984 resultados para MIRNA EXPRESSION


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Two monoclonal antibodies anti-component 5 of Trypanosoma cruzi (I-35/115 and II-190/30) were tested in IFA and ELISA respectively against 35 T. cruzi laboratory clones. Among the 35 clones tested, 18 different isozyme patterns were detected. All clones were recognized by both monoclonal antibodies except one clone which did not react with II-190/30. These results support the universal expression of specific component 5 within the taxon T. cruzi.


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Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis(MHOM/BR/75/M2903) was grown in Schneider's Drosophila medium. In one set of experiments promastigotes were already adapted to the medium by means of serial passages whereas in the second cells were grown in a biphasic medium and transfered to the liquid. Growth was more abundant for culture medium adapted cells; degenerate cells in small numbers as well as dead ones were present from day 5 for promastigotes adapted to liquid medium and from day 3 for newly adapted cells. Synthesis of surface antigens differed according to length of cell culture as assessed by the titer of five mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera on subsequent days. Five days of culture for cells already adapted to the culture medium and 3 days for newly adapted ones were judged to be the best for the preparation of immunofluorescence antigens.


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This paper aims to study the best way to express the parasitemia of Trypanosoma cruzi's experimentally infected animals. Individual scores may have a great variability, not emphasized by the majority of the authors. A group of 50 rats infected with 1x10(6) trypomastigotes of T. cruzi Y strain was used and the parasitemia was estimated by BRENER' s method. The results showed that the median can avoid false results due to very high or low parasitemias but it does not have the mathematic properties necessary for analysis of variance. The comparison of the means of the original and transformed data, with their respective coefficients of variability (CV), showed that the logarithmic mean (Mlog) have the minor value of CV. Therefore, the Mlog is the best way to express the parasitemia when the data show great variability. The number of the animal for group did not affect the variability of data when the Mlog and CV were used.


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Thesis presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biology (Molecular Genetics), by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia.


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A S. mansoni adult worm cDNA expression library was screened with sera from baboons in a early phase after infection. The clones that were positive with the early infection sera were examined for reactivity with pre-infection sera and heterologous infection sera. In order to discriminate a positive antibody reaction from the reactivity due to residual anti-E. coli antibodies, an unrelated cDNA clone was plated with the positive clone. The unrelated clone provided the negative background and the contrast necessary to discern a positive antibody reaction. In this way, we were able to eliminate selected clones that were positive with the pre-infection sera or heterologous infection sera. This characterization of the expression library clones enabled us to quickly target only clones with the desired pattern of antibody reactivity for sequencing, subcloning, and expressing


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Sciences of Engineering and Technology, Cell Technology, at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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RESUMO: Os Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA, do inglês “methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus”) são um dos principais agentes responsáveis por infeções hospitalares. Os MRSA são resistentes a praticamente todos os antibióticos β-lactâmicos devido a dois mecanismos principais: produção de β-lactamase (bla), codificada pelo gene blaZ, e produção de uma proteína de ligação à penicilina (PBP2a, do inglês “penicillin binding protein 2”), codificada pelo gene mecA. Estes dois genes são regulados por sistemas homólogos, constituídos por um sensor-transdutor (BlaR1 e MecR1) e um repressor (BlaI e MecI), de tal modo que ambos os sistemas são capazes de co-regular os genes mecA e blaZ, embora com eficiências de indução muito diferentes. De facto, a indução mediada pelo sistema mecI-mecR1 é tão lenta que se acredita que este sistema não está funcional na maioria das estirpes MRSA. No entanto, dados recentes do nosso laboratório, demonstram a ausência de relação entre a presença do gene mecI e o nível de resistência à meticilina em estirpes MRSA epidémicas, e também que, o fenótipo de resistência da grande maioria das estirpes não é perturbado pela sobre-expressão em trans do repressor mecI. Curiosamente, as duas estirpes em que a expressão da resistência foi afetada pela sobre-expressão do mecI são negativas para o locus da β-lactamase, o que sugere que este locus pode interferir diretamente com a repressão do gene mecA mediada pelo MecI. Nesta tese de mestrado esta hipótese foi explorada usando estratégias de biologia molecular e ensaios fenotípicos da resistência aos -lactâmicos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a presença do plasmídeo nativo da β-lactamase não só anula a repressão mediada pelo MecI, como também aumenta o nível de resistência das estirpes parentais. Várias hipóteses foram então formuladas para explicar estas observações. Dados preliminares, em conjunto com evidências experimentais publicadas, sugerem que o BlaI forma hetero-dímeros com o MecI que, após a indução, são inativados eficientemente pelo BlaR1. Em conclusão, estes resultados apresentam novas perspetivas para o mecanismo de regulação do mecA e para uma nova importante função do operão da β-lactamase para o fenótipo das estirpes MRSA.-------------------ABSTRACT: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important nosocomial pathogen and is also emerging in the community. MRSA is cross-resistant to virtually all β-lactam antibiotics and has acquired two main resistance mechanisms: production of β-lactamase (bla), coded by blaZ, and production of penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a), coded by mecA. Both genes are regulated by homologous sensor-transducers (BlaR1 and MecR1) and repressors (BlaI and MecI), and coregulation of mecA and blaZ by both systems has been demonstrated, although with remarkable different efficiencies. In fact, induction of mecA by mecI-mecR1 is so slow that it is believed it is not functional in most MRSA strains. However, recent data from our laboratory has unexpectedly demonstrated that not only there is no correlation between the presence of mecI gene and the resistance level in epidemic MRSA strains, but also that for most strains there were no significant changes on the resistance phenotype upon the mecI overexpression in trans. Interestingly, the two strains in which mecI overexpression affected the resistance expression were negative for the bla locus, suggesting that this locus may interfere directly with the MecI-mediated repression of mecA and account for those puzzling observations. In this master thesis we have explored this hypothesis using molecular biology strategies and phenotypic analysis of -lactam resistance. The data obtained demonstrate that the presence of a wild-type plasmid containing the bla locus not only disrupts the MecImediated repression, but also significantly enhances the expression of resistance. Several preliminary hypotheses were formulated to explain these observations and preliminary data, together with published evidence, support the working model that BlaI forms functional hetero-dimers with MecI, which upon induction are readily inactivated by BlaR1. These results provide new insights into the regulatory mechanism(s) of mecA and open new perspectives for the role of β-lactamase operon in the MRSA phenotype.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Biotechnology


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The P System antigens have been detected in numerous parasites, bacterias and viruses, nevertheless the clinical significance is still unknown. The aim was to study the presence of P1 antigenic determiners in A. lumbricoides extracts by means of the use of 6 different monoclonal antibodies of well-known concentrations and Ig class. We worked with 14 A. lumbricoides extracts. Inhibition Agglutination Test was made in a bromelin enzymatic medium and 4 ºC temperature. Titre, Score and Sensitivity Parameter were determined for each monoclonal antibody against red cells suspension used as revealing system. Ten extracts inhibited the agglutination of all anti P1 monoclonal antibodies. The 4 remaining extracts only inhibited the agglutination of some of them. It is demonstrated that the extracts have P1 activity. This activity is independent of titre, Score, Sensitivity Parameter, concentration and Ig class and it depends on the epitope at which the monoclonal antibody is directed.