863 resultados para Knowledge management


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I en rapport som Svensk Näringsliv (2010) har utfört beskriver de att företag redan idag och inom en snar framtid står inför den största pensionsavgången någonsin i Svensk historia. 40- talisternas avgång ställer företag inför stora utmaningarna, framförallt att lyckas genomföra en lyckad generationsväxling. De personer som går i pension har under sitt yrkesverksamma liv utvecklat en kunskap som många organisationer vilar på. En stor del av denna kunskap måste överföras för att organisationerna ska kunna fortsätta att vara effektiva på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskapets betydelse gällande kunskapsöverföring i en organisation, samt bidra med praktiska verktyg till chefer och medarbetare för att undvika att förlora värdefull kunskap vid en generationsväxling. Industriföretaget LEAX har själva identifierat ett problem i att överföra viktig kunskap i och med kommande generationsväxling. Deras önskan var att få hjälp med praktiska verktyg för hur de ska tänka och verka för att mildra kunskapsglappet som kan uppstå. För att undersöka detta och därmed uppfylla denna studies syfte har intervjuer genomförts med fyra produktionsledare, fyra medarbetare som förväntas dela kunskap och tre medarbetare som förväntas ta till sig kunskap. Innan intervjuerna genomfördes läste vi in oss på teori om kunskap, kunskapsöverföring och ledarskap. Eftersom begreppet kunskap har en bred betydelse och kan definieras olika beroende om den är individuell eller organisatorisk, började vi i vårt teoriavsnitt att bena ut detta begrepp. Nonaka och Takeuchi (1995) gör en förenklad bild av kunskap som ett isberg, där den explicita kunskapen benämns som toppen. Väl synlig över ytan på vattnet är den enkel att upptäcka och ta till sig. Under vattnet döljer sig en osynlig kunskap som är svår att upptäcka, så kallas implicit eller tyst kunskap. Denna kunskap utgör en enorm del av isberget och blir därmed viktig att bevara. Dock är denna kunskap svår att överföra då den är osynlig och svår att ta på. För att förstå vad kunskapsöverföring innebär, behöver organisationer identifiera vilken sorts kunskap som behöver överföras för att kunskapsöverföringen ska bli lyckad (Jonsson, 2012). Men även fast organisationer gör detta måste även ledningen förstå att kunskapsöverföring är en strategisk angelägenhet som kan ses som en process som involverar medarbetare. I denna studie har vi undersökt hur ledare kan skapa motivation, engagemang och resurser för medarbetare att vilja medverka och bidra till kunskapsöverföring. För att försöka förstå hur kunskap överförs i en organisation har vi använt oss av Nonaka och Takeuchi, (1995) SECI-modell. Modellen bygger på samspelet mellan den tysta och explicita kunskapen, vilket sker i fyra processer. Dessa processer har vi sedan utvecklat till en egen modell som inkluderar institutionella, organisatoriska och kognitiva faktorer. Utifrån dessa faktorer har vi skapat praktiska förslag på hur ledare tillsammans med medarbetarna kan planera kunskapsöverföring. Dessa praktiska förslag gynnar både individuell- och organisatorisk utveckling, samt bidrar till att mildra kunskapsförlust vid generationsväxlingen. Ett av de praktiska exempel vi utformat är en kompetensprofil, som är ett hjälpmedel för organisationer att identifiera vilken kunskap som medarbetarna besitter, vilket synliggör vilken kunskap det är som kan gå förlorad. Kompetensprofilen tillsammans med vår modell kan appliceras på liknande företag, men även på organisationer som verkar inom andra branscher. Eftersom denna kompetensprofil är utvecklad efter de krav som finns inom aktuell verksamhet, finns det möjlighet att anpassa efter andra verksamheter.


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Peoples' need to socialize with others and greed for power can be best captured with Aristotle's description of human beings as “political animals”/“social animals.” This paper reports on observations of how cyber communities, such as Web-based forums and mailing lists, manifest themselves through social interactions and shared values, membership and friendship, and commitments and loyalty. The paper highlights the importance of power relations in these communities, how they are formed, exercised and evolve. This paper explores power relations as they emerge in two online Vietnamese communities and suggests a new understanding of the formation and evolution of power in virtual societies.


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Peoples' need to socialize with others and greed for power can be best captured with Aristotle's description of human beings as "political animals"/"social animals." This paper reports on observations of how cyber communities, such as Web-based forums and mailing lists, manifest themselves through social interactions and shared values, membership and friendship, and commitments and loyalty. The paper highlights the importance of power relations in these communities, how they are formed, exercised and evolve. This paper explores power relations as they emerge in two online Vietnamese communities and suggests a new understanding of the formation and evolution of power in virtual societies.


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Email overload is a recent problem that there is increasingly difficulty people have faced to process the large number of emails received daily. Currently this problem becomes more and more serious and it has already affected the normal usage of email as a knowledge management tool. It has been recognized that categorizing emails into meaningful groups can greatly save cognitive load to process emails and thus this is an effective way to manage email overload problem. However, most current approaches still require significant human input when categorizing emails. In this paper we develop an automatic email clustering system, underpinned by a new nonparametric text clustering algorithm. This system does not require any predefined input parameters and can automatically generate meaningful email clusters. Experiments show our new algorithm outperforms existing text clustering algorithms with higher efficiency in terms of computational time and clustering quality measured by different gauges.


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Purpose – By conducting the 2006 global Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) study, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) attempts to better understand the expanding scope of internal auditing practice throughout the world. The purpose of this review of recent internal auditing literature in Asia Pacific is to document how the internal audit function is changing in response to the shifts in global business practices.
Design/methodology/approach – The literature in Asia Pacific is reviewed with a focus on developments that have implications for the expanded scope of internal auditing and the changing skill sets of internal auditors. This focus has implications for CBOK 2006.
Findings – The literature indicates a paradigm shift in the activities performed by internal auditors. The increasing complexity of business transactions, a more dynamic regulatory environment in Asia Pacific, and significant advances in information technology have resulted in opportunities and challenges for internal auditors. Although in 2004, The IIA responded to the changing organizational environment by updating the professional practices framework, more work needs to be done to prepare internal auditors for the expanded set of skills and knowledge required to perform audits of the future.
Originality/value – By presenting an overview of past literature in Asia Pacific and discussing the shifting demands on internal audit services, the researchers hope to motivate further research in the field.


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The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) places the issue of taxation of cross-border e-commerce transaction as one of its top four projects for investigation. In January 2001, some member countries agreed to a series of guidelines on how to apply existing tax treaties to Web transactions. After discussing potential threats and challenges facing etax administrators and possible solutions, the researchers report on the global momentum towards Extranets for collaborative knowledge management. Previous research indicated a need for a global etaxation Extranet for knowledge management based on the principles of the Cochrane Collaboration in the health sciences. These preliminary findings have been strengthened by parallel moves by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in setting up a global Extranet. The global imperative for harmonization of Internet commerce tax initiatives is reflected in contemporary interest in Europe in the redefinition of business requirements and processes related to corporate tax obligations.


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It is not a simple matter to develop an integrative approach that exploits  synergies between knowledge management and knowledge discovery in   order to monitor and manage the full lifecycle of knowledge and provides  services quickly, reliably and securely. One of the main problems is the heterogeneity of the involved resources that represent knowledge. Data mining systems produce knowledge in a form meant to be understandable  to machines and on the other hand in knowledge management systems the  priority is placed on the readability and usability of knowledge by humans.  The Semantic Web is a promising platform to unify this heterogeneity and, in conjunction with novel techniques for Web Intelligence it could offer more  then just knowledge - wisdom. The Wisdom Autonomic Grid is an original proposal of a knowledge based Grid that is able to configure and reconfigure itself under varying and unpredictable conditions and optimize its working, performs something akin to healing and provides self-protection, as  visioned in the IBM Autonomic Computing initiative. This paper presents an original framework for creating advanced applications to integrate  knowledge discovery and knowledge management in the Autonomic Grid  and Web environments.


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Radical changes in the biosphere and human interaction with the environment are increasingly impacting on the health of populations across the world. Diseases are crossing the species barrier, and spreading rapidly through globalized transport systems. From new patterns of cancer to the threat of global pandemics, it is imperative that public health practitioners acknowledge the interdependence between the sustainability of the environment and the sustainability of the human species.* Why are issues of global and local sustainability of increasing importance to the public's health?* Why do issues of sustainability require new practices within the professions of public health?* How can future and current public health practitioners develop those new practices?Drawing on scientific evidence of global and local environmental changes, Sustainability and Health offers a thorough background and practical solutions to the overlapping issues in environment and health. It examines potential and existing responses to global and local environment and health issues, involving individuals, community, industry and government. The authors introduce a range of emerging conceptual frameworks and theoretical perspectives, link IT and epidemiology and explain how scoping can link program design, delivery, data collection and evaluation in projects from their very beginning. Public health practitioners need to be able to manage health issues that cut across environmental, economic and social systems and to develop the capacity for leadership in facilitating change. Incorporating learning activities, readings, international case studies and an open learning approach, this is a valuable resource for students of public and environmental health, as well as medical, environmental and health science professionals.


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This paper describes the rationale behind the specification and acquisition of a Digital Objects Management System (DOMS) at Deakin University. Key drivers are: compliance with the provisions of the Digital Agenda Act for the communication of copyright works; improved management of Deakin’s intellectual property, and reduction in costs of delivering online content via a learning management system.

Details of the desired functionality and potential integration issues are addressed. During the specification stage, additional uses for a digital object management system were identified that relate to the broader notion of knowledge management, and these will be discussed.

At the time of writing, no decision has been made as to which vendor(s) will be successful in gaining the University’s contract for the management of digital learning objects.


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The relationship between emerging trends in healthcare systems and the consequent research priorities will be explored.

Governments and policy makers in developed countries are increasingly focused on the management of chronic disease, reflecting demographic changes and shifts in the burden of disease. Systems of quality improvement and reward are increasingly based on performance in chronic disease management. There is some evidence that countries with well-developed systems of primary care, such as Australia, achieve better health outcomes at less cost. In the past 15 years, almost all developed countries have undergone some type of health care reform. There has been a major focus on reducing costs; often involving shifting services from secondary to primary care. While there are few international comparisons, most suggest a complex relationship between the strength of primary care within the overall health services system and good performance, particularly with regard to lower costs of care and particularly relevant measures of health.

Aims for 21st century health systems
What, then, are the issues which are shaping contemporary general practice in developed countries? There are several imperatives: Safety, effectiveness, patient-centredness, timeliness, efficiency and equity. A study by the Nuffield Trust (Dargie, 1999) projected the shape of healthcare for the first fifteen years of this century. The study identified six issues that need to be addressed in the process of formulating health systems policies:

• Peoples’ expectations and financial sustainability
• Demography and ageing
• Information and knowledge management
• Scientific advance and new technology
• Workforce education and training
• Systems performance and quality (efficiency, effectiveness, economy
and equity)

Each of these six issues requires innovative thinking and priority setting on the part of the health sector, such as the delivery of health services in new and creative ways. Furthermore, there is a clear need for a finely tuned research, development and evaluation strategies to match these goals.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the global contribution of academics to marketing literature between 1999 and 2003, based on an examination of the location of academics institution of employment, as reported in published works. The data is used to evaluate the global dispersion of publishing.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses the method of content analysis where the authorship of all articles in 20 leading marketing journals between 1999 and 2003 is examined. An empirical examination of performance was undertaken across geographic regions. There was also an examination of whether the quality of journal affected regional performance.

Findings – The research found that there is a significant “bias” of authorship within the 20 journals examined, with the majority of works published by academics at institutions in North America. There is some variation in regional performance based on the type of journal examined.

Research limitations/implications – There was no attempt to empirically examine why differences might exist. The study only focused on a sample of 20 English language journals over five years. These journals have been included in studies that list the leading marketing journal for US and European academics.

Practical implications – The research suggests that there may in fact be regional differences in publishing behaviour. It is unclear if these differences relate to variations in the “objectives” of institutions within each country or other factors, such as the North American publish-or-perish mentality. The research posits that a marketing knowledge may be unnecessarily restricted, if there is a bias against non-North American perspectives.

Originality/value – While there have been other works examining research performance of institutions, there has been limited examination in marketing on the nation in which authors work and none have used a broad cross-section of journals. This work takes a global “snapshot” of national research performance within marketing.


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Knowledge workers frequently lack sufficient expertise to perform work effectively. This paper describes a recently developed expertise locator system based on automated key-phrase identification of experts from electronic mail (e-mail) messages. The paper provides an analysis of the key socio-ethical challenges involved in the implementation and use of the e-mail expertise locator system. Findings include a set of complex socio-ethical challenges, and their managerial and theoretical implications are discussed. The paper highlights possible sensitivities of employees with respect to their potential identification by the system as domain experts. It also highlights the potential for employee misuse of e-mail expertise locator systems, which must be carefully managed to reduce the risks involved.


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This paper reports a case study of a Community of Practice (CoP) of tertiary educators in information technology (IT), who seek ways to obtain adequate IT support to match their particular work environment. A facilitated workshop sought to bring members of the CoP and a key representative of the central IT department together with the aim of creating common ground for improved communication and collaboration. Subsequent individual interviews explored perceptions, boundaries and potential boundary spanning opportunities. While literature argues that shared domain knowledge and associated language should alleviate boundary issues, we found that in some circumstances it might intensify them.