961 resultados para Jérusalem -- Plans


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This dissertation examines the quality of hazard mitigation elements in a coastal, hazard prone state. I answer two questions. First, in a state with a strong mandate for hazard mitigation elements in comprehensive plans, does plan quality differ among county governments? Second, if such variation exists, what drives this variation? My research focuses primarily on Florida’s 35 coastal counties, which are all at risk for hurricane and flood hazards, and all fall under Florida’s mandate to have a comprehensive plan that includes a hazard mitigation element. Research methods included document review to rate the hazard mitigation elements of all 35 coastal county plans and subsequent analysis against demographic and hazard history factors. Following this, I conducted an electronic, nationwide survey of planning professionals and academics, informed by interviews of planning leaders in Florida counties. I found that hazard mitigation element quality varied widely among the 35 Florida coastal counties, but were close to a normal distribution. No plans were of exceptionally high quality. Overall, historical hazard effects did not correlate with hazard mitigation element quality, but some demographic variables that are associated with urban populations did. The variance in hazard mitigation element quality indicates that while state law may mandate, and even prescribe, hazard mitigation in local comprehensive plans, not all plans will result in equal, or even adequate, protection for people. Furthermore, the mixed correlations with demographic variables representing social and disaster vulnerability shows that, at least at the county level, vulnerability to hazards does not have a strong effect on hazard mitigation element quality. From a theory perspective, my research is significant because it compares assumptions about vulnerability based on hazard history and demographics to plan quality. The only vulnerability-related variables that appeared to correlate, and at that mildly so, with hazard mitigation element quality, were those typically representing more urban areas. In terms of the theory of Neo-Institutionalism and theories related to learning organizations, my research shows that planning departments appear to have set norms and rules of operating that preclude both significant public involvement and learning from prior hazard events.


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Purpose: Custom cranio-orbital implants have been shown to achieve better performance than their hand-shaped counterparts by restoring skull anatomy more accurately and by reducing surgery time. Designing a custom implant involves reconstructing a model of the patient's skull using their computed tomography (CT) scan. The healthy side of the skull model, contralateral to the damaged region, can then be used to design an implant plan. Designing implants for areas of thin bone, such as the orbits, is challenging due to poor CT resolution of bone structures. This makes preoperative design time-intensive since thin bone structures in CT data must be manually segmented. The objective of this thesis was to research methods to accurately and efficiently design cranio-orbital implant plans, with a focus on the orbits, and to develop software that integrates these methods. Methods: The software consists of modules that use image and surface restoration approaches to enhance both the quality of CT data and the reconstructed model. It enables users to input CT data, and use tools to output a skull model with restored anatomy. The skull model can then be used to design the implant plan. The software was designed using 3D Slicer, an open-source medical visualization platform. It was tested on CT data from thirteen patients. Results: The average time it took to create a skull model with restored anatomy using our software was 0.33 hours ± 0.04 STD. In comparison, the design time of the manual segmentation method took between 3 and 6 hours. To assess the structural accuracy of the reconstructed models, CT data from the thirteen patients was used to compare the models created using our software with those using the manual method. When registering the skull models together, the difference between each set of skulls was found to be 0.4 mm ± 0.16 STD. Conclusions: We have developed a software to design custom cranio-orbital implant plans, with a focus on thin bone structures. The method described decreases design time, and is of similar accuracy to the manual method.


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Cet essai s’intéresse à l’autonomie des jeunes adultes ayant un handicap moteur, physique, sensoriel ou intellectuel et qui ont participé à la démarche de la transition de l’école à la vie active (TÉVA). L’objectif de l’essai est de répertorier les manifestations d’autodétermination dans leur vie professionnelle, scolaire et personnelle. Le contenu des 23 entrevues conduites auprès d’élèves ayant participé à la TÉVA ou de leurs proches dans le cadre d’une étude de Bourdon et Lessard (2015) portant sur la modélisation de la démarche TÉVA en Estrie a été analysé afin d’en extraire les manifestations d’autodétermination. L’analyse thématique des entrevues a permis d’identifier des manifestations d’autodétermination issues d’une régulation externe, d’une régulation introjectée et d’une régulation identifiée. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que les jeunes adultes ayant participé à la TÉVA semblent avoir une bonne connaissance d’eux-mêmes, de leurs intérêts scolaires et professionnels. En contrepartie, le sentiment de compétence, la fierté personnelle et la connaissance des actions à poser pour atteindre leurs objectifs semblent se présenter moins fréquemment en termes de manifestation d’autodétermination chez les jeunes adultes de l’échantillon. Dans peu de cas, les élèves ont rapporté avoir entamé de leur propre chef des démarches pour obtenir un milieu de stage pour lequel ils entretenaient de l’intérêt. L'analyse des entrevues a également révélé que la conseillère ou le conseiller d'orientation ne semble pas être une professionnelle ou un professionnel particulièrement sollicité pour soutenir les élèves en difficulté dans l'élaboration d'un projet professionnel. Bien que l’implication de la famille et du milieu scolaire des jeunes à propos de la transition à la vie adulte et de l’élaboration de projets soit sans aucun doute essentielle, les compétences du conseiller d’orientation en matière d’accompagnement des élèves dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un projet scolaire ou professionnel pourraient être également mises à profit pour mieux préparer et accompagner les jeunes adultes dans leur transition. Ainsi, les données analysées dans le cadre de cet essai indiquent qu’il y a une place à prendre pour les conseillers d’orientation dans le soutien des élèves vivant avec un handicap.


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Presentation at M25 Learning Technology Group, FutureLearn, 15 November 2017


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Tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC., popularly known as caxeta, is a tree species that belongs to the plant family Bignoniaceae. This species is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and is widely exploited commercially. To date, little is known about its genetic structure, preventing the establishment of adequate management plans for this taxon. The objective of this study was to construct a microsatellite-enriched genomic library for T. cassinoides to select polymorphic loci, and standardize polymerase chain reaction amplification conditions. Of the 15 loci examined, 5 were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 8, with a mean of 4.4. The microsatellite loci described here represent the basis for detailed population genetic studies of this species, which will greatly contribute for the development of better conservation strategies for this taxon.


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To determine the prevalence of the Papanicolaou exam among women aged 20 to 59 years in the city of Campinas (state of São Paulo, Brazil) and to analyze associations between this test and affiliation to private health insurance plans as well as socioeconomic/demographic variables and health-related behavior. To do so, a population-based, cross-sectional study was carried out. Statistical analyses took the study design into account. Despite the significant socioeconomic differences between women with and without private health plans, no differences between these groups were found regarding having been submitted to the Papanicolaou test. In fact no differences were found as to socioeconomic and health variables analyzed. Among all variables analyzed, only marital status was significantly associated with having undergone the test. The Brazilian public health system accounted for 55.7% of the exams. The present findings indicate social equity in the city of Campinas regarding the preventive exam for cervical cancer in the age group studied.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física