
The cetacean offal connection: Feces and vomits of spinner dolphins as a food source for reef fishes
At Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, southwest Atlantic, reef fishes associated with spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) were recorded when the cetaceans congregated in a shallow inlet. In the reef waters the dolphins engaged in several behaviors such as resting, aerial displays and other social interactions, as well as eliminative behaviors such as defecating and vomiting. Twelve fish species in seven families were recorded feeding on dolphin offal. The black durgon (Melichthys niger) was the most ubiquitous waste-eater, and its group size was positively and significantly correlated with dolphin group size. The durgons recognized the postures a dolphin adopts prior to defecating or vomiting, and began to converge to an individual shortly before it actually voided. Offal was quickly fed upon, and the fishes concentrated in the area occupied by the dolphins until the latter left the shallows. Since all the recorded offal-feeding species feed on plankton or drifting algae, feeding on cetacean droppings may be regarded as a switch from foraging on drifting organisms to foraging on drifting offal, a predictable food source in the inlet. Further instances of this cetacean-fish association are predicted to occur at sites where these mammals congregate over reefs with clear water and plankton-eating fishes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Doze clones de cana-de-açúcar, provenientes de hibridações realizadas em 1982, foram avaliados em três experimentos, em latossolo roxo, da região de Ribeirão Preto (SP). Para tanto, utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições, efetuando-se a análise estatística com a média das quatro colheitas (1. º, 2.º, 3.º e 4.º cortes). Avaliaram-se as produtividades de cana e açúcar, pol% cana, fibra% cana, população de colmos e intensidade de florescimento. Considerando-se essas características, assim como a curva de maturação dos clones, e tomando-se como padrões as variedades SP70-1143, SP71-1406, IAC64-257 e RB76-5418, o clone IAC82-2045 apresentou um desempenho equivalente, caracterizando-se como material de alta produtividade agrícola, boa riqueza, com a maturação do meio para o final de safra, podendo ser incluído em novos estudos de manejo varietal para outras condições paulistas. Ainda se destacou, com algumas restrições, indicadas pela interação ambiente x clone para a produtividade agrícola, o clone IAC82-2120, com boa riqueza e possibilidade de ser colhido a partir de junho. Estimando-se os parâmetros genéticos, observou-se, mediante a componente da variância genótipo x ambiente, a significativa resposta dos genótipos a ambientes específicos, mais acentuadamente para os caracteres produtivi-dade agrícola e produtividade média de açúcar, e menos expressiva para teor de sacarose.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de uma intervenção conduzida com a mãe de uma criança com implante coclear através da avaliação de mudanças comportamentais identificadas após o programa. Participou deste estudo uma díade mãe ouvinte-criança com deficiência auditiva e implante coclear, filmada em quatro sessões de observação: uma situação de brinquedo e outra do cotidiano, antes e após a intervenção. Esta constou de dois encontros nos quais a mãe assistiu às filmagens e foi orientada quanto à sua conduta com relação à criança. Os resultados mostraram aumento no número de verbalizações maternas nas categorias informar e solicitar, bem como de falas da criança nas categorias falar espontaneamente e fazer solicitação, quando comparadas as medidas pré e pós-testes nas duas situações observadas. O estudo mostra a importância de intervenções que favoreçam a relação mãe-filho para o desenvolvimento de habilidades comunicativas da criança com deficiência auditiva e implante coclear.
OBJETIVOS: investigar as iniciativas de comunicação na interação entre crianças com distúrbios do espectro autístico (DEA) e suas mães, por meio de uma análise pragmática. MÉTODO: cinco crianças com DEA, de ambos os gêneros, idades entre cinco e 12 anos juntamente com suas mães. O grupo controle constou de cinco crianças com desenvolvimento normal, pareadas com as crianças com DEA de acordo com gênero e idade e suas respectivas mães, totalizando 20 participantes. Para a caracterização da amostra foram utilizadas uma Ficha informativa e a Escala de Avaliação de Traços Autísticos. Cada díade foi filmada por 30 minutos durante as interações lúdicas, analisadas a partir do Protocolo de Pragmática. Este instrumento avalia as iniciativas de comunicação, meios e funções comunicativas expressas. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente (p < 0,05; foram utilizados os testes não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e de Mann-Whitney). RESULTADOS: foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as iniciativas comunicativas das crianças com DEA e suas mães, quando comparadas ao grupo controle. As díades que envolveram crianças com DEA iniciaram menos a comunicação e utilizaram predominantemente gestos e vocalizações menos interativas. CONCLUSÕES: estes dados possibilitaram descrever aspectos fundamentais para compreensão das manifestações clínicas da população estudada e para a elaboração de programas de intervenção que visem melhorar a qualidade de vida da criança e sua família.
A hundred and ninety-five (195) strains of Enterobacter spp., isolated from diverse clinical specimens - urine, feces, cateter, blood, wound, tracheal aspirate, vaginal fluid - were submitted to the conventional identification by biochemical tests, and were also submitted to the identification by panels NegCombo 20 of the system automated MicroScan - AutoScan- 4 (Dade Behring Inc., West Sacramento, CA, USA). The samples were from patients of the Clinical Laboratory from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente, SP, and from patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo, UNOESTE. Of the total of strains tested, 191 (97.9%) presented agreement between the two approaches utilized and 4 strains (2.1%) presented identification disagreement, that is, the genus identified was different in each approach. By this study, the conclusion is that both the approaches utilized for the identification presented advantages and disadvantages related to the cost, facility of execution, quickness, reliability and some other characteristics. Even so, our results showed that conventional methods represent a reliable tool for Enterobacter identification.
Resumen En la Cumbre de las Américas, celebrada en Miami en diciembre de 1994 se acordó establecer un Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), a fin de crear un espacio continental de libre comercio antes del 2005. Desde una perspectiva institucional, el ALCA reconoce sus antecedentes en la Iniciativa de las Américas (IA), que privilegiaba las negociaciones entre grupos de países, en detrimento de las bilaterales. En un principio se había planteado como una propuesta de profundizar las reformas económicas implantadas por los países latinoamericanos con objeto de abrir sus economías a la competencia externa y permitir que el mercado se transformara en el principal asignador de recursos. El ALCA representa el más importante acuerdo de integración regional firmado entre países desarrollados y no desarrollados con miras a establecer el libre flujo comercial entre sus economías. Coherente con las disposiciones multilaterales de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), el acuerdo pretende incorporar a la negociación la inversión en bienes y servicios siguiendo reglas comerciales definidas y transparentes; compras del sector público y políticas de competencia; y sentar las bases para la inclusión de temas tales como la agricultura y acceso a mercados, servicios e inversión, políticas de competencia y subsidios, procedimientos antidumping y derechos compensatorios. La actual estructura de negociación se compone de la presidencia, el comité de negociaciones comerciales, los grupos de negociación y el grupo consultivo sobre economías pequeñas. Los beneficios comerciales del ALCA se han concebido utilizando el análisis tradicional de las uniones aduaneras de creación y desviación de comercio, aunque se reconoce que este acuerdo, único en la historia, puede tener consecuencias impredecibles. Entre los obstáculos a su pleno cumplimiento sobresalen la ausencia de una política definida de 'vía rápida' y de un liderazgo significativo. Entre los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA, se distingue entre uno real, en el que los países pequeños y grandes cumplen con los compromisos adoptados, y otro llamado formal, en el que el ALCA se integra de manera incompleta por la ausencia de países o de algún país clave, por lo que carecería de significado político y económico. En el plano económico el ALCA se concibe como una unidad geográfica con 757 millones de personas, un producto interno bruto (PIB) de 8 billones de dólares y un comercio total de 2.4 billones de dólares. Uno de los fines de la creación de un área de libre comercio apunta al aprovechamiento del potencial del comercio intramericano. En principio, dicho potencial así como su materialización se reflejarían en la intensidad esperada de un intercambio comercial bilateral desde un país exportador hacia un país importador. A su vez la intensidad puede medirse mediante el grado de correspondencia o similitud entre la composición de las exportaciones e importaciones de los países del hemisferio americano. Este análisis de similitud puede llevarse a cabo entre países grandes y pequeños. En este documento se analiza en dos grandes apartados la institucionalidad del ALCA y el potencial del comercio vinculado con dicho tratado. Los aspectos institucionales incluyen los antecedentes del acuerdo 1, la estructura significativa actual, los beneficios derivados del comercio y los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA. Los aspectos económicos se centran en el cálculo de indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales de los países, utilizando una muestra de 15 miembros que integrarían el ALCA. Entre éstos no se incluyó a los Estados Unidos porque su estrecha relación comercial con los latinoamericanos podría sesgar los resultados obtenidos. Así, los indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales internacionales se limitarían a reflejar la intensidad comercial de países latinoamericanos seleccionados en ausencia de vínculos comerciales con los Estados Unidos. La metodololgía seguida es la propuesta por Van Beers y Linnemann (1993). Una vez obtenidos los indicadores de similitud por país y luego estos mismos a nivel de capítulo, se procedió a estimar su poder explicativo de los flujos comerciales actuales utilizando ecuaciones de gravedad.