956 resultados para Involuntary clients
To what extent is the therapist-client relationship damaged following client perpetuated violence and what steps can we take to diminish its impact? Much of the information we have on client violence comes from multiple mental health disciplines in the US and the UK over the last 20-30 years and has formed a useful, though sometimes dated and sporadic, quantitative baseline to delineate a range of issues. However, there is limited systematic research on how practitioner psychologists process the violence in the course of their everyday practice and how this impacts the therapist-client dynamic. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), we explored seven therapists’ experiences of client violence across a range of work sites – acute psychiatric hospital wards, forensic hospital wards and community mental health teams. Three main themes were documented: processing the moment-to-moment experience of client violence; professional vulnerabilities and needs as a result of client violence; and the ruptured therapeutic relationship. Strategies for supporting practicing psychologists and providing continuing professional care for clients include challenging self-doubt and re-energizing professional competencies as well as repairing ourselves and repairing the therapeutic relationship. Recommendations for credentialing and regulatory bodies in relation to client violence are also highlighted.
Background In recent years, an abstinence-focused, ‘recovery’ agenda has emerged in UK drug policy, largely in response to the perception that many opioid users had been ‘parked indefinitely’ on Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST). The introduction of ten pilot ‘Drug Recovery Wings’ (DRWs) in 2011 represents the application of this recovery agenda to prisons. This paper describes the DRWs’ operational models, the place of opiate dependent prisoners within them, and the challenges of delivering ‘recovery’ in prison. Methods In 2013, the implementation and operational models of all ten pilot DRWs were rapidly assessed. Up to three days were spent in each DRW, undertaking semi-structured interviews with a sample of 94 DRW staff and 102 DRW residents. Interviews were fully transcribed, and coded using grounded theory. Findings from the nine adult prisons are presented here. Results Four types of DRW were identified, distinguished by their size and selection criteria. Strikingly, no mid- or large-sized units regularly supported OST recipients through detoxification. Type A were large units whose residents were mostly on OST with long criminal records and few social or personal resources. Detoxification was rare, and medication reduction slow. Type B's mid-sized DRW was developed as a psychosocial support service for OST clients seeking detoxification. However, staff struggled to find such prisoners, and detoxification again proved rare. Type C DRWs focused on abstinence from all drugs, including OST. Though OST clients were not intentionally excluded, very few applied to these wings. Only Type D DRWs, offering intensive treatment on very small wings, regularly recruited OST recipients into abstinence-focused interventions. Conclusion Prison units wishing to support OST recipients in making greater progress towards abstinence may need to be small, intensive and take a stepped approach based on preparatory motivational work and extensive preparation for release. However, concerns about post-release deaths will remain.
Objective To determine whether staff responses to abuse disclosures had improved since the introduction of a trauma policy and training programme. Method The files of 250 clients attending four New Zealand mental health centres were audited. Results There was a significant improvement, compared to an audit prior to the introduction of the policy and training, in the proportion of abuse cases included in formulations, and, to a lesser extent, in treatment plans. There was no significant improvement in the proportion referred for relevant treatment, which remained at less than 25% across abuse categories. The proportion of neglect disclosures responded to was significantly lower than for abuse cases. Fifty percent of the files in which abuse/neglect was recorded noted whether the client had been asked about previous disclosure, and 22% noted whether the client thought there was any connection between the abuse/neglect and their current problems. Less than 1% of cases were reported to legal authorities. People diagnosed with a psychotic disorder were significantly less likely to be responded to appropriately. Conclusion Future training may need to focus on responding well to neglect and people diagnosed with psychosis, on making treatment referrals, and on initiating discussions about reporting to authorities.
Dissertação de Mestrado , Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
In recent decades, the combination of tourism and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), has originated considerable changes in tourists’ behaviour. The analysis of tourism demand resulting from the Internet is of growing importance, given the increasing number of online reservations observed in recent years. However, in order to analyse the new trends caused by online bookings, the availability of data enabling the measurement and characterization of this phenomenon is essential. This has, however, been a considerable limitation, given that either no data on key variables is available or the available data is sometimes of questionable quality. For professionals and researchers in the area of tourism, the high volume of tourists who use the Internet to make hotel and travel reservations is worth of consideration, given that it may potentiate the discovery of new source markets, the identification of clients with different characteristics and may help explain the dynamics between suppliers or countries. The existence of predictive studies to support decision-making and planning, by professionals of the tourism sector, is of great importance. Panel data models are a useful and appropriate method for the analysis and modelling of tourism demand. These models consider both the time series and the cross-sectional dimensions of the data and allow for the inclusion of social variables. The results of estimation of tourism demand, through panel data models, show that the Internet and the sharp technological development have encouraged the increasing demand for tourism. The growing number of tourism companies online will naturally promote or potentiate an increase of tourism demand.
Le modèle de la relation d'aide ponctuelle en psychologie des relations humaines est une approche qui a été développée à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Ce modèle d'intervention se base principalement sur la théorie de l'actualisation et sur les principes de la coopération (St-Arnaud, 1996, 1995). Croyant que tout individu possède les ressources pour résoudre ses problèmes et s'autodéterminer, les tenants de ce modèle travaillent en collaboration avec leurs clients afin d'activer leur processus naturel de croissance. La Thérapie d 'Impact, pour sa part, est une nouvelle approche qui a été développée par Ed J acobs, Ph.D. (1994), de l'Université de West Virginia aux États-Unis. Ce modèle d'intervention est actuellement popularisé au Canada par la psychologue Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D. et Maître Certifiée en Thérapie d'impact. Cette approche utilise des moyens concrets, dynamiques et visuels afin d'impliquer davantage l'aidé dans son processus thérapeutique. Pour ce faire, elle intègre plusieurs courants psychologiques dont, entre autres : l’Analyse Transactionnelle (Stewart & Joines, 1987), la Thérapie Émotivo-rationnelle (Ellis, 1962), la Thérapie de la Réalité (Glasser & Zunin, 1979), des techniques de la Gestalt (Passons, 1975), etc.
Depuis quelques années, le contexte économique et social dans lequel évoluent les psychologues cliniciens amène certains auteurs à se demander si la psychothérapie est en perte d’humanité. En effet, les thérapeutes se retrouvent confrontés à la pression d’offrir des traitements brefs, rentables et validés par des données probantes, ce qui peut avoir pour effet de négliger l’aspect humain. Par ailleurs, bien que la recherche démontre le caractère fondamental de la relation thérapeutique, la dimension humaine de la psychothérapie demeure peu étudiée. En lien avec ces concepts, ceux de relation réelle, d’authenticité, de présence thérapeutique, de profondeur relationnelle et de compassion ont fait l’objet d’études et suggèrent la pertinence de s’y intéresser. Toutefois, plusieurs recoupements sont observés entre ces concepts et aucune recherche n’appréhende la dimension humaine dans sa globalité. La présente étude vise à décrire ce qu’est l’humanité et comment elle se manifeste en psychothérapie, à partir de la perspective de thérapeutes expérimentés. Un devis qualitatif exploratoire a été utilisé. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de six psychologues reconnus par leur entourage comme faisant preuve d’humanité en psychothérapie. L’analyse thématique a été privilégiée pour analyser les données recueillies. Il en est ressorti que l’humanité en psychothérapie constitue une façon d’être du thérapeute, caractérisée par l’intégration authentique de son rôle professionnel et une certaine flexibilité par rapport au cadre thérapeutique. Cette façon d’être est sous-tendue par différentes croyances, dont celle que la relation thérapeutique – considérée comme centrale en psychothérapie – contribue au rétablissement du client. Selon les thérapeutes interrogés, l’humanité en psychothérapie se manifeste de huit façons, par la présence à soi, la présence à l’autre, l’intérêt sincère pour l’autre, la bienveillance, l’amour, la compassion, l’authenticité et l’humilité. Par ailleurs, ils évoquent que le fait de choisir une approche qui s’accorde à eux, de sélectionner des clients en fonction de leurs limites et de s’engager dans leur développement personnel favorisent cette humanité. Les résultats de l’étude enrichissent les connaissances au sujet de la dimension humaine de la psychothérapie. D’autres recherches seront nécessaires pour approfondir en quoi consiste l’humanité dans ce contexte. La présente étude permettra néanmoins de sensibiliser les différents acteurs du domaine de la psychologie à l’importance de cette dimension dans la pratique clinique et dans la formation des futurs psychologues.
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Bromatologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014
This qualitative study explored the career termination experiences of 9 male, retired professional cricketers, between the ages of 28 to 40 (M = 34, SD = 4.65). The participants took part in retrospective, semi-structured interviews. Data from the interviews were inductively content analysed within three transition phases of the retirement process: reasons for retirement, factors affecting adaptation, and reactions to retirement. The reasons for retirement were multicausal with the majority of the participants highlighting contractual pressures and a lack of communication as important precursors to retirement. Three main themes accounted for the factors affecting adaptation: a limited pursuit of other interests, developmental experiences and coping strategies. In terms of reactions to retirement, all of the participants reflected negatively on the termination of their career, with a sense of loss and resentment characterising the post-retirement period. The findings illustrated the sport-specific nature of career termination in professional cricket, and added further support to the emerging consensus that the distinction between voluntary and involuntary retirement is, at best, unclear.
What Attitude Changes Are Needed to Cause SMEs to Take a Strategic Approach to Information Security?
Spending on security in an SME usually has to compete with demands for hardware, infrastructure, and strategic applications. In this paper, the authors seek to explore the reasons why smaller SMEs in particular have consistently failed to see securing information as strategic year-on-year spending, and just regard as part of an overall tight IT budget. The authors scrutinise the typical SMEs reasoning for choosing to see non-spending on security as an acceptable strategic risk. They look particularly at possible reasons why SMEs tend not to take much notice of "scare stories" in the media based on research showing they are increasingly at risk, whilst larger businesses are taking greater precautions and become more difficult to penetrate. The results and their analysis provide useful pointers towards broader business environment changes that would cause SMEs to be more risk-averse and ethical in their approach to securing their own and their clients’ information.
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aconselhamento de Carreira), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2016
Chinese media in the context of China's rise have puzzled many scholars who used to understand media and communications phenomena by employing the theories generated from a few affluent Western democracies, notably the US. As a result, a complex but more accurate picture has been ignored. Under numerous theoretical polarizations, the contemporary social world seems little changed but polarized. This thesis aims to propose a different approach endeavoring to 'de-Westernize' or 'internationalize' media and communications studies. As a starting point, this study focuses on the globalization debate, Chinese media and news agency studies. The thesis has investigated the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, by employing Fuzzy Logic which captures the complexity of the change in the agency's business structure and journalistic practices over last 25 years. The change is also examined by scrutinizing the role of journalists in the interrelations of Xinhua with its news sources, media and nonmedia clients, and other news agencies. A combination of archive study and 94 semistructured interviews conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and London provides an inclusive account of the Chinese news institution. The key research findings drawn from the empirical research into Xinhua have justified the central argument of this thesis: Crisp Logic or the 'either/or' approach has failed to explain the dynamics of the change to the media system based in a 'non-Western' society. The numerous theoretical polarizations generated by Crisp Logic to a large extent have distorted the understanding of the contemporary social world by polarizing it. Fuzzy Logic serves better(though it is not the only choice)than the traditional approach to reflect on the set of variables existing between the two poles created by Crisp Logic. This thesis is the first doctorate research in the UK and other English-speaking countries to investigate Xinhua by 'going inside' the news institution's headquarters, local branches and overseas bureaus. This is the first comprehensive academic study of the agency, which not only examines the agency's recent change in business structure and journalistic practices, but also provides a historical account of the agency and its relationship with other social institutions. This is the first media study that employs Fuzzy Logic to understand the globalization theory, Chinese media and news agencies.
The textile industry has a long tradition in Portugal and it is one of the most important sectors, despite the current economic crisis. It has always assumed a prominent role in terms of employment and a relevant position within the Portuguese economy. The lack of quality and the lower prices that other countries offer causes the loss of clients. Quality is a main tool to survive nowadays in the textile sector. To undertake our analysis, we made use of an existing database where 55 firms belonged to the textile industry, namely to the manufacturing sector. A new survey was created based on the original survey and was sent to 5 firms. Besides the survey, we also sent a few questions to the firms in order to retract more information about the actually situation in our country, concerning the textile industry. Several tables, graphs and pie charts were made to help shed light on our findings. This research was conducted in order to determine the importance of quality in the consolidation of textile firms in the north of Portugal. Most firms in our sample feel that quality improvement, business benefits, mobilizing employees’ knowledge and business image were important and that competition is very intense and is mainly by price and not by differentiation of product or service. The quality program has contributed to improve their competitive position and the improvement of their overall performance. The majority of the firms in our sample undertake TQM measures for quality purposes to meet customer expectations and prevent errors. Of all firms surveyed, the quality is certainly very important for its survival.