999 resultados para Macquart, Hippolyte
Com o objetivo de avaliar a freqüência e distribuição de parasitóides associados a larvas da lagarta do cartucho, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith), foram realizadas amostragens em campos comerciais da cultura do milho (Zea mays), nos anos agrícolas 1991/92 (duas regiões) e 1992/93 (cinco regiões). em cada local amostrado foram coletadas aproximadamente 100 larvas, em plantas com 20 a 40 dias após a emergência. As larvas foram criadas em laboratório a 25 ± 2ºC, UR 50 - 60%, fotoperíodo de 14 horas e observadas diariamente. Os parasitóides mais freqüentes foram: Chelonus texanus (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Diadegma sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) e Archytas incertus (Macquart) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Foi observado que o parasitismo total foi de 10,3% em 1991/92 e 13,8% em 1992/93. Os parasitóides Diptera apresentaram preferência pela fase de pupa da lagarta do cartucho (76,5%), nos dois anos agrícolas. Os parasitóides Hymenoptera tiveram preferência por larvas de 3º e 4º ínstares (41,9 e 45,2%), no ano agrícola 1991/92 e de 2º e 3º ínstares (39,1 e 43,5%), no ano agrícola 1992/93.
Besides being considered the greatest pests of fruit growing, fruit flies constitute a large obstacle to the growth of the exportation of fresh fruit. Knowledge of the structure of fruit fly communities is of great importance to the bioecological studies of these insects, but there is a lack of information about the faunistic composition of fruit flies in Brazil. The objective of this work was to analysis the composition of the species of Anastrepha, in eleven mango orchards of the fruit growing complex Gaviao River, Bahia, Brazil. These studies were done in 2004 and 2005, in Anage, Caraibas and Belo Campo town, 23 McPhail traps, which collected 798 female fruit flies from the genus Anastrepha. The structure of these communities was evaluated in each orchard by means of faunistic indexes frequency, constancy, dominance, diversity and similarity. The number of species varied from four to eight in each orchard; and the following species was recorded: Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), Anastrepha dissimilis Stone, Anastrepha amita Zucchi, Anastrepha distincta Greene, Anastrepha pickeli Lima. Anastrepha sororcula Zucchi and Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi. The most frequent and dominant species were A. fraterculus and A. obliqua. The indexes of diversity varied from 1.01 to 1.62. In general, the similarity between orchards was high (above 55.0%). We observed the formation of groups, one constituted by Frutvale, Carlan, Santa Clara and Panorama orchards; another composed of Cofet, Campo Gaviao and Ouro Verde and a third group formed by Boa Vista orchard. Barra da Onca and Arruda are distinguished from other orchards.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a fauna e o padrão de distribuição temporal de califorídeos que colonizam cadáveres suínos em uma área de cerrado na Reserva Ecológica do Inhamum (REI), Caxias, MA. Foram realizados dois experimentos, um no período seco (julho a agosto/2010) e o outro no período chuvoso (março a abril/2011). Em cada experimento foram utilizados três suínos de 12 kg cada, colocados em gaiola de metal. Sobre cada gaiola foi colocada uma “armadilha do tipo suspensa” para capturar os califorídeos adultos que visitassem os cadáveres suínos. Bandejas com serragem foram acopladas debaixo das gaiolas, para coleta de imaturos. Foram obtidos 51.234 espécimes de califorídeos, sendo 25.093 de adultos coletados e 26.141 de adultos criados. Foram identificadas as seguintes espécies: Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart, 1843), Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius, 1775), Hemilucilia benoisti Séguy, 1925, Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805), Hemilucilia townsendi Shannon, 1926, Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1818) e Lucilia sp1. Chrysomya rufifacies e H. townsendi são novos registros para o Brasil. Cochliomyia macellaria e C. idioidea foram as mais abundantes, em relação aos adultos coletados, enquanto que C. albiceps e C. rufifacies foram as mais abundantes entre os adultos criados. Apenas as espécies do gênero Hemilucilia não se criaram nos cadáveres suínos. A duração da decomposição dos cadáveres suínos foi, em média, de 10 dias e não variou entre os perídos seco e chuvoso, assim como a duração de cada estágio também foi semelhante entre os períodos. As durações dos estágios de decomposição foram diferentes entre si, sendo que o estágio de fermentação foi o mais duradouro. As espécies adultas coletadas de L. eximia, C. idioidea e C. macellaria foram pioneiras na colonização dos cadáveres suínos e estiveram presentes em todos os estágios de decomposição, mas somente L. eximia apresentou associação com o estágio Inicial, segundo o índice de IndVal. Os imaturos de L. eximia foram os primeiros a abandonarem os cadáveres para empuparem no solo, seguidos pelos imaturos de C. macellaria, C. albiceps e C. rufifacies. Segundo o índice de IndVal, os adultos coletados das espécies H. townsendi e H. benoisti foram as únicas que apresentaram associação a apenas um estágio, o de Inchamento; C. rufifacies e C. megacephala apresentaram associação aos estágios de Putrefação Escura e Fermentação; e as demais espécies apresentaram associação a quatro estágios. Em relação aos adultos criados, L. eximia e C. macellaria foram as únicas que apresentaram associação ao estágio de Inchamento, enquanto que C. albiceps e C. rufifacies, as únicas que apresentaram associação ao estágio seco. Os valores de abundância das espécies adultas coletadas de L. eximia, C. idioidea, C. macellaria, C. albiceps e C. rufifacies diferiram entre os estágios de decomposição, sendo que, o de Putrefação Escura foi o mais atrativo. Os valores de abundância dos adultos criados de C. albiceps, C. rufifacies e L. eximia também diferiram entre os estágios, sendo que, o estágio seco foi onde ocorreu maior abundância das espécies de Chrysomya e o de Putrefação Escura, o de L. eximia. Os adultos coletados de L. eximia e C. idioidea, e os adultos criados de C. rufifacies foram mais abundantes no período chuvoso. Em relação aos adultos coletados, a análise de ordenação demonstrou que as comunidades de califorídeos apresentaram maior semelhança entre os estágios de Putrefação Escura, Fermentação e Seco, devido aos maiores valores de riqueza e abundância; no entanto, em relação aos adultos criados, as comunidades dos estágios de Fermentação e Seco foram as mais semelhantes. Estes resultados contribuem para o entendimento do processo de sucessão das espécies de califorídeos adultos visitantes e criados durante a decomposição de cadáveres suínos em uma área de cerrado do estado do Maranhão.
O objeto deste estudo é compreender e destacar o papel do corpo no campo religioso investindo em uma análise da corporeidade espírita kardecista brasileira a partir de suas representações sociais e imaginário. O esforço analítico e a distribuição dos capítulos estão baseados no esquema macro/microcósmico de “Cosmos-casa-corpo”. O primeiro capítulo situa a construção do Espiritismo Kardecista por seu codificador, o intelectual francês Hippolyte Rivail, conhecido por seu codinome, Allan Kardec (Paris, 1804-1869) e suas pretensões de unificar “ciência, filosofia e religião”, produzindo um Cosmos. O segundo capítulo apresenta o centro espírita, espaço sagrado de seu universo ritual. O terceiro capítulo está centrado no referencial semântico “corpo”, que surge como instrumento heurístico e recorte de análise. Analisando as concepções e imaginário sobre o corpo no Espiritismo Kardecista, o trabalho propõe que as relações entre o mundo espiritual, o centro espírita e corpo são determinantes para a compreensão da pessoa espírita.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Brazilian naturalism began in 1881 with the publication of O mulato by Aluísio Azevedo. In spite of the considerable Brazilian cultural dependence on France, the great European master of Brazilian naturalists was initially the Portuguese Eça de Queirós. His novel O primo Basílio resounded intensely in the intellectual environment of Rio de Janeiro, where it had found admirers and fierce critics like Machado de Assis. Only around 1888, when the French naturalist movement suffered serious defections, Brazilian novelists adopted Émile Zola’s esthetical proposals directly through the reading of the Rougon-Macquart cycle. In that year, O missionário by Inglês de Sousa, O cromo by Horácio de Carvalho, A carne by Júlio Ribeiro, Hortência by Marques de Carvalho, Uma família baiana by Xavier Marques, and Lar by Pardal Mallet were published. Nevertheless, it is relevant to consider which features of Zola’s and Eça’s works were incorporated in those works which established a flowering moment of Brazilian naturalism.
Fifty-one slimy sea plumes (Pseudopterogorgia americana Gmelin, 1791) were sampled for caridean shrimps at Guana Island, British Virgin Islands, during one week in July 1992. Sam- pling depth ranged from 3-22 m. Nine species were collected: Hippolyte nicholsoni Chace, 1972; Latreutes sp.; Neopontonides chacei Heard, 1986; Perclimenes cf. patae Heard and Spotte, 1991; Periclimenes cf. pauper Holthuis, 1951; Periclimenes sp.; Pseudocoutierea antillensis Chace, 1972; Tozeuma cf. cornutum Milne Edwards, 1881; and Trachycaris rugosa (Bate, 1888). A total of 1,418 specimens (including fragments) was obtained. The number of shrimp species per gorgonian ranged from 1-5; one gorgonian harbored 156 shrimps. The two predominant species, N. chacei and H. nicholsoni, occupy different mean depths (12.6 and 8.2 m, respectively). Sexual dimorphism assessed with Mann-Whitney U-tests was not apparent in the specimens of N. chacei (P > 0.05), but females of H. nicholsoni were significantly larger than males (P < 0.001). Minimum carapace length (CL, the tip of the rostrum to the posterior dorsal margin of the carapace) at which male N. chacei acquire a single appendix masculina spine is 1.25 mm; male H. nicholsoni can acquire a single spine at 0.9 mm CL. Histological sections of male N. chacei showed that shrimp with 0 or 1 spine are least likely to be mature. Female N. chacei can become ovigerous at 1.9 mm CL and female H. nicholsoni at 1.2 mm CL. The taxonomic status of 5 of the 9 species collected is uncertain.
Two new species of Toxophora Meigen are described and illustrated-T. paulistana sp. nov. (Neotropical) and T. azteca sp. nov. (Nearctic and Neotropical). An identification key to the New World species is also presented. Morphological differences between populations of T. aurea Macquart (1848) are recorded, illustrated and added to the key. The new species are easily recognized by: scape with long, yellow scales laterally; presence of yellow scales on mesonotum margins; posterior margin of mesonotum with a pre-scutellar pair of setae; and yellow scales forming thin bands on posterior margins of abdominal tergites in T. paulistana sp. nov., and scape entirely covered with long dark-brown scales and yellow scales forming a broad, longitudinal stripe on center of abdominal tergites III-VII in T. azteca sp. nov.
The ALICE Collaboration has measured inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy root s = 2.76 TeV at the LHC. The results presented in this Letter refer to the rapidity ranges vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 and 2.5 < y <4 and have been obtained by measuring the electron and muon pair decay channels, respectively. The integrated luminosities for the two channels are L-int(e) = 1.1 nb(-1) and L-int(mu) = 19.9 nb(-1), and the corresponding signal statistics are N-J/psi(e+e-) = 59 +/- 14 and N-J/psi(mu+mu-) = 1364 +/- 53. We present d sigma(J/psi)/dy for the two rapidity regions under study and, for the forward-y range, d(2)sigma(J/psi)/dydp(t) in the transverse momentum domain 0 < p(t) < 8 GeV/c. The results are compared with previously published results at root s = 7 TeV and with theoretical calculations. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ALICE Collaboration has studied J/psi production in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC through its muon pair decay. The polar and azimuthal angle distributions of the decay muons were measured, and results on the J/psi polarization parameters lambda(theta) and lambda(phi) were obtained. The study was performed in the kinematic region 2: 5 < y < 4, 2 < p(t) < 8 GeV/c, in the helicity and Collins-Soper reference frames. In both frames, the polarization parameters are compatible with zero, within uncertainties.
We present measurements of Underlying Event observables in pp collisions at root s = 0 : 9 and 7 TeV. The analysis is performed as a function of the highest charged-particle transverse momentum p(T),L-T in the event. Different regions are defined with respect to the azimuthal direction of the leading (highest transverse momentum) track: Toward, Transverse and Away. The Toward and Away regions collect the fragmentation products of the hardest partonic interaction. The Transverse region is expected to be most sensitive to the Underlying Event activity. The study is performed with charged particles above three different p(T) thresholds: 0.15, 0.5 and 1.0 GeV/c. In the Transverse region we observe an increase in the multiplicity of a factor 2-3 between the lower and higher collision energies, depending on the track p(T) threshold considered. Data are compared to PYTHIA 6.4, PYTHIA 8.1 and PHOJET. On average, all models considered underestimate the multiplicity and summed p(T) in the Transverse region by about 10-30%.
The differential production cross section of electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavor hadron decays has been measured at midrapidity (\y\ < 0.5) in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV with ALICE at the LHC. Electrons were measured in the transverse momentum range 0.5 < p(t) < 8 GeV/c. Predictions from a fixed-order perturbative QCD calculation with next-to-leading-log resummation agree with the data within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.112007
Identical neutral kaon pair correlations are measured in root s = 7 TeV pp collisions in the ALICE experiment. One-dimensional (KsKs0)-K-0 correlation functions in terms of the invariant momentum difference of kaon pairs are formed in two multiplicity and two transverse momentum ranges. The femtoscopic parameters for the radius and correlation strength of the kaon source are extracted. The fit includes quantum statistics and final-state interactions of the a(0)/f(0) resonance. (KsKs0)-K-0 correlations show an increase in radius for increasing multiplicity and a slight decrease in radius for increasing transverse mass, mT, as seen in pi pi correlations in pp collisions and in heavy-ion collisions. Transverse mass scaling is observed between the (KsKs0)-K-0 and pi pi radii. Also, the first observation is made of the decay of the f(2)'(1525) meson into the (KsKs0)-K-0 channel in pp collisions. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neutral pion and eta meson production in proton-proton collisions at root s=0.9 TeV and root s=7 TeV
The first measurements of the invariant differential cross sections of inclusive pi(0) and eta meson production at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions root s = 0.9 TeV and root s = 7 TeV are reported. The pi(0) measurement covers the ranges 0.4 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c and 0.3 < p(T) < 25 GeV/c for these two energies, respectively. The production of eta mesons was measured at root s = 7 TeV in the range 0.4 < p(T) < 15 GeV/c. Next-to-Leading Order perturbative QCD calculations, which are consistent with the pi(0) spectrum at root s = 0.9 TeV, overestimate those of pi(0) and eta mesons at root s = 7 TeV, but agree with the measured eta/pi(0) ratio at root s = 7 TeV. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of event background fluctuations on charged particle jet reconstruction in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV has been measured with the ALICE experiment. The main sources of non-statistical fluctuations are characterized based purely on experimental data with an unbiased method, as well as by using single high p(t) particles and simulated jets embedded into real Pb-Pb events and reconstructed with the anti-k(t) jet finder. The influence of a low transverse momentum cut-off on particles used in the jet reconstruction is quantified by varying the minimum track p(t) between 0.15 GeV/c and 2 GeV/c. For embedded jets reconstructed from charged particles with p(t) > 0.15 GeV/c, the uncertainty in the reconstructed jet transverse momentum due to the heavy-ion background is measured to be 11.3 GeV/c (standard deviation) for the 10% most central Pb-Pb collisions, slightly larger than the value of 11.0 GeV/c measured using the unbiased method. For a higher particle transverse momentum threshold of 2 GeV/c, which will generate a stronger bias towards hard fragmentation in the jet finding process, the standard deviation of the fluctuations in the reconstructed jet transverse momentum is reduced to 4.8-5.0 GeV/c for the 10% most central events. A non-Gaussian tail of the momentum uncertainty is observed and its impact on the reconstructed jet spectrum is evaluated for varying particle momentum thresholds, by folding the measured fluctuations with steeply falling spectra.