894 resultados para Inter-dependency
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Students' cultural diversity is an important factor to consider in a mathematics education concerned with equity. We argue that the significance of mathematics education is not only given by the understanding of mathematical concepts but also by students' foreground, that is, the students' perception of their future possibilities in life as made apparent to the individual by his/her social-political context. For students in a cultural borderline position, different reasons and intentions for engaging in mathematics learning may be related to the construction of meaning in mathematics. Through inter-viewing Brazilian Indian students' foreground, we illuminate the different types of significance given to mathematics education in their particular situation.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent cells with fibroblastoid morphology and adherent to plastic. Furthermore, they can be obtained from different sources. Besides bone marrow, these cells are taken from umbilical cord blood, umbilical vein, saphenous vein, peripheral blood, arteries, liver and fetal pancreas, placenta, dental pulp and adipose tissue. MSCs derived from adipose tissue are important because of the abundant number of cells that can be obtained from this tissue, easy access and little discomfort to the patient. This study compared two techniques for obtaining MSCs from adipose tissue: mechanical dissociation (MD) and enzymatic digestion (ED). We also analyzed the inter-species cross-reactions using commercial monoclonal antibodies directed against surface antigens of stem cells from different species: mouse, horse, rabbit, monkey and human. We found that MD technique is favorable in relation to ED within 15 days of culture, and ED is more efficient in the first days of culture. The data also showed that MD causes less damage to cellular DNA. About inter-species cross-reactions, the monoclonal antibody A69 directed against stem cells from rabbits, which can be used in veterinary medicine, particularly in research involving horses
The genus Corydoras, the highest among the Siluriformes, Callichthyidae is owned by the family, consisting of 177 valid species and widely distributed in cis-Andean portion of South America How striking feature has two longitudinal series of dermal plates covering almost the entire body. Cytogenetic studies in Callichthyidae show many chromosomal rearrangements, including events of polyploidy in their evolutionary history, particularly the genus Corydoras, in which the variation is the diploid number of 2n = 40 to 2n = 134 chromosomes. The absence of information on the frequency of chromosomes in the group Bs motivated this work with the species Corydoras aeneus. A population from the Tietê River basin in Ribeirão Claro (subbasin Corumbataí - Rio Claro, SP) was sampled a total of 20 subjects (10 males and 10 females) and 30 metaphases per individual were analyzed cytogenetically. Were carried out by impregnation techniques silver (Ag-NOR). The observed modal diploid number was 2n = 60 (26m +26 sm +8 st), with the variable occurrence of 1 or 2 Bs chromosomes in males and a B chromosome in females, both acrocentric. Regarding the variation in the frequency of chromosome Bs, the occurrence of two B chromosomes is directly linked to males, because there were no female sampled with the occurrence of two chromosomes Bs The low frequency of Bs in females suggests that this event can be sporadic this sex, different from males in which this appears to be set supernumerary chromosome showing a higher frequency of 2 Bs than the actual modal number of 2n = 60. Further studies will be performed to understand the dynamics of the B chromosome in the population
This study examines some characteristics of the contemporary reality and its influence on the dynamics of the organizational activities, in particular, related to the quality management. Discusses capitalist logic of maximization of profits that has been sophisticated in face of new scenarios that arise with society evolution. It also proposes a reflection on the philosophies and formats of management that fits with the desire to meet the needs of society through the expansion of quality - now a reference for the production processes and management systems. The work highlights the relations between communication and quality, pointing them as fundamental to the use of fissures on the evolution of the capitalist system in developing programs, philosophies and management systems. The intention is to turn able ways to contemplate the needs and interests of the largest number of public and variables in a different relation than the usual, in which a few wins and many lose
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This essay intends to think critically and theoretically on the interrelations among subject, identity, and Feminism in the context of Postmodernity, a context which will be herein denominated ―Age of Crises. These three aspects will be approached under a Historical perspective and put into question in a philosophical sight guided by Post-structuralistic theories, especially Derridian Deconstruction. In general, the main objective is to reach into a discussion about the undecidable inter-relation between Feminist thinking and Postmodernity, which is one of the configurations of the many contemporary crises. In order to do so, it will be necessary a previous discussion on the postmodern subject and its identity. This discussion will open up the possibility of contextualizing and discussing Feminism inside the intended objective. This discussion will be structured around the word ―crises which, in a compositional relation to the word ―age, will be taken as a synonym for ―Postmodernity and ―contemporary. ―Age of Crises, ―Postmodernity, ―contemporary, and ―Feminism will be words haunted by the phármakon phenomenon, a key aspect for Derridian Deconstruction, which will be the gravitational force that approximates and separates, in an undecidable relation, those signs.
The objective of the study was to analyze the size of buccal corridor during the smile of individuals from 10 to 19 years of age and to determine whether there is a relationship among buccal corridor, inter premolar distance, inter commissure width. Standard digital frontal photographs in posed broad smiles and dental casts were taken of a sample of 150 individuals divided into 5 age groups of 30 individuals: 10-11 years old (G1), 12-13 years old (G2), 14-15 years old (G3), 16-17 years old (G4), 18-19 years old (G5). Distances among the cusps of superior first premolars and buccal corridors were measured for subsequent comparisons using the Image Tool 3.0 program. Data was analyzed using Anova. The SNK test and Tamhane test were applied. The mean values of the buccal corridor ranged from 4.00-to 10.69 mm on the right side and from 4.06 to 11.43 mm on the left side. In percentage related with intercomissure width each side of the buccal corridor ranged from 7.46 to 16.47% on the right side and from 7.58% to 17.61% on the left side. Buccal corridors were different between genders and increased with age. Males have bigger buccal corridors than females, but there is no difference between gender when calculated as a percentage related with the inter commissure width. The inter premolar width is significantly correlated with inter commissure widths of female individuals 14-15 years old and 18-19 years old, and with the right linear buccal corridor of males and females aged 14-15 years old.
Este artigo estuda os usos de assim, com o objetivo de descrever seu comportamento sintático, semântico e pragmático à luz dos pressupostos teóricos da gramaticalização, entendida como parte do estudo linguístico que focaliza a mudança que se dá a partir de um processo gradual de pragmatização do significado, que envolve estratégias de caráter inferencial, que aumentam a informação pragmática, e estratégias metafóricas, que acarretam a abstratização (TRAUGOTT, 1982, 1995). Sugere-se uma trajetória unidirecional que parte do proposicional ao textual e à (inter)subjetivização, relativa ao fato de que os falantes desenvolvem significados novos para lexemas já existentes.
Based on a functionalist approach, this paper analyzes the modalized expression pode ser as a complement-taking predicate which embeds a proposition (pode ser1) and as an independent structure (pode ser2), in contemporary written and spoken Brazilian Portuguese texts. We aim to identify degrees of (inter)subjectivity, revealing a process of (inter)subjectification (TRAUGOTT, 2010 among others). The analysis carried out in this paper is supported by parameters of (inter)subjectivity of modal elements (TRAUGOTT; DASHER, 2002) and by the notion of modality as a multifunctional category, serving not only to encodethe speaker’s attitude regarding the modalized content, but also as a pragmatic strategy, as a regulator of communicative situation. The exam reveals pode ser as a strongly demanded structure in interaction, a fairly requested set and also productive and useful for interpersonal relationships. The examination of semantic, discursive and morphosyntactic properties indicates a shift from syntax (pode ser1) to discourse (pode ser2), interpreted as a development of (inter)subjectification.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
This paper aims to understand the discursive dimension of some paintings through Michel Foucault'sdiscourse analysis approach. The image of the mirror in several canonical paintings was selected, intending to observe its discursive operation as an element of the visual artistic utterance. Basically, this text has three parts: firstly, it determines the place occupied by the aesthetic discourse in Michel Pêcheux's and Michel Foucault's works; secondly, it focuses on the analysis of three European paintings, namely The Maids of Honour by Velásquez, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Manet, and Dangerous Liaisons by Magritte; thirdly, it discusses the intersection between visuality and interdiscursivity based on a) the contributions of M. Foucault's works on aesthetic discourse and b) the image of the mirror found in those paintings.