1000 resultados para Matriciamento de pediatria
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introdução: A síndrome do respirador bucal é caracterizada pelo indivíduo que substitui o padrão correto da respiração nasal por um padrão inadequado, de maneira bucal ou mista. É definida por um conjunto de sintomas que constitui um quadro geral de doenças e pelas alterações que podem acontecer nas vias aéreas superiores, modificando o padrão respiratório e levando a alterações faciais e corporais. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso e demonstrar o tratamento fisioterapêutico de um paciente com a síndrome do respirador bucal, permitindo possível melhora da condição respiratória, do padrão postural e das atividades de vida diárias do paciente. Método: Estudo de caso de uma paciente com 10 anos, sexo feminino, com síndrome do respirador bucal. A paciente foi submetida a uma avaliação inicial que constava de anamnese e exame físico, além de avaliação postural, índice de massa corpórea, manuvacuometria, peak-flow e espirometria. O tratamento constou de técnicas de reeducação postural global (RPG), exercícios respiratórios e orientações, com frequência de três vezes na semana, por 60 minutos, num período de dois meses, totalizando 20 sessões. Resultados: Na avaliação inicial a paciente apresentou mais alterações em fechamento – cadeia anterior, portanto no tratamento foram realizadas posturas para abertura. Após o tratamento observou-se melhora da postura; da condição respiratória com melhora nos testes de manuvacuometria, peak-flow e espirometria; melhora também das atividades diárias. Conclusão: O tratamento fisioterapêutico proposto, RPG e exercícios respiratórios, contribuiu para melhora global da condição respiratória, do padrão postural e das atividades diárias.
O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar dois casos de pacientes com síndrome de Cornelia de Lange, comparando seus quadros clínicos com os achados da literatura e ressaltando a variabilidade fenotípica existente que, eventualmente, pode dificultar o diagnóstico. São apresentados os relatos de dois pacientes com a síndrome. No primeiro caso a criança tem um quadro típico clássico, enquanto a segunda apresenta uma forma moderada da síndrome. O diagnóstico da síndrome de Cornelia de Lange é eminentemente clínico. A despeito de três genes terem sido identificados como possíveis causadores dessa síndrome, exames moleculares para confirmação diagnóstica não estão disponíveis na prática médica cotidiana e, mesmo quando factíveis, podem não confirmar uma suspeita clínica. Neste artigo se discutem as distintas apresentações fenotípicas da síndrome e os critérios clínicos mínimos necessários para confirmação diagnóstica.
Sepse é causa comum de mortalidade e morbidade em unidades de tratamento intensivo, sendo atualmente entendida como a resposta sistêmica à infecção, resposta esta caracterizada por duas ou mais das seguintes manifestações: temperatura corporal > 38°C ou < 36°C; taquicardia; taquipnéia; e alteração da contagem de células brancas (leucocitose ou leucopenia) ou mais de 10% de formas imaturas. Entretanto, tem sido descrito que os elementos que caracterizam a resposta sistêmica são muito sensíveis, insuficientemente específicos e não levam em consideração o avanço do entendimento da fisiopatologia da doença. Além disso, a sepse tem fisiopatologia complexa, o que dificulta ainda mais o diagnóstico, principalmente em crianças. O diagnóstico rápido e a instituição de tratamento o mais cedo possível são imperativos nos pacientes sépticos. Consequentemente, vários marcadores laboratoriais têm sido estudados, sendo que dos vários mediadores envolvidos na sepse, procalcitonina (PCT) e interleucina-6 (IL-6) têm despertado interesse pela possibilidade de auxiliar no diagnóstico e no estabelecimento da gravidade de pacientes adultos com sepse ou choque séptico, sendo que a PCT já foi incluída entre os critérios diagnósticos de sepse nestes indivíduos. Em pediatria... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study was performed as a requirement of the final course in Nursing. The study is cross-cutting, in order to identify associations between socioeconomic factors, education, child hospitalization in the ICU or not, degree of depression and level of social support (material, affective, emotional, informational and positive social interaction) and how to identify subgroups of mother - child vulnerable. Constitute themselves as subjects, mothers of children 0 to 17 years, 11 months and 29 days in hospital after the second day of hospitalization in the pediatric unit of a State Hospital Interior Paulista. Data collection was initiated after obtaining the assent of the Research Ethics Committee, as well as signing the consent form. We used the following instruments to collect data: the data form for socioeconomic and hospitalization; Beck Depression Inventory and Medical Outcomes Study (MOS). We obtained the result that there is a strong association between availability and social support and income per capita and the degree of depression, but did not find an association between time and hospital stay and whether the child was admitted to the ICU or not. We conclude that it is necessary to establish treatment services from the patient’s family, plus an appropriate social service support to meet this big demand for mothers who need support
Paediatric diagnostic radiology can be considered as a separate specialty and with distinct characteristics of the radiology applied in adult patients. This in reason of the variability in the anatomical structures size and bigger sensitivity of tissues. The literature present in its majority methodologies for segmentation and tissue classification in adult patients, and works on tissue quantification are rare. This work had for objective the development of a biological tissue classifier and quantifier algorithm, from histograms, and that converts the quantified average thickness of these tissues for its respective simulator materials. The results will be used in the optimization process of paediatrics images, in future works, since these patients are frequently over exposed to the radiation in the repeated attempts of if getting considered good quality radiographic images. The developed algorithm was capable to read and store the name of all the archives, in the operational system, to filter artifacs, to count and quantify each biological tissues from the histogram of the examination, to obtain the biological tissues average thicknesses and to convert this value into its respective simulator material. The results show that it is possible to distinguish bone, soft, fat and pulmonary tissues from histograms of tomographic examinations of thorax. The quantification of the constituent materials of anthropomorphic phantom made by the algorithm, compared with the data of literature shows that the biggest difference was of 21,6% for bone. However, the literature shows that variations of up to 30% in bone thickness do not influence of significant form in the radiographic image quality. The average thicknesses of biological tissues, quantified for paediatrics patients, show that one phantom can simulate patients with distinct DAP ranges, since variations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Objective: To understand the practices related to late-onset sepsis (LOS) in the centers of the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network, and to propose strategies to reduce the incidence of LOS.Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive multicenter study approved by the Ethics Committee. Three questionnaires regarding hand hygiene, vascular catheters, and diagnosis/treatment of LOS were sent to the coordinator of each center. The center with the lowest incidence of LOS was compared with the others.Results: All 16 centers answered the questionnaires. Regarding hand hygiene, 87% use chlorhexidine or 70% alcohol; alcohol gel is used in 100%; 80% use bedside dispensers (50% had one dispenser for every two beds); practical training occurs in 100% and theoretical training in 70% of the centers, and 37% train once a year. Catheters: 94% have a protocol, and 75% have a line insertion team. Diagnosis/treatment: complete blood count and blood culture are used in 100%, PCR in 87%, hematological scores in 75%; oxacillin and aminoglycosides is the empirical therapy in 50% of centers. Characteristics of the center with lowest incidence of LOS: stricter hand hygiene; catheter insertion and maintenance groups; use of blood culture, PCR, and hematological score for diagnosis; empirical therapy with oxacillin and aminoglycoside.Conclusion: The knowledge of the practices of each center allowed for the identification of aspects to be improved as a strategy to reduce LOS, including: alcohol gel use, hand hygiene training, implementation of catheter teams, and wise use of antibiotic therapy. (C) 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate the growth pattern of low birth weight preterm infants born to hypertensive mothers, the occurrence of growth disorders, and risk factors for inadequate growth at 24 months of corrected age (CA).Methods: Cohort study of preterm low birth weight infants followed until 24 months CA, in a university hospital between January 2009 and December 2010. Inclusion criteria: gestational age < 37 weeks and birth weight of 1,500-2,499g. Exclusion criteria: multiple pregnancies, major congenital anomalies, and loss to follow up in the 2nd year of life. The following were evaluated: weight, length, and BMI. Outcomes: growth failure and risk of overweight at 0, 12, and 24 months CA. Student's t-test, Repeated measures ANOVA (RM-ANOVA), and multiple logistic regression were used.Results: A total of 80 preterm low birth weight infants born to hypertensive mothers and 101 born to normotensive mothers were studied. There was a higher risk of overweight in children of hypertensive mothers at 24 months; however, maternal hypertension was not a risk factor for inadequate growth. Logistic regression showed that being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the first 12 months of life were associated with poorer growth at 24 months.Conclusion: Preterm low birth weight born infants to hypertensive mothers have an increased risk of overweight at 24 months CA. Being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the 1st year of life are risk factors for growth disorders at 24 months CA. (C) 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
In order to better understand the natural history of chronic functional constipation, a questionnaire was applied to 163 children and infants, before beginning standardized treatment. Median age (range) at start was 3 mo(0-108 mo) but age at arrival at the Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit was 53 mo(2-146 mo). In 62.4% of the cases symptoms began before or up to 3 mo after cow's milk introduction and rarely around (-/+ 6 mo) toilet training. Possible complications appeared progressively, often at preschool or school age or as the first noticeable manifestation: recurrent abdominal pain (61.1%), fecal soiling (45.4%), fecal blood (35%), enuresis (23.3%), vomiting (19%), urinary infection (17.9%), urinary retention (8.6%). Abdominal distension was rarely detected on physical examination and was usually discrete. In conclusion, children attended in Botucatu begin their constipation at an early age, frequently associated with weaning,and important complications may ensue along years. This evolution should be avoided by prevention and early treatment of constipation.
The authors present data obtained from the analysis of a questionnaire regarding sexuality among 1,437 adolescent students in the Botucatu municipal district. The student's age varied from 15 to 19 years. The results demonstrate the evolving characteristics of the student's sexuality and suggest that sexual orientation and guidance should be part of the child and adolescent educational process. The authors pointed out that the members of Health care team should stimulate the discussion of sexuality while providing medical advice.