927 resultados para Idlewild (Mich.)--Buildings
verso: This picture was taken of Hancock (Main) street before 1888 looking south from Fifth St. to Fourth St and the buildings on the right are Weidensees Saloon, Bunyeas Grocery, Birds Store, Schmidts saloon, Haugheys store, Moodys poolroom Next unknown, Dreves poolroom, Rices jewelry Store and Finchers drugs. That takes in the whole block. On the left hand, I was not so successful. First is Kuhns saloon, No 4 is Gardners genl store, 5 unknown, six Tuttles bakery and 7 the Post-office over which I was born in 1882.
Map shows size city wards, township sections, lot boundaries, buildings and other cultural features, and sections of land annexed by the city.
Ivory 5x7 AND 8x10 inch negatives; print inscribed verso: "Mich 21 / Ohio State 0 / dedication game 1927...and Ivory Photo was there"