981 resultados para Lorentz Symmetry, CPT Symmetry, Precision experiment, Spin polarized gases


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The H-1 NMR spectroscopic discrimination of enantiomers in the solution state and the measurement of enantiomeric composition is most often hindered due to either very small chemical shift differences between the discriminated peaks or severe overlap of transitions from other chemically non-equivalent protons. In addition the use of chiral auxiliaries such as, crown ether and chiral lanthanide shift reagent may often cause enormous line broadening or give little degree of discrimination beyond the crown ether substrate ratio, hampering the discrimination. In circumventing such problems we are proposing the utilization of the difference in the additive values of all the chemical shifts of a scalar coupled spin system. The excitation and detection of appropriate highest quantum coherence yields the measurable difference in the frequencies between two transitions, one pertaining to each enantiomer in the maximum quantum dimension permitting their discrimination and the F-2 cross section at each of these frequencies yields an enantiopure spectrum. The advantage of the utility of the proposed method is demonstrated on several chiral compounds where the conventional one dimensional H-1 NMR spectra fail to differentiate the enantiomers.


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Structural health monitoring of existing infrastructure is currently an active field of research, where elaborate experimental programs and advanced analytical methods are used in identifying the current state of health of critical structures. Change of static deflection as the indicator of damage is the simplest tool in a structural health monitoring scenario of bridges that is least exploited in damage identification strategies. In this paper, some simple and elegant equations based on loss of symmetry due to damage are derived and presented for identification of damage in a bridge girder modeled as a simply supported beam using changes in static deflections and dynamic parameters. A single contiguous and distributed damage, typical of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures, is assumed for the structure. The methodology is extended for a base-line-free as well as base-line-inclusive measurement. Measurement strategy involves application of loads only at two symmetric points one at a time and deflection measurements at those symmetric points as well as at the midspan of the beam. A laboratory-based experiment is used to validate the approach. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Recent advances in the generation of synthetic gauge fields in cold atomic systems have stimulated interest in the physics of interacting bosons and fermions in them. In this paper, we discuss interacting two-component fermionic systems in uniform non-Abelian gauge fields that produce a spin-orbit interaction and uniform spin potentials. Two classes of gauge fields discussed include those that produce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the type of gauge fields (SM gauge fields) obtained in experiments by the Shanxi and MIT groups. For high symmetry Rashba gauge fields, a two-particle bound state exists even for a vanishingly small attractive interaction described by a scattering length. Upon increasing the strength of a Rashba gauge field, a finite density of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a BCS like ground state to a BEC state of a new kind of boson called the rashbon whose properties are determined solely by the gauge field and not by the interaction between the fermions. The rashbon Bose-Einstein condensate (RBEC) is a quite intriguing state with the rashbon-rashbon interactions being independent of the fermion-fermion interactions (scattering length). Furthermore, we show that the RBEC has a transition temperature of the order of the Fermi temperature, suggesting routes to enhance the transition temperatures of weakly interacting superfluids by tuning the spin-orbit coupling. For the SM gauge fields, we show that in a regime of parameters, a pair of particles with finite centre-of-mass momentum is the most strongly bound. In other regimes of centre-of-mass momenta, there is no two-body bound state, but a resonance like feature appears in the scattering continuum. In the many-body setting, this results in flow enhanced pairing. Also, strongly interacting normal states utilizing the scattering resonance can be created opening the possibility of studying properties of helical Fermi liquids. This paper contains a general discussion of the physics of Feshbach resonance in a non-Abelian gauge field, where several novel features such as centre-of-mass-momentum-dependent effective interactions are shown. It is also shown that a uniform non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with a spatial potential can be used to generate novel Hamiltonians; we discuss an explicit example of the generation of a monopole Hamiltonian.


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We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. The junction can have three time-reversal invariant barriers on three sides. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac- and Schrodinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors, such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a nonzero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.


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We report a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, which simulates the quantum transverse Ising spin system in a triangular configuration, and further demonstrate that multipartite quantum correlations can be used to distinguish between the frustrated and the nonfrustrated regimes in the ground state of this system. Adiabatic state preparation methods are used to prepare the ground states of the spin system. We employ two different multipartite quantum correlation measures to analyze the experimental ground state of the system in both the frustrated and the nonfrustrated regimes. As expected from theoretical predictions, the experimental data confirm that the nonfrustrated regime shows higher multipartite quantum correlations compared to the frustrated one.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new rock salt-related oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M=Co, Ni). The M=Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, where sheets of LiO6 and (Co-2/Ru)O-6 octahedra are alternately stacked along the c-direction. The M=Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3, where partial mixing of Li and Ni/Ru atoms lowers the symmetry to monoclinic (C2/c). Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+ (S=0), Co2+ (S=1/2) and Ru4+ (S=1), all of them in low-spin configuration and at 10 K, the material orders antiferromagnetically. Analogous Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behavior with a Curie temperature of 100 K. The differences in the magnetic behavior have been explained in terms of differences in the crystal structure. Electrochemical studies correlate well with both magnetic properties and crystal structure. Li-transition metal intermixing may be at the origin of the more impeded oxidation of Li3Ni2RuO6 when compared to Li3CO2RuO6. Interestingly high first charge capacities (between ca. 160 and 180 mAh g(-1)) corresponding to ca. 2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory enough to consider these materials as alternatives to LiCoO2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Presented in this paper is an improvement over a spring-steel dual-axis accelerometer that we had reported earlier.The fabrication process (which entails wire-cut electro discharge machining of easily accessible and inexpensive spring-steelfoil) and the sensing of the displacement (which is done using off-the-shelf Hall-effect sensors) remain the same. Theimprovements reported here are twofold: (i) the footprint of the packaged accelerometer is reduced from 80 mm square to 40mm square, and (ii) almost perfect de-coupling and symmetry are achieved between the two in-plane axes of the packageddevice as opposed to the previous embodiment where this was not the case. Good linearity with about 40 mV/g was measuredalong both the in-plane axes over a range of 0.1 to 1 g. The first two natural frequencies of the devices are at 30 Hz and 100Hz, respectively, as per the experiment. The highlights of this work are cost-effective processing, easy integration of the Hall-effect sensing capability on a customised printed circuit board, and inexpensive packaging without overly compromising eitherthe overall size or the sensitivity of the accelerometer. Through this work, we have reaffirmed the practicability of spring-steelaccelerometers towards the eventual goal of making it compete with micro machined silicon accelerometers in terms of sizeand performance. The cost is likely to be much lower for the spring-steel accelerometers than that of silicon accelerometers, especially when the volume of production is low and the sensor is to be used as a single packaged unit.


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We study the Feshbach resonance of spin-1/2 particles in a uniform synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces spin-orbit coupling and constant spin potentials. We develop a renormalizable quantum field theory including the closed-channel boson which engenders the resonance. We show that the gauge field shifts the Feshbach field where the low-energy scattering length diverges. In addition the Feshbach field is shown to depend on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. For high-symmetry gauge fields which produce a Rashba spin coupling, we show that the system supports two bound states over a regime of magnetic fields when the background scattering length is negative and the resonance width is comparable to the energy scale of the spin-orbit coupling. We discuss interesting consequences useful for future theoretical and experimental studies, even while our predictions are in agreement with recent experiments.


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The authors prepared (1 - x) BiFeO3 - (x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 for x <= 0.30 by sol-gel method and investigated the material's structures, magnetic and electrical properties. Detailed Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data revealed that the system retains distorted rhombohedral R3c structure for x <= 0.10 but transforms to monoclinic (Cc) structure for x > 0.10. Disappearance of some Raman modes corresponding to A1 modes and the decrease in the intensities of the remaining A1 modes with increasing x in the Raman spectra, which is a clear indication of structural modification and symmetry changes brought about by PZT doping. Enhanced magnetization with PZT doping content may be attributed to the gradual change and destruction in the spin cycloid structure of BiFeO3. The leakage current density at 3.5 kV/cm was reduced by approximately three orders of magnitude by doping PZT (x = 0.30), compared with BFO ceramics. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Molecules in their liquid crystalline phase undergo rotational motion about the long axis of the molecule and the shape adopted by the rotating molecule plays an important role in influencing the mesophase morphology. In this context, obtaining the topology and the relative orientation of the different sub-units are important steps. For studying the liquid crystalline phase, C-13 NMR spectroscopy is a convenient method and for certain specifically designed nematogens, 2-dimensional separated local field (2D-SLF) NMR spectroscopy provides a particularly simple and straightforward means of arriving at the molecular topology. We demonstrate this approach on two three ring based nematogens designed with a phenyl or a thiophene ring at one of the termini. From the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings of the terminal carbon obtained using the 2D-SLF NMR technique, the order parameter of the local symmetry axis of the terminal phenyl ring as well as of the long molecular axis could be easily estimated. For the thiophene nematogen, the lack of symmetry of the thiophene moiety necessitates some additional computational steps. The results indicate that the thiophene unit has its local ordering axis oriented away from the long molecular axis by a small angle, consistent with a bent structure expected in view of the thiophene geometry. The experiment also demonstrates the ability of 2D-SLF NMR to provide high resolution spectra by separation of several overlapped resonances in terms of their C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings. The results are consistent with a rod-like topology of the core of the investigated mesogens. The investigation demonstrates the potential of 2D-SLF NMR C-13 spectroscopy for obtaining atomistic level information and its utility for topological studies of different mesogens.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.


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Friction coefficient between a circular-disk periphery and V-block surface was determined by introducing the concept of isotropic point (IP) in isochromatic field of the disk under three-point symmetric loading. IP position on the symmetry axis depends on active coefficient of friction during experiment. We extend this work to asymmetric loading of circular disk in which case two frictional contact pairs out of three loading contacts, independently control the unconstrained IP location. Photoelastic experiment is conducted on particular case of asymmetric three-point loading of circular disk. Basics of digital image processing are used to extract few essential parameters from experimental image, particularly IP location. Analytical solution by Flamant for half plane with a concentrated load, is utilized to derive stress components for required loading configurations of the disk. IP is observed, in analytical simulations of three-point asymmetric normal loading, to move from vertical axis to the boundary along an ellipse-like curve. When friction is included in the analysis, IP approaches the center with increase in loading friction and it goes away with increase in support friction. With all these insights, using experimental IP information, friction angles at three contact pairs of circular disk under asymmetric loading, are determined.


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We use the Ramsey separated oscillatory fields technique in a 400 degrees C thermal beam of ytterbium (Yb) atoms to measure the Larmor precession frequency (and hence the magnetic field) with high precision. For the experiment, we use the strongly allowed S-1(0) P-1(1) transition at 399 nm, and choose the odd isotope Yb-171 with nuclear spin I = 1/2, so that the ground state has only two magnetic sublevels m(F) = +/- 1/2. With a magnetic field of 22.2 G and a separation of about 400 mm between the oscillatory fields, the central Ramsey fringe is at 16.64 kHz and has a width of 350 Hz. The technique can be readily adapted to a cold atomic beam, which is expected to give more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in precision. The signal-to-noise ratio is comparable to other techniques of magnetometry; therefore it should be useful for all kinds of precision measurements such as searching for a permanent electric dipole moment in atoms.


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NMR-based approach to metabolomics typically involves the collection of two-dimensional (2D) heteronuclear correlation spectra for identification and assignment of metabolites. In case of spectral overlap, a 3D spectrum becomes necessary, which is hampered by slow data acquisition for achieving sufficient resolution. We describe here a method to simultaneously acquire three spectra (one 3D and two 2D) in a single data set, which is based on a combination of different fast data acquisition techniques such as G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR spectroscopy, parallel data acquisition and non-uniform sampling. The following spectra are acquired simultaneously: (1) C-13 multiplicity edited GFT (3,2)D HSQC-TOCSY, (2) 2D H-1- H-1] TOCSY and (3) 2D C-13- H-1] HETCOR. The spectra are obtained at high resolution and provide high-dimensional spectral information for resolving ambiguities. While the GFT spectrum has been shown previously to provide good resolution, the editing of spin systems based on their CH multiplicities further resolves the ambiguities for resonance assignments. The experiment is demonstrated on a mixture of 21 metabolites commonly observed in metabolomics. The spectra were acquired at natural abundance of C-13. This is the first application of a combination of three fast NMR methods for small molecules and opens up new avenues for high-throughput approaches for NMR-based metabolomics.


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On the basis of the pseudopotential plane-wave method and the local-density-functional theory, this paper studies energetics, stress-strain relation, stability, and ideal strength of beta-SiC under various loading modes, where uniform uniaxial extension and tension and biaxial proportional extension are considered along directions [001] and [111]. The lattice constant, elastic constants, and moduli of equilibrium state are calculated and the results agree well with the experimental data. As the four SI-C bonds along directions [111], [(1) over bar 11], [11(1) over bar] and [111] are not the same under the loading along [111], internal relaxation and the corresponding internal displacements must be considered. We find that, at the beginning of loading, the effect of internal displacement through the shuffle and glide plane diminishes the difference among the four Si-C bonds lengths, but will increase the difference at the subsequent loading, which will result in a crack nucleated on the {111} shuffle plane and a subsequently cleavage fracture. Thus the corresponding theoretical strength is 50.8 GPa, which agrees well with the recent experiment value, 53.4 GPa. However, with the loading along [001], internal relaxation is not important for tetragonal symmetry. Elastic constants during the uniaxial tension along [001] are calculated. Based on the stability analysis with stiffness coefficients, we find that the spinodal and Born instabilities are triggered almost at the same strain, which agrees with the previous molecular-dynamics simulation. During biaxial proportional extension, stress and strength vary proportionally with the biaxial loading ratio at the same longitudinal strain.