828 resultados para Larson, Brad
Reworked shallow-water larger and deep-water calcareous benthic foraminifers were recovered from foraminiferal packstones and nannofossil chalks in Hole 802A. The autochthonous zeolitic pelagic claystone is characterized by late Campanian abyssal agglutinated foraminifers that allow correlation with the North Atlantic and the adjacent Pigafetta Basin. Assemblages of DendrophryalRhizammina in graded beds within the zeolitic claystone indicate reworking through entrainment in the flocculent E layer of turbidites, rather than recolonization following a biosiliceous event. Background sedimentation of the claystone took place below the carbonate compensation depth. The nannofossil chalk contains reworked lower bathyal to abyssal calcareous foraminifers of late Paleocene to early Miocene age. The topmost bed of the nannofossil chalk unit commences with an algal foraminiferal packstone containing Lepidocyclina sumatrensis, Heterostegina borneensis, Amphistegina hauerina, Asterigerina marshallana, and A. tentoria, which indicate that the source area was a shallow-water reef and allow the bed to be dated as early Miocene. The absence of obviously younger planktonic microfossils in the graded bed indicates that the resedimentation event was generally contemporaneous with original deposition and took place during an early Miocene global sea-level highstand. An early Miocene shallow-water assemblage is also seen in the graded beds at the base of a volcaniclastic turbidite sequence overlying the nannofossil chalks. Resedimentation of this unit was associated with volcanic activity some distance away.
Compressional wave velocities and densities were measured for 6 basalt samples from ODP Hole 801B and 16 samples from ODP Hole 801C, a site that represents the first drilling of Jurassic-age crustal rocks in the Pacific basin. Incremental measurements, taken to a total pressure of 200 MPa, show a systematic decrease in velocity with increasing porosity and a related increase with increasing wet-bulk density. A comparison of the plot of porosity vs. compressional wave velocity with the theoretical equation from Wyllie et al. (1958) suggests this equation is inappropriate for oceanic basalts because of mineral alteration in high porosity samples. Also of interest is the dramatic change in velocity across a hydrothermal boundary. Basalts below this hydrothermal layer have a mean velocity of 6.05 km/s at 60 MPa while those above show a mean velocity of 4.55 km/s at 60 MPa. The low velocity values of the basalts above the hydrothermal deposit may be attributed to the higher porosity and composition observed in these rocks; the higher porosity is possibly the result of increased exposure to circulating seawater.
"This translation of the labor laws of Ecuador was made under the direction of Ethel Y. Larson, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics."
"This translation of the labor laws of Paraguay was made under the direction of Ethel Y. Larson, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics."
"This translation of the labor laws of Venezuela was made under the direction of Ethel Y. Larson, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics."
Cover title.
Cover title.
Back Row: Coaches Bob Patek, Jerry Zuver, Mike Gittleson, Milan Vooletich, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Paul Schudel, Bob Thornbladh, Barry Pierson, Mike Smith, Curt Stephenson, Trainer Lindsy McLean, Eqp. Mgr. Jon Falk.
9th Row: Kevin Smith, Doug Agnew, * , Mike Butts, Steve Zarnata, Brad Fischer, Kevin Gilligan, * , Karl Tech, Jerome Jelinek, Bill Welch, * , Vince Shaw, Mgr. Nick Uriah
8th Row: Marion Body, Dave Brewster, Rich Strenger, Sanford Washington, Steve Reilly, Tom Neal, Norm Betts, Mike Petsch, Mike Lemirande, Gary Snell, Jeff Reeves, Tony Jackson, Jeff Felten, Tony Kelsie
7th Row: Mike Webster, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Ed Muransky, Mark Warth, Tom Garrity, Robert Thompson, Jim Paciorek, Gary Lee, Zeke Wallace, Brian Carpenter, John Sandberg
6th Row: Tom Moss, Tim Carrier, Jay Allen, Jim Breaugh, Larry Jones, David Angood, Tom Wandersleben, Fred Motley, Dave Payne, Rod Vaughn, Gasper Calindrino, Kevin Long, Bryan Virgil, *
5th Row: Brad Bates, Irvin Johnson, Kelly Keough, Tom Keller, Rick Novak, Ben Needham, Oliver Johnson, Jeff Jackson, Dan Kwiatkowski, John Prepolec, Greg Wunderli, Kurt Becker, Tony Osbun, Mike Kligis, Chuck Christian
4th Row: Craig Page, B.J. Dickey, Rodney Peaster, Dan Murray, Andy Cannavino, Dave Nicolau, Stanley Edwards, Michael Davis, Mike Trgovac, Stuart Harris, Roger Gaudette, Jim Kozlowski, Alan Mitchell, Rick Jones, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
3rd Row: Gerald Diggs, Tony Leoni, Roosevelt Smith, Gary Weber, Lawrence Reid, Mel Owens, George Lilja, John Powers, Chris Godfrey, John Wangler, Gene Bell, Michael Harden, Mike Leoni, Gary Quinn, Jim Humphries
2nd Row: Gregg Willner, William Jackson, Mike Jolly, Ralph Clayton, Chip Pederson, Rock Lindsay, John Arbeznik, Ron Simpkins, Doug Marsh, Dale Keitz, Tom Melita, Mark Torzy, Tim Malinak, Ed Kasparek, Chuck Netts
Front Row: Mark Braman, Mark DeSantis, Mark Schmerge, Curtis Greer, Greg Bartnick, Harlan Huckleby, Co-Captain Russell Davis, Bill Dufek, Rick Leach, Co-Captain Jerry Meter, Gene Johnson, Jon Giesler, Tom Seabron, Steve Nauta, Bob Hollway
* = left the team
Back Row: ass't coaches Ron Vanderlinden, Bob Thornbladh, Milan Vooletich, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Fritz Seyferth, Jim Kozlowski
9th Row: student manager Tom Anderson, trainer Russ Miller, eqp. manager Jon Falk, Curtis Antrum, Bill Jacoby, Ethington, Robin Koschalk, Scott Roberts, Mike Korowin, Ali Haji-Sheik, Anthony Carter, Chip Pederson, Roger Gaudette, Bob Patek
8th Row: Jerry Burgei, Jeff Cohen, Duke Hayes, John Brown, Jim Herrman, Joe Mosketti, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Bill Bonnell, Paul Girgash, Ken Gear, John Lott, Ricky Davis, Nate Davis
7th Row: Karl Tech, Doug Agnew, Rich Hewlett, Steve O'Donnell, Craig Dunaway, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Mike Cade, Jimbo Davis, Keith Bostic, Larry Ricks, Brad Fischer, Kevin Ssmith
6th Row: Brian Carpenter, Vince Shaw, Tom Neal, Dave Brewster, Sanford Washington, Fred Brockington, Mike Lemirande, Rich Strenger, Norm Betts, Tony Kelsie, Mike Petsch, Mike Czarnote, Kevin Longe, Marion Body
5th Row: Jeff Reeves, Jim Paciorek, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Tom Garrity, Mark Warth, Ed Muransky, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Robert Thompson, Zeke Wallace, Gary Lee, Jeff Felten
4th Row: Brad Bates, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson, Fred Motley, Kelly Keough, John Prepolec, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Tom Wandersleben, Mike Kligis, Bryan Virgil, Frank Raiford
3rd Row: Tom Moss, Stan Edwards, Dave Nicolau, Stu Harris, Ben Needham, Kurt Becker, Chuck Hetts, Mike Trgovac, andy Cannavino, Rodney Feaster, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Tony Jackson, Irvin Johnson
2nd Row: James Humphries, Gary Quinn, Dan Murray, Tony Leoni, John Wangler, Gary Weber, Mel Owens, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Lawrence Reid, Roosevelt Smith, David Payne, Tom Keller, Jay Allen
Front Row: Gerald Diggs, Mark Braman, Mike Jolly, John Powers, co-capt. Ron Smpkins, co-capt. John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Dale Keitz, Ralph Clayton, Chris Godfrey, Doug Marsh, Mike Harden, coach Bo Schembechler