1000 resultados para Local Shocks
En aquest document es pretén estudiar de la viabilitat econòmica de la implantació d’una planta de piròlisi per a la producció de biochar o char en un context local i comarcal. La biomassa és una font d’energia que genera uns rendiments energètics prou interesants i d’una manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Així doncs, la teòrica planta utilitzarà biomassa que, a traves del tractament termoquímic de la piròlisi, ens generarà uns productes que són d’utilitat per l’obtenció d’energia d’una manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Abans de fer l’anàlisi econòmic, hi ha una explicació extensa dels processos termoquímics, com són la piròlisi, la gasificació i la torrefacció. Posteriorment, es du a terme una revisió de l’estat actual de les tecnologies de conversió de biomassa a Catalunya i finalment es realitza un inventari i anàlisi dels usos de la biomassa a Catalunya, en el qual es parla principalment de l’estella el pèl·let, així com també de la seva producció, consum i exportació. El nostre anàlisi econòmic de la planta de processament de biomassa es durà a terme a nivell local, és a dir en un municipi, i també a nivell comarcal a Catalunya. A partir del processament de biomassa per mitja de la piròlisi, obtindrem uns productes, entre els quals el biochar, que serà un dels productes finals per poder vendre. L’altre producte serà el pèl·let de biochar, que l’obtindrem a través del procés de pel·letització. Aquest procés ens permetrà densificar el mateix biochar i obtenir-ne pèl·lets amb un poder calorífic superior, com també el seu possible preu de venda final. En aquest anàlisi econòmic plantejarem diferents escenaris tant a nivell local com comarcal, és a dir, farem variar diferents paràmetres de la planta, com poden ser els dies, les hores de treball, el sou dels treballadors, l’existència de procés de pel·letització...per veure la viabilitat del nostre projecte. Aquesta viabilitat la mesurarem amb diferents Índexs, entre els quals hi ha l’Índex de Rendibilitat, que ens determinarà si el projecte és possible si el seu valor és més gran a 1.
Mountain ecosystems will likely be affected by global warming during the 21st century, with substantial biodiversity loss predicted by species distribution models (SDMs). Depending on the geographic extent, elevation range and spatial resolution of data used in making these models, different rates of habitat loss have been predicted, with associated risk of species extinction. Few coordinated across-scale comparisons have been made using data of different resolution and geographic extent. Here, we assess whether climate-change induced habitat losses predicted at the European scale (10x10' grid cells) are also predicted from local scale data and modeling (25x25m grid cells) in two regions of the Swiss Alps. We show that local-scale models predict persistence of suitable habitats in up to 100% of species that were predicted by a European-scale model to lose all their suitable habitats in the area. Proportion of habitat loss depends on climate change scenario and study area. We find good agreement between the mismatch in predictions between scales and the fine-grain elevation range within 10x10' cells. The greatest prediction discrepancy for alpine species occurs in the area with the largest nival zone. Our results suggest elevation range as the main driver for the observed prediction discrepancies. Local scale projections may better reflect the possibility for species to track their climatic requirement toward higher elevations.
INTRODUCTION: Osteoset(®) T is a calcium sulphate void filler containing 4% tobramycin sulphate, used to treat bone and soft tissue infections. Despite systemic exposure to the antibiotic, there are no pharmacokinetic studies in humans published so far. Based on the observations made in our patients, a model predicting tobramycin serum levels and evaluating their toxicity potential is presented. METHODS: Following implantation of Osteoset(®) T, tobramycin serum concentrations were monitored systematically. A pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a non-linear mixed effects model based on a one compartment model with first-degree absorption. RESULTS: Data from 12 patients treated between October 2006 and March 2008 were analysed. Concentration profiles were consistent with the first-order slow release and single-compartment kinetics, whilst showing important variability. Predicted tobramycin serum concentrations depended clearly on both implanted drug amount and renal function. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Despite the popularity of aminoglycosides for local antibiotic therapy, pharmacokinetic data for this indication are scarce, and not available for calcium sulphate as carrier material. Systemic exposure to tobramycin after implantation of Osteoset(®) T appears reassuring regarding toxicity potential, except in case of markedly impaired renal function. We recommend in adapting the dosage to the estimated creatinine clearance rather than solely to the patient's weight.
The proposed Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) amendments to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) will change the way local agencies manage their pavement markings and places a focus on pavement marking quality and management methods. This research effort demonstrates how a pavement marking maintenance method could be developed and used at the local agency level. The report addresses the common problems faced by agencies in achieving good pavement marking quality and provides recommendations specific towards these problems in terms of assessing pavement marking needs, selecting pavement marking materials, contracting out pavement marking services, measuring and monitoring performance, and in developing management tools to visualize pavement marking needs in a GIS format. The research includes five case studies, three counties and two cities, where retroreflectivity was measured over a spring and fall season and then mapped to evaluate pavement marking performance and needs. The research also includes over 35 field demonstrations (installation and monitoring) of both longitudinal and transverse durable markings in a variety of local agency settings all within an intense snow plow state.
As truck traffic on Iowa secondary roads has increased, engineers have moved to concrete pavements of greater depths. Early designs included thickened edge pavements and depths of seven inches or greater. The designs typically did not have load transfer devices installed in the transverse joints and relied on aggregate interlock for this purpose. In some cases, aggregate interlock was not adequate to deal with the soils and traffic conditions and faulting of the joints has begun to appear. Engineers are now faced with the need to install or retrofit load transfer in the joints to preserve the pavements. Questions associated with this decision range from the type of dowel material to dowel diameter, spacing, number of bars, placement method, and construction techniques to be used to assure reduction or elimination of faulting. Buena Vista County constructed a dowel bar retrofit project on one mile of road. The plan called for addition of the dowels (2, 3, or 4) in the outer wheel path only and surface grinding in lieu of asphalt overlay. The project included the application of elliptical- and round-shaped dowels in a rehabilitation project. Dowel material types included conventional epoxy-coated steel and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP). This work involved the determination of relative costs in materials to be used in this type of work and performance of FRP and elliptical-shaped steel dowels in the retrofit work. The results indicate good performance from each of the bar configurations and use the results of ride and deflection testing over the research period to project the benefits that can be gained from each configuration vs. the anticipated construction costs. The reader is cautioned that this project could not relate the number of dowels required to the level of anticipated truck traffic for other roads that might be considered.
Simulated-annealing-based conditional simulations provide a flexible means of quantitatively integrating diverse types of subsurface data. Although such techniques are being increasingly used in hydrocarbon reservoir characterization studies, their potential in environmental, engineering and hydrological investigations is still largely unexploited. Here, we introduce a novel simulated annealing (SA) algorithm geared towards the integration of high-resolution geophysical and hydrological data which, compared to more conventional approaches, provides significant advancements in the way that large-scale structural information in the geophysical data is accounted for. Model perturbations in the annealing procedure are made by drawing from a probability distribution for the target parameter conditioned to the geophysical data. This is the only place where geophysical information is utilized in our algorithm, which is in marked contrast to other approaches where model perturbations are made through the swapping of values in the simulation grid and agreement with soft data is enforced through a correlation coefficient constraint. Another major feature of our algorithm is the way in which available geostatistical information is utilized. Instead of constraining realizations to match a parametric target covariance model over a wide range of spatial lags, we constrain the realizations only at smaller lags where the available geophysical data cannot provide enough information. Thus we allow the larger-scale subsurface features resolved by the geophysical data to have much more due control on the output realizations. Further, since the only component of the SA objective function required in our approach is a covariance constraint at small lags, our method has improved convergence and computational efficiency over more traditional methods. Here, we present the results of applying our algorithm to the integration of porosity log and tomographic crosshole georadar data to generate stochastic realizations of the local-scale porosity structure. Our procedure is first tested on a synthetic data set, and then applied to data collected at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site.
Three pavement design software packages were compared with regards to how they were different in determining design input parameters and their influences on the pavement thickness. StreetPave designs the concrete pavement thickness based on the PCA method and the equivalent asphalt pavement thickness. The WinPAS software performs both concrete and asphalt pavements following the AASHTO 1993 design method. The APAI software designs asphalt pavements based on pre-mechanistic/empirical AASHTO methodology. First, the following four critical design input parameters were identified: traffic, subgrade strength, reliability, and design life. The sensitivity analysis of these four design input parameters were performed using three pavement design software packages to identify which input parameters require the most attention during pavement design. Based on the current pavement design procedures and sensitivity analysis results, a prototype pavement design and sensitivity analysis (PD&SA) software package was developed to retrieve the pavement thickness design value for a given condition and allow a user to perform a pavement design sensitivity analysis. The prototype PD&SA software is a computer program that stores pavement design results in database that is designed for the user to input design data from the variety of design programs and query design results for given conditions. The prototype Pavement Design and Sensitivity Analysis (PA&SA) software package was developed to demonstrate the concept of retrieving the pavement design results from the database for a design sensitivity analysis. This final report does not include the prototype software which will be validated and tested during the next phase.
The relationship between non-institutional free press and local communication is quite particular since this type of press forms a very characteristic model of local communication, showing that advertising suffices to finance an information product addressed to a fairly well-defined readership as long as this product has a good advertising sales department and an effective distribution in its operating area. This paper discusses the present situation of the free press in Catalonia, where this phenomenon has been quite prominent. It points out the main features of this type of press and makes a review of its history, which runs from the euphoria of its early years and its expansion and consolidation, to the current crisis
The purpose of the Introduction to Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Local Officials is to provide you with information regarding this system. Inside, you will learn about local and state emergency management and homeland security; the phases of homeland security and emergency management; hazards that affect the state; comprehensive planning requirements; emergency declarations; available state and federal assistance; and other important topics that will help you become more versed in homeland security and emergency management in Iowa.
Most local agencies in Iowa currently make their pavement treatment decisions based on their limited experience due primarily to lack of a systematic decision-making framework and a decision-aid tool. The lack of objective condition assessment data of agency pavements also contributes to this problem. This study developed a systematic pavement treatment selection framework for local agencies to assist them in selecting the most appropriate treatment and to help justify their maintenance and rehabilitation decisions. The framework is based on an extensive literature review of the various pavement treatment techniques in terms of their technical applicability and limitations, meaningful practices of neighboring states, and the results of a survey of local agencies. The treatment selection framework involves three different steps: pavement condition assessment, selection of technically feasible treatments using decision trees, and selection of the most appropriate treatment considering the return-on-investment (ROI) and other non-economic factors. An Excel-based spreadsheet tool that automates the treatment selection framework was also developed, along with a standalone user guide for the tool. The Pavement Treatment Selection Tool (PTST) for Local Agencies allows users to enter the severity and extent levels of existing distresses and then, recommends a set of technically feasible treatments. The tool also evaluates the ROI of each feasible treatment and, if necessary, it can also evaluate the non-economic value of each treatment option to help determine the most appropriate treatment for the pavement. It is expected that the framework and tool will help local agencies improve their pavement asset management practices significantly and make better economic and defensible decisions on pavement treatment selection.
We show how to decompose any density matrix of the simplest binary composite systems, whether separable or not, in terms of only product vectors. We determine for all cases the minimal number of product vectors needed for such a decomposition. Separable states correspond to mixing from one to four pure product states. Inseparable states can be described as pseudomixtures of four or five pure product states, and can be made separable by mixing them with one or two pure product states.
Ecological parameters vary in space, and the resulting heterogeneity of selective forces can drive adaptive population divergence. Clinal variation represents a classical model to study the interplay of gene flow and selection in the dynamics of this local adaptation process. Although geographic variation in phenotypic traits in discrete populations could be remainders of past adaptation, maintenance of adaptive clinal variation requires recurrent selection. Clinal variation in genetically determined traits is generally attributed to adaptation of different genotypes to local conditions along an environmental gradient, although it can as well arise from neutral processes. Here, we investigated whether selection accounts for the strong clinal variation observed in a highly heritable pheomelanin-based color trait in the European barn owl by comparing spatial differentiation of color and of neutral genes among populations. Barn owl's coloration varies continuously from white in southwestern Europe to reddish-brown in northeastern Europe. A very low differentiation at neutral genetic markers suggests that substantial gene flow occurs among populations. The persistence of pronounced color differentiation despite this strong gene flow is consistent with the hypothesis that selection is the primary force maintaining color variation among European populations. Therefore, the color cline is most likely the result of local adaptation.