1000 resultados para Inversions estrangeres -- Espanya


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“Thinking globally, acting locally" is an essential slogan in the current political discourse. Yet, in view of the policies on the European Union carried out by the two governments of the People’s Party (PP) headed by José María Aznar between 1996 and 2004, we could coin a quite different slogan: "thinking locally, acting in Europe". Indeed, José María Aznar’s policy-making during the last eight years has been characterised by turning his domestic concerns into the ‘exclusive factor’ of his European strategy, regardless of the context and the need for fitting in national objectives with Europeans’. Hence, it was natural that the electoral campaign preceding the general elections held on Sunday, 14 March, did not deal with any of the topics prevailing in the EU’s current agenda. Neither enlargement nor the Constitution, nor the process of shaping a core group within the EU, seem to have room in Spain’s political debate...


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El conflicto de Oriente Próximo escribió una más de sus tantas páginas el pasado verano. A principios de julio, las milicias de Hezbollah secuestraron a dos soldados israelíes cerca de la frontera del Líbano y se lanzaron cohetes Katiuska hacia el norte de Israel. Este suceso provocó la respuesta armada israelí y el inicio de un largo verano de bombardeos en el sur del Líbano, en los suburbios de Beirut y en el norte de Israel. La escalada bélica se llevó a cabo delante de una comunidad internacional incapaz de responder con contundencia a la desproporcionada respuesta israelí y a los continuos ataques de Hezbollah en el norte de Israel. Por su lado, la Unión Europea evidenció la divergencia de pareceres entre sus 25 estados miembros. Así, mientras que países como Francia, España o Italia criticaban la desproporción de la actuación israelí; Reino Unido o Alemania reconocían a Israel el derecho a la legítima defensa.


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Les infraestructures de recerca inclouen diferent tipologies, des d’instal·lacions úniques a altres basades en xarxes. Típicament han sorgit de necessitats específiques d’una disciplina o bé multidisciplinàries. Les infraestructures de recerca produeixen, processen o gestionen volums heterogenis d’informació, tant grans com petits. Són les anomenades “fàbriques de dades científiques” del segle XXI. Comprenen diversos tipus de recursos d’informació com publicacions, col·leccions digitalitzades, objectes d’aprenentatge i dades de recerca. Les qüestions clau d'avui dia per a les infraestructures de recerca són el seu coneixement per part dels investigadors, i la seva viabilitat, sostenibilitat i interoperabilitat. El compromís de les biblioteques de recerca amb les infraestructures de recerca ha estat baix. Si bé això podria ser comprensible el 2005, quan les primeres prioritats per les inversions en infraestructures de recerca s’estaven definint, ara representa un gran buit en l'estratègia europea. Iniciatives clau com ESFRI no inclouen cap participació per part de biblioteques de recerca, amb excepció de DARIAH. La participació en projectes finançats per la Unió Europea (a través de LIBER o directament a través d'institucions) es va centrar (amb algunes excepcions) en les àrees de digitalització, patrimoni cultural i publicacions. Les biblioteques de recerca han d'esdevenir actors visibles en les discussions estratègiques sobre les infraestructures de recerca i haurien d’explorar activament la seva participació en les infraestructures de dades d'investigació. Accés Obert, Ciència Oberta (dades), les dades de recerca (infraestructures i gestió) són els catalitzadors per aconseguir que les biblioteques de recerca siguin presents pels investigadors més enllà de les humanitats i les ciències socials. "L'accés obert és global - però la seva aplicació és local '. Aquest és popular lema del projecte OpenAIRE i dóna a les biblioteques de recerca locals un paper important en el context europeu. Les dades de recerca són específiques segons les disciplines, però les polítiques, els fluxos de treball i les normes també s'han d'aplicar a nivell local. La creació d'infraestructures participatives amb la participació d’actors institucionals, nacionals i temàtics ha estat identificat per la Unió Europea com una tasca clau per a la dècada actual. El terme 'participatiu' també es considera d'importància fonamental per a l'estratègia de la política europea, ja que s'adapta molt bé amb la coordinació a nivell nacional i europeu per aconseguir una eficiència de costos i contribueix a evitar la duplicació de treball. Els principals desafiaments per a la construcció d'un ecosistema coherent, finançable i sostenible no es troben en les TIC, sinó més aviat en la gestió, la normativa, l'organització, els aspectes socioculturals, la confiança, i, per descomptat, els costos.


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Ferran Rahola i Auguet va néixer a Girona el 14 de maig de 1914, fill primogènit de l'escriptor Carles Rahola i Llorens i de Rosa Auguet i Farró. Va viure i estudiar a la ciutat durant la seva infantesa i joventut, i després de cursar el batxillerat a l'institut va ingressar a estudiar magisteri a l'Escola Normal de Girona. Va iniciar els seus estudis el curs 1932-33 amb l'anomenat Pla Professional de 1931, el qual ha estat, en opinió deis estudiosos, el millor que han tingut les escoles normals d'Espanya, i responia al projecte global educatiu republicà, un dels pilars bàsics de la formació inicial de mestres. Es tractava d'uns estudis de magisteri professionals, amb un entroncament directe amb les escoles


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El acogimiento familiar ha de ser la medida prioritaria para los casos de menores que deben ser separados de su família por motivos de protección. En España es una alternativa que cuenta tan sólo con veinte años de existencia y hasta la fecha no existen prácticamente datos acerca del grado de su implantación y sus características cuando se trata de acogimiento en familia ajena, mientras que son varios los trabajos que han estudiado el acogimiento en familia extensa. Este artículo presenta por primera vez en la literatura científica los datos más relevantes que permiten caracterizar la práctica del acogimiento en familia ajena en España, mediante el estudio de una muestra de seis comunidades autónomas bienrepresentativas, con un total de 357 casos. El artículo presenta los perfiles de los niños, las familias biológicas y acogedoras,el proceso y algunos resultados sobre una submuestra de casos cerrados (n = 179). Se analizarán algunas característicasespecialmente importantes como la larga estancia y la estabilidad de estos acogimientos, que los diferencia de los realizados en otros países


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In sharp contrast with birds and mammals, the sex chromosomes of ectothermic vertebrates are often undifferentiated, for reasons that remain debated. A linkage map was recently published for Rana temporaria (Linnaeus, 1758) from Fennoscandia (Eastern European lineage), with a proposed sex-determining role for linkage group 2 (LG2). We analysed linkage patterns in lowland and highland populations from Switzerland (Western European lineage), with special focus on LG2. Sibship analyses showed large differences from the Fennoscandian map in terms of recombination rates and loci order, pointing to large-scale inversions or translocations. All linkage groups displayed extreme heterochiasmy (total map length was 12.2 cM in males, versus 869.8 cM in females). Sex determination was polymorphic within populations: a majority of families (with equal sex ratios) showed a strong correlation between offspring phenotypic sex and LG2 paternal haplotypes, whereas other families (some of which with female-biased sex ratios) did not show any correlation. The factors determining sex in the latter could not be identified. This coexistence of several sex-determination systems should induce frequent recombination of X and Y haplotypes, even in the absence of male recombination. Accordingly, we found no sex differences in allelic frequencies on LG2 markers among wild-caught male and female adults, except in one high-altitude population, where nonrecombinant Y haplotypes suggest sex to be entirely determined by LG2. Multifactorial sex determination certainly contributes to the lack of sex-chromosome differentiation in amphibians.


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Les especialitats mèdiques van tenir un ràpid desenvolupament al món occidental a principis del segle XX. La situació de Catalunya abans de la Guerra Civil, situada als confins de l’Europa d’entreguerres, afavoreix els intents de comunicació científica entre metges catalans i occitans més enllà de les fronteres de grans estats, Espanya i França, amb l’ús d’una llengua pròpia vehicular, el català. Així neix a Barcelona el 1933 la revista La Medicina Catalana, sota la direcció de Leandre Cervera i Astor, constituïda principalment per ressenyes en català d’articles apareguts a revistes internacionals. L’objectiu és estudiar l’aparició i consolidació de les especialitats mèdiques a Catalunya.


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El principal objectiu del treball és conèixer la situació general del consum de drogues en una mostra d’estudiants de la Universitat de Girona i analitzar algunes de les variables relacionades amb el seu ús durant l’oci nocturn de cap de setmana


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This paper studies the extent to which social networks influence the employment stability and wages of immigrants in Spain. By doing so, I consider an aspect that has not been previously addressed in the empirical literature, namely the connection between immigrants' social networks and labor market outcomes in Spain. For this purpose, I use micro-data from the National Immigrant Survey carried out in 2007. The analysis is conducted in two stages. First, the impact of social networks on the probability of keeping the first job obtained in Spain is studied through a multinomial logit regression. Second, quantile regressions are used to estimate a wage equation. The empirical results suggest that once the endogeneity problem has been accounted for, immigrants' social networks influence their labor market outcomes. On arrival, immigrants experience a mismatch in the labor market. In addition, different effects of social networks on wages by gender and wage distribution are found. While contacts on arrival and informal job access mechanisms positively influence women's wages, a wage penalty is observed for men.


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Using a panel of 48 provinces for four years we empirically analyze a series of temporary policies aimed at curbing fuel consumption implemented in Spain between March and June 2011. The first policy was a reduction in the speed limit in highways. The second policy was an increase in the biofuel content of fuels used in the transport sector. The third measure was a reduction of 5% in commuting and regional train fares that resulted in two major metropolitan areas reducing their overall fare for public transit. The results indicate that the speed limit reduction in highways reduced gasoline consumption by between 2% and 3%, while an increase in the biofuel content of gasoline increased this consumption. This last result is consistent with experimental evidence that indicates that mileage per liter falls with an increase in the biofuel content in gasolines. As for the reduction in transit fares, we do not find a significant effect for this policy. However, in specifications including the urban transit fare for the major cities in each province the estimated cross-price elasticity of the demand for gasoline -used as a proxy for car use- with respect to the price of transit is within the range reported in the literature. This is important since one of the main eficiency justification for subsidizing public transit rests on the positive value of this parameter and most of the estimates reported in the literature are quite dated.


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It is generally accepted that financial markets are efficient in the long run a lthough there may be some deviations in the short run. It is also accepted that a good portfolio manager is the one who beats the market persistently along time, this type of manager could not exist if markets were perfectly efficient According to this in a pure efficient market we should find that managers know that they can not beat the market so they would undertake only pure passive management strategies. Assuming a certain degree of inefficiency in the short run, a market may show some managers who tr y to beat the market by undertaking active strategies. From Fama’s efficient markets theory we can state that these active managers may beat the market occasionally although they will not be able to enhance significantly their performance in the long run. On the other hand, in an inefficient market it would be expected to find a higher level of activity related with the higher probability of beating the market. In this paper we follow two objectives: first, we set a basis to analyse the level of efficiency in an asset invest- ment funds market by measuring performance, strategies activity and it’s persistence for a certain group of funds during the period of study. Second, we analyse individual performance persistence in order to determine the existence of skilled managers. The CAPM model is taken as theoretical background and the use of the Sharpe’s ratio as a suitable performance measure in a limited information environment leads to a group performance measurement proposal. The empiri- cal study takes quarterly data from 1999-2007 period, for the whole population of the Spanish asset investment funds market, provided by the CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). This period of study has been chosen to ensure a wide enough range of efficient market observation so it would allow us to set a proper basis to compare with the following period. As a result we develop a model that allows us to measure efficiency in a given asset mutual funds market, based on the level of strategy’s activity undertaken by managers. We also observe persistence in individual performance for a certain group of funds


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Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties of the vadose zone because of their strong sensitivity to soil water content. In particular, recent evidence has suggested that the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR data within a coupled geophysical-hydrological framework may allow for effective estimation of subsurface van-Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. An important and still unresolved issue, however, is how to best integrate GPR data into a stochastic inversion in order to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties, thus improving hydrological predictions. Recognizing the importance of this issue, the aim of the research presented in this thesis was to first introduce a fully Bayesian inversion called Markov-chain-Monte-carlo (MCMC) strategy to perform the stochastic inversion of steady-state GPR data to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties. Within this study, the choice of the prior parameter probability distributions from which potential model configurations are drawn and tested against observed data was also investigated. Analysis of both synthetic and field data collected at the Eggborough (UK) site indicates that the geophysical data alone contain valuable information regarding the VGM parameters. However, significantly better results are obtained when these data are combined with a realistic, informative prior. A subsequent study explore in detail the dynamic infiltration case, specifically to what extent time-lapse ZOP GPR data, collected during a forced infiltration experiment at the Arrenaes field site (Denmark), can help to quantify VGM parameters and their uncertainties using the MCMC inversion strategy. The findings indicate that the stochastic inversion of time-lapse GPR data does indeed allow for a substantial refinement in the inferred posterior VGM parameter distributions. In turn, this significantly improves knowledge of the hydraulic properties, which are required to predict hydraulic behaviour. Finally, another aspect that needed to be addressed involved the comparison of time-lapse GPR data collected under different infiltration conditions (i.e., natural loading and forced infiltration conditions) to estimate the VGM parameters using the MCMC inversion strategy. The results show that for the synthetic example, considering data collected during a forced infiltration test helps to better refine soil hydraulic properties compared to data collected under natural infiltration conditions. When investigating data collected at the Arrenaes field site, further complications arised due to model error and showed the importance of also including a rigorous analysis of the propagation of model error with time and depth when considering time-lapse data. Although the efforts in this thesis were focused on GPR data, the corresponding findings are likely to have general applicability to other types of geophysical data and field environments. Moreover, the obtained results allow to have confidence for future developments in integration of geophysical data with stochastic inversions to improve the characterization of the unsaturated zone but also reveal important issues linked with stochastic inversions, namely model errors, that should definitely be addressed in future research.


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Gestió d'un projecte per donar suport remot a 100 clients arreu d'Espanya i Portugal.


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Líneas esenciales de la actuación contra el terrorismo y crímenes similares: 1.Respeto de los derechos constitucionales y libertades fundamentales en todos los procesos sin excepción: derecho a un juicio justo, derecho de defensa, presunción de inocencia y garantía de la tutela judicial. 2.Especialización orgánica y centralización jurisdiccional: jurisdicción central con competencia exclusiva para el terrorismo (Audiencia Nacional con sede en Madrid-Tribunal ordinario especializado)-extremismos violentos (fin: subvertir el orden constitucional o alterar gravemente la paz pública) 3.Aplicación de las leyes de procedimiento ordinarias con algunas restricciones de derechos en la fase de investigación (control judicial-criterios necesidad y proporcionalidad) 4.Especialidades en tipos penales y ejecución de penas.