940 resultados para J0 targets


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Part of the results of this thesis was presented in the following meetings: Susana Ponte, Lara Carvalho, Inês Cristo and António Jacinto. The role of Grainy head in epithelial tissue growth. Drostuga 2013. Faro, Portugal, January 3rd 2014 [poster] Susana Ponte, Lara Carvalho, Inês Cristo and António Jacinto. The role of Grainy head in epithelial tissue growth. Drostuga 2014. Tomar, Portugal, September 5th-6th 2014 [poster]


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Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important contemporary human pathogens. The evolutionary “success” of this species is closely related to its remarkably capacity to acquire antibiotic resistance traits. In this perspective, it is important to extend our knowledge concerning the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus and to identify new antimicrobials targets.(...)


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Unlike injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), where injured neurons can trigger a regenerative program that leads to axonal elongation and in some cases proper reinnervation, after injury to the central nervous system (CNS) neurons fail to produce the same response. The regenerative program includes the activation of several injury signals that will lead to the expression of genes associated with axonal regeneration. As a consequence, the spawned somatic response will ensure the supply of molecular components required for axonal elongation. The capacity of some neurons to trigger a regenerative response has led to investigate the mechanisms underlying neuronal regeneration. Thus, non-regenerative models (like injury to the CNS) and regenerative models (such as injury to the PNS) were used to understand the differences underlying those two responses to injury. To do so, the regenerative properties of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were addressed. This particular type of neurons possesses two branches, a central axon, that has a limited capacity to regenerate; and a peripheral axon, where regeneration can occur over long distances. In the first paradigm used to understand the neuronal regeneration mechanisms, we evaluated the activation of injury signals in a non-regenerative model. Injury signals include the positive injury signals, which are described as being enhancers of axonal regeneration by activating several transcription factors. The currently known positive injury signals are ERK, JNK and STAT3. To evaluate whether the lack of regeneration following injury to the central branch of DRG neurons was due to inactivation of these signals, activation of the transcription factors pELK-1, p-c-jun (downstream targets of ERK and JNK, respectively) and pSTAT3 were examined. Results have shown no impairment in the activation of these signals. As a consequence, we further proceed with evaluation of other candidates that could participate in axonal regeneration failure. By comparing the protein profiles that were triggered following either injury to the central branch of DRG neurons or injury to their peripheral branch, we were able to identify high levels of GSK3-β, ROCKII and HSP-40 after injury to the central branch of DRG neurons. While in vitro knockdown of HSP-40 in DRG neurons showed to be toxic for the cells, evaluation of pCRMP2 (a GSK3-β downstream target) and pMLC (a ROCKII downstream target), which are known to impair axonal regeneration, revealed high levels of both proteins following injury to the central branch when comparing with injury to their peripheral one. Altogether, these results suggest that activation of positive injury signals is not sufficient to elicit axonal regeneration; HSP-40 is likely to participate in the cell survival program; whereas GSK3-β and ROCKII activity may condition the regenerative capacity following injury to the nervous system.(...)


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The emergence of new fungal pathogens, either of plants or animals, and the increasing number of reported cases of resistant human pathogenic strains to the available antifungal drugs reinforces the need for better understanding the biology of filamentous fungi. Conventional drugs target components of the fungal membrane or cell wall, therefore identifying novel intracellular targets, yet unique to fungi, is a global priority.(...)


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RESUMO - A doença renal crónica (DRC) resulta da perda de função renal, sendo necessário a terapêutica de substituição, no estádio terminal. Em Portugal está atualmente em vigor o modelo de Gestão Integrada da Doença, que tem inerente o cumprimento de objetivos e metas pelas unidades de diálise. Uma alimentação adequada é um pilar fundamental ao sucesso do tratamento desta doença, o que torna o profissional de nutrição indispensável. Este trabalho pretendeu avaliar o cumprimento das metas e objetivos estabelecidos no modelo referido, e relacionar os resultados obtidos com a existência de contacto entre o profissional de nutrição e os pacientes. Para a persecução dos objetivos, foram analisadas duas bases de dados disponibilizadas pela Direção Geral da Saúde: a base de dados da Plataforma de Gestão Integrada da Doença Renal Crónica em 2012 e a do Questionário de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Doentes em Hemodiálise em 2013. Verificou-se uma melhoria contínua ao longo dos anos do cumprimento das metas e objetivos preconizados em Portugal para o tratamento da DRC, com um cumprimento da maioria no ano de 2012. No entanto, os parâmetros ferritina e albumina sérica ficaram aquém da recomendação. Observou-se um nível elevado de satisfação do paciente quanto ao trabalho do profissional de nutrição, apesar de ser frequente a inexistência de contacto entre ambas as partes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram também que o profissional de nutrição tem um papel importante para a obtenção de melhores resultados de saúde nos pacientes em tratamento por hemodiálise, pelo que se sugere um acompanhamento da totalidade deste tipo de população por este profissional.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common asymptomatic commensal of the human nasopharynx. However, it is better known as a threatening pathogen that causes serious diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, as well as other less severe but more prevalent infections (e.g. otitis media). With the increase of antibiotic resistance and the limited efficacy of vaccines, pneumococcal infections remain a major problem. Therefore, the discovery of new therapeutic targets and preventive drugs are in high demand.(...)


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Double Degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and a Masters Degree in Finance from Louvain School of Management


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Recordings and photographs obtained by private individuals can be two of the most relevant evidences in helping finding the truth; however, they can also conflict with fundamental rights such as privacy, spoken word or image of the targets. It is not enough that only the violation of the right to privacy is withdrawn because rights to spoken word or image, unattached from the first one, show up independently as the main violated rights and are criminally protected in article 199º of the criminal code. Its use as evidence is, on a first moment, dependent on the private's conduct lawfulness, as it is stated in article 167º of the criminal procedure code. In order to consider its lawfulness, and accept its use as evidence, portuguese higher courts have been defending constructions mostly based on legal causes of defense. Although agreeing with a more flexible position of weighing all the interests at stake instead of denying its use as evidence, we believe notwithstanding that some of these solutions are misleading and shall not be spared from critics. Lastly, even if we reach a positive conclusion about the lawfulness of obtaining and using recordings and photogtaphs carried out to court by private individuals, they must not be however automatically admitted as evidence, still being necessary to proceed to a separate weighting, within the criminal procedure and its own legal rules, about their real purposes in the case.


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RESUMO: INTRODUÇÃO: A OMS (2001) revela que cerca de 450 milhões de pessoas sofrem de perturbações mentais ou comportamentais em todo o mundo, mas apenas uma pequena minoria tem tratamento, ainda que elementar. Transformam-se em vítimas por causa da sua doença e convertem-se em alvos de estigma e discriminação. O suicídio é considerado como um grande problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, é uma das principais causas de morte de jovens adultos e situa-se entre as três maiores causas de morte na população entre 15-34 anos (OMS, 2001). As perturbações mentais aumentam o risco de suicídio. A depressão, esquizofrenia, e a utilização de substâncias incrementam o risco de suicídio. Estudos (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al., 2012) mostram que os profissionais de saúde, tal como o público em geral, podem ter atitudes negativas e estigma em relação às pessoas com perturbações mentais, podendo agir em conformidade, uma vez feito e conhecido o diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Os clínicos gerais são os receptores das perturbações mentais e tentativas de suicídio nas principais portas de entrada no acesso a cuidados de saúde. As crenças, conhecimentos e contacto com a doença mental e o suicídio, podem influenciar a atenção clínica. OBJECTIVOS: Avaliar o estigma e as percepções dos médicos de clínica geral em relação às tentativas de suicídio, o suicídio e perturbações mentais bem como os possíveis factores associados a estes fenómenos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. A amostra é constituída por 125 sujeitos, médicos de clínica geral. Utilizaram-se as versões adaptadas dos seguintes instrumentos: Questionário sobre Percepções e Estigma em Relação à Saúde Mental e ao Suicídio (Liz Macmin e SOQ, Domino, 2005) e a Escala de Atitudes sobre a Doença Mental (Amanha Hahn, 2002). Para o tratamento estatístico dos dados usou-se a estatística 1) descritiva e 2) Análise estatística das hipóteses formuladas (Qui Quadrado - 2) a correlação entre variáveis (Spearman: ρ, rho). Os dados conectados foram limpos de inconsistências com base no pacote informático e estatístico SPSS versão 20. Para a aferição da consistência interna foi usado o teste de Alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Uma boa parte da amostra (46.4%) refere que não teve formação formal ou informal em saúde mental e (69.35%) rejeitam a ideia de que “grupos profissionais como médicos, dentistas e psicólogos são mais susceptíveis a cometer o suicídio”. Já (28.0%) têm uma perspectiva pessimista quanto a possibilidade de recuperação total dos sujeitos com perturbação mental. Sessenta e oito(54.4%) associa sujeitos com perturbação mental, a comportamentos estranhos e imprevisíveis, 115 (92.0%) a um baixo QI e 35 (26.7%) a poderem ser violentas e e perigosas. Os dados mostram uma associação estatisticamente significativa (p0.001) entre as variáveis: tempo de serviço no SNS, recear estar perto de sujeitos com doença mental e achar que os sujeitos com doença mental são mais perigosos que outros. Em termos estatísticos, existe uma associação estatitisticamente significativa entre as duas variáveis(X2=9,522; p0.05): percepção de que “é vergonhoso ter uma doença mental” e os conhecimentos em relação à doença mental. Existe uma correlação positiva, fraca e estatisticamente significativa entre os conhecimentos dos clínicos gerais(beneficiar-se de formação em saúde mental) e a percepção sobre os factores de risco (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÕES: A falta de conhecimento sobre as causas e factores de risco para os comportamentos suicidários, opções de intervenção e tratamento, particularmente no âmbito da doença mental, podem limitar a procura de ajuda individual ou dos próximos. Percepções negativas como o facto de não merecerem prioridade nos serviços, mitos (frágeis e cobarde, sempre impulsivo, chamadas de atenção, problemas espirituais) podem constituir-se como um indicador de que os clínicos gerais podem sofrer do mesmo sistema de estigma e crenças, de que sofre o público em geral, podendo agir em conformidade (atitudes de afastamento ereceio). As atitudes são influenciadas por factores como a formação, cultura e sistema de crenças. Sujeitos com boa formação na área da saúde mental têm uma percepção positiva e optimista sobre os factores de risco e uma atitude positiva em relação aos sujeitos com doença mental e comportamentos suicidários.-------------ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: The WHO (2001) reveals that about 450 million people suffer from mental or behavioral disorders worldwide, but only a small minority have access to treatment, though elementary. They become victims because of their disease and they become the targets of stigma and discrimination. Suicide is seen as a major public health problem worldwide, is a leading cause of death for young adults and is included among the three major causes of death in the population aged 15-34 years (WHO, 2001). Mental disorders increase the risk of suicide. Depression, schizophrenia, and the substances misuse increase the risk of suicide. Studies (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al, 2012) show that health professionals, such as the general public, may have negative attitudes and stigma towards people with mental disorders, and can act accordingly after psychiatric diagnosis is known. General practitioners are the main entry points of mental disorders and suicide attempts in the health sistem. Beliefs, knowledge and contact with mental illness and suicide, may influence clinical care. OBJECTIVES: To assess stigma and perceptions of general practitioners in relation to suicide attempts, suicide and mental disorders as well as possible factors associated with these phenomena. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample consisted of 125 subjects, general practitioners. We used adapted versions of the following instruments: Questionnaire of Perceptions and Stigma in Relation to Mental Health and Suicide (Liz Macmin and SOQ, Domino, 2005) and the Scale of Attitudes on Mental Illness (Tomorrow Hahn, 2002). For the statistical treatment of the data we used: 1) descriptive (Data distribution by absolute and relative frequencies for each of the variables under study (including mean and standard deviation measures of central tendency and deviation), 2) statistical analysis of hypotheses using (Chi Square - 2, a hypothesis test that is intended to find a value of dispersion for two nominal variables, evaluating the association between qualitative variables) and the correlation between variables (Spearman ρ, rho), a measure of non-parametric correlation, which evaluates an arbitrary monotonic function can be the description of the relationship between two variables, without making any assumptions about the frequency distribution of the variables). For statistical analysis of the correlations were eliminated subjects who did not respond to questions. The collected data were cleaned for inconsistencies based on computer and statistical package SPSS version 20. To measure the internal consistency was used the Cronbach's alpha test. RESULTS: A significant part of the sample 64 (46.4%) reported no formal or informal training in mental health and 86 (69.35%) reject the idea that "professional groups such as doctors, dentists and psychologists are more likely to commit suicide." On the other hand, 42 (28.0%) have a pessimistic view of the possibility of full recovery of individuals with mental disorder. Sixty-eight ( 54.4 % ) of them associates subjects with mental disorder to strange and unpredictable behavior, 115 ( 92.0 % ), to low IQ, 35 ( 26.7 % ) and even to violent and dangerous behavior, 78 ( 62.4 % ) The data show a statistically significant (p = 0.001) relationship between the following variables: length of service in the NHS, fear of being close to individuals with mental illness and considering individuals with mental illness more dangerous than others. In statistical terms, there is a dependency between the two variables (X2 = 9.522, p> 0.05): the perception that "it is shameful to have a mental illness" and knowledge regarding mental illness. There is a positive and statistically significant weak correlation between knowledge of general practitioners (benefit from mental health training) and the perception of the risk factors (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The lack of knowledge about the causes and risk factors for suicidal behavior, intervention and treatment, particularly in the context of mental illness options, may decreaseseeking for help by individual and their relatives. Negative perceptions such as considering that they dont deserve priority in services, myths (weak and cowards, always impulsive, seeking for attentions, spirituals problems) may indicate that general practitioners, may suffer the same stigma and beliefs systems as the general public, and can act accordingly (withdrawal and fear attitudes). Attitudes are influenced by factors such as education, culture and belief system. Subjects with good training in mental health have a positive and optimistic perception of the risk factors and a positiveattitude towards individuals with mental illness and suicidal behaviour.


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INTRODUCTION: Although many countries have improved vaccination coverage in recent years, some, including Guinea-Bissau, failed to meet expected targets. This paper tries to understand the main barriers to better vaccination coverage in the context of the GAVI-Alliance (The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) cash-based support provided to Guinea-Bissau. METHODS: The analysis is based on a document analysis and a three round Delphi study with a final consensus meeting. RESULTS: Consensus attributed about 25% of the failure to perform better to implementation problems; and about 10% to governance and also 10% to scarce resources. The qualitative analysis validates the importance of implementation issues and upgraded the relevance of the human resources crisis as an important drawback. The recommendations were balanced in their upstream-downstream focus but were blind to health information issues and logistical difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: It is commendable that such a fragile state, with all sorts of barriers, manages to sustain a slow steady growth of its vaccination coverage. Not reaching the targets set reflects the inappropriateness of those targets rather than a lack of commitment of the health workforce. In the unstable context of countries such as Guinea-Bissau, the predictability of the funds from global health initiatives like the GAVI-Alliance seem to make all the difference in achieving small consistent health gains even in the presence of other major bottlenecks.


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Due to global warming and shrinking fossil fuel resources, politics as well as society urge for a reduction of green house gas (GHG) emissions. This leads to a re-orientation towards a renewable energy sector. In this context, innovation and new technologies are key success factors. Moreover, the renewable energy sector has entered a consolidation stage, where corporate investors and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) gain in importance. Although both M&A and innovation in the renewable energy sector are important corporate strategies, the link between those two aspects has not been examined before. The present thesis examines the research question how M&A influence the acquirer’s post-merger innovative performance in the renewable energy sector. Based on a framework of relevant literature, three hypotheses are defined. First, the relation between non-technology oriented M&A and post-merger innovative performance is discussed. Second, the impact of absolute acquired knowledge on postmerger innovativeness is examined. Third, the target-acquirer relatedness is discussed. A panel data set of 117 firms collected over a period of six years has been analyzed via a random effects negative binomial regression model and a time lag of one year. The results support a non-significant, negative impact of non-technology M&A on postmerger innovative performance. The applied model did not support a positive and significant impact of absolute acquired knowledge on post-merger innovative performance. Lastly, the results suggest a reverse relation than postulated by Hypothesis 3. Targets from the same industry significantly and negatively influence the acquirers’ innovativeness.


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Introduction The number of reports of intestinal infections caused by Aeromonas spp. has increased significantly in recent years. In most clinical laboratories, identification of these bacteria is carried out by general phenotypic tests that sometimes do not accurately differentiate Aeromonas and Vibrio. Methods A duplex-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed directed to 2 targets identifying Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Results The duplex-PCR results were reproducible and specific for Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Conclusions This method will allow differentiation between Vibrio and Aeromonas spp. in patients with in cholera-like symptoms and can also be used in water quality monitoring.


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NAV Portugal is the Air Navigation Service Provider in Portugal, providing air traffic control services in the airspace under the country’s responsibility. Recently, the company has been included in an initiative launched by the European Commission, called the Single European Sky. This aims for a unification of the European airspace, improving it in four main pillars: safety, capacity, environment, and cost-efficiency. To each of them, Key Performance Indicators need to be computed and monitored, all having pre-defined targets. The presented work project will be analyzing how NAV Portugal is doing in the pillar of capacity, proving suggestions if needed.


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This study investigates the effect of the mandatory implementation of IAS/IFRS on cross-border M&A activity. I test the hypothesis that the improvement in the comparability of financial statements among the adopting countries facilitates crossborder transactions. According to the expectations, I find support for enhanced crossborder M&As following the mandatory adoption of IFRS due to a likely increase in the comparability of financial reports. Additionally, listed targets from IFRS adopting countries do experience stronger positive influence on foreign M&A transactions than unlisted target from adopting countries and listed targets from IFRS non-adopting countries.


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The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a human pathogen of major public health significance. Strains can be classified into 15 main serovars (A to L3) that preferentially cause ocular infections (A-C), genital infections (D-K) or lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (L1-L3), but the molecular basis behind their distinct tropism, ecological success and pathogenicity is not welldefined. Most chlamydial research demands culture in eukaryotic cell lines, but it is not known if stains become laboratory adapted. By essentially using genomics and transcriptomics, we aimed to investigate the evolutionary patterns underlying the adaptation of C. trachomatis to the different human tissues, given emphasis to the identification of molecular patterns of genes encoding hypothetical proteins, and to understand the adaptive process behind the C. trachomatis in vivo to in vitro transition. Our results highlight a positive selection-driven evolution of C. trachomatis towards nichespecific adaptation, essentially targeting host-interacting proteins, namely effectors and inclusion membrane proteins, where some of them also displayed niche-specific expression patterns. We also identified potential "ocular-specific" pseudogenes, and pointed out the major gene targets of adaptive mutations associated with LGV infections. We further observed that the in vivo-derived genetic makeup of C. trachomatis is not significantly compromised by its long-term laboratory propagation. In opposition, its introduction in vitro has the potential to affect the phenotype, likely yielding virulence attenuation. In fact, we observed a "genital-specific" rampant inactivation of the virulence gene CT135, which may impact the interpretation of data derived from studies requiring culture. Globally, the findings presented in this Ph.D. thesis contribute for the understanding of C.trachomatis adaptive evolution and provides new insights into the biological role of C. trachomatishypothetical proteins. They also launch research questions for future functional studies aiming toclarify the determinants of tissue tropism, virulence or pathogenic dissimilarities among C. trachomatisstrains.