962 resultados para MORALES ALMEIDA, ROBERTO, 1917-2013
Income inequality undermines societies: The more inequality, the more health problems, social tensions, and the lower social mobility, trust, life expectancy. Given people's tendency to legitimate existing social arrangements, the stereotype content model (SCM) argues that ambivalence-perceiving many groups as either warm or competent, but not both-may help maintain socio-economic disparities. The association between stereotype ambivalence and income inequality in 37 cross-national samples from Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Asia, and Africa investigates how groups' overall warmth-competence, status-competence, and competition-warmth correlations vary across societies, and whether these variations associate with income inequality (Gini index). More unequal societies report more ambivalent stereotypes, whereas more equal ones dislike competitive groups and do not necessarily respect them as competent. Unequal societies may need ambivalence for system stability: Income inequality compensates groups with partially positive social images. © 2012 The British Psychological Society.
El presente trabajo analiza cómo se han transformado en los últimos años las representaciones de ruralidad de los pobladores de una localidad periurbana de la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Dique Luján) producida como consecuencia del avance de la urbanización. La localidad ha experimentado un rápido avance de las urbanizaciones cerradas (barrios cerrados/countries) en el último decenio, al igual que la construcción de obras de infraestructura como el asfaltado de calles y la construcción de un puente de acceso, entre otras. Dicho proceso que se está dando en la localidad viene repitiéndose en distintos lugares del Gran Buenos Aires, al igual que en otros poblados periurbanos o cercanos a las grandes ciudades del país. Estas transformaciones traen aparejadas nuevas lógicas propias del mundo urbano, lo que está generando, al menos en parte de la población local, incertidumbre sobre cómo incidirán en las relaciones de sociabilidad tradicional preexistente. Se identifica un proceso de gentrificación suburbana así como la pérdida de servicios ecosistémicos. El relevamiento, de tipo etnográfico, consistió en la realización de trabajo de campo intensivo, mediante observaciones y entrevistas en profundidad a distintos sujetos sociales. El trabajo permitió reconstruir, con alto grado de detalle, la trama social local identificando y diferenciando las posturas adoptadas por distintos sujetos, así como las distintas representaciones sociales construídas por ellos. Se estima que los resultados obtenidos se constituirán en un insumo para la aplicación de programas de intervención del INTA, así como para el esclarecimiento de algunos aspectos ligados al desarrollo local, que contribuyan a las políticas de intervención del municipio en la localidad
Information on 12 exotic plants of diverse interest for the Galician flora are presented. All of them were collected in Ribeira council (SW of the A Coruña province). The total includes 8 novelties at a regional level (Aeonium haworthii, Aloe mitriformis, Brugmansia × candida, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Osteospermum ecklonis, Pelargonium capitatum, Sedum mexicanum, Sparaxis tricolor), and 2 provincial novelties. In addition, information on two taxa hardly mentioned in the literature on Galician vascular flora is also included. All the cited specimens are deposited at the SANT Herbarium.
We report photometric observations for comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) obtained during the time period immediately after discovery (r = 6.28 AU) until it moved into solar conjunction in mid-2013 June using the UH2.2 m, and Gemini North 8 m telescopes on Mauna Kea, the Lowell 1.8 m in Flagstaff, the Calar Alto 1.2 m telescope in Spain, the VYSOS-5 telescopes on Mauna Loa Hawaii and data from the CARA network. Additional pre-discovery data from the Pan STARRS1 survey extends the light curve back to 2011 September 30 (r = 9.4 AU). The images showed a similar tail morphology due to small micron sized particles throughout 2013. Observations at submillimeter wavelengths using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope on 15 nights between 2013 March 9 (r = 4.52 AU) and June 16 (r = 3.35 AU) were used to search for CO and HCN rotation lines. No gas was detected, with upper limits for CO ranging between 3.5-4.5 × 1027 molecules s-1. Combined with published water production rate estimates we have generated ice sublimation models consistent with the photometric light curve. The inbound light curve is likely controlled by sublimation of CO2. At these distances water is not a strong contributor to the outgassing. We also infer that there was a long slow outburst of activity beginning in late 2011 peaking in mid-2013 January (r ~ 5 AU) at which point the activity decreased again through 2013 June. We suggest that this outburst was driven by CO injecting large water ice grains into the coma. Observations as the comet came out of solar conjunction seem to confirm our models.
We are conducting an ESO Large Program that includes optical photometry, thermal-IR observations, and optical-NIR spectroscopy of selected NEAs. Among the principal goals of the program are shape and spin-state modeling, and searching for YORP-induced changes in rotation periods. One of our targets is asteroid (1917) Cuyo, a near-Earth asteroid from the Amor group. We carried out an extensive observing campaign on Cuyo between April 2010 and April 2013, operating primarily at the ESO 3.6m NTT for optical photometry, and the 8.2m VLT at Paranal for thermal-IR imaging. Further optical observations were acquired at the ESO 2.2m telescope, the Palomar 200" Hale telescope (California), JPL’s Table Mountain Observatory (California) and the Faulkes Telescope South (Australia). We obtained optical imaging data for rotational lightcurves throughout this period, as the asteroid passed through a wide range of observational geometries, conducive to producing a good shape model and spin state solution. The preliminary shape and spin state model indicates a nearly spherical shape and a rotation pole at ecliptic longitude λ = 53° ± 20° and latitude β = -37° ± 10° (1-sigma error bars are approximate). The sidereal rotation period was measured to be 2.6899522 ± (3 × 10^-7) hours. Linkage with earlier lightcurve data shows possible evidence of a small change in rotation rate during the period 1989-2013. We applied the NEATM thermal model (Harris A., Icarus 131, 291, 1998) to our VLT thermal-IR measurements (8-19.6 μm), obtained in September and December 2011. The derived effective diameter ranges from 3.4 to 4.2 km, and the geometric albedo is 0.16 (+0.07, -0.04). Using the shape model and thermal fluxes we will perform a detailed thermophysical analysis using the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 415, 2042, 2011; Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 423, 367, 2012). This work was performed in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under a contract with NASA.
Why were some areas of the Ireland more active than others during the War of Independence, and why did the areas of most activity change over the course of the war between 1919 and 1921? In the context of the Irish midlands, County Longford stands out as one of the most violent counties surrounded by areas where there was much less activity by the IRA. Even within the county there was a significant difference in the strength of republican activity between north and south Longford. This article will examine the factors that were responsible for the strength of the IRA campaign in this midland enclave, including socio-economic conditions, administrative decisions and failures, and the contemporary political context.
Much of the evidence upon which the paper is based comes from applications made by Longford Volunteers for military service pensions, granted to veterans of the campaign by the Irish government after 1924. Many of these documents are soon to be released by the Irish government. The paper will also include a discussion of these sources and the way in which they can be used by historians to advance our understanding of Ireland’s revolutionary decade.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Matemática
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação são as entidades ministeriais tutelares da agricultura entre 1918 e 2013. As razões desta escolha prendem-se com o facto de estas serem entidades cuja produção documental e património arquivístico são fundamentais para a compreensão e estudo do sector primário da economia nacional durante todo o século XX até ao momento presente. Foi primeiramente realizado o estudo orgânico-funcional das entidades ministeriais, efetuado com base na sua legislação de criação, remodelação, fusão e extinção e que possibilitou a identificação da quantidade, natureza, duração e estrutura de cada uma delas. Tal estudo permitiu a identificação de 17 entidades ministeriais e a confirmação de que todas estas entidades reuniam as condições necessárias para serem consideradas produtoras de fundos documentais da Administração Pública Portuguesa, logo que todas podiam ser objeto de criação de Registos de Autoridade Arquivística. Os estudos orgânico-funcionais realizados foram então canalizados para a criação de um total de 17 Registos de Autoridade Arquivística, feitos com base no modelo do Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas (FNAA) e seguindo os princípios estabelecidos pelas normas internacionais do Conselho Internacional de Arquivos (ISAAR-CPF), bem como os estabelecidos pelas Orientações para a Descrição Arquivística. Ao utilizar o modelo do FNAA, a presente proposta tem como objetivos: identificar univocamente cada uma das entidades ministeriais estudadas enquanto autoridades arquivísticas produtoras de fundos documentais; identificar e mapear o seu percurso institucional e administrativo; facilitar a reunião intelectual da documentação produzida por estas entidades. A proposta apresentada nesta dissertação pretendeu assim articular o paradigma custodial atual, com as possibilidades trazidas pela mudança para um paradigma pós-custodial e potenciadas pelas tecnologias de informação (das quais o FNAA constitui o modelo nacional atualmente na vanguarda). Com isto espera-se poder contribuir para o módulo de entidades produtoras (MEP) do FNAA, nomeadamente na sua vertente de criação de registos para organizações (extintas) da Administração Pública.
1917 (NOUV SER,T88 = T188).
1917 (NOUV SER,T87 = T187).
A finding aid for collection RG 86. This archive contains materials relating to Niagara Falls and its development during the late 19th and early 20th century, with particular focus on power operations.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1917. The title varies slightly and convocation held at different cities or towns in Canada. Fifty-ninth annual convocation.