996 resultados para Image sensor


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Since the introduction of automatic orbital welding in pipeline application in 1961, significant improvements have been obtained in orbital pipe welding systems. Requirement of more productive welding systems for pipeline application forces manufacturers to innovate new advanced systems and welding processes for orbital welding method. Various methods have been used to make welding process adaptive, such as visual sensing, passive visual sensing, real-time intelligent control, scan welding technique, multi laser vision sensor, thermal scanning, adaptive image processing, neural network model, machine vision, and optical sensing. Numerous studies are reviewed and discussed in this Master’s thesis and based on a wide range of experiments which already have been accomplished by different researches the vision sensor are reported to be the best choice for adaptive orbital pipe welding system. Also, in this study the most welding processes as well as the most pipe variations welded by orbital welding systems mainly for oil and gas pipeline applications are explained. The welding results show that Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and its variants like Surface Tension Transfer (STT) and modified short circuit are the most preferred processes in the welding of root pass and can be replaced to the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) in many applications. Furthermore, dual-tandem gas metal arc welding technique is currently considered the most efficient method in the welding of fill pass. Orbital GTAW process mostly is applied for applications ranging from single run welding of thin walled stainless tubes to multi run welding of thick walled pipes. Flux cored arc welding process is faster process with higher deposition rate and recently this process is getting more popular in pipe welding applications. Also, combination of gas metal arc welding and Nd:YAG laser has shown acceptable results in girth welding of land pipelines for oil and gas industry. This Master’s thesis can be implemented as a guideline in welding of pipes and tubes to achieve higher quality and efficiency. Also, this research can be used as a base material for future investigations to supplement present finding.


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Some beetle species can have devastating economic impacts on forest and nursery industries. A recent example is Anophophora glabripennis, a species of beetle known in the United States as the ''Asian Longhorrned beetle'', which has damaged many American forests, and is a threat which can unintentionally reach south American countries, including Brazil. This work presents a new method based on X-ray computerized tomography (CT) and image processing for beetle injury detection in forests. Its results show a set of images with correct identification of the location of beetles in living trees as well as damage evaluation with time.


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With the increase of use of digital media the need for the methods of multimedia protection becomes extremely important. The number of the solutions to the problem from encryption to watermarking is large and is growing every year. In this work digital image watermarking is considered, specifically a novel method of digital watermarking of color and spectral images. An overview of existing methods watermarking of color and grayscale images is given in the paper. Methods using independent component analysis (ICA) for detection and the ones using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) are considered in more detail. A novel method of watermarking proposed in this paper allows embedding of a color or spectral watermark image into color or spectral image consequently and successful extraction of the watermark out of the resultant watermarked image. A number of experiments have been performed on the quality of extraction depending on the parameters of the embedding procedure. Another set of experiments included the test of the robustness of the algorithm proposed. Three techniques have been chosen for that purpose: median filter, low-pass filter (LPF) and discrete cosine transform (DCT), which are a part of a widely known StirMark - Image Watermarking Robustness Test. The study shows that the proposed watermarking technique is fragile, i.e. watermark is altered by simple image processing operations. Moreover, we have found that the contents of the image to be watermarked do not affect the quality of the extraction. Mixing coefficients, that determine the amount of the key and watermark image in the result, should not exceed 1% of the original. The algorithm proposed has proven to be successful in the task of watermark embedding and extraction.


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O Cerrado é formado por um mosaico de fisionomias campestres, savânicas e florestais que possuem um típico ciclo fenológico. Nesse contexto, os dados do MODIS fornecem medidas diárias que permitem monitorar a sazonal fenologia da vegetação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar formações savânicas, formações florestais e áreas de cerrado convertido pela ação antrópica, utilizando séries temporais de NDVI e EVI do sensor MODIS, após a suavização de ruídos. A metodologia adotada pode ser subdividida nos seguintes passos: (a) confecção do cubo temporal com NDVI e EVI, onde o perfil em z corresponde à assinatura temporal, (b) tratamento do ruído e (c) detecção das assinaturas temporais. A Transformação pela Fração Mínima de Ruído (MNF) foi aplicada para suavizar ruídos contidos nas séries temporais. Os resultados indicaram que os valores de NDVI foram maiores que os valores de EVI e existiu relação com as estações do ano. As formações florestais foram as que apresentaram maiores valores de NDVI e EVI, possuindo ainda as menores variações entre as estações. As áreas convertidas apresentaram os menores valores dos dois índices, tendo grande queda em seus valores no início da estação seca, provavelmente por se tratar do período de colheita. O estudo concluiu que as séries temporais NDVI e EVI são úteis na diferenciação dos tipos de vegetação.


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The forthcoming media revolution of exchanging paper documents to digital media in construction engineering requires new tools to be developed. The basis of this bachelor’s thesis was to explore the preliminary possibilities of exporting imagery from a Building Information Modelling –software to a mobile phone on a construction yard. This was done by producing a Web Service which uses the design software’s Application Programming Interface to interact with a structures model in order to produce the requested imagery. While mobile phones were found lacking as client devices, because of limited processing power and small displays, the implementation showed that the Tekla Structures API can be used to automatically produce various types of imagery. Web Services can be used to transfer this data to the client. Before further development the needs of the contractor, benefits for the building master and inspector and the full potential of the BIM-software need to be mapped out with surveys.


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Imagens NDVI (Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada) do sensor Modis foram utilizadas para mapear as classes de uso e cobertura da terra nas Serras do Sudeste e Campanha Meridional do Rio Grande do Sul. A metodologia compreendeu a elaboração de um banco de dados espaciais e a aplicação de técnicas de processamento digital (contraste linear, classificação digital e operações aritméticas) sobre imagens dos satélites Landsat e Terra de diversas datas. Os resultados indicaram que a cobertura florestal passou de 8,6% para 11,6% e 14,3% da área total da microrregião Serras do Sudeste, entre os anos 2000, 2004 e 2008. Na Campanha Meridional, a expansão da cobertura florestal passou de 11,1% para 11,2% e 11,5% da área total no mesmo período. Conclui-se que imagens MOD13Q1, de baixa resolução espacial (250 m), podem ser usadas em grandes áreas para mapear florestas e os demais temas adequadamente.


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Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) is a photosensitive protein which functions as a light-driven proton pump. Due to its photoactivity, BR could be used in photosensing and information processing which has inspired researchers to study the photoelectric response and the appropriate measurement instrumentation for BR. In this thesis, the measurement instrumentation connected to a dry BR sensor was confirmed to affect the photovoltage response measured by using voltage amplifiers. Changing of the input impedance of the measurement instrumentation was shown to alter a part of the measured photovoltage response. The photocurrent measurements using transimpedance amplifier and the presented electrical equivalent circuit were used to show that the photocurrent measurements have no significant effect on the photoelectric response. The photocurrent was shown to be a derivate of the photovoltage response measured from the dry BR sensor when it was compared to the response measured with a voltage amplifier. This confirmed that another part of the photovoltage response was not affected by the measurement instrumentation. The time-variant behavior of the dry BR sensor was confirmed in both the photocurrent and the photovoltage measurements. This was caused by the fact that the capacitance of the dry BR sensor changes with the excitation light intensity.


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Áreas com diferentes potenciais de rendimento dentro de uma lavoura necessitam ser manejadas separadamente, para fins de aplicação da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura. O equipamento baseado em sensoriamento remoto terrestre (GreenSeeker) é um dos instrumentos utilizados para separar diferentes zonas de manejo. Para fazer isso, o sensor permite a definição de classes para estimar o potencial produtivo de forma ágil, precisa e em tempo real. Com o instrumento, foi desenvolvido um modelo para estimativa do potencial produtivo em trigo e cevada, correlacionando o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) com a biomassa seca acumulada na parte aérea, por ocasião da emissão da sexta folha do colmo principal. A base do modelo foi a formação de classes de potencial produtivo correspondentes a zonas específicas de manejo da lavoura. Essas classes não necessitam ser específicas para diferentes cultivares e/ou espécies, visto que não se detectaram diferenças que justificassem a formação de grupos para elas. As superfícies de fundo (resíduos de restevas de soja e milho) tiveram efeitos significativos nas leituras do sensor. O modelo continua válido mesmo se as leituras de NDVI forem feitas antes ou após o período recomendado para tal, podendo ser ajustado com sub ou superestimação. As análises de variabilidade espacial, futuramente, podem avaliar se, as zonas de potencial produtivo estimadas pelas classes de NDVI propostas pelo modelo, correspondem à flutuação espacial da biomassa, doses de N aplicadas e rendimento de grãos.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar sensores capacitivos desenvolvidos para monitorar o teor de água do solo. Os sensores foram submetidos a testes para avaliar o efeito da temperatura, o tempo de resposta, obter a equação de calibração e determinar a sua sensibilidade. Foram analisados em diferentes situações (solo, água e ar) e temperaturas (25 ºC; 20 ºC; 15 ºC; 10 ºC; 5º C e 0 ºC). A calibração foi efetuada com um dos sensores capacitivos instalado em uma coluna de solo (indeformada) contida em um tubo de PVC (0,015066 m³) e suspensa em um dos lados de uma balança de braços. Na outra extremidade da balança, havia uma célula de carga conectada a um sistema de aquisição de dados. Os resultados indicaram redução na frequência do sensor capacitivo com o aumento da temperatura. O sensor capacitivo apresentou alta velocidade de resposta (menos de um segundo) ao imergi-lo na água e às variações da quantidade de água na amostra de solo e detectou as mudanças de perda de água pela coluna de solo no decorrer deste experimento, apresentando maior sensibilidade à medida que se diminui o conteúdo de água no solo. Portanto, o sensor capacitivo pode ser utilizado para determinar o teor de água do solo de forma adequada.


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Syftet med denna avhandling var att empiriskt undersöka kroppsbild, kroppsmissnöje och ätstörningssymptom hos vuxna i relation till kön och könsidentitet. Även sexuell kroppsbild studerades. Data samlades in via en populationsbaserad frågeformulärsstudie (11,468 deltagare) samt en intervjustudie med 20 transpersoner. Kvinnor rapporterade mer kroppsmissnöje och ätstörningssymptom än män. Till exempel uppgav mer än hälften av kvinnorna och en tredjedel av männen att de uppfattade sig som mindre attraktiva än de önskade att de var. Mer än hälften av kvinnorna och en tredjedel av männen uppgav sig banta, och självframkallade kräkningar rapporterades av var tionde kvinna och var hundrade man. Könsidentitetskonflikt var associerat med högre nivåer av kroppsnöje och ätstörningssymptom. Majoriteten av de intervjuade transpersonerna rapporterade omfattande missnöje med sina kroppar, särskilt gällande sexuell kroppsbild, samt ätstörningssymptom. Könskorrigering uppgavs i huvudsak lindra kroppsmissnöje och ätstörningssymptom. Vårdpersonal bör vara medveten om att kroppsmissnöje och ätstörningssymptom berör både vuxna kvinnor och män. Missnöje med de sexuella delarna av kroppen förefaller vara relativt vanligt bland vuxna och bör inte förbises. Vårdpersonal som arbetar med transpersoner bör vara medvetna om hur djupt och omfattande dessa personers kroppsmissnöje kan vara, samt uppmärksamma en eventuellt förhöjd risk för ätstörningssymptom. Det är även värt att notera att könskorrigering kan lindra kroppsmissnöje och ätstörningssymptom hos transpersoner.


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The irrigation management based on the monitoring of the soil water content allows for the minimization of the amount of water applied, making its use more efficient. Taking into account these aspects, in this work, a sensor for measuring the soil water content was developed to allow real time automation of irrigation systems. This way, problems affecting crop yielding such as irregularities in the time to turn on or turn off the pump, and excess or deficit of water can be solved. To develop the sensors were used stainless steel rods, resin, and insulating varnish. The sensors measuring circuit was based on a microcontroller, which gives its output signal in the digital format. The sensors were calibrated using soil of the type “Quartzarenic Neosoil”. A third order polynomial model was fitted to the experimental data between the values of water content corresponding to the field capacity and the wilting point to correlate the soil water content obtained by the oven standard method with those measured by the electronic circuit, with a coefficient of determination of 93.17%, and an accuracy in the measures of ±0.010 kg kg-1. Based on the results, it was concluded that the sensor and its implemented measuring circuit can be used in the automation process of irrigation systems.


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This study aimed at identifying different conditions of coffee plants after harvesting period, using data mining and spectral behavior profiles from Hyperion/EO1 sensor. The Hyperion image, with spatial resolution of 30 m, was acquired in August 28th, 2008, at the end of the coffee harvest season in the studied area. For pre-processing imaging, atmospheric and signal/noise effect corrections were carried out using Flaash and MNF (Minimum Noise Fraction Transform) algorithms, respectively. Spectral behavior profiles (38) of different coffee varieties were generated from 150 Hyperion bands. The spectral behavior profiles were analyzed by Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm considering 2; 3; 4 and 5 clusters. T-test with 5% of significance was used to verify the similarity among the wavelength cluster means. The results demonstrated that it is possible to separate five different clusters, which were comprised by different coffee crop conditions making possible to improve future intervention actions.


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The research proposes a methodology for assessing broiler breeder response to changes in rearing thermal environment. The continuous video recording of a flock analyzed may offer compelling evidences of thermal comfort, as well as other indications of welfare. An algorithm for classifying specific broiler breeder behavior was developed. Videos were recorded over three boxes where 30 breeders were reared. The boxes were mounted inside an environmental chamber were ambient temperature varied from cold to hot. Digital images were processed based on the number of pixels, according to their light intensity variation and binary contrast allowing a sequence of behaviors related to welfare. The system used the default of x, y coordinates, where x represents the horizontal distance from the top left of the work area to the point P, and y is the vertical distance. The video images were observed, and a grid was developed for identifying the area the birds stayed and the time they spent at that place. The sequence was analyzed frame by frame confronting the data with specific adopted thermal neutral rearing standards. The grid mask overlapped the real bird image. The resulting image allows the visualization of clusters, as birds in flock behave in certain patterns. An algorithm indicating the breeder response to thermal environment was developed.


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The aim of this study was to perform an experimental study to evaluate the proper operation distance between the nodes of a wireless sensor network available on the market for different agricultural crops (maize, physic nut, eucalyptus). The experimental data of the network performance offers to farmers and researchers information that might be useful to the sizing and project of the wireless sensor networks in similar situations to those studied. The evaluation showed that the separation of the nodes depends on the type of culture and it is a critical factor to ensure the feasibility of using WSN. In the configuration used, sending packets every 2 seconds, the battery life was about four days. Therefore, the autonomy may be increased with a longer interval of time between sending packets.