973 resultados para Inhomogeneous Equation


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We have considered a Bose gas in an anisotropic potential. Applying the the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation (GPE) for a confined dilute atomic gas, we have used the methods of optimized perturbation theory and self-similar root approximants, to obtain an analytical formula for the critical number of particles as a function of the anisotropy parameter for the potential. The spectrum of the GPE is also discussed.


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Neste trabalho analisamos as conexões entre entropia, reversibilidade, irreversibilidade, teorema H e equação de transporte de Boltzmann e o teorema de retorno de Poincaré. Estes tópicos são estudados separadamente em muitos artigos e livros, mas não são em geral analisados em conjunto mostrando as relações entre eles como fizemos aqui. Procuramos redigir o artigo didaticamente seguindo um caminho que achamos ser o mais simples possível a fim de tornar o conteúdo acessível aos alunos de graduação de física.


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Fenômenos oscilatórios e ressonantes são explorados em vários cursos experimentais de física. Em geral os experimentos são interpretados no limite de pequenas oscilações e campos uniformes. Neste artigo descrevemos um experimento de baixo custo para o estudo da ressonância em campo magnético da agulha de uma bússola fora dos limites acima. Nesse caso, termos não lineares na equação diferencial são responsáveis por fenômenos interessantes de serem explorados em laboratórios didáticos.


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In this paper are given examples of tori T² embedded in S³ with all their asymptotic lines dense.


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The effects of solvents on chemical phenomena is complex because there are various solute-solvent interaction mechanisms. Solvatochromism refers to the effects of solvents on the spectra of probes. The study of this phenomenon sheds light on the relative importance of the solvation mechanisms. Solvation in pure solvents is quantitatively analyzed in terms of a multi-parameter equation. In binary solvent mixtures, solvation is analyzed by considering the organic solvent, S, water, W, and a 1:1 hydrogen bonded species (S-W). The applications of solvatochromism to understand distinct chemical phenomena, reactivity and swelling of cellulose, is briefly discussed.


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The results of an exercise on electrochemistry for General Chemistry students are presented. The difficulty encountered by students in predicting the shift in the potential of the hydrogen electrode under non-standard conditions prompted a search in textbooks on how the subject is developed. Besides several instances of inconsistencies in defining the standard state, such as including the temperature in the definition, a number of incorrect depictions of the hydrogen electrode were discovered. Of the 28 General Chemistry books, 16 Physical Chemistry books and 24 Internet pages, 30, 20 and 46%, respectively, showed devices that would not work in practice.


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In the last years, a great interest in nonequilibrium systems has been witnessed. Although the Master Equations are one of the most common methods used to describe these systems, the literature about these equations is not straightforward due to the mathematical framework used in their derivations. The goals of this work are to present the physical concepts behind the Master Equations development and to discuss their basic proprieties via a matrix approach. It is also shown how the Master Equations can be used to model typical nonequilibrium processes like multi-wells chemical reactions and radiation absorption processes.


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This paper presents the results of the planform stability classification for the headland-bay beaches of the State of Santa Catarina and of the Northern Coast of São Paulo, based on the application of the Parabolic Bay-Shape Equation (PBSE) to aerial images of the beaches, using the software MEPBAY®. For this purpose, georeferenced mosaics of the QuickBird2® satellite imagery (for the State of Santa Catarina) and vertical aerial photographs (for the northern coast of São Paulo State) were used. Headland-bay beach planform stability can be classified as: (1) in static equilibrium, (2) in dynamic equilibrium, (3) unstable or (4) in a state of natural beach reshaping. Static equilibrium beaches are the most frequent along the coast of the State of Santa Catarina and the Northern Shore of São Paulo, notably along the most rugged sectors of the coast and those with experiencing lower fluvial discharge. By comparison, dynamic equilibrium beaches occur primarily on the less rugged sectors of the coast and along regions with higher fluvial discharge. Beaches in a state of natural beach reshaping have only been found in SC, associated with stabilized estuarine inlets or port breakwaters. However, it is not possible to classify any of these beaches as unstable because only one set of images was used. No clear relation was observed between a beach's planform stability and other classification factors, such as morphodynamics or orientation.


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Foi avaliado o crescimento alométrico de ossos, músculos e gordura, e das regiões da carcaça de cordeiros Texel × Ile de France, terminados em confinamento. Vinte cordeiros, machos não-castrados, foram desmamados aos 42 dias de idade (15,9 ± 2,1kg de peso vivo) e confinados em baias individuais recebendo alimentação ad libitum. Destes, cinco foram abatidos 10 dias após o desmame e, os remanescentes, aos 25, 30 ou 35kg de peso vivo. Para determinação do crescimento alométrico dos cortes e tecidos foi utilizada a equação exponencial Y = aXb, transformada logaritmicamente em um modelo linear. Observou-se crescimento precoce (b = 0,89) da paleta, ao passo que a perna, a costela e o pescoço apresentaram crescimento isogônico (b = 1,00, 1,03 e 1,11, respectivamente), ou seja, equivalente ao da carcaça. O aumento do peso da carcaça implicou em redução da taxa de crescimento de ossos e músculos (b = 0,60 e 0,92, respectivamente) e aumento da taxa de crescimento da gordura (b = 1,78). O crescimento muscular foi diferenciado nas distintas regiões da carcaça, sendo isogônico na paleta (b = 0,98) e na perna (b = 0,99) e precoce na costela (b = 0,90) e no pescoço (b = 0,79). Recomenda-se que o abate de cordeiros Texel × Ile de France seja realizado com, no máximo, 30kg de peso vivo.


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Objetivou-se quantificar as frações de carboidratos pelas equações do Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) de três cultivares de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivados na presença ou não de irrigação. A utilização de uma preparação fibrosa, denominada parede celular (PC), nas equações da CNCPS, em substituição à fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) não promoveu diferenças nas frações de carboidratos B1 e C, mas influenciou as frações A e B2. Como os valores da fração B1, obtidos pelo modelo CNCPS foram menores que os teores de amido e pectina determinados em laboratório, supõe-se que a pectina e outros oligossacarídeos da parede celular, solubilizados pela solução de detergente neutro (fibra solúvel), nunca fizeram parte da fração B1, e sim da fração A. Apesar de os carboidratos da fibra solúvel apresentarem elevadas taxas de degradação, não parece adequada a caracterização da fibra solúvel na fração A. Parece mais adequado que a fibra solúvel (que inclui a pectina) seja alocada a uma fração exclusivamente sua, que pode ser a fração B2, e que seja criada uma nova fração, a B3, para os carboidratos digeríveis da parede celular. Assim, a fração B1 seria composta apenas de amido. A equação da fração C, que estima os carboidratos indigeríveis da parede celular, pode ser simplificada, relacionando a fração indigerível ao teor de lignina na matéria seca, e não à FDN isenta de cinzas e proteína, como atualmente utilizado. Esta proposta tem implicações práticas, uma vez que a fração indigerível da parede celular tem sido expressa em relação à FDN, e não na MS, com base no fato de que os efeitos inibitórios da lignina ocorrem sobre os componentes fibrosos da parede celular vegetal, e não sobre o conteúdo celular.


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It is well known that striation spacing may be related to the crack growth rate, da/dN, through Paris equation, as well as the maximum and minimum loads under service loading conditions. These loads define the load ratio, R, and are considered impossible to be evaluated from the inter-spacing striations analysis. In this way, this study discusses the methodology proposed by Furukawa to evaluate the maximum and minimum loads based on the experimental fact that the relative height of a striation, H, and the striation spacing, s, are strongly influenced by the load ratio, R. Fatigue tests in C(T) specimens were conducted on SAE 7475-T7351 Al alloy plates at room temperature and the results showed a straightforward correlation between the parameters H, s, and R. Measurements of striation height, H, were performed using scanning electron microscopy and field emission gun (FEG) after sectioning the specimen at a large inclined angle to amplify the height of the striations. The results showed that for increasing R the values of H/s tend to increase. Striation height, striation spacing, and load ratio correlations were obtained, which allows one to estimate service loadings from fatigue fracture surface survey.


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Uncertainties in damping estimates can significantly affect the dynamic response of a given flexible structure. A common practice in linear structural dynamics is to consider a linear viscous damping model as the major energy dissipation mechanism. However, it is well known that different forms of energy dissipation can affect the structure's dynamic response. The major goal of this paper is to address the effects of the turbulent frictional damping force, also known as drag force on the dynamic behavior of a typical flexible structure composed of a slender cantilever beam carrying a lumped-mass on the tip. First, the system's analytical equation is obtained and solved by employing a perturbation technique. The solution process considers variations of the drag force coefficient and its effects on the system's response. Then, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effects of the nonlinear quadratic damping due to the turbulent frictional force on the system's dynamic response. In particular, the effects of the quadratic damping on the frequency-response and amplitude-response curves are investigated. Numerically simulated as well as experimental results indicate that variations on the drag force coefficient significantly alter the dynamics of the structure under investigation. Copyright (c) 2008 D. G. Silva and P. S. Varoto.


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The purpose of the present theory is to improve Hypoplasticity, especially in relation to reloading processes. This is done by means of two hypoplastic equations (a classical equation along with a new one containing a so-called mnemonic tensor), a cone in stress space and a criterion defining loading, unloading and reloading. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quasiharmonic approximation (QHA), in its simplest form also called the statically constrained (SC) QHA, has been shown to be a straightforward method to compute thermoelastic properties of crystals. Recently we showed that for noncubic solids SC-QHA calculations develop deviatoric thermal stresses at high temperatures. Relaxation of these stresses leads to a series of corrections to the free energy that may be taken to any desired order, up to self-consistency. Here we show how to correct the elastic constants obtained using the SC-QHA. We exemplify the procedure by correcting to first order the elastic constants of MgSiO(3) perovskite and MgSiO(3) postperovskite, the major phases of the Earth's lower mantle. We show that this first-order correction is quite satisfactory for obtaining the aggregated elastic averages of these minerals and their velocities in the lower mantle. This type of correction is also shown to be applicable to experimental measurements of elastic constants in situations where deviatoric stresses can develop, such as in diamond-anvil cells.


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This work develops a method for solving ordinary differential equations, that is, initial-value problems, with solutions approximated by using Legendre's polynomials. An iterative procedure for the adjustment of the polynomial coefficients is developed, based on the genetic algorithm. This procedure is applied to several examples providing comparisons between its results and the best polynomial fitting when numerical solutions by the traditional Runge-Kutta or Adams methods are available. The resulting algorithm provides reliable solutions even if the numerical solutions are not available, that is, when the mass matrix is singular or the equation produces unstable running processes.