969 resultados para ISSR-PCR
ETS transcription factors play important roles in hematopoiesis, angiogenesis, and organogenesis during murine development. The ETS genes also have a role in neoplasia, for example in Ewing’s sarcomas and retrovirally induced cancers. The ETS genes encode transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences and activate transcription of various cellular and viral genes. To isolate novel ETS target genes, we used two approaches. In the first approach, we isolated genes by the RNA differential display technique. Previously, we have shown that the overexpression of ETS1 and ETS2 genes effects transformation of NIH 3T3 cells and specific transformants produce high levels of the ETS proteins. To isolate ETS1 and ETS2 responsive genes in these transformed cells, we prepared RNA from ETS1, ETS2 transformants, and normal NIH 3T3 cell lines and converted it into cDNA. This cDNA was amplified by PCR and displayed on sequencing gels. The differentially displayed bands were subcloned into plasmid vectors. By Northern blot analysis, several clones showed differential patterns of mRNA expression in the NIH 3T3-, ETS1-, and ETS2-expressing cell lines. Sixteen clones were analyzed by DNA sequence analysis, and 13 of them appeared to be unique because their DNA sequences did not match with any of the known genes present in the gene bank. Three known genes were found to be identical to the CArG box binding factor, phospholipase A2-activating protein, and early growth response 1 (Egr1) genes. In the second approach, to isolate ETS target promoters directly, we performed ETS1 binding with MboI-cleaved genomic DNA in the presence of a specific mAb followed by whole genome PCR. The immune complex-bound ETS binding sites containing DNA fragments were amplified and subcloned into pBluescript and subjected to DNA sequence and computer analysis. We found that, of a large number of clones isolated, 43 represented unique sequences not previously identified. Three clones turned out to contain regulatory sequences derived from human serglycin, preproapolipoprotein C II, and Egr1 genes. The ETS binding sites derived from these three regulatory sequences showed specific binding with recombinant ETS proteins. Of interest, Egr1 was identified by both of these techniques, suggesting strongly that it is indeed an ETS target gene.
A sensitive, labor-saving, and easily automatable nonradioactive procedure named APEX-FCS (amplified probe extension detected by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy) has been established to detect specific in vitro amplification of pathogen genomic sequences. As an example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic DNA was subjected to PCR amplification with the Stoffel fragment of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase in the presence of nanomolar concentrations of a rhodamine-labeled probe (third primer), binding to the target in between the micromolar amplification primers. The probe becomes extended only when specific amplification occurs. Its low concentration avoids false-positives due to unspecific hybridization under PCR conditions. With increasing portion of extended probe molecules, the probe’s average translational diffusion properties gradually change over the course of the reaction, reflecting amplification kinetics. Following PCR, this change from a stage of high to a stage of low mobility can directly be monitored during a 30-s measurement using a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy device. Quantitation down to 10 target molecules in a background of 2.5 μg unspecific DNA without post-PCR probe manipulations could be achieved with different primer/probe combinations. The assay holds the promise to concurrently perform amplification, probe hybridization, and specific detection without opening the reaction chamber, if sealable foils are used.
To investigate phylogenetic relationships among plasmons in Triticum and Aegilops, PCR–single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analyses were made of 14.0-kb chloroplast (ct) and 13.7-kb mitochondrial (mt)DNA regions that were isolated from 46 alloplasmic wheat lines and one euplasmic line. These plasmons represent 31 species of the two genera. The ct and mtDNA regions included 10 and 9 structural genes, respectively. A total of 177 bands were detected, of which 40.6% were variable. The proportion of variable bands in ctDNA (51.1%) was higher than that of mtDNA (28.9%). The phylogenetic trees of plasmons, derived by two different models, indicate a common picture of plasmon divergence in the two genera and suggest three major groups of plasmons (Einkorn, Triticum, and Aegilops). Because of uniparental plasmon transmission, the maternal parents of all but one polyploid species were identified. Only one Aegilops species, Ae. speltoides, was included in the Triticum group, suggesting that this species is the plasmon and B and G genome donor of all polyploid wheats. ctDNA variations were more intimately correlated with vegetative characters, whereas mtDNA variations were more closely correlated with reproductive characters. Plasmon divergence among the diploids of the two genera largely paralleled genome divergence. The relative times of origin of the polyploid species were inferred from genetic distances from their putative maternal parents.
In an unprecedented finding, Davis et al. [Davis, R. E., Miller, S., Herrnstadt, C., Ghosh, S. S., Fahy, E., Shinobu, L. A., Galasko, D., Thal, L. J., Beal, M. F., Howell, N. & Parker, W. D., Jr. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 4526–4531] used an unusual DNA isolation method to show that healthy adults harbor a specific population of mutated mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) genes that coexist with normal mtDNAs. They reported that this heteroplasmic population was present at a level of 10–15% in the blood of normal individuals and at a significantly higher level (20–30%) in patients with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. We provide compelling evidence that the DNA isolation method employed resulted in the coamplification of authentic mtDNA-encoded COX genes together with highly similar COX-like sequences embedded in nuclear DNA (“mtDNA pseudogenes”). We conclude that the observed heteroplasmy is an artifact.
We describe a fluorescence-based directed termination PCR (fluorescent DT–PCR) that allows accurate determination of actual sequence changes without dideoxy DNA sequencing. This is achieved using near infrared dye-labeled primers and performing two PCR reactions under low and unbalanced dNTP concentrations. Visualization of resulting termination fragments is accomplished with a dual dye Li-cor DNA sequencer. As each DT–PCR reaction generates two sets of terminating fragments, a pair of complementary reactions with limiting dATP and dCTP collectively provide information on the entire sequence of a target DNA, allowing an accurate determination of any base change. Blind analysis of 78 mutants of the supF reporter gene using fluorescent DT–PCR not only correctly determined the nature and position of all types of substitution mutations in the supF gene, but also allowed rapid scanning of the signature sequences among identical mutations. The method provides simplicity in the generation of terminating fragments and 100% accuracy in mutation characterization. Fluorescent DT–PCR was successfully used to generate a UV-induced spectrum of mutations in the supF gene following replication on a single plate of human DNA repair-deficient cells. We anticipate that the automated DT–PCR method will serve as a cost-effective alternative to dideoxy sequencing in studies involving large-scale analysis for nucleotide sequence changes.
We present a method which allows the isolation of fragments from genes coding for homologous proteins via PCR when only one block of conserved amino acids is available. Sets of degenerated primers are defined by reverse translation of the conserved amino acids such that each set contains not more than 128 different sequences. The second primer binding site is provided by a special cassette that is designed such that it does not allow binding of the second primer prior to being copied by DNA synthesis. The cassette is ligated to partially-digested chromosomal DNA. The second primer is biotinylated to allow elimination of PCR products carrying degenerated primers on both sides via streptavidin binding. Fragments obtained after amplification and enrichment are cloned and sequenced. The feasibility of this method was demonstrated in a model experiment, where degenerated primers were deduced from six conserved amino acids within the family of homologs to the Escherichia coli Vsr protein.
Linkage and association analyses were performed to identify loci affecting disease susceptibility by scoring previously characterized sequence variations such as microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Lack of markers in regions of interest, as well as difficulty in adapting various methods to high-throughput settings, often limits the effectiveness of the analyses. We have adapted the Escherichia coli mismatch detection system, employing the factors MutS, MutL and MutH, for use in PCR-based, automated, high-throughput genotyping and mutation detection of genomic DNA. Optimal sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios were obtained in a straightforward fashion because the detection reaction proved to be principally dependent upon monovalent cation concentration and MutL concentration. Quantitative relationships of the optimal values of these parameters with length of the DNA test fragment were demonstrated, in support of the translocation model for the mechanism of action of these enzymes, rather than the molecular switch model. Thus, rapid, sequence-independent optimization was possible for each new genomic target region. Other factors potentially limiting the flexibility of mismatch scanning, such as positioning of dam recognition sites within the target fragment, have also been investigated. We developed several strategies, which can be easily adapted to automation, for limiting the analysis to intersample heteroduplexes. Thus, the principal barriers to the use of this methodology, which we have designated PCR candidate region mismatch scanning, in cost-effective, high-throughput settings have been removed.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a versatile method to amplify specific DNA with oligonucleotide primers. By designing degenerate PCR primers based on amino acid sequences that are highly conserved among all known gene family members, new members of a multigene family can be identified. The inherent weakness of this approach is that the degenerate primers will amplify previously identified, in addition to new, family members. To specifically address this problem, we synthesized a specific RNA for each known family member so that it hybridized to one strand of the template, adjacent to the 3′-end of the primer, allowing the degenerate primer to bind yet preventing extension by DNA polymerase. To test our strategy, we used known members of the soluble, nitric oxide-sensitive guanylyl cyclase family as our templates and degenerate primers that discriminate this family from other guanylyl cyclases. We demonstrate that amplification of known members of this family is effectively and specifically inhibited by the corresponding RNAs, alone or in combination. This robust method can be adapted to any application where multiple PCR products are amplified, as long as the sequence of the desired and the undesired PCR product(s) is sufficiently distinct between the primers.
BodyMap is a human and mouse gene expression database that is based on site-directed 3′-expressed sequence tags generated at Osaka University. To date, it contains more than 300 000 tag sequences from 64 human and 39 mouse tissues. For the recent release, the precise anatomical expression patterns for more than half of the human gene entries were generated by introduced amplified fragment length polymorphism (iAFLP), which is a PCR-based high-throughput expression profiling method. The iAFLP data incorporated into BodyMap describe the relative contents of more than 12 000 transcripts across 30 tissue RNAs. In addition, a newly developed gene ranking system helps users obtain lists of genes that have desired expression patterns according to their significance. BodyMap supports complete transfer of unique data sets and provides analysis that is accessible through the WWW at http://bodymap.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
The association of a particular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation with different clinical phenotypes is a well-known feature of mitochondrial diseases. A simple genotype–phenotype correlation has not been found between mutation load and disease expression. Tissue and intercellular mosaicism as well as mtDNA copy number are thought to be responsible for the different clinical phenotypes. As disease expression of mitochondrial tRNA mutations is mostly in postmitotic tissues, studies to elucidate disease mechanisms need to be performed on patient material. Heteroplasmy quantitation and copy number estimation using small patient biopsy samples has not been reported before, mainly due to technical restrictions. In order to resolve this problem, we have developed a robust assay that utilizes Molecular Beacons to accurately quantify heteroplasmy levels and determine mtDNA copy number in small samples carrying the A8344G tRNALys mutation. It provides the methodological basis to investigate the role of heteroplasmy and mtDNA copy number in determining the clinical phenotypes.
The incorporation of potentially catalytic groups into DNA is of interest for the in vitro selection of novel deoxyribozymes. We have devised synthetic routes to a series of three C7 modified 7-deaza-dATP derivatives with pendant aminopropyl, Z-aminopropenyl and aminopropynyl side chains. These modified triphosphates have been tested as substrates for Taq polymerase during PCR. All the modifications are tolerated by this enzyme, with the aminopropynyl side chain giving the best result. Most protein enzymes have more than one type of catalytic group located in their active site. By using C5-imidazolyl-modified dUTPs together with 3-(aminopropynyl)-7-deaza-dATP in place of the natural nucleotides dTTP and dATP, we have demonstrated the simultaneous incorporation of both amino and imidazolyl moieties into a DNA molecule during PCR. The PCR product containing the four natural bases was fully digested by XbaI, while PCR products containing the modified 7-deaza-dATP analogues were not cleaved. Direct evidence for the simultaneous incorporation during PCR of an imidazole-modified dUTP and an amino-modified 7-deaza-dATP has been obtained using mass spectrometry.
Precise mapping of DNA methylation patterns in CpG islands has become essential for understanding diverse biological processes such as the regulation of imprinted genes, X chromosome inactivation, and tumor suppressor gene silencing in human cancer. We describe a new method, MSP (methylation-specific PCR), which can rapidly assess the methylation status of virtually any group of CpG sites within a CpG island, independent of the use of methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes. This assay entails initial modification of DNA by sodium bisulfite, converting all unmethylated, but not methylated, cytosines to uracil, and subsequent amplification with primers specific for methylated versus unmethylated DNA. MSP requires only small quantities of DNA, is sensitive to 0.1% methylated alleles of a given CpG island locus, and can be performed on DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded samples. MSP eliminates the false positive results inherent to previous PCR-based approaches which relied on differential restriction enzyme cleavage to distinguish methylated from unmethylated DNA. In this study, we demonstrate the use of MSP to identify promoter region hypermethylation changes associated with transcriptional inactivation in four important tumor suppressor genes (p16, p15, E-cadherin, and von Hippel-Lindau) in human cancer.
We applied the directional tag PCR subtractive hybridization method to construct a rat hypothalamic cDNA library from which cerebellar and hippocampal sequences had been depleted, enriching 20-30-fold for sequences expressed selectively in the hypothalamus. We studied a sample of 94 clones selected for enrichment in the subtracted library. These clones corresponded to 43 distinct mRNA species, about half of which were novel. Thirty-eight of these 43 mRNAs (corresponding to 85 of the clones in the sample) exhibited enrichment in the hypothalamus; 23 were highly enriched. In situ hybridization studies revealed that one novel species was restricted to cells in a small bilaterally symmetric area of the paraventricular hypothalamus. Other novel mRNAs showed substantial enrichment in basal diencephalic structures, particularly the hypothalamus, without restriction to single hypothalamic nuclei. The data suggest that the hypothalamus utilizes at least two distinct strategies for employing its selectively expressed proteins. Secretory neuropeptides utilized for intercellular communication are produced by functionally discrete nuclei, while several other proteins are shared by structures that are unrelated in their physiological roles but may share biochemical systems.
The genetic study of RNA viruses is greatly facilitated by the availability of infectious cDNA clones. However, their construction has often been difficult. While exploring ways to simplify the construction of infectious clones, we have successfully modified and applied the newly described technique of "long PCR" to the synthesis of a full-length DNA amplicon from the RNA of a cytopathogenic mutant (HM 175/24a) of the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Primers were synthesized to match the two extremities of the HAV genome. The antisense primer, homologous to the 3' end, was used in both the reverse transcription (RT) and the PCR steps. With these primers we reproducibly obtained a full-length amplicon of approximately 7.5 kb. Further, since we engineered a T7 promoter in the sense primer, RNA could be transcribed directly from the amplicon with T7 RNA polymerase. Following transfection of cultured fetal rhesus kidney cells with the transcription mixture containing both the HAV cDNA and the transcribed RNA, replicating HAV was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy and, following passage to other cell cultures, by focus formation. The recovered virus displayed the cytopathic effect and large plaque phenotype typical of the original virus; this result highlights the fidelity of the modified long reverse transcription-PCR procedure and demonstrates the potential of this method for providing cDNAs of viral genomes and simplifying the construction of infectious clones.