1000 resultados para MRP-II


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To determine in influence of feeding, lighting and time of day on the copulating behavior of Panstrongylus megistus, 480 insect pairs were divided into four groups of 120 each and tested in the following respective situations: without food deprivation (F.D.), with five days of F.D., with ten days of F.D., and with 20 days of F. D. The tests were performed between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with light (700-1400 lux) and in the dark (1.4-2.8 lux) and behavior was recorded by the time sampling technique. Mating spped (MS) and duration of copulation (DC) were also calculated for each situation. The maximum frequency of copulation was observed after five days of F.D., at night, in the dark (n = 16), and the minimum was observed for recently-fed pairs, at night, with light (n = 4). Males approached females more often than females approached males. MS was lowest in pairs with twenty days of F.D., at night, with light (X = 23.0 ± 16.0 minutes), and highest in recently-fed pairs, during the day, with light (X = 2.9 ± 2.5 minutes). DC was shortest in recently-fed insects, during the day, in the dark (X = 23.5 ± 6.7 minutes), and longest in recently-fed animals, at night, in the dark (X = 38.3 ± 6.9 minutes).


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Avaliou-se a influência de dois tipos de dieta na cronologia da ontogênsese de Dipetalogaster maximus. Alimentou-se um grupo em sangue de camundongos normais (C) e outro em sangue de pombos (P). Ambos foram mantidos em estufa B.O.D. a 28ºC e 65% U.R. O grupo alimentado em C, atingiu a fase adulta com X=130,1 dias e o grupo alimentado em P com X=145,68 dias. A percentagem total de mortalidade foi significativamente superior nos alimentados em P (63,71%) em relação aos alimentados em C (31,18%). Quanto á resistência ao jejum, o período de sobrevivência foi acentuadamente maior para o grupo alimentado em C. Principalmente nos 3º, 4º e 5º estádios. Estas observações complementam nossos registros anteriores desta espécie, mantida nas mesmas condições, sobre: fertilidade das fêmeas, ritmo de postura, viabilidade dos ovos e curva da mortalidade x fertilidade.


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The ecology of phlebotomine sandflies in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Venezuela (San Esteban, Carabobo State) was investigated through a year-term study. Three different habitats: viz. a house, a pridomestic area and a sylvatic area, were covered and the species composition, the abundance and occurrence of each species were analyzed in relation to the habitats, catching methods and hour of catching. L. panamensis, L. gomezi and L. ovallesi are the species which bite man, although almost exclusively at night. All of them hide by day and are common in the sylvatic area. Moreover, L. panamensis and L. gomezi successfully approach the house and seem to settle in the peridomestic area. L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor also approach and accidentally bite man. L. trinidadensis, L. atroclavata and L. cayennensis are the common non-antrhopophilic species in the area.


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Oogenesis and oviposition can be inhibited in female of Rhodnius prolixus by means of short-term experiment (first reproductive cycle) of a single dose of ethoxyprecocene II given by ingestion. The inhibition is dose-dependent as measured by oocyte growth, egg maturation and egg deposition. In a long-term experiment (second and third reproductive cycles) egg production and oogenesis can be partially or totally re-established by subsequent blood meals without ethoxyprecocene II. These findings suggest that in female R. prolixus, damage caused to corpus allatum by ethoxyprecocene II, in certain cases, is not irreversible.


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Com o objetivo de ampliar os conheciemntos sobre a biologia de Lutzomyia intermedia e Lutzomya longipalpis, mantidos em colônias autônomas no laboratório, apresentamos dados referentes a alterações em seu comportamento determinadas por influência de fatores ambientais. L. longipalpis foi mais fácil de criar, mais produtiva e mais resitente ás variações das condições ambientais; suga a qualquer hora do dia, enquanto que L. intermedia prefere fazê-lo ao crepúsculo e à noite, quando também ocorrem masi freqüentemente as desovas e as ecdises dos adultos das duas espécies. As fases imaturas de ambas as espécies resistem à imersão na água por até 1 hora e a baixa temperatura de 5ºC por até 6 horas.


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OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis (TB) is highly prevalent among HIV-infected people, including those receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), necessitating a well tolerated and efficacious TB vaccine for these populations. We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of the candidate TB vaccine M72/AS01 in adults with well controlled HIV infection on cART. DESIGN: A randomized, observer-blind, controlled trial (NCT00707967). METHODS: HIV-infected adults on cART in Switzerland were randomized 3 : 1 : 1 to receive two doses, 1 month apart, of M72/AS01, AS01 or 0.9% physiological saline (N = 22, N = 8 and N = 7, respectively) and were followed up to 6 months postdose 2 (D210). Individuals with CD4⁺ cell counts below 200 cells/μl were excluded. Adverse events (AEs) including HIV-specific and laboratory safety parameters were recorded. Cell-mediated (ICS) and humoral (ELISA) responses were evaluated before vaccination, 1 month after each dose (D30, D60) and D210. RESULTS: Thirty-seven individuals [interquartile range (IQR) CD4⁺ cell counts at screening: 438-872 cells/μl; undetectable HIV-1 viremia] were enrolled; 73% of individuals reported previous BCG vaccination, 97.3% tested negative for the QuantiFERON-TB assay. For M72/AS01 recipients, no vaccine-related serious AEs or cART-regimen adjustments were recorded, and there were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory safety parameters, HIV-1 viral loads or CD4⁺ cell counts. M72/AS01 was immunogenic, inducing persistent and polyfunctional M72-specific CD4⁺ T-cell responses [medians 0.70% (IQR 0.37-1.07) at D60] and 0.42% (0.24-0.61) at D210, predominantly CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺, CD40L⁺IL-2⁺ and CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺IFN-γ⁺]. All M72/AS01 vaccines were seropositive for anti-M72 IgG after second vaccination until study end. CONCLUSION: M72/AS01 was clinically well tolerated and immunogenic in this population, supporting further clinical evaluation in HIV-infected individuals in TB-endemic settings.


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Introduction: We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and responseadapted whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT). The purpose of this report is to update the initial results and provide long-term data regarding overall survival, prognostic factors, and the risk of treatment-related neurotoxicity.Methods: A long-term follow-up was conducted on surviving primary central nervous system lymphoma patients having been treated according to the ,,OSHO-53 study", which was initiated by the Ostdeutsche Studiengruppe Hamatologie-Onkologie. Between August 1999 and October 2004 twentythree patients with an average age of 55 and median Karnofsky performance score of 70% were enrolled and received high-dose mthotrexate (HD-MTX) on days 1 and 10. In case of at least a partial remission (PR), high-dose busulfan/ thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was performed. Patients without response to induction or without complete remission (CR) after HD-BuTT received WBRT. All patients (n=8), who are alive in 2011, were contacted and Mini Mental State examination (MMSE) and the EORTC QLQ-C30 were performed.Results: Eight patients are still alive with a median follow-up of 116,9 months (79 - 141, range). One of them suffered from a late relapse eight and a half years after initial diagnosis of PCNSL, another one suffers from a gall bladder carcinoma. Both patients are alive, the one with the relapse of PCNSL has finished rescue therapy and is further observed, the one with gall baldder carcinoma is still under therapy. MMSE and QlQ-C30 showed impressive results in the patients, who were not irradiated. Only one of the irradiated patients is still alive with a clear neurologic deficit but acceptable quality of life.Conclusions: Long-term follow-up of our patients, who were included in the OSHO-53 study show an overall survival of 30 percent. If WBRT can be avoided no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and the patients benefit from excellent Quality of Life. Induction chemotherapy with two cycles of HD-MTX should be intensified to improve the unsatisfactory OAS of 30 percent.


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The potential and applicability of UHPSFC-MS/MS for anti-doping screening in urine samples were tested for the first time. For this purpose, a group of 110 doping agents with diverse physicochemical properties was analyzed using two separation techniques, namely UHPLC-MS/MS and UHPSFC-MS/MS in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The two approaches were compared in terms of selectivity, sensitivity, linearity and matrix effects. As expected, very diverse retentions and selectivities were obtained in UHPLC and UHPSFC, proving a good complementarity of these analytical strategies. In both conditions, acceptable peak shapes and MS detection capabilities were obtained within 7min analysis time, enabling the application of these two methods for screening purposes. Method sensitivity was found comparable for 46% of tested compounds, while higher sensitivity was observed for 21% of tested compounds in UHPLC-MS/MS and for 32% in UHPSFC-MS/MS. The latter demonstrated a lower susceptibility to matrix effects, which were mostly observed as signal suppression. In the case of UHPLC-MS/MS, more serious matrix effects were observed, leading typically to signal enhancement and the matrix effect was also concentration dependent, i.e., more significant matrix effects occurred at the lowest concentrations.


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FGF-2 has been implicated in the cardiac response to hypertrophic stimuli. Angiotensin II (Ang II) contributes to maintain elevated blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and exerts direct trophic effects on cardiac cells. However, the role of FGF-2 in Ang II-induced cardiac hypertrophy has not been established. Therefore, mice deficient in FGF-2 expression were studied using a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. Echocardiographic measurements show the presence of dilated cardiomyopathy in normotensive mice lacking FGF-2. Moreover, hypertensive mice without FGF-2 developed no compensatory cardiac hypertrophy. In wild-type mice, hypertrophy was associated with a stimulation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, the extracellular signal regulated kinase, and the p38 kinase pathways. In contrast, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation was markedly attenuated in FGF-2-deficient mice. In vitro, FGF-2 of fibroblast origin was demonstrated to be essential in the paracrine stimulation of MAPK activation in cardiomyocytes. Indeed, fibroblasts lacking FGF-2 expression have a defective capacity for releasing growth factors to induce hypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes. Therefore, these results identify the cardiac fibroblast population as a primary integrator of hypertrophic stimuli in the heart, and suggest that FGF-2 is a crucial mediator of cardiac hypertrophy via autocrine/paracrine actions on cardiac cells.


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Estudi de la història de gènere del segle XIX i la seva aplicació a la figura de la reina Isabel II. A través de la publicística de l’època, els Fullets Bonsoms, descobrim la trajectòria sobre l’opinió i la imatge de les dones, i concretament, l’opinió creada al voltant de la reina Isabel II en diferents períodes del seu regnat (1833-1868). La imatge de la dona del segle XIX era la de l’àngel de la llar, la dona com a esposa i mare, que tenia com a principal missió el matrimoni, la maternitat i la domesticitat. A conseqüència, ha de rebre una educació en consonància amb el seu destí i es considera que per naturalesa no està capacitada per al món laboral. En aquest context, comença a néixer una consciència feminista de la mà d’Emilia Pardo Bazán o Concepción Arenal. Isabel II va ser proclamada reina amb només tres anys i es va convertir en el símbol de l’esperança i la llibertat dels espanyols: en l’iris de pau i llibertat. Però l’inestabilitat política, les camarilles, la corrupció, la vida privada i pública de la reina, entre d’altres factors van crear la imatge d’una reina lasciva, ingrata i cruel dels últims anys del seu regnat. La revolució antidinàstica coneguda com La Gloriosa va conduir a Isabel II al destronament i l’exili.


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The demand for computational power has been leading the improvement of the High Performance Computing (HPC) area, generally represented by the use of distributed systems like clusters of computers running parallel applications. In this area, fault tolerance plays an important role in order to provide high availability isolating the application from the faults effects. Performance and availability form an undissociable binomial for some kind of applications. Therefore, the fault tolerant solutions must take into consideration these two constraints when it has been designed. In this dissertation, we present a few side-effects that some fault tolerant solutions may presents when recovering a failed process. These effects may causes degradation of the system, affecting mainly the overall performance and availability. We introduce RADIC-II, a fault tolerant architecture for message passing based on RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers) architecture. RADIC-II keeps as maximum as possible the RADIC features of transparency, decentralization, flexibility and scalability, incorporating a flexible dynamic redundancy feature, allowing to mitigate or to avoid some recovery side-effects.


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Three antigens protective against Schistosoma mansoni have been extensively characterized. The schistosomulum surface antigen GP38 possesses an immunodominant carbohydrate epitope of which the structure has been defined. Protection can be achieved via the transfer of monoclonal antibodies recognizing the epitope or by immunization with anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. The glycan epitope is shared with the intermediate host, Biomphalaria glabrata as well as being present on other molluscs, including the Keyhole Limpet. A group of molecules at 28 kDa were initially characterized in adult worms and shown to protect rats and mice against a challenge infection. One of these molecules, P28-I, was cloned and expressed in E. coli, yeast and vaccinia virus. The recombinant antigen significantly protected rats, hamsters and baboons against a challenge infection. P28-I is a glutathione-S-transferase and the recombinant antigen produced in yeast exhibits the enzyme activity and has been purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography. A second P28 antigen, P28-II, has also been cloned, fully sequenced and expressed. This recombinant antigen also protects against S. mansoni infection.


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Vaniprevir (MK-7009) is a macrocyclic hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3/4A protease inhibitor. The aim of the present phase II study was to examine virologic response rates with vaniprevir in combination with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (Peg-IFN-α-2a) plus ribavirin (RBV). In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study, treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype 1 infection (n = 94) were randomized to receive open-label Peg-IFN-α-2a (180 μg/week) and RBV (1,000-1,200 mg/day) in combination with blinded placebo or vaniprevir (300 mg twice-daily [BID], 600 mg BID, 600 mg once-daily [QD], or 800 mg QD) for 28 days, then open-label Peg-IFN-α-2a and RBV for an additional 44 weeks. The primary efficacy endpoint was rapid viral response (RVR), defined as undetectable plasma HCV RNA at week 4. Across all doses, vaniprevir was associated with a rapid two-phase decline in viral load, with HCV RNA levels approximately 3 log(10) IU/mL lower in vaniprevir-treated patients, compared to placebo recipients. Rates of RVR were significantly higher in each of the vaniprevir dose groups, compared to the control regimen (68.8%-83.3% versus 5.6%; P < 0.001 for all comparisons). There were numerically higher, but not statistically significant, early and sustained virologic response rates with vaniprevir, as compared to placebo. Resistance profile was predictable, with variants at R155 and D168 detected in a small number of patients. No relationship between interleukin-28B genotype and treatment outcomes was demonstrated in this study. The incidence of adverse events was generally comparable between vaniprevir and placebo recipients; however, vomiting appeared to be more common at higher vaniprevir doses. CONCLUSION: Vaniprevir is a potent HCV protease inhibitor with a predictable resistance profile and favorable safety profile that is suitable for QD or BID administration.