903 resultados para Immobilized enzymes
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Despite consistent research into the molecular principles of the DNA damage repair pathway for almost two decades, it has only recently been found that RNA metabolism is very tightly related to this pathway, and the two ancient biochemical mechanisms act in alliance to maintain cellular genomic integrity. The close links between these pathways are well exemplified by examining the base excision repair pathway, which is now well known for dual roles of many of its members in DNA repair and RNA surveillance, including APE1, SMUG1, and PARP1. With additional links between these pathways steadily emerging, this review aims to provide a summary of the emerging roles for DNA repair proteins in the post-transcriptional regulation of RNAs.
Mevalonate pathway is of important clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological relevance. However, lack of the understanding of the phosphorylation mechanism of the kinases in this pathway has limited rationally engineering the kinases in industry. Here the phosphorylation reaction mechanism of a representative kinase in the mevalonate pathway, phosphomevalonate kinase, was studied by using molecular dynamics and hybrid QM/MM methods. We find that a conserved residue (Ser106) is reorientated to anchor ATP via a stable H-bond interaction. In addition, Ser213 located on the α-helix at the catalytic site is repositioned to further approach the substrate, facilitating the proton transfer during the phosphorylation. Furthermore, we elucidate that Lys101 functions to neutralize the negative charge developed at the β-, γ-bridging oxygen atom of ATP during phosphoryl transfer. We demonstrate that the dissociative catalytic reaction occurs via a direct phosphorylation pathway. This is the first study on the phosphorylation mechanism of a mevalonate pathway kinase. The elucidation of the catalytic mechanism not only sheds light on the common catalytic mechanism of GHMP kinase superfamily, but also provides the structural basis for engineering the mevalonate pathway kinases to further exploit their applications in the production of a wide range of fine chemicals such as biofuels or pharmaceuticals.
GOMES, Carlos E. M. et al. Effect of trypsin inhibitor from Crotalaria pallida seeds on Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris), v. 43, n. 12, p. 1095-1102, 2005.ISSN 0981-9428. DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2005.11.004.
This thesis concerns work on structure and membrane interactions of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis, biomembrane and cell wall regulation and cell defense processes. These proteins, known as glycosyltransferases (GTs), are involved in the transfer of sugar moieties from nucleotide sugars to lipids or chitin polymers. Glycosyltransferases from three types of organisms have been investigated; one is responsible for vital lipid synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (atDGD2) and adjusts the lipid content in biomembranes if the plant experiences stressful growth conditions. This enzyme shares many structural features with another GT found in gram-negative bacteria (WaaG). WaaG is however continuously active and involved in synthesis of the protective lipopolysaccharide layer in the cell walls of Escherichia coli. The third type of enzymes investigated here are chitin synthases (ChS) coupled to filamentous growth in the oomycete Saprolegnia monoica. I have investigated two ChS-derived MIT domains that may be involved in membrane interactions within the endosomal pathway. From analysis of the three-dimensional structure and the amino-acid sequence, some important regions of these very large proteins were selected for in vitro studies. By the use of an array of biophysical methods (e.g. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism spectroscopy) and directed sequence analyses it was possible to shed light on some important details regarding the structure and membrane-interacting properties of the GTs. The importance of basic amino-acid residues and hydrophobic anchoring segments, both generally and for the abovementioned proteins specifically, is discussed. Also, the topology and amino-acid sequence of GT-B enzymes of the GT4 family are analyzed with emphasis on their biomembrane association modes. The results presented herein regarding the structural and lipid-interacting properties of GTs aid in the general understanding of glycosyltransferase activity. Since GTs are involved in a high number of biochemical processes in vivo it is of outmost importance to understand the underlying processes responsible for their activity, structure and interaction events. The results are likely to be useful for many applications and future experimental design within life sciences and biomedicine.
SILVA, Fatima C. B. L. et al. Digestive enzymes during development of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera:Tephritidae) and effects of SBTI on its digestive serine proteinase targets. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, v. 36, p. 561-569, 2006.ISSN: 0965-1748.DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2006.04.004.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Le syndrome de détresse respiratoire du nouveau-né (SDR) est l’une des pathologies les plus fréquentes dont souffrent les bébés prématurés. Le SDR est causé par un déficit dans la synthèse du surfactant pulmonaire en raison de l’immaturité du poumon lors d’une naissance prématurée. Plusieurs éléments régulent le développement pulmonaire notamment les stéroïdes sexuels et les corticostéroïdes. Le sexe est aussi un élément régulateur du développement pulmonaire. En effet, les garçons sont plus atteints que les filles par le SDR. Ce dimorphisme sexuel est attribué aux androgènes. Le traitement anténatal aux glucocorticoïdes est prescrit aux femmes qui sont à risque d’accoucher prématurément. En effet, les corticostéroïdes favorisent la maturation pulmonaire anténatale. Également, il a été démontré que les microARNs sont primordiaux pour le développement pulmonaire. Ceci nous a conduit à étudier l’impact des androgènes sur le profil d’expression des microARNs lors de la transition du stade canaliculaire au stade sacculaire (jour gestationnel (JG)17.0 au JG18.0), période qui coïncide avec la montée de la synthèse et de la sécrétion du surfactant chez la souris. Tout d’abord, nous avons étudié la stabilité des gènes de normalisation (snoRNAs) afin de quantifier les microARNs par qPCR. Cette analyse a été effectuée avec 3 logiciels différents et sur plusieurs stades du développement notamment de la période pseudoglandulaire jusqu’au stade alvéolaire chez les deux sexes. On a identifié les meilleures combinaisons de gènes de normalisation les plus stables pour chaque stade du développement étudié ainsi que pour la période couvrant tous les stades étudiés. Ensuite nous avons analysé à GD17.0 et GD18.0 le profil d’expression des microARNs chez des fœtus mâles dont les mères ont été traitées au flutamide (anti-androgènes pure). Les résultats ont montré que 43 microARNs matures sont modulés par les androgènes à GD17.0 et 35 microARNs à GD18.0. Pour certains microARNs, nous avons identifié des cibles potentielles qui sont inversement modulées par les androgènes par rapport aux microARNs. Ces cibles sont impliquées dans plusieurs processus biologiques tels que le métabolisme des lipides et la prolifération cellulaire ainsi que dans des fonctions moléculaires tels que la liaison des facteurs de transcription. Des expériences de validation ont été effectuées par qPCR. Nos résultats ont montré que les androgènes régulent des processus qui peuvent être impliqués dans la maturation pulmonaire via la régulation des microARNs. En plus de l’intérêt porté aux androgènes dans la maturation pulmonaire, nous avons analysé l’expression d’enzymes de synthèse des corticostéroïdes dans le poumon fœtal humain. L’expression de l’enzyme 21-hydroxylase a été étudiée par qPCR et par immunobuvardage. Également la localisation de l’ARNm de cette enzyme clé de la synthèse des glucocorticoïdes, a été effectuée par hybridation in situ. L’ARNm de CYP21A2 a été détecté par qPCR dans les 34 échantillons analysés et dont les âges variaient entre 17 et 40 semaines de grossesse. Aucune corrélation, avec l’âge gestationnel ou le sexe, n’a été observée. Des niveaux significatifs de la protéine 21-hydroxylase ont été détectés dans nos échantillons. Nous avons investigué l’expression d’autres enzymes impliquées dans la voie de synthèse des glucocorticoïdes notamment CYP11B1, CYP11B2 et CYP17A1. Les ARNm des gènes CYP11B1, CYP11B2 n’ont pas été détectés dans nos échantillons, contrairement à CYP17A1 dont l’ARNm a été détecté dans tous nos tissus fœtaux analysés. La protéine de la 17α-hydroxylase a été détectée à de faibles niveaux. Nos résultats d’hybridation in situ ont montré que l’expression de CYP21A2 est localisée presqu’exclusivement dans l’épithélium pulmonaire distal. Nos résultats suggèrent que les produits de la 21-hydroxylase agiront via une action intracrine sur l’épithélium distal en activant le récepteur des glucocorticoïdes (GR). L’activation du récepteur des minéralocorticoïdes (MR) ne semble pas dépendre de produits de la 21-hydroxylase en raison des quantités importantes d’aldostérone circulante.
Tubular function of 17 pediatric patients with a mild form of acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis was prospectively evaluated by assessment of the urinary activity of proximal and distal tubule enzymes. Neutral-like endopeptidase (NEP-like) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) were the proximal tubule enzymes assessed, while prolyl-endopeptidase (PE) and serine-endopeptidase H1 and H2 were the distal tubule enzymes analyzed. Urine was collected at diagnosis (T0) and after 2 (T2) and 6 (T6) months of follow-up. NEP-like enzyme activity (nmol/mg creatinine; median±quartile range) was increased at diagnosis, and this remained stable during the first 6 months (T0 18.30±83.26, T2 17.32±49.56, T6 23.38±107.18). Urinary activity of the other enzymes was as follows: ACE (mU/ml per mg creatinine) T0 0.08±0.16, T2 0.06±0.10, T6 0.18±0.29; PE (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 6.70±84.87, T2 9.55±69.00, T6 13.67±28.70; serine-endopeptidase H1 (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 7.86±26.95, T2 17.17±59.37, T6 18.19± 79.14; and serine-thiol-endopeptidase H2 (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 3.06±21.97, T2 12.06±32.42, T6 16.22± 44.06. Thirty other healthy children matched for age and gender were considered as a control group. This group was assessed once and the results were: NEP-like activity 6.05±10.54, ACE 0.11±0.22, PE 7.10±13.36, H1 5.00±17.30, and H2 6.00±20.16. In conclusion, we observed that NEP-like and H1 enzymes exhibited significant increased urinary activity 6 months after the diagnosis. This increase occurred in spite of the disappearance of clinical symptoms, which occurred 2 months after the diagnosis. We believe that the increase in urinary enzymatic activity could be a manifestation of a silent tubular dysfunction following an episode of acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis.
Die Produktion von Astaxanthin mittels Haematococcus pluvialis ist eines der wichtigsten Fachgebiete der Mikroalgen Biotechnologie. Kommerzielles Interesse ist zurückzuführen auf dessen Anwendungen als Pigment in der Tierzucht und neuerdings auch im Bereich des Gesundheitswesens, begründet auf seiner starken anti-oxidativen Wirkung. Allerdings begrenzen die Herausforderungen in der industriellen Produktion von H. pluvialis, in Bezug auf den Metabolismus der Alge wie gleichermaßen auch die Kultivierungsstrategie, immer noch den Markt für natürliches Astaxanthin. Die derzeit gängigen Kultivationstechnologien basieren auf Suspensionssystemen, welche weitgehende Nachteile mit sich führen, wie hoher Wasser-, Energie und Technikaufwand. Diese Probleme können durch die Anwendung einer immobilisierten Kultivation vermieden werden, weshalb diesem Verfahren immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu Teil wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde H. pluvialis als immobilisierte Kultur in einem Twin-Layer PSBR verwendet. Insgesamt wurden 26 verschiedene Arten von H. pluvialis gefunden, die als Biofilm wachsen und Astaxanthin produzieren konnten, wobei der Stamm CCAC 0125 zur weiteren Optimierung des Prozesses ausgewählt wurde. Biomasse und Astaxanthin Produktion stiegen zunehmenden in Abhängigkeit zu der Lichtintensität, bis einschließlich 1,015 µmol Photonen m-2 s-1, ohne Anzeichen von Photoinhibition. Maximale Biomasse Produktivität von 19.4 g m-2 d-1 wurde unter starken Lichtverhältnissen verzeichnet. Nährstofflimitierungen und Salinität unterstützen die Astaxanthin Produktion hinderten allerdings das Wachstum der Biomasse. Nichtdestotrotz, wurde die höchste Astaxanthin Produktivität von 0.507 g m-2 d-1 mit einem Biomasseanteil von 3.5% in der Trockenmasse durch starke Belichtung sowie Stickstoff- und Phosphatmangel erreicht. Diese Ergebnisse bestärken die Verwendung der immobilisierten Kultivation von H. pluvialis als Alternative zu den derzeitigen Technologien. Die Verknüpfung von hoher Biomasse mit der Produktion von Astaxanthin bei starkem Lichtintensitäten wurde nur durch die Anordnung in einem Biofilm ermöglicht. Es kann einen Durchbruch in der kommerziellen Herstellung von H. pluvialis darstellen, da hierbei das Vorziehen der Kulturen bei geringen Licht entfällt, was wiederum den derzeit verwendeten komplexen Zwei-Stufen Prozess stark vereinfacht.
Antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase) and carotenoids (lutein and â-carotene) are often used as biomarkers of metal contamination of water and agricultural soils. In this study, the effects of heavy metals present in irrigation water on the aforementioned carotenoids of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and carrots (Daucus carota L.), cultivated in a greenhouse and irrigated with a water solution including different levels of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) were investigated. These results were compared to the levels of the same metabolites that had been assessed in market-available potato and carrot samples. The findings indicated that the levels of the examined metabolites on the treated with Cr and Ni samples, resemble the levels of the same parameters in the market samples, originating from polluted areas. Therefore, the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and peroxidase, and the carotenoids, lutein and â-carotene, could be handled as indicators of heavy metal pollution.
GOMES, Carlos E. M. et al. Effect of trypsin inhibitor from Crotalaria pallida seeds on Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris), v. 43, n. 12, p. 1095-1102, 2005.ISSN 0981-9428. DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2005.11.004.
SILVA, Fatima C. B. L. et al. Digestive enzymes during development of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera:Tephritidae) and effects of SBTI on its digestive serine proteinase targets. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, v. 36, p. 561-569, 2006.ISSN: 0965-1748.DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2006.04.004.
The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of natural productivity and compound food to the growth of the juvenile blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris reared in a biofloc system. Two experiments were carried out based on the same protocol with three treatments: clear water with experimental diet (CW), biofloc with experimental diet (BF) and biofloc unfed (BU). Shrimp survival was significantly higher in biofloc rearing than in CW rearing. The contribution of the biofloc to shrimp diet was estimated through measurement of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in shrimp and food sources. Different isotopic compositions between feeds were obtained by feeding natural productivity with a mixture rich in fish meal and the shrimps with a pellet containing a high level of soy protein concentrate. Using a two source one-isotope mixing model, we found that the natural productivity of the biofloc system contributed to shrimp growth at a level of 39.8% and 36.9%, for C and N, respectively. The natural food consumed by the shrimps reared in the biofloc system resulted in higher gene expression (mRNA transcript abundance) and activities of two digestive enzymes in their digestive gland: α-amylase and trypsin. The growth of shrimp biomass reared in biofloc was, on average, 4.4 times that of those grown in clear water. Our results confirmed the best survival and promoted growth of shrimps using biofloc technology and highlighted the key role of the biofloc in the nutrition of rearing shrimps. Statement of relevance In this study, we have applied an original protocol to determine the respective contribution of natural productivity and artificial feeds on the alimentation of the juvenile blue shrimp L. stylirostris reared in biofloc system by using C and N natural stable isotope analysis. Moreover, we have compared, in shrimp digestive gland, the α-amylase and trypsin enzyme activities at biochemical and molecular levels for two different shrimp rearing systems, biofloc and clear water. In our knowledge, the use of molecular tool to study the influence of biofloc consumption on digest process of shrimp was never carried out. We think that our research is new and important to increase knowledge on biofloc topic.