858 resultados para Jobs and income


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The expansion of sugarcane growing in Brazil, spurred particularly by increased demand for ethanol, has triggered the need to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts of this process, both on the country as a whole and on the growing regions. Even though the balance of costs and benefits is positive from an overall standpoint, this may not be so in specific producing regions, due to negative externalities. The objective of this paper is to estimate the effect of growing sugarcane on the human development index (HDI) and its sub-indices in cane producing regions. In the literature on matching effects, this is interpreted as the effect of the treatment on the treated. Location effects are controlled by spatial econometric techniques, giving rise to the spatial propensity score matching model. The authors analyze 424 minimum comparable areas (MCAs) in the treatment group, compared with 907 MCAs in the control group. The results suggest that the presence of sugarcane growing in these areas is not relevant to determine their social conditions, whether for better or worse. It is thus likely that public policies, especially those focused directly on improving education, health, and income generation/distribution, have much more noticeable effects on the municipal HDI.


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The objective of this descriptive-exploratory study was to identify the health beliefs of black individuals with hypertension regarding the barriers and benefits of diet for controlling the disease, including the sociodemographic factors associated with the health beliefs surrounding diet control. One hundred and six black adults with hypertension were interviewed using a specific instrument. The data were analyzed considering the percentages, frequency of the cases, scores and prevalence ratio. The global analysis of beliefs showed a preponderance of beliefs regarding the benefits of diet control. It was observed that men, younger individuals, lack of a partner and low educational level and income were related to the beliefs regarding the benefits of adopting a healthy diet. In conclusion, health promotion among the black population requires an interdisciplinary approach and specific health policies addressing this populations' needs, aimed at preventive and curative aspects.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze discourses on workplace psychological harassment in print media. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Documental study on workplace psychological harassment that analyzed news stories published in three major newspapers of the State of Sao Paulo (southeastern Brazil) between 1990 and 2008. Discourse analysis was performed to identify discursive practices that reflect the phenomenon of psychological harassment in today's society, explanations for its occurrence and impact on workers' health. RESULT ANALYSIS: This theme emerged in the media through the dissemination of books, academic research production and laws. It was initially published in general news then in jobs and/or business sections. Discourses on compensation and precautionary business practices and coping strategies are widespread. Health-related aspects are foregone under the prevailing money-based rationale. Corporate cultures are permissive regarding psychological harassment and conflicts are escalated while working to achieve goals and results. Indifference, embarrassment, ridicule and demean were common in the news stories analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The causal explanations of workplace harassment tend to have a psychological interpretation with emphasis on individual and behavioral characteristics, and minimizing a collective approach. The discourses analyzed trivialized harassment by creating caricatures of the actors involved. People apprehend its psychological content and stigmatization which contributes to making workplace harassment an accepted practice and trivializing work-related violence.


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Objective: to characterize the profiles of families in the area covered by a Primary Health Center and to identify those in a vulnerable situation. Method: this is an epidemiological, observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study. 320 home visits were made, defined by a random sample of the areas covered by the Urban Center 1 in the city of Sao Sebastiao, in Brazil's Federal District. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection, elaborated based on the Family Development Index (FDI). Results: there was a predominance of young families, women, and low levels of schooling. The FDI permitted the identification of families in situations of "high" and "very high" vulnerability. The most critical dimensions were: "access to knowledge" and "access to work". Conclusion: the study indicated the importance of greater investments in the areas of education, work and income, and highlighted the need for the use of a wider concept of vulnerability by the health services.


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Trade in non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been touted as promoting forest conservation and enhancing the well-being of local residents through increased cash income, which is considered a positive outcome. However, research on cooperation has demonstrated that increased market access and income may strengthen or weaken cooperation. Because cooperation is essential for community resilience in small-scale societies, negative effects on people's well-being can be expected if increased NTFP trade reduces cooperation. To evaluate whether NTFP trade affected cooperation, we used household data (survey and systematic observations) to compare the frequency of cooperation in two communities of Brazilian Amazon Caboclos, one of which engaged in NTFP trade, while the other did not. Cooperation was less frequent in the community trading NTFPs, but neither household cash income nor household participation in NTFP exploitation was associated with cooperative behavior. Decreased frequency most likely derived from indirect effects of NTFP trade, such as less time to fish or socialize, or other outcomes observable only at the community level, such as income inequality, the influx of new residents and consequent population growth. Our results indicate that conservation and development projects based on NTFP trade may negatively impact social and economic well-being of local communities.


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Banana is one of the most economically important fruit, explored almost exclusively by small producers as a continuous source of food and income. Although Brazil is one of the main banana producers, the national banana production is undergoing serious problems especially in the phases of production and post-harvest limiting its participation in the international market. One of the main factors leading to great production losses is the toppling over due to the tall height of plants of main commercial cultivars. A strategy to solve this problem is reducing height by inducing mutation. The objective of the present work was to characterize irradiated Prata type banana mutants (cvs. Pacovan and Preciosa) during two production cycles in order to select short plants in height with good agronomic characteristics. In vitro plants of both cultivars were irradiated with gamma rays in the doses of 20 Gy ('Pacovan', 200 plants) and 30 Gy ( 'Preciosa', 200 plants) subcultivated four times and afterwards evaluated in the field during two production cycles. Four possible mutants were selected from each cultivar with height smaller than the average height of the controls after two evaluation cycles. It was observed that some of these mutants presented greater precocity and bunch weight compared to the controls. From the results obtained it is possible to select mutant plants with superior agronomic characteristics for 'Pacovan' as well as 'Preciosa' submitted to gamma radiation.


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Objective To analyze the possible association between dental caries, fluorosis and the need for treatment in 12 year-old schoolchildren and the socioeconomic conditions of parents/guardians in the city of Franca, in the state of São Paulo. Methods A random sample of schoolchildren aged 12 was obtained from the school records in Franca, using a systematic random technique. The epidemiological survey was carried out by a single calibrated examiner, on 258 public and private schoolchildren in order to obtain the prevalence of dental caries, the need for treatment and the severity of dental fluorosis. Parents/guardians were also interviewed to assess their socioeconomic conditions (education and per capita income). We used multiple correlation analysis to investigate associations between category variables. Results It was possible to identify two distinct groups, with associations between the variables: the first group, represented by schoolchildren with average prevalence of caries, need for treatment, low level of parental education and income; and a second group represented by schoolchildren with low prevalence of caries, no need for treatment, high parental education and income. The two dimensions explained approximately 35% of total inertia. The factors within each group are related. Conclusion High income and parental education are associated with the low prevalence of dental caries but there is no association with dental fluorosis.


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Der Tauchtourismus übernimmt innerhalb des gesamten internationalen Tourismus in Ägypten eine wichtige Rolle. Besonders in Krisenzeiten sind es die Taucher, die aufgrund der einzigartigen Tauchgebiete weiterhin in das Land kommen und somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Arbeitsplätze und der Infrastruktur beitragen. Doch der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Tauchbasen, das derzeit schlechte Image Ägyptens und die Attraktivität weltweiter Tauchdestinationen, zwingt die Betreiber von Tauchbasen dazu, sich einer wandelnden Gästestruktur und deren Reisegewohnheiten anzupassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird am Beispiel der Tauchbasenbetreiber in Ägypten untersucht, wie kulturelles Handeln eine Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen zwischen einem Anbieter einer touristischen Dienstleistung und dem Kunden einnehmen kann. Als Ausgangspunkt dient dazu das Modell der „Transkulturalität als Praxis“ nach PÜTZ (2004), welches um den Aspekt der internationalen Kooperationsbeziehungen erweitert wird. Es besagt, dass im wirtschaftlichen Handeln zwischen den Akteuren das kulturelle Verständnis eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen einnimmt. Durch die Fähigkeit, einen kulturellen Blickwinkel in das alltägliche Handeln einzubeziehen, kann ein Unternehmer den Wettbewerbsvorsprung zu seinen Mitkonkurrenten ausbauen.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt des Forschungsinteresses stand dabei die Frage inwieweit die Basenbetreiber über die ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten kulturgebundenen Handelns Vertrauen zu den Tauchern generieren. Geschieht die Anwendung aus eigener Initiative heraus oder nur unter dem Konkurrenzdruck? Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen, dass das Arbeiten im Umfeld kultureller Unterschiede den Blick der Basenbetreiber für die Notwendigkeit einer starken Vertrauensbeziehung zum Kunden von Anfang an geprägt hat. Das Handeln aller Interviewteilnehmer orientiert sich zuerst unbewusst an zahlreichen branchenüblichen Handlungsweisen und Symbolen, stößt aber ab einem bestimmten Punkt an seine Grenzen. Aufgrund von bewusstem kulturellen Handeln ist jedoch die Möglichkeit gegeben, diese Grenzen zu überwinden und individuelle und situationsspezifische Arten der Kundengewinnung in das Handeln einzubeziehen.


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The project compared several indicators of educational attainment across various groups of transition economies, and between transition economies and others. The indicators of education reflected both the quantity of schooling (e.g. average years of schooling, percentage not attending school at all, and adult literacy rates) and schooling quality (e.g. public expenditure on education, pupil-teacher ratios, repetition rates, dropout rates, and international test scores). The basic test used in the project was a t-test on differences in sample means. Among the transition economies, the indicators examined were most favourable for central European, high-income and advanced transition countries, although the differences between these countries and the remaining transition countries were not usually statistically significant. When compared with other world economies, the transition countries typically showed significantly better indicators than developing countries, but differences between transition and developed countries were not statistically significant. The project also examined the behaviour of the correlation coefficient between indicators of education and income, which, as expected, were usually positive.


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This paper estimates the aggregate demand for private health insurance coverage in the U.S. using an error-correction model and by recognizing that people are without private health insurance for voluntary, structural, frictional, and cyclical reasons and because of public alternatives. Insurance coverage is measured both by the percentage of the population enrolled in private health insurance plans and the completeness of the insurance coverage. Annual data for the period 1966-1999 are used and both short and long run price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The empirical findings indicate that both private insurance enrollment and completeness are relatively inelastic with respect to changes in price and income in the short and long run. Moreover, private health insurance enrollment is found to be inversely related to the poverty rate, particularly in the short-run. Finally, our results suggest that an increase in the number cyclically uninsured generates less of a welfare loss than an increase in the structurally uninsured.


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Tax motivated takings are takings by a local government aimed purely at increasing its tax base. Such an action was justified by the Supreme Court's ruling in Kelo v. New London, which allowed the use of eminent domain for a private redevelopment project on the grounds that the project promised spillover public benefits in the form of jobs and taxes. This paper argues that tax motivated takings can lead to inefficient transfers of land for the simple reason that assessed values understate owners' true values. We therefore propose a reassessment scheme that greatly reduces the risk of this sort of inefficiency.


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Nearly one in three children in the developing world is malnourished. Poor nutrition contributes to one out of two deaths (53%) associated with infectious diseases among children aged under five in developing countries. Using data from the 2005 World Food Program’s (WFP) Livelihood Vulnerability and Nutritional Assessment of Rural Kassala and Red Sea State this study examines the impact of female headed households and maternal education on malnutrition in children 6-59 months old. The dependent variable investigated in this study is moderate to severe wasting or less than -2 weight for height Z-score, also known as global acute malnutrition (GAM). ^ The study population consisted of 450 households in Kassala State and Red Sea State, Sudan. A total of 900 children 6-59 months of age were part of the households sampled from these states and one child per household (773 children) was randomly chosen for the analysis along with the child’s mother. Results of the study found that 18 percent of children between 6-59 months of age had GAM/wasting. Maternal education, main source of water, and income were strongly related to wasting. Gender of head of household was not found to have a significant relationship with GAM/wasting. Mothers with at least primary education were much less likely to have malnourished children, even after controlling for income and environmental conditions. Children in households with unsafe sources of water were 2.6 more likely to have wasting than those with piped in/tube wells as their main source of water. For every increase of 100 dinar in a household, the children in the household are approximately two-thirds times (.662) less likely to be wasted. ^ The results of this study support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between maternal education on wasting of children 6-59 months old. The results do not, however, support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between gender of head of household on wasting of children 6-59 months old. Better understanding of the association of wasting and other measures of malnutrition with maternal education levels can program managers and other health officials to target important nutritional and non-nutritional interventions. ^


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As an important emerging arboviral disease in Texas and throughout the world, dengue fever has the potential to make a re-emergence in the Harris County/Houston metropolitan area. Harris County has seen dengue epidemics in the past. The area has a competent vector, Aedes aegypti, capable of transmission of the virus should it be introduced. It is important to examine areas of highest risk for dengue emergence and transmission in Harris County so that surveillance and educational programs can be properly implemented. This study uses mapping software to visually represent risk factor information with areas of known Ae. aegypti populations. This study focused on known demographic risk factors such as race/ethnicity, place of birth, gender as well as socioeconomic status represented by educational attainment and income. This study found that there are several areas, particularly in central Harris County that are at particular risk for dengue transmission. The findings support the hypothesis that in areas of lower socioeconomic status there were increased populations of foreign born populations, Hispanic populations, and identified locations of a competent vector present. These findings suggest that more specific surveillance of Ae. aegypti, testing of the mosquitoes for dengue virus, and active surveillance for human cases should be implemented in these areas. ^


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Objectives. The objective of this study is to compare the socio-demographic, behavioral, and access to care characteristics of smokers who have quit smoking for one or more years and current smokers who have made an attempt to quit smoking within the last year. ^ Methods. Data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were used to compare current smokers who have tried to quit (n=2747) and former smokers who have quit for one or more years (n=6194). The data was analyzed using STATA 9.0 to perform statistical calculations. ^ Results. Age, education, race and income were associated with smoking status. Respondents aged 65 and older were 36 times more likely to have quit smoking. Education and income had higher odds ratios among quitters (OR=1.27 and OR=1.21) and Non-Hispanic Whites were the most likely to have quit smoking compared to Hispanics and Blacks. Adults with health insurance coverage were 3.44 times more likely to have quit smoking. ^ Discussion. Existing research suggests that individual factors relating to demographics behavior and access to care can impact a smoker's ability to quit smoking. This paper discusses the factors that affect cessation and which populations would benefit from additional research and targeted smoking cessation programs. ^


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Objective. To measure the demand for primary care and its associated factors by building and estimating a demand model of primary care in urban settings.^ Data source. Secondary data from 2005 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS 2005), a population-based random-digit dial telephone survey, conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research in collaboration with the California Department of Health Services, and the Public Health Institute between July 2005 and April 2006.^ Study design. A literature review was done to specify the demand model by identifying relevant predictors and indicators. CHIS 2005 data was utilized for demand estimation.^ Analytical methods. The probit regression was used to estimate the use/non-use equation and the negative binomial regression was applied to the utilization equation with the non-negative integer dependent variable.^ Results. The model included two equations in which the use/non-use equation explained the probability of making a doctor visit in the past twelve months, and the utilization equation estimated the demand for primary conditional on at least one visit. Among independent variables, wage rate and income did not affect the primary care demand whereas age had a negative effect on demand. People with college and graduate educational level were associated with 1.03 (p < 0.05) and 1.58 (p < 0.01) more visits, respectively, compared to those with no formal education. Insurance was significantly and positively related to the demand for primary care (p < 0.01). Need for care variables exhibited positive effects on demand (p < 0.01). Existence of chronic disease was associated with 0.63 more visits, disability status was associated with 1.05 more visits, and people with poor health status had 4.24 more visits than those with excellent health status. ^ Conclusions. The average probability of visiting doctors in the past twelve months was 85% and the average number of visits was 3.45. The study emphasized the importance of need variables in explaining healthcare utilization, as well as the impact of insurance, employment and education on demand. The two-equation model of decision-making, and the probit and negative binomial regression methods, was a useful approach to demand estimation for primary care in urban settings.^