995 resultados para LIGAMENTO PERIODONTAL
A síndrome de Sjögren primária (SSp) é uma doença crônica autoimune sistêmica que pode levar à hipossalivação e afetar negativamente o ambiente oral. Os objetivos deste estudo foram detectar a influência da SSp nos níveis de biomarcadores inflamatórios na saliva e no fluido gengival nas amostras de pacientes com periodontite crônica, avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico sobre os valores do índice clínico de avaliação da atividade sistêmica de pacientes com SSp e do índice reportado pelo paciente com SSp. Amostras de fluido gengival, saliva e os parâmetros clínicos periodontais que consistiram de medida da profundidade de sondagem (PS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), sangramento à sondagem (SS) e índice de placa (IP) foram coletadas no início do estudo e 45 dias após a terapia periodontal não-cirúrgica de pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis com periodontite crônica (PC, n = 7) e pacientes com SSp e periodontite crônica (SP, n = 7). Pacientes periodontalmente saudáveis com SSp (SC, n = 7) e sistemicamente saudáveis (C, n = 7) também foram avaliados no início do estudo. Os grupos C, PC e SC foram pareados em gênero, idade e critério socioeconômico com o grupo SP. Os níveis de interleucina-8 (IL-8), IL-10 e IL-1ß foram avaliados por ensaio multiplex. Os níveis de atividade da doença foram medidos usando o Gold Standard da literatura chamado Índice Eular de atividade da síndrome de Sjögren (ESSDAI). Já para avaliação dos sintomas reportados pelo paciente com SSp foi utilizado o Índice Eular reportado pelo paciente com Sjögren (ESSPRI). Os parâmetros clínicos melhoraram após a terapia periodontal (p <0,05). No entanto, o NCI em pacientes com SSp não melhorou significativamente após a terapia (p> 0,05). Houve um aumento nos níveis de IL-1ß, IL-8 e diminuição dos níveis de IL-10 nas amostras de saliva de pacientes do grupo SC em comparação ao grupo C (p <0,05). Já em relação ao fluido gengival, pacientes do grupo SC tiveram maiores níveis de IL-1ß em comparação com o grupo C (p<0,05). Além disso, o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico resultou num aumento dos níveis de IL-10 no fluido gengival no grupo SP e grupo PC em relação ao valor basal (p <0,05). O fluxo salivar foi significativamente aumentado após o tratamento periodontal apenas em pacientes do grupo SP (p = 0,039). Além disso, o tratamento periodontal não influenciou o índice ESSDAI (p = 0,35) e levou a uma diminuição significativa no índice ESSPRI (p = 0,03). Os presentes dados demonstraram que a SSp influencia os níveis salivares e de fluido gengival de biomarcadores inflamatórios em favor de um perfil próinflamatório, no entanto, este perfil parece não aumentar susceptibilidade dos indivíduos SSp à destruição periodontal. Além disso, os presentes dados demonstraram que o tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico tem um impacto positivo sobre o fluxo salivar e sobre o índice ESSPRI de pacientes com SSp. Sugere-se assim que o tratamento periodontal pode melhorar a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com SSp.
Se observa en la literatura una gran controversia alrededor de la capacidad del láser para aportar mejorías al tratamiento periodontal no quirúrgico. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar si, en el tratamiento periodontal básico, el láser es más eficaz que el raspado y alisado radicular en cuanto a la mejoría de parámetros tanto clínicos (profundidad de sondaje, sangrado al sondaje y nivel de inserción) como microbiológicos (presencia o ausencia de A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, T. forsythia). 10.3. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Se seleccionan 36 pacientes con enfermedad periodontal crónica generalizada de grado moderado-severo y se reparten en dos grupos: 18 pacientes para el grupo control, en el que se realiza el tratamiento periodontal convencional con instrumentación manual, y 18 pacientes para el grupo experimental, en el que se realiza el tratamiento con el láser Er,Cr:YSGG. Los datos clínicos analizados son: el índice de placa, el índice gingival, la recesión gingival, el nivel de inserción y la profundidad de sondaje. En el laboratorio se analiza, por medio de la PCR, la muestra microbiológica del surco gingival. Los participantes también rellenan un cuestionario sobre la hipersensibilidad dental y las molestias en general percibidas durante el tratamiento. Todos los datos se toman al principio del estudio y a las seis semanas de haber finalizado el tratamiento. Se utiliza el método UNIANOVA para el análisis estadístico entre los dos grupos...
Las enfermedades periodontales son un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Recientemente, se ha comunicado que la periodontitis severa era la sexta condición más prevalente en el mundo, con una prevalencia global estandarizada del 11,2%. Otras revisiones a nivel mundial han concluido que las formas moderadas de periodontitis afectan a un porcentaje de adultos todavía mayor. Dado que las tendencias de estas enfermedades cambian con el tiempo, las encuestas epidemiológicas son necesarias para estudiar su prevalencia, severidad y extensión periódicamente, así como las posibles repercusiones que puedan tener sobre la salud sistémica. En Europa, se han llevado a cabo varios estudios epidemiológicos nacionales en países con diferentes condiciones socioeconómicas y organización de los servicios de atención dental. La mayoría de los estudios en Europa han utilizado el índice CPITN (Community Periodontal Index and Treatment Needs), modificado posteriormente a Community Periodontal Index [en español, Índice Periodontal Comunitario (IPC)], auspiciados por la Organización mundial de la Salud (OMS), con el fin de evaluar el estado periodontal de las poblaciones estudiadas. En España se han realizado estudios nacionales los años 2000, 2005 y 2010, utilizando la metodología previamente reseñada. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no se han realizado encuestas dirigidas específicamente a la salud bucodental de la población ocupada...
Las enfermedades periodontales son, por su frecuencia, un importante problema de salud pública en la mayoría de los países. Hay evidencia de que el paso de formas leves a formas destructivas de dichas enfermedades, se da solo en una pequeña proporción de individuos y que en ello influyen factores locales y factores genéticos, pero que también existen determinados determinantes demográficos, de estilo de vida y de comportamiento que son considerados potenciales factores de riesgo. Entre los indicadores de riesgo, se encuentran aquellos inherentes al individuo como la edad, el sexo y la raza y factores ambientales o sociales como el nivel educativo y socioeconómico, el tabaco y los hábitos de higiene oral. La percepción que tiene el propio individuo de su estado de salud, se ha propugnado como un medio diagnóstico útil en la investigación de distintos estados de salud o enfermedad, sobre todo cuando el objetivo es acceder a una amplia población de estudio. En el estudio de las enfermedades periodontales, se ha propuesto incorporar además de la percepción de la propia salud oral y las experiencias relacionadas con esta, el estudio de indicadores sociales y de hábitos de higiene bucal. La evidencia de la capacidad de detección de enfermedad periodontal mediante el uso de estos cuestionarios auto-referidos es cada vez mayor, demostrando, en muchos casos, un alto grado de sensibilidad y especificidad. En España se han realizado estudios nacionales utilizando la metodología descrita en las Encuestas de Salud Oral de los años 2000, 2005 y 2010 y en la Encuesta poblacional de la salud bucodental 2010, mediante la utilización de cuestionarios sobre percepción de salud oral, hábitos de higiene oral y uso de los servicios odontológicos Sin embargo, la auto-percepción en salud oral y hábitos de higiene oral relacionada con la situación real periodontal no se ha estudiado hasta ahora, sobre una muestra amplia y representativa de la población trabajadora española...
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Includes discussions but not papers presented. Papers were published separately under title: An appraisal of present scientific information concerning periodontal disease, [1952]
Recently, mast cells have been shown to produce cytokines which can direct the development of T-cell subsets. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between mast cells and the Th1/Th2 response in human periodontal disease. Tryptase+ mast cell numbers were decreased in chronic periodontitis tissues compared with healthy/gingivitis lesions. Lower numbers of c-kit+ cells, which remained constant regardless of clinical status, indicate that there may be no increased migration of mast cells into periodontal disease lesions. While there were no differences in IgG2+ or IgG4+ cell numbers in healthy/gingivitis samples, there was an increase in IgG4+ cells compared with IgG2+ cells in periodontitis lesions, numbers increasing with disease severity. This suggests a predominance of Th2 cells in periodontitis, although mast cells may not be the source of Th2-inducing cytokines.
We have shown previously that both humoral and cellular immune responses to heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) are elevated in chronic periodontitis patients compared with non-diseased subjects. The aim of the present study was to determine whether periodontal treatment could influence the level of serum antibodies to human HSP60 and Porphyromonas gingivalis GroEL, a bacterial homologue of human HSP60. Sera were obtained from 21 patients with moderate to advanced chronic periodontitis at the baseline examination and again after completion of treatment. Antibody levels were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The mean anti-P. gingivalis GroEL antibody levels were down-regulated significantly by periodontal treatment when recombinant P. gingivalis GroEL was used as an antigen, whereas antibody levels to P. gingivalis GroEL-specific peptide were significantly elevated following successful periodontal therapy. The mean level of anti-human HSP60 antibody remained unchanged although individual levels of antibody either increased or decreased after periodontal treatment, suggesting that synthesis of these antibodies might be regulated independently during the course of periodontal infection. Although their regulatory mechanisms in chronic infection are not understood, further study would provide insight not only into the role of these antibodies in the pathogenesis of periodontitis but also into the possible link between periodontitis and systemic diseases such as coronary heart disease.
Background: Periodontitis has been associated with a number of systemic diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart diseases, and respiratory diseases. This study aimed to determine whether there is a significant difference in the prevalence of systemic diseases (a) in patients referred for periodontal care compared to the general practice population, (b) in patients attending a public hospital and private practices, (c) in patients attending public and private periodontal practices, and (d) among patients with periodontitis of varying severity. Methods: Charts of 1000 adult patients were selected from four clinics (University of Queensland (UQ) School of Dentistry Admissions Clinic, UQ School of Dentistry Periodontics Clinic, Private Periodontal Practice, and Private General Dental Practice). The prevalence of medical conditions was evaluated using validated self-reported health questionnaires. The periodontal condition was assessed from the most recent relevant radiographs in the files. Results: Periodontal patients had a higher prevalence of systemic diseases compared to the general practice population. Public patients had a greater prevalence of systemic diseases compared to patients in private practice for both general practice and periodontal patients. In patients with advanced periodontitis, bronchitis, hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis were most prevalent. Patients with periodontitis also took more medications and were more likely to suffer from multiple conditions compared to the general dental population. Conclusions: Patients attending public dental facilities have an increased prevalence of systemic disease compared to those attending private practices. Furthermore periodontal patients have a greater prevalence of disease compared to general practice patients. Patients with moderate or advanced periodontitis show an increase in the prevalence of some systemic diseases previously reported to be risk factors for periodontal disease.
Aims: To identify the prevalence and different degrees of periodontal disease in an isolated community (Isla Grande, Colombia) with no dental services and low educational level with the use of CPITN, and to establish periodontal treatment needs in different age groups. Results: Of 116 people examined, 0.9% were in periodontal health (CPITN value 0), 18.1% had gingival bleeding (CPITN value 1), 51.7% had supra or subgingival calculus (CPITN value 2),18.1% presented pockets 3.5-5.0mm deep (CPITN value 3), and 11.2% had pathological pockets of 5.5mm or deeper (CPITN value 4). No clear differences were observed between sexes. Conclusions: This study shows that 81% of the sample has some type of periodontal treatment need, with 69.8% of them requiring periodontal treatment that may be supplied by a hygienist and 11.2% requiring specialised treatment. Implementation of oral health education and oral prevention programmes was recommended to the authorities for this community.
Background: Recent epidemiological studies have shown that individuals with periodontitis have a significantly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. In addition to conventional risk factors, chronic infection and subsequent production of systemic inflammatory markers may be associated with this increased risk. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine whether the presence of chronic periodontitis and subsequent periodontal treatment could influence the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in a Japanese population. Methods: Sera were obtained from 24 patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis at the baseline examination and at reassessment after completion of treatment. As a control, sera were also obtained from 21 subjects without periodontitis. High-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) was measured using nephelometry with a latex particle-enhanced immunoassay and interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha were determined by sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The levels of hs-CRP and interleukin-6 in the sera of this Japanese population seemed to be much lower than those reported in other populations. TNF-alpha on the other hand, demonstrated similar levels between this Japanese and other populations. Periodontal status demonstrated a significant improvement in all patients following treatment. There was a trend toward higher hs-CRP levels in patients at baseline compared with control subjects. Hs-CRP level tended to decrease with improvement of the periodontal condition following treatment and approached that of control subjects, although this decline was not statistically significant. interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha levels did not change following periodontal treatment. Furthermore, there was no difference in the serum levels of these inflammatory cytokines between patients either at baseline or at reassessment and control subjects. Conclusions: In this pilot study, we were unable to show that periodontal disease significantly affects the serum levels of systemic inflammatory markers. However, this does not necessarily mean that periodontitis does not contribute to the total burden of inflammation as there was a tendency for hs-CRP to decrease following successful periodontal treatment. Large-scale studies are clearly needed to determine the impact of periodontal disease on systemic inflammation.
CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T ( Tr) cells are critical in regulating the immune response and thereby play an important role in the defense against infection and control of autoimmune diseases. Our previous studies demonstrated the involvement of autoimmune responses in periodontitis. The aim of this study was to identify CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells in periodontitis tissues and compare them with those in gingivitis tissues. Immunohistological analysis of CD4, CD25, and CTLA- 4 and the gene expression analysis of FOXP3, TGF- beta 1, and IL-10 on gingival biopsies revealed the presence of CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells in all tissues. In periodontitis, the percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells increased with increasing proportions of B-cells relative to T- cells. FOXP3, a characteristic marker for CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells, TGF- beta 1 and IL-10 were expressed more highly in periodontitis compared with gingivitis. These findings suggest that CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells and possibly other regulatory T- cell populations do exist and may play regulatory roles in periodontal diseases.
Background: Patient discomfort is one reason for poor compliance with supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). The aim of this study was to compare the levels of discomfort during SPT, using the Vector (TM) system and treatment with a conventional ultrasonic scaler. Methods: Forty-six patients with an SPT programme were debrided using both the Vector (TM) system and a conventional piezo-electric scaler (Sirona (TM)) in a split mouth design. A visual analogue scale was used to evaluate of pain scores upon completion of treatment. A verbal response scale(VRS) was used to assess discomfort, vibration and noise associated with the scaling system, as well as the volume and taste of the coolant used by these systems. Results: Patients instrumented with the Vector (TM) system experienced approximately half the amount of pain compared with the conventional ultrasonic scaling system. The VRS showed that the Vector (TM) system caused less discomfort than the conventional ultrasonic scaling system when assessed for pain, vibration, noise and volume of coolant. These findings were all statistically significant. There was, however, no statistically significant difference between the two systems when assessed for taste. Conclusion: During SPT the Vector (TM) system caused reduced discomforting sensations compared with conventional methods and may be useful in improving compliance with SPT programmes.