885 resultados para Interior decoration


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This paper addresses two aspects of the behavior of interior reinforced concrete waffle flat plate?column connections under lateral loads: the share of the unbalanced moment between flexure and excentric shear, and the effect of the transverse beams. A non-linear finite element model (benchmark model) was developed and calibrated with the results of quasi-static cyclic tests conducted on a 3/5 scale specimen. First, from this numerical model, the portion cv of the unbalanced moment transferred by the excentricity of shear about the centroid of the critical sections defined by Eurocode 2 (EC-2) and by ACI 318-11 was calculated and compared with the share-out prescribed by these codes. It is found that while the critical section of EC-2 is consistent with the cv provided by this code, in the case of ACI 318-11, the value assigned to cv is far below (about 50% smaller) the actual one obtained with the numerical simulations. Second, from the benchmark model, seven additional models were developed by varying the depth D of the transverse beam over the thickness h of the plate. It was found that the ductility of the connection and the effective width of the plate can respectively be increased up to 50% and 10% by raising D/h to 2 and 1.5.


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Evaluation of three solar and daylighting control systems based on Calumen II, Ecotect and Radiance simulation programs to obtain an energy efficient and healthy interior in the experimental building prototype SDE10


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In the late 60s it had become clear how the environment technification had allowed some typologies (supermarkets, car parks, factories) to reach potentially unlimited built depths becoming, therefore, independent from the outside. The No-Stop City is born from a very simple idea: to extend this technification to the totality of built reality encompassing, not only almost all functions, but ultimately, the whole city. This operation has paradoxical effects: as architecture grows, it loses most of the features that have traditionally defined it. A dissolution by hypertrophy that gives rise to an homogeneous, concave and potentially infinite space. But beyond the pure technical feasibility, there are two key influences, seemingly contradictory, that explain this endeavor for an interior and endless city: Marxism and Pop Art. The project is, in many senses, a built manifesto reflecting the militancy of the group members within the Italian Marxism. But it is also the embodiment of the groups declared interest in Pop Art, popular culture and mass society. The cross-influence of communism and consumerism explains this "quantitative utopia" in which the society and the factory, the production and consumption, would match. A city based on the centrality of consumer products and the subsequent loss of prominence of architecture, in which the urban phenomenon, while spreading endlessly over territory, ignoring its rural exteriority, dissolves the home as a sphere of privacy, ignoring its domestic interiority. A project, also in the wake of Marshall McLuhan, that illustrates like few others the conversion of the urbane into a virtually omnipresent "condition" and that still interrogates us with questions that are, on the other hand, eternal: What is a building? What is a city?


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Durante de la fecunda obra de Palazuelo, existen sendos viajes cruciales tanto para su formación como para la evolución de su obra. In 1933, continuó sus estudios arquitectónicos en la School of Arts and Crafts of the city of Oxford, donde el pintor español recibió la formación que le permitió adquirir no sólo nuevas herramientas gráficas, sino también un método proyectual que implementó a lo largo de su producción. El segundo viaje iniciático se produjo en Paría, donde aplicó las enseñanzas aprendidas en su incipiente carrera artística. Para ilustrar ambos momentos, el presente texto desvela archivos gráficos inéditos procedentes de los fondos de la Fundación Palazuelo que estuve catalogando. During Palazuelo successful career, two trips were crucial turning points for both his formation and the evolution of his work. In 1933, he continued his architectural studies at the School of Arts and Crafts of the city of Oxford, were this Spanish painter received an education that allowed him not only endow new graphical tools, but also a procedural method he implemented throughout his production. The second initiation voyage took place in Paris, where he applied the lessons learned in his fledgling artistic career. To illustrate both moments this text unveils unpublished graphic files from Palazuelo Foundation that I catalogued.


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La introducción de la automatización de servicios en los edificios de vivienda comenzó a implementarse a finales del siglo XX. Desde entonces, los edificios que incluyen instalaciones completas de automatización suelen conocerse como edificios domotizados o edificios inteligentes e implican la introducción en la arquitectura de tecnologías que hasta la fecha eran ajenas a ésta. El diseño de estos nuevos edificios de viviendas implica cada vez más el trabajo de equipos multidisciplinares y exige por parte del arquitecto la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos y herramientas proyectuales que aseguren la viabilidad constructiva de dichos servicios de automatización doméstica. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la automatización de servicios domésticos en la fase de proyecto constructivo de los edificios para finalmente ofrecer al arquitecto herramientas, criterios y una metodología que le ayude a proyectar estos edificios satisfactoriamente. Esta influencia se evalúa y determina en función de los condicionantes constructivos, que se definen como aquellas consideraciones que el proyectista puede tener en cuenta en la fase de diseño o de concepción de un edificio. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación incluye el análisis conceptual y de contenidos de documentos normativos, técnicos, y de investigación así como un estudio de mercado de las aplicaciones más habituales en domótica. Finalmente la investigación se centra en la envolvente interior del edificio para determinar la influencia de los servicios de domotización no convencionales en el proyecto arquitectónico. Al margen de las aportaciones teóricas de esta investigación, las cuales se han propuesto para afianzar el marco teórico de la disciplina, los resultados obtenidos constatan que dicha influencia en la fase de proyecto existe y que es posible detectar qué condicionantes constructivos se derivan de la normativa de aplicación en este tipo de proyectos, de las nuevas tecnologías implicadas en las instalaciones de automatización y de los esfuerzos de estandarización de las asociaciones de empresas en el campo de la domótica. ABSTRACT The automation of services in residential buildings (also called home automation) began to be implemented in the late twentieth century. Since then, those buildings with full automation services are often known as intelligent buildings or smart buildings, and they imply the introduction into the architecture of technologies that where foreign to the field until then. The design of these new residential buildings increasingly involves the need of multidisciplinary teams and requires the architect to acquire new knowledge and project tools in order to ensure the constructability of such home automation services. This thesis pretends to determine the impact and influence of the introduction of home automation services in the design stage of residential buildings in order to, finally, provide the architect with the tools, criteria and methodology to help him design such projects successfully. This impact is evaluated and determined by the constructive constraints or factors implied, which are defined as those considerations that the designer may take into account in the conception and design stage of the project. The methodology used in this research includes conceptual and content analysis applied to normative and technical documents, regulatory standards and research papers, as well as a market survey of the most common applications and services in home automation. Finally, the investigation focuses on the inner partitions of the building to determine the influence of unconventional domotics services in the architectural design. Besides the theoretical contributions of this research, which have been proposed to strengthen the theoretical framework of the discipline, the achieved results find that such influence in the design stage exists and that it is possible to detect which constructive constraints are derived from the application of building regulations, from the new technologies involved in home automation facilities or from the standardization efforts of the joint ventures in the field of home automation.


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Arquitectura española contemporánea. El proyecto de reforma interior en Madrid del Sr. Oriol


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Estampado en la misma hoja con: "Plano de la Lonja de Valencia"


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Frente a la colmatación indiscriminada de los territorios colindantes, emerge la posibilidad de realizar acciones concretas sobre el tejido urbano consolidado, recuperando espacios olvidados para dotarlos de nuevas cualidades. El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar el potencial de transformación de los interiores de manzana en lugares de relación entre los ciudadanos a través del estudio de tres casos de vivienda colectiva y descubrir los mecanismos proyectivos que impulsan las nuevas relaciones entre el ámbito público de la ciudad y el colectivo de la vivienda, cambiando así la percepción de que nada interesante ocurre en áreas de transición entre la calle, la vivienda y el interior de la manzana. ABSTRACT. Facing the indiscriminate fouling adjacent territories, it rises the possibility of acting on the consolidated urban fabric, recovering forgotten spaces to give them new qualities. The aim of this work is to study the potential of transforming the block interiors in places of relationship between citizens through the study of three cases of collective housing and find projective mechanisms that drive the new relationship between the public realm of the city and the collective sphere of housing, thus changing the perception that nothing interesting happens in areas of transition between the street, the housing and the interior of the block.


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Sign.: []4, b4, A-Z4, 2A-2L4


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Resumen: Descripción: vista de Portaceli desde el monte muy frondoso. La Cartuja se deduce en segundo término


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una evaluación realista de la incertidumbre en los ensayos de ruido transmitido al interior de una sala según el Anexo IV del Real Decreto 1367/2007, contemplando todas las posibles causas que intervienen en la incertidumbre de forma que las imprecisiones observadas en los ejercicios de intercomparación se cubran con un único ensayo. Otra parte fundamental del trabajo es cuantificar la fuente de incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medición. En primer lugar se realiza la medición del nivel continuo equivalente ponderado A en habitaciones de distinto tamaño, a la que llegan los distintos tipos de ruido emitido desde el exterior de las mismas. El siguiente paso es realizar un análisis de los niveles medidos, tanto en su distribución espacial como en su evolución temporal, incidiendo en los valores máximos, LAeq,5s. A continuación se comprueba si la distribución de los niveles medidos se ajusta a una distribución normal mediante el software de análisis estadístico STATGRAPHICS. Determinando, en base al tamaño de las muestras escogidas, por medio de análisis estadísticos, la aportación a la incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medida, cuantificando su valor. Por último se realiza una medición del ruido de actividades según el Real Decreto 1367/2007, aportando una evaluación de la incertidumbre, teniendo en cuenta todas las fuentes que la generan, mediante el enfoque clásico de la GUM. ABSTRACT. The objective of this work is to carry out a realistic assessment of the uncertainty in the trials of noise transmitted into the interior of a room according to Annex IV of the Royal Decree 136772997, considering all of the causes involved in uncertainty in such a way that the inaccuracies observed in intercomparison exercises are covered with a single trial. Another fundamental part of the work is to quantify the source of uncertainty in the choice of the point of measurement. First is the weighted equivalent of the continuous level measurement in rooms of different sizes, which reach different types of noise emitted from outside of them. The next step is to perform an analysis of the measured levels, both in their spatial distribution and their temporal evolution, influencing the maximum values, LAeq,5s. Then it is checked to see whether the distribution of the measured levels conforms to a normal distribution using the STATGRAPHICS statistical analysis software. Determining therefore, based on the size of the selected samples, through statistical analysis, the contribution to the uncertainty generated in the choice of the measurement point, quantifying its value. At last is the measure of the noise of activities according to the Royal Decree 1367/2007, providing an assessment of the uncertainty, taking into account all sources that generate it, using the classical approach to the GUM.