858 resultados para Lingual appliance


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Inclues text or related sections of the Accidents reports act; Ash pan act; Bills of lading act; Block signal resolution; Boiler inspection act, as amended; Clayton antitrust act; Compulsory testimony act; District court jurisdiction act; Elkins act, as amended: Expediting act, as amended; Government-aided railroad and telegraph act; Hours of service act, as amended; Immunity of witnesses act; Lake Erie and Ohio ship canal act; Medals of honor act [and] regulations, as amended; Parcel post acts; Railway mail service pay act; Safety appliance act; Transportation of explosives act.


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Background: Previous studies of stability and relapse after orthodontic treatment report short-term stability is generally followed by slow relapse to the original condition. What these studies do not report is whether this relapse is continuous or interspersed with periods of improvement or stability. Methods: A subjective 0-10 index of malocclusion was used to record post-treatment stability and relapse over 10 to 12 years following fixed appliance orthodontic treatment of 24 patients. The severity scores were plotted on timelines. Results: Episodes of change, both favourable and unfavourable, were interspersed with episodes of stability. Conclusions: Changes in the first 3 and 12 months post-treatment are indicative of the 10 to 12 years post-treatment outcomes. This index may provide a useful instrument to analyze patients and/or their study models longitudinally.


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Primary Objective. To extend the capabilities of current electropalatography (EPG) systems by developing a pressure-sensing EPG system. An initial trial of a prototype pressure-sensing palate will be presented. Research Design. The processes involved in designing the pressure sensors are outlined, with Hall effect transistors being selected. These units are compact, offer high sensitivity and are inexpensive. An initial prototype acrylic palate was constructed with five embedded pressure sensors. Syllable repetitions were recorded from one adult female. Main Outcomes, Results and Future Directions. The pressure-sensing palate was capable of recording dynamic tongue-to-palate pressures, with minimal to no interference to speech detected perceptually. With a restricted number of sensors, problems were encountered in optimally positioning the sensors to detect the consonant lingual pressures. Further developments are planned for various aspects of the pressure-sensing system. Conclusions. Although only in the prototype stage, the pressure-sensing palate represents the new generation of EPG. Comprehensive analysis of tongue-to-palate contacts, including pressure measures, is expected to enable more specific and effective therapeutic techniques to be developed for a variety of speech disorders.


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Cementum is known to be growth-hormone (GH)-responsive, but to what extent is unclear. This study examines the effects of extremes of GH status on cementogenesis in three lines of genetically modified mice; GH excess (giant), GH antagonist excess (dwarf), and GH receptor-deleted (GHR-KO) (dwarf). Age-matched mandibular molar tissues were processed for light microscope histology. Digital images of sections of first molar teeth were captured for morphometric analysis of lingual root cementum. Cross-sectional area of the cellular cementum was a sensitive guide to GH status, being reduced nearly 10-fold in GHR-KO mice, three-fold in GH antagonist mice, and increased almost two-fold in giant mice (p


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The present study employed electropalatography (EPG) and a nonspeech measure of lingual function to examine, in detail, the articulatory production deficits of two individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) and hypokinetic dysarthria. Participants read 10 repetitions of CV words contained within the carrier phrase I saw a _ today while wearing an EPG artificial palate. Target consonants included the alveolar stop /t/, lateral approximant /l/, and the alveolar fricative /s/ in the /a/ vowel environment. The results of the two participants were compared to an age-matched control group. Examination of the perceptual features of articulatory production, lingual strength, fine force control and endurance, tongue-palate contact patterns, and segment durations were conducted. Results of the study revealed quite different articulatory deficits in the two participants. Specifically, the articulation of Participant One (P1) was characterized by a fast rate of speech, undershooting of articulatory targets, and reduced duration of consonant closures. In contrast, Participant Two (P2) demonstrated tongue-palate contact patterns indicative of impaired lingual control in the presence of both normal and increased articulatory segment durations. Potential reasons for the differing articulatory deficits were hypothesized. The current study demonstrated that assessment with EPG identified potential causes of consonant imprecision in two individuals with hypokinetic dysarthria. Directions for speech pathology intervention, salient from the results of the study, were also noted.


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Electropalatography (EPG) was used as a biofeedback tool in a case study of a 30-year-old male with disordered articulation following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Based on qualitative measures of the participant's intelligibility, improved articulation of the fricatives /s/ and /integral/ were selected as treatment targets. Therapy was administered three times a week for 5 weeks. Results showed that word and sentence intelligibility increased approximately 10%, and error patterns for lingual articulation indicated that fricative -> stop and other fricative errors decreased considerably. EPG measures for /s/ exhibited a significantly more anterior main focus of articulatory contact post therapy. Consonant durations were significantly longer during weeks 3 and 4, and this finding was associated with the emergence of an articulatory contact pattern with a groove rather than complete closure. This articulatory pattern appeared inconsistently and was found to vary across articulations of /s/ but also within a single consonant production. For /integral/, the amount of contact was significantly reduced post therapy and an increase in duration was noted during week 4, similar to that occurring in the production of /s/. Spatial and timing measures were more variable than in normal speakers of English and indicated a general increase in variability across weeks for both /s/ and /integral/. It was concluded that, although the correct fricative patterns appeared only intermittently during production of the consonants, there seemed to be sufficient information for the listener to be able to classify the sound as a fricative. As a part of an intervention program, visual EPG biofeedback therapy would appear to have a definite role in assisting dysarthric speakers exhibiting difficulties with lingual articulation in understanding their errors, learning how to exploit kinesthetic, and acoustic sources of feedback, and how to make appropriate adjustments in tongue articulation to increase the level of speech intelligibility.


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The morphology and functional occlusion of the cheekteeth of 57 dugongs Dugong dugon of both sexes were examined using reflected light and scanning electron microscopy, radiography, hardness testing and skull manipulation. The functional morphology of the horny oral pads was also described. Mouthparts and body size allometry was examined for ontogenetic and gender-related trends. We found that the worn erupted cheekteeth of the dugong are simple flat pegs composed of soft degenerative dentine. During occlusion, the mandible moves in a mainly antero-lingual direction, with the possibility of mandibular retraction in some individuals. Anterior parts of the cheektooth row may become non-functional as a dugong ages. As a function of body size, dugong cheekteeth are extremely small compared with those of other mammalian herbivores, and with other hindgut fermenters in particular. The morphology, small size and occlusal variability of the cheekteeth suggest that there has not been strong selective pressure acting to maintain an effective dentition. In contrast, great development of the horny pads and associated skull parameters and their lower size variability suggest that the horny pads may have assumed the major role in food comminution.


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Document classification is a supervised machine learning process, where predefined category labels are assigned to documents based on the hypothesis derived from training set of labelled documents. Documents cannot be directly interpreted by a computer system unless they have been modelled as a collection of computable features. Rogati and Yang [M. Rogati and Y. Yang, Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR, in SIGIR 2004: Proceedings of the 27th annual international conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM Press, Sheffied: United Kingdom, pp. 154-161.] pointed out that the effectiveness of document classification system may vary in different domains. This implies that the quality of document model contributes to the effectiveness of document classification. Conventionally, model evaluation is accomplished by comparing the effectiveness scores of classifiers on model candidates. However, this kind of evaluation methods may encounter either under-fitting or over-fitting problems, because the effectiveness scores are restricted by the learning capacities of classifiers. We propose a model fitness evaluation method to determine whether a model is sufficient to distinguish positive and negative instances while still competent to provide satisfactory effectiveness with a small feature subset. Our experiments demonstrated how the fitness of models are assessed. The results of our work contribute to the researches of feature selection, dimensionality reduction and document classification.


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Previous studies have indicated that consonant imprecision in Parkinson's disease (PD) may result from a reduction in the amplitude of lingual movements or articulatory undershoot. While this has been postulated, direct measurement of the tongue's contact with the hard palate during speech production has not been undertaken. Therefore, the present study aimed to use electropalatography (EPG) to determine the exact nature of tongue-palate contact in a group of individuals with PD and consonant imprecision (n=9). Furthermore, the current investigation also aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young (n=8) control speakers to determine the relative contribution of ageing of the lingual musculature to any articulatory deficits noted. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase 'I saw a ___ today' with the artificial palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /l/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Phonetic transcription of phoneme productions and description of error types was completed. Furthermore, representative frames of contact were employed to describe the features of tongue-palate contact and to calculate spatial palatal indices. Results of the perceptual investigation revealed that perceived undershooting of articulatory targets distinguished the participant group with PD from the control groups. However, objective EPG assessment indicated that undershooting of the target consonant was not the cause of the perceived articulatory errors. It is, therefore, possible that reduced pressure of tongue contact with the hard palate, sub-lingual deficits or impaired articulatory timing resulted in the perceived undershooting of the target consonants.


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Previous investigations employing electropalatography (EPG) have identified articulatory timing deficits in individuals with acquired dysarthria. However, this technology is yet to be applied to the articulatory timing disturbance present in Parkinson's disease (PD). As a result, the current investigation aimed to use EPG to comprehensively examine the temporal aspects of articulation in a group of nine individuals with PD at sentence, word and segment level. This investigation followed on from a prior study (McAuliffe, Ward and Murdoch) and similarly, aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young controls (n=8) to determine if ageing contributed to any articulatory timing deficits observed. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase I saw a ___ today'' with the EPG palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /1/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Perceptual investigation of speech rate was conducted in addition to objective measurement of sentence, word and segment duration. Segment durations included the total segment length and duration of the approach, closure/constriction and release phases of EPG consonant production. Results of the present study revealed impaired speech rate, perceptually, in the group with PD. However, this was not confirmed objectively. Electropalatographic investigation of segment durations indicated that, in general, the group with PD demonstrated segment durations consistent with the control groups. Only one significant difference was noted, with the group with PD exhibiting significantly increased duration of the release phase for /1a/ when compared to both the control groups. It is, therefore, possible that EPG failed to detect lingual movement impairment as it does not measure the complete tongue movement towards and away from the hard palate. Furthermore, the contribution of individual variation to the present findings should not be overlooked.


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Adverse effects of corticosteroids on bone metabolism raise concerns as to whether steroid treatment may influence orthodontic movement. This study examined the effect of prednisolone on orthodontic movement using an established rat model. The corticosteroid treated group (N = 6) was administered prednisolone (1 mg/kg) daily, for a 12-day induction period; the control group (N = 6) received equivalent volumes of saline. On day 12, an orthodontic appliance was placed which exerted 30 g of mesial force to the maxillary first molar. Animals were sacrificed on day 24 and tooth movement was measured. Sagittal sections of the molars were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity. While there were no significant differences in the magnitude of tooth movement between the 2 groups, steroid-treated rats displayed significantly less root resorption on the compression side and fewer TRAP-positive cells within the PDL space on the same side. This suggests steroid treatment suppressed elastic activity.


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No âmbito do Direito à Comunicação, dos Direitos Humanos e da discussão a respeito dos Direitos Autorais sobre obras principalmente literárias e científicas, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma pesquisa de campo de caráter exploratório. Ele busca estabelecer um mapeamento do uso das práticas de produção e compartilhamento de conteúdo aberto por parte do corpo docente da UMESP, por meio do uso de licenciamento livre do tipo Commons e seguindo os preceitos apregoados pelo movimento dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA). Portanto, o método estatístico utilizado foi o de amostragem probabilística aleatória simples utilizando-se de questionário com perguntas fechadas, possibilitando a elaboração de uma base de dados consistente que foi explorada no intuito de confirmar a hipótese inicialmente formulada, além de contemplar outras inferências não menos interessantes. A principal conclusão apresentada é que, mesmo que não seja de conhecimento da maioria do corpo docente da UMESP sobre o compartilhamento de conteúdo sob licenciamento livre e nem tampouco sobre o movimento REA, não existem restrições significativas quanto à adesão a tais práticas.


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Este estudo avaliou os efeitos esqueléticos da tração reversa da maxila utilizando imagens 2D (telerradiografia lateral) geradas a partir da tomografia de feixe cônico (imagens 3D). A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças (15 do gênero feminino, e 5 do masculino), com idade variando de 5,6 a 10,7 anos que apresentavam má-oclusão de Classe III de Angle. A tomografia foi realizada antes do tratamento (T1) e logo após o tratamento (T2). O tratamento foi realizado por meio da tração reversa da maxila utilizando-se o aparelho expansor Hyrax associado à máscara facial individualizada, com força de 600 a 800g de cada lado, durante 14 horas por dia. A correção da relação de caninos em Classe I ou com sua sobrecorreção em Classe II foi obtida após 4 a 8 meses de tratamento. Para verificar o erro sistemático e casual foi utilizado o teste t pareado e a fórmula de Dahlberg, respectivamente. O teste t pareado (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre as medidas cefalométricas obtidas em T1 e T2. Na maxila houve aumento do SNA 2,2°, A-Nperp 1,47mm e em Co-A 2,58mm. Na mandíbula, SNB diminuiu -0,54° e P-Nperp, -1,45mm, enquanto Co-Gn aumentou 1,04mm. Houve melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular ANB 2,74° e Wits 4,23mm. As variáveis GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md, e AFAI aumentaram demonstrando que houve uma rotação da mandíbula no sentido horário. O plano palatino rotacionou no sentido anti-horário. Pode se concluir que o tratamento de tração reversa da maxila na idade precoce promoveu uma melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular devido a um avanço da maxila e um deslocamento da mandíbula para baixo e para trás.


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O presente estudo avaliou a velocidade da movimentação ortodôntica e as alterações dentárias e esqueléticas na distalização de molares superiores sob influência do laser de baixa intensidade por meio de telerradiografias laterais. A amostra foi constituída por 18 pacientes, portadores de maloclusão Classe II, com idade média inicial de 14,4 anos e divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I - laser e Grupo II - controle. Os pacientes foram tratados com um dispositivo ortodôntico denominado Pêndulo de Hilgers modificado, concomitantemente foi realizado a aplicação do laser de baixa intensidade na região radicular dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, dos lados direito e esquerdo, nos pacientes do grupo I, sob o seguinte protocolo: 780nm de comprimento de onda, 40mW de potência, 10J/cm² de densidade de energia, 0,4J de energia por ponto durante 10 segundos cada e resultando em energia total de 20,8J. Foram distribuídos 52 pontos por vestibular e palatina dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores. A aplicação do laser foi realizada no dia da ativação da mola de TMA e repetida a cada mês até a sobrecorreção da relação molar. As telerradiografias laterais foram realizadas no início do tratamento (T1), ao final do terceiro mês (T2) e ao final da distalização (T3) com a relação molar sobrecorrigida em aproximadamente 1mm. Após análise cefalométrica foram realizadas comparações das alterações obtidas entre as fases Inicial (T1) e Final (T3) e Inicial (T1) e terceiro mês (T2) e comparadas entre os grupos. Os resultados mostraram inclinação para distal dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, inclinação vestibular dos incisivos centrais superiores acentuada pela presença dos segundos molares e ausência de alterações dentárias verticais significativas, rotação do plano mandibular no sentido horário e o consequente aumento da altura facial anterior inferior. Concluiu-se que os efeitos do Pêndulo de Hilgers modificado sob a metodologia realizada provocaram alterações predominantemente dentoalveolares e que a movimentação dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores sob efeito da laserterapia, não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante na velocidade de movimentação ortodôntica e em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas.