870 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel


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Fluid inteliigence has been defined as an innate ability to reason which is measured commonly by the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM). Individual differences in fluid intelligence are currently explained by the Cascade model (Fry & Hale, 1996) and the Controlled Attention hypothesis (Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999; Kane & Engle, 2002). The first theory is based on a complex relation among age, speed, and working memory which is described as a Cascade. The alternative to this theory, the Controlled Attention hypothesis, is based on the proposition that it is the executive attention component of working memory that explains performance on fluid intelligence tests. The first goal of this study was to examine whether the Cascade model is consistent within the visuo-spatial and verbal-numerical modalities. The second goal was to examine whether the executive attention component ofworking memory accounts for the relation between working memory and fluid intelligence. Two hundred and six undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 28 completed a battery of cognitive tests selected to measure processing speed, working memory, and controlled attention which were selected from two cognitive modalities, verbalnumerical and visuo-spatial. These were used to predict performance on two standard measures of fluid intelligence: the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM) and the Shipley Institute of Living Scales (SILS) subtests. Multiple regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to test the Cascade model and to determine the independent and joint effects of controlled attention and working memory on general fluid intelligence. Among the processing speed measures only spatial scan was related to the RPM. No other significant relations were observed between processing speed and fluid intelligence. As 1 a construct, working memory was related to the fluid intelligence tests. Consistent with the predictions for the RPM there was support for the Cascade model within the visuo-spatial modality but not within the verbal-numerical modality. There was no support for the Cascade model with respect to the SILS tests. SEM revealed that there was a direct path between controlled attention and RPM and between working memory and RPM. However, a significant path between set switching and RPM explained the relation between controlled attention and RPM. The prediction that controlled attention mediated the relation between working memory and RPM was therefore not supported. The findings support the view that the Cascade model may not adequately explain individual differences in fluid intelligence and this may be due to the differential relations observed between working memory and fluid intelligence across different modalities. The findings also show that working memory is not a domain-general construct and as a result its relation with fluid intelligence may be dependent on the nature of the working memory modality.


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The preparation and characterization of two families of building blocks for molecule-based magnetic and conducting materials are described in three projects. In the first project the synthesis and characterization of three bis-imine ligands LI - L3 is reported. Coordination of LI to a series of metal salts afforded the five novel coordination complexes Sn(L4)C4 (I), [Mn(L4)(u-CI)(CI)(EtOH)h (II), [CU(L4)(u-sal) h(CI04)2 (sal = salicylaldehyde anion) (III), [Fe(Ls)2]CI (IV) and [Fe(LI)h(u-O) (V). All complexes have been structurally and magnetically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that, upon coordination to Lewis acidic metal salts, the imine bonds of LI are susceptible to nucleophilic attack. As a consequence, the coordination complexes (I) - (IV) contain either the cyclised ligand L4 or hydrolysed ligand Ls. In contrast, the dimeric Fe3+ complex (V) comprises two intact ligand LI molecules. In. this complex, the ligand chelates two Fe(III) centres in a bis-bidentate manner through the lone pairs of a phenoxy oxygen and an imine nitrogen atom. Magnetic studies of complexes (II-V) indicate that the dominant interactions between neighbouring metal centres in all of the complexes are antiferromagnetic. In the second project the synthesis and characterization two families of TTF donors, namely the cyano aryl compounds (VI) - (XI) and the his-aryl TTF derivatives (XII) - (XIV) are reported. The crystal structures of compounds (VI), (VII), (IX) and (XII) exhibit regular stacks comprising of neutral donors. The UV -Vis spectra of compounds (VI) - (XIV) present an leT band, indicative of the transfer of electron density from the TTF donors to the aryl acceptor molecules. Chemical oxidation of donors (VI), (VII), (IX) and (XII) with iodine afforded a series of CT salts that where possible have been characterized by single crystal X -ray diffraction. Structural studies showed that the radical cations in these salts are organized in stacks comprising of dimers of oxidized TTF donors. All four salts behave as semiconductors, displaying room temperature conductivities ranging from 1.852 x 10-7 to 9.620 X 10-3 Scm-I. A second series of CT salts were successfully prepared via the technique of electrocrystallization. Following this methodology, single crystals of two CT salts were obtained. The single crystal X-ray structures of both salts are isostructural, displaying stacks formed by trimers of oxidized donors. Variable temperature conductivity measurements carried out on this series of CT salts reveal they also are semiconductors with conductivities ranging from 2.94 x 10-7 to 1.960 X 10-3 S em-I at room temperature. In the third project the synthesis and characterization of a series of MII(hfac)2 coordination complexes of donor ligand (XII) where M2+ = Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ are reported. These complexes crystallize in a head-to-tail arrangement of TTF donor and bipyridine moieties, placing the metal centres and hfac ligands are located outside the stacks. Magnetic studies of the complexes (XV) - (XVIII) indicate that the bulky hfac ligands prevent neighbouring metal centres from assembling in close proximity, and thus they are magnetically isolated.


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Le béryllium (Be) est un métal dont les propriétés physiques et mécaniques sont très recherchées, notamment dans les secteurs spatial, énergétique et électronique. Les principaux effets associés à l’exposition au Be sont la sensibilisation et la bérylliose chronique. La prévalence des effets associés au Be suggère que les risques sont, entre autres, fonction de sa spéciation. Par ailleurs, il semble que les particules fines constituent la fraction d’intérêt pour l’occurrence de tels effets. Dans cette étude nous avons vérifié l’hypothèse que la forme chimique et la taille des particules du Be jouent un rôle majeur au niveau de la toxicité et de l’apparition d’effets spécifiques à une exposition au Be. Les effets spécifiques se traduisent, entre autres, par la formation de granulomes inflammatoires pulmonaire, par la prolifération de lymphocytes TCD4+ et la production de cytokines de type Th1. Pour chacune des trois formes chimiques visées par la présente étude (le Be métallique ou Be, l’oxyde de Be ou BeO et l’alliage Be aluminium ou BeAl), la toxicité a été évaluée à la suite d’une exposition subchronique par inhalation oro-nasale à des particules fines (F) et totales (T). À cette fin, un modèle animal (souris) a été utilisé. Au total, 245 souris ont été utilisées. Elles ont été subdivisées en sept groupes de 35 souris. Un groupe a servi de contrôle, alors que chacun des six autres a été exposé soit à des particules fines soit à des particules totales, pour chacune des trois formes chimiques de Be (Be-F, Be-T, BeO-F, BeO-T, BeAl-F, BeAl-T). La durée d’exposition pour chacun des groupes s’est étendue sur 3 semaines, 5 jours par semaine, 6 heures par jour. Le niveau d’exposition des souris était de 250 µg/m3. L‘urine des souris a été recueillie avant et durant l’exposition. Au moment du sacrifice, plusieurs tissus (poumon, rate, foie et reins) ainsi que des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés puis immédiatement congelés jusqu’à leur analyse pour la détermination de leur teneur en Be. De plus, certains poumons et rates ont été analysés pour l’évaluation de la sensibilité immunologique et de l'inflammation pulmonaire. Cette étude d’exposition subchronique est la première étude murine qui étudie les effets toxiques de différentes tailles particulaires sur les changements pathologique et immunologique similaires à ceux observés chez l’humain. Cette étude a permis de constater qu’il existait des différences importantes au niveau de la toxicité du Be d’après les différentes tailles particulaires à l’étude. Ces différences seraient reliées au dépôt des particules de Be dans les voies respiratoires et également à la capacité des voies respiratoires à les éliminer totalement ou partiellement. La clairance respiratoire est fonction, notamment, du site de déposition et du caractère soluble ou non des particules. Cette recherche aura également permis de démontrer que les souris C3H/HeJ représentent un bon modèle pour l’étude des effets toxicologiques et immunologiques d’une exposition au Be. De plus, nos résultats démontrent que la sévérité des lésions pulmonaires causées par le Be, tel que l’infiltration interstitielle de lymphocytes et la formation de granulomes non-caséeux, augmente avec le temps de résidence pulmonaire des particules de Be. Combinés à d’autres résultats, nos résultats contribueront à guider les actions de prévention relativement à l’exposition au Be, incluant éventuellement la révision de la valeur limite de l’exposition et possiblement l’établissement de valeurs limites en fonction de la forme chimique et de la taille des particules.


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La version intégrale de ce[te] mémoire [thèse] est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Ce travail de thèse porte sur la simulation du déploiement des prothèses vasculaires de type stent-graft (SG) lors de la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR) des anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAA). Cette étude se présente en trois parties: (i) tests mécaniques en flexion et compression de SG couramment utilisés (corps et jambage de marque Cook) ainsi que la simulation numérique desdits tests, (ii) développement d’un modèle numérique d’anévrisme, (iii) stratégie de simulation du déploiement des SG. La méthode numérique employée est celle des éléments finis. Dans un premier temps, une vérification du modèle éléments finis (MEF) des SG est realisée par comparaison des différents cas de charge avec leur pendant expérimental. Ensuite, le MEF vasculaire (AAA) est lui aussi vérifié lors d’une comparaison des niveaux de contraintes maximales principales dans la paroi avec des valeurs de la littérature. Enfin, le déploiement est abordé tout en intégrant les cathéters. Les tests mécaniques menés sur les SG ont été simulés avec une différence maximale de 5,93%, tout en tenant compte de la pré-charge des stents. Le MEF de la structure vasculaire a montré des contraintes maximales principales éloignées de 4,41% par rapport à un modèle similaire précédemment publié. Quant à la simulation du déploiement, un jeu complet de SG a pu être déployé avec un bon contrôle de la position relative et globale, dans un AAA spécifique pré-déformé, sans toutefois inclure de thrombus intra-luminal (TIL). La paroi du AAA a été modélisée avec une loi de comportement isotropique hyperélastique. Étant donné que la différence maximale tolérée en milieu clinique entre réalité et simulation est de 5%, notre approche semble acceptable et pourrait donner suite à de futurs développements. Cela dit, le petit nombre de SG testés justifie pleinement une vaste campagne de tests mécaniques et simulations supplémentaires à des fins de validation.


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Problématique. L'utilisation d'un chien d'assistance à la mobilité (CAM) représente une option novatrice pour préserver l’intégrité des membres supérieurs (MSs) chez les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant manuel (FRM). Aucune étude biomécanique n’a quantifié les effets du CAM sur les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné. Objectif. Cette étude quasi-expérimentale vise à comparer les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné avec et sans l’assistance d’un CAM. Méthodologie. Dix participants avec une lésion de la moelle épinière (LME) qui utilisent un FRM et possèdent un CAM ont monté un plan incliné à trois reprises avec et sans l’assistance du CAM. Les forces appliquées sur les cerceaux, mesurées avec des roues instrumentées, et les mouvements du FRM et des MSs, enregistrés avec un système d'analyse du mouvement, ont permis de mesurer les efforts mécaniques aux MSs. Simultanément, l'activité électromyographique (EMG) des muscles grand pectoral, deltoïde antérieur, biceps et triceps a été enregistrée et normalisée avec sa valeur maximale pour mesurer les efforts musculaires aux MSs. Résultats. En général, le CAM réduit significativement les valeurs moyennes et maximales de la force totale appliquée aux cerceaux et de sa composante tangentielle, des moments nets de flexion, de rotation interne et d’adduction aux épaules et des taux d’utilisation musculaire du deltoïde antérieur, du biceps et du triceps. Conclusion. L’assistance d’un CAM réduit les efforts aux MSs lors de la montée d’un plan incliné chez les utilisateurs d’un FRM ayant une LME.


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Prevulcanized natural rubber latex was prepared by the heating of the latex compound at 55°C for different periods of time (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 h). The changes in the colloidal stability and physical properties were evaluated during the course of prevulcanization. The prevulcanized latex compounds were stored for 300 days, and the properties were monitored at different storage intervals (0, 20, 40, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 days). During prevulcanization, the mechanical stability time increased, and the viscosity remained almost constant. The tensile strength increased during storage for a period of 20 days. The degree of crosslinking, modulus, elongation at break, and chloroform number were varied with the time of storage.


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Natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber were used to replace part of the butadieneacrylonitrile rubber in a 70/30 butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber/ poly(vinyl chloride) blend. Such replacement up to 15% of the total weight of the blend improved the mechanical properties, while decreasing the cost of the blend. Styrenebutadiene rubber could replace butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber up to 30% of the total weight of the blend without deterioration in the mechanical properties.


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ABSTRACT: Rubber seed oil was used as a multipurpose ingredient in natural rubber (NR) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) compounds. The study shows that the oil, when substituted for conventional plasticiser, imparts excellent mechanical properties to NR and SBR vulcanizates. Further, it also improves aging resistance, reduces cure time, increases abrasion resistance and flex resistance, and reduces blooming.


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The thesis entitled “Synergistic solvent extraction of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) with β-diketones in presence of oxo-donors” embodies the results of the investigations carried out on the extraction of thorium(IV) an uranium(VI) with heterocyclic β-diketones in the presence and absence of various macrocyclic ligands and neutral organophosphorus extractants. The objective of this work is to generate the knowledge base to achieve better selectivity between thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) by understanding the interactions of crown ethers or neutral organophosphorus extractants with metal-heterocyclic β-diketonate complexes. Para-substituted 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-aroyl-5-pyrazolones, namely,1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-5-pyrazolone (HPMFBP) and 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(4-toluoyl)-5-pyrazolone (HPMTP) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and H NMR spectral data. The synthesized ligands have been utilized for the extraction of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) from nitric acid solutions in the presence and absence of various crown ethers. Thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) complexes with HPMPP(1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-pivaloyl-5-pyrazolone) and neutral organophosphorus extractants were synthesized and characterized by IR and P NMR spectral data to further understand the interactions of neutral organophosphorus extractants with metal-chelates. Solid complexes of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) with para-substituted 4-aroyl-5-isoxazolones and crown ethers were isolated and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques to further clarify the nature of the extracted complexes.


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In the present work, we have tried to evaluate systematically the surface properties of sulphated tin oxide systems modified with three different transition metal oxides viz. iron oxide, tungsten oxide and molybdenum oxide. The catalytic activities of these systems are checked and compared by carrying out some industrially important reactions such as oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene and Friedel-Crafts reactions.


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Discovery of coherent optical sources four decades ago has revolutionized all fields of scientific development. One of the path breaking applications of lasers is the emergence of various thermo optic techniques to unravel some of the mysteries of light matter interactions.Thermo optic technique is a valuable tool to evaluate optical and thermal properties of materials in solid,liquid and gaseous states .This technique can also be employed effectively in nondestructive quality evaluation. In this doctoral thesis , the use of photothermal techniques based on photoacoustic and photothermal deflection phenomena for the study of certain class of photonics materials such as semiconductors, nano metal dispersed ceramics, composites of conducting polymers and liquid crystals is elaborated.


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The current work deals with the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes derived from some substituted acylhydrazones. The hydrazones under investigation were characterized by IR, UV, NMR spectral studies and the molecular structure of one of the hydrazones was solved by single crystal XRD studies. In the present work dioxovanadium(V), manganese(II), cobalt(II/III), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, molar conductance measurements, magnetic susceptibility measurements and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystals of some of the complexes were isolated and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction.The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 gives an introduction on hydrazones, diversity in their chelating behavior and their application in various fields. This chapter also describes different analytical techniques employed for the characterization of hydrazones and their metal complexes. Chapter 2 includes the synthesis and characterization of two substituted acylhydrazones. This chapter also discusses how the coordination behavior of hydrazones under investigation is interesting. Chapters 3-8 discuss the synthesis and characterization of some transition metal complexes derived from the acylhydrazones under study.The hydrazones synthesized were found to exist in the amido form. Various characterization techniques were carried out to explore the structure of the synthesized complexes. The results indicate that both the hydrazones coordinate through the pyridyl and azomethine nitrogens and amide oxygen either in enolate or neutral form. Out of synthesized complexes V(V), Zn/Cd(II) and one of the cobalt complex was found to diamagnetic. We could isolate single crystals of some of the complexes and most of the complexes crystallized were found to have a distorted octahedral geometry. Thus X-ray crystallographic study which was used as major tool in the structure determination revealed that the hydrazones undergo a rotation about the azomethine bond on complexation. We hope the work presented in the thesis would be helpful for those who are working in the field of metal complexes and can further they can be utilized for various applications.


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The aim of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of isora fibre as reinforcement material in short and long forms, for unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins.Studies on the optimization of fibre length and fibre loading of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are described.The salient features of the alkali treatment of short isora fibre on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are outlined in this thesis.The effect of surface modification of the hydrophilic isora fibre by different chemical treatments on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite is outlined.The properties of oriented and randomly oriented isora fibre reinforced epoxy composites with special reference to the effect of fibre loading are reported and also the dynamic mechanical properties ofthe oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are presented and the water absorption kinetics of oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester composites and oriented isoraepoxy composites are given. The effect of hot air oven aging on the tensile and flexural properties of oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are also reported in this thesis.


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Demand on magnesium and its alloys is increased significantly in the automotive industry because of their great potential in reducing the weight of components, thus resulting in improvement in fuel efficiency of the vehicle. To date, most of Mg products have been fabricated by casting, especially, by die-casting because of its high productivity, suitable strength, acceptable quality & dimensional accuracy and the components produced through sand, gravity and low pressure die casting are small extent. In fact, higher solidification rate is possible only in high pressure die casting, which results in finer grain size. However, achieving high cooling rate in gravity casting using sand and permanent moulds is a difficult task, which ends with a coarser grain nature and exhibit poor mechanical properties, which is an important aspect of the performance in industrial applications. Grain refinement is technologically attractive because it generally does not adversely affect ductility and toughness, contrary to most other strengthening methods. Therefore formation of fine grain structure in these castings is crucial, in order to improve the mechanical properties of these cast components. Therefore, the present investigation is “GRAIN REFINEMENT STUDIES ON Mg AND Mg-Al BASED ALLOYS”. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study the effect of various grain refining inoculants (Al-4B, Al- 5TiB2 master alloys, Al4C3, Charcoal particles) on Pure Mg and Mg-Al alloys such as AZ31, AZ91 and study their grain refining mechanisms. The second objective of this work is to study the effect of superheating process on the grain size of AZ31, AZ91 Mg alloys with and without inoculants addition. In addition, to study the effect of grain refinement on the mechanical properties of Mg and Mg-Al alloys. The thesis is well organized with seven chapters and the details of the studies are given below in detail.