925 resultados para Library rules and regulations.
Controle interno em órgão público: um estudo do sistema de pagamento de pessoal da Marinha do Brasil
Os administradores da atualidade convivem, por um lado, com o aumento permanente das demanda dos cidadãos por serviços públicos e, por outro lado, com a carência de recursos e a resistência da população à elevação da base tributária. Tal dilema exige que, cada vez mais, os sistemas de controle interno sejam fortalecidos, com o objetivo de disponibilizar informações confiáveis que possibilitem o controle das operações e a melhora do processo de tomada de decisões. Assim, o presente estudo procurou investigar se o sistema de controle interno utilizado pelo Sistema de Pagamento de Pessoal da Marinha do Brasil atende às leis, regulamentos e demais normas vigentes na esfera federal e ao que prevê o referencial teórico e os estudos acadêmicos sobre o assunto. Por meio de um estudo de caso se perseguiu expor os conceitos de controle interno, apresentar processamento da folha de pessoal e analisar o controle interno adotado pelo sistema atual, bem como o processo de atualização do software responsável e seus controles. As fontes utilizadas foram bibliográfica, documental, observação direta e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Foram, também, identificados pontos a explorar e a gerenciar dentro de categorias de requisitos de software, de modo a mitigar os riscos e maximizar as oportunidades do negócio. Os resultados indicam que o processo de modernização, ainda não concluído, está convergindo para uma maior adequação do processamento da folha de pagamento de pessoal às melhores práticas existentes, de modo que seus controles atendam às normas vigentes e ao que prevê a área acadêmica sobre o assunto. A conclusão do presente estudo apontou que o referido sistema de controle interno atende às leis, regulamentos e demais normas vigentes na esfera federal e, parcialmente, ao que prevê o referencial teórico e os estudos acadêmicos sobre o assunto.
A partir do exame comparativo dos regimentos passados aos governadores-gerais Antônio Telles da Silva, em 1642, Jerônimo de Ataíde, em 1653, e ao mestre-de-campo general Roque da Costa Barreto, em 1677, o presente trabalho procura, em sua primeira parte, determinar e sistematizar as atribuições e competências do Governo-Geral no que se refere à administração do Estado do Brasil, buscando apresentar como a instituição se organizava, do ponto de vista formal.Na segunda parte, examina-se a prática administrativa dos referidos governadores, tendo por foco as questões relacionadas à defesa e conservação da América portuguesa, como também a sua exploração econômica. Objetiva-se, com isso, verificar as condições de governabilidade, a posição do governador-geral dentro da estrutura administrativa da América, sua interface com os grupos da sociedade e seus distintos interesses, possibilitando compreender seu efetivo funcionamento e sua penetração na sociedade. Pretende-se, dessa forma, apreender a aplicação das normas regimentais e sua recepção no corpo social, identificando, a partir da articulação entre a forma normativa, expressa nos regimentos, e a da prática administrativa, o alcance e os limites do poder da Coroa.
Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, is subject to significant overfishing in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters, and regulations are being implemented to reduce fishing mortality and restore them to a 20% spawning potential ratio by the year 2009. One source of mortality that must be reduced to achieve this goal is the incidental capture ofjuvenile red snappers in shrimp, Penaeus spp., trawls. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service is conducting research to develop shrimp trawl modifications to reduce the snapper bycatch. An important part of this research is the study of juvenile red snapper behavior on commercial shrimp grounds and in relation to trawling gear. An area of high juvenile red snapper abundance was identified off the coast of Mississippi. Most snappers were observed around structures or objects on the bottom which they appeared to use for refuge or orientation. Those ranging over barren bottom had no apparent point of orientation. When encountered by shrimp trawls, most juvenile snappers rose above the trawl footrope and fell back into the trawl. These observations have directed research toward modifying shrimp trawls to release juvenile red snappers after entry, rather than preventing them from entering a shrimp trawl.
Technological innovation has made it possible to grow marine finfish in the coastal and open ocean. Along with this opportunity comes environmental risk. As a federal agency charged with stewardship of the nation’s marine resources, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) requires tools to evaluate the benefits and risks that aquaculture poses in the marine environment, to implement policies and regulations which safeguard our marine and coastal ecosystems, and to inform production designs and operational procedures compatible with marine stewardship. There is an opportunity to apply the best available science and globally proven best management practices to regulate and guide a sustainable United States (U.S.) marine finfish farming aquaculture industry. There are strong economic incentives to develop this industry, and doing so in an environmentally responsible way is possible if stakeholders, the public and regulatory agencies have a clear understanding of the relative risks to the environment and the feasible solutions to minimize, manage or eliminate those risks. This report spans many of the environmental challenges that marine finfish aquaculture faces. We believe that it will serve as a useful tool to those interested in and responsible for the industry and safeguarding the health, productivity and resilience of our marine ecosystems. This report aims to provide a comprehensive review of some predominant environmental risks that marine fish cage culture aquaculture, as it is currently conducted, poses in the marine environment and designs and practices now in use to address these environmental risks in the U.S. and elsewhere. Today’s finfish aquaculture industry has learned, adapted and improved to lessen or eliminate impacts to the marine habitats in which it operates. What progress has been made? What has been learned? How have practices changed and what are the results in terms of water quality, benthic, and other environmental effects? To answer these questions we conducted a critical review of the large body of scientific work published since 2000 on the environmental impacts of marine finfish aquaculture around the world. Our report includes results, findings and recommendations from over 420 papers, primarily from peer-reviewed professional journals. This report provides a broad overview of the twenty-first century marine finfish aquaculture industry, with a targeted focus on potential impacts to water quality, sediment chemistry, benthic communities, marine life and sensitive habitats. Other environmental issues including fish health, genetic issues, and feed formulation were beyond the scope of this report and are being addressed in other initiatives and reports. Also absent is detailed information about complex computer simulations that are used to model discharge, assimilation and accumulation of nutrient waste from farms. These tools are instrumental for siting and managing farms, and a comparative analysis of these models is underway by NOAA.
Two halfbeak species, ballyhoo (Hemiramphus brasiliensis) and balao (H. balao), are harvested as bait in south Florida waters, and recent changes in fishing effort and regulations prompted this investigation of the overlap of halfbeak fishing grounds and spawning grounds. Halfbeaks were sampled aboard commercial fishing vessels, and during fishery-independent trips, to determine spatial and temporal spawning patterns of both species. Cyclic patterns of gonadosomatic indices (GSIs) indicated that both species spawned during spring and summer months. Histological analysis demonstrated that specific stages of oocyte development can be predicted from GSI values; for example, female ballyhoo with GSIs >6.0 had hydrated oocytes that were 2.0−3.5 mm diameter. Diel changes in oocyte diameters and histological criteria demonstrated that final oocyte maturation occurred over a 30- to 36-hour period and that ballyhoo spawned at dusk. Hydration of oocytes began in the morning, and ovulation occurred at sunset of that same day; therefore females with hydrated oocytes were ready to spawn within hours. We compared maps of all locations where fish were collected to maps of locations where spawning females (i.e. females with GSIs >6.0) were collected to determine the degree of overlap of halfbeak fishing and spawning grounds. We also used geographic information system (GIS) data to describe the depth and bottom type of halfbeak spawning grounds. Ballyhoo spawned all along the coral reef tract of the Atlantic Ocean, inshore of the reef tract, and in association with bank habitats within Florida Bay. In the Atlantic Ocean, balao spawned along the reef tract and in deeper, more offshore waters than did ballyhoo; balao were not found inshore of the coral reef tract or in Florida Bay. Both halfbeak species, considered together, spawned throughout the fishing grounds of south Florida.
Vertically aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) 'forest' microstructures fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using patterned catalyst films typically have a low CNT density per unit area. As a result, CNT forests have poor bulk properties and are too fragile for integration with microfabrication processing. We introduce a new self-directed capillary densification method where a liquid is controllably condensed onto and evaporated from the CNT forests. Compared to prior approaches, where the substrate with CNTs is immersed in a liquid, our condensation approach gives significantly more uniform structures and enables precise control of the CNT packing density. We present a set of design rules and parametric studies of CNT micropillar densification by self-directed capillary action, and show that self-directed capillary densification enhances Young's modulus and electrical conductivity of CNT micropillars by more than three orders of magnitude. Owing to the outstanding properties of CNTs, this scalable process will be useful for the integration of CNTs as a functional material in microfabricated devices for mechanical, electrical, thermal and biomedical applications. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.
We use polarization-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of single zincblende (ZB) (cubic) and wurtzite (WZ) (hexagonal) InP nanowires to probe differences in selection rules and bandgaps between these two semiconductor nanostructures. The WZ nanowires exhibit a bandgap 80 meV higher in energy than the ZB nanowires. The temperature dependence of the PL is similar but not identical for the WZ and ZB nanowires. We find that ZB nanowires exhibit strong polarization parallel to the nanowire axis, while the WZ nanowires exhibit polarized emission perpendicular to the nanowire axis. This behavior is interpreted in terms of the different selection rules for WZ and ZB crystal structures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Background: Short and long interspersed elements (SINEs and LINEs, respectively), two types of retroposons, are active in shaping the architecture of genomes and powerful tools for studies of phylogeny and population biology. Here we developed special protocol to apply biotin-streptavidin bead system into isolation of interspersed repeated sequences rapidly and efficiently, in which SINEs and LINEs were captured directly from digested genomic DNA by hybridization to bead-probe complex in solution instead of traditional strategy including genomic library construction and screening. Results: A new couple of SINEs and LINEs that shared an almost identical 3'tail was isolated and characterized in silver carp and bighead carp of two closely related species. These SINEs (34 members), designated HAmo SINE family, were little divergent in sequence and flanked by obvious TSD indicated that HAmo SINE was very young family. The copy numbers of this family was estimated to 2 x 10(5) and 1.7 x 10(5) per haploid genome by Real-Time qPCR, respectively. The LINEs, identified as the homologs of LINE2 in other fishes, had a conserved primary sequence and secondary structures of the 3'tail region that was almost identical to that of HAmo SINE. These evidences suggest that HAmo SINEs are active and amplified recently utilizing the enzymatic machinery for retroposition of HAmoL2 through the recognition of higher-order structures of the conserved 42-tail region. We analyzed the possible structures of HAmo SINE that lead to successful amplification in genome and then deduced that HAmo SINE, SmaI SINE and FokI SINE that were similar in sequence each other, were probably generated independently and created by LINE family within the same lineage of a LINE phylogeny in the genomes of different hosts. Conclusion: The presented results show the advantage of the novel method for retroposons isolation and a pair of young SINE family and its partner LINE family in two carp fishes, which strengthened the hypotheses containing the slippage model for initiation of reverse transcription, retropositional parasitism of SINEs on LINEs, the formation of the stem loop structure in 3'tail region of some SINEs and LINEs and the mechanism of template switching in generating new SINE family.
Planar graphite has been extensively studied by Raman scattering for years. A comparative Raman study of several different and less common non-planar graphitic materials is given here. New kinds of graphite whiskers and tubular graphite cones (synthetic and natural) have been introduced. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to the characterization of natural graphite crystal edge planes, an individual graphite whisker graphite polyhedral crystals and tubular graphite cones. Almost all of the observed Raman modes were assigned according to the selection rules and the double-resonance Raman mechanism. The polarization properties related to the structural features, the line shape of the first-order dispersive mode and its combination modes, the frequency variation of some modes in different carbon materials and other unique Raman spectral features are discussed here in detail.
By using the hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for semiconductors with the wurtzite structure, we have studied the exciton states and optical spectra in CdSe nanocrystallite quantum dots. The intrinsic asymmetry of the hexagonal lattice structure and the effect of spin-orbital coupling (SOC) on the hole states are investigated. It is found that the strong SOC limit is a good approximation for hole states. The selection rules and oscillator strengths for optical transitions between the conduction- and valence-band states are obtained. The Coulomb interaction of exciton states is also taken into account. In order to identify the exciton states, we use the approximation of eliminating the coupling of Gamma(6)(X, Y) with Gamma(1)(Z) states. The results are found to account for most of the important features of the experimental photoluminescence excitation spectra of Norris ct nl. However, if the interaction between Gamma(6)(X, Y) and Gamma(1)(Z) states is ignored, the optically passive P-x state cannot become the ground hole state for small CdSe quantum dots of radius less than 30 Angstrom. It is suggested that the intrinsic asymmetry of the hexagonal lattice structure and the coupling of Gamma(6)(X,Y) with Gamma(1)(Z) states are important for understanding the "dark exciton" effect.
Along with its economic reform, China has experienced a rapid urbanization. This study mapped urban land expansion in China using high-resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper data of 1989/1990, 1995/1996 and 1999/2000 and analyzed its expansion modes and the driving forces underlying this process during 1990-2000. Our results show that China's urban land increased by 817 thousand hectares, of which 80.8% occurred during 1990-1995 and 19.2% during 1995-2000. It was also found that China's urban expansion had high spatial and temporal differences, such as four expansion modes, concentric, leapfrog, linear and multi-nuclei, and their combinations coexisted and expanded urban land area in the second 5 y was much less than that of the first 5 y. Case studies of the 13 mega cities showed that urban expansion had been largely driven by demographic change, economic growth, and changes in land use policies and regulations.
The Bohai Sea costal area is one of the most developed zones of China and the sewage water from populous and developed cities, including Beijing, Tianjin. Qinhuangdao and Dalian is discharged into the Bohai Sea. Additionally, its semi-enclosed characteristic restricts water exchange, which leads to high accumulation of pollutants in the environment. This overview presents the residues of 6 classes of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). including PAHs, DDTs. HCHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs. in the sediments and mollusks of the Bohai Sea through analyzing previous literatures. In the sediments. the highest PAH concentrations were detected in the vicinities of Qinhuangdao, while the northeast corner of the Bohai Bay possessed the highest levels of DDTs and PCBs. The investigations on HCHs and PCDD/Fs distributions on the whole sea scale have not been reported. In mollusks, PAH concentrations were in the same order of magnitude in the whole Bohai Sea, so were DDTs. HCHs and PCBs, while the outlier maximum values of PCDDs and PCDFs occurred in Yingkou. In general, the POPs residues in mollusks collected from Shandong Province were higher than the other areas. The compositions of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in sediments indicated their recent usage. By comparing POP concentrations in sediments with the recommended criterions, it was shown that some individual PAH compounds occasionally associated with adverse biological effects in the vicinities of the Liaodong Bay and Qinhuangdao, and the Liaohe River Estuary were heavily contaminated with DDTs, but PCBs were all below the thresholds. In order to reveal the transference and transformation of POPs in the environment, further studies concerning with their behavior, fate and bioaccumulation in the different trophic levels should be programmed. Moreover, laws and regulations should be enforced to ban the illegal usage of POPs-containing pesticides to guarantee health of the environment and human. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The exchange of information between the police and community partners forms a central aspect of effective community service provision. In the context of policing, a robust and timely communications mechanism is required between police agencies and community partner domains, including: Primary healthcare (such as a Family Physician or a General Practitioner); Secondary healthcare (such as hospitals); Social Services; Education; and Fire and Rescue services. Investigations into high-profile cases such as the Victoria Climbié murder in 2000, the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, and, more recently, the death of baby Peter Connelly through child abuse in 2007, highlight the requirement for a robust information-sharing framework. This paper presents a novel syntax that supports information-sharing requests, within strict data-sharing policy definitions. Such requests may form the basis for any information-sharing agreement that can exist between the police and their community partners. It defines a role-based architecture, with partner domains, with a syntax for the effective and efficient information sharing, using SPoC (Single Point-of-Contact) agents to control in-formation exchange. The application of policy definitions using rules within these SPoCs is inspired by network firewall rules and thus define information exchange permissions. These rules can be imple-mented by software filtering agents that act as information gateways between partner domains. Roles are exposed from each domain to give the rights to exchange information as defined within the policy definition. This work involves collaboration with the Scottish Police, as part of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), and aims to improve the safety of individuals by reducing risks to the community using enhanced information-sharing mechanisms.
Tedd, L.A. & Large, A. (2005). Digital libraries: principles and practice in a global environment. Munich: K.G. Saur.
Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)