987 resultados para IAS 14 Segment Reporting
Iowa Efficiency Review Report identified 90 recommendations for improving the cost effectiveness and efficiency of delivering state government services.
Per legislative requirement, attached is the Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects that have been appropriated revenue from various funds including Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure, Health Restricted Capitals, Bridge Safety, Revenue Bonds Capitals, and Revenue Bonds Capitals II. Although a status report for the Bridge Safety Fund was already submitted to the directors of LSA and DOM, a status report on those projects is also included within this attachment for consistency with last year’s reporting. In addition, per request from LSA, status reports for the FY 2011 passenger rail appropriation from the Underground Storage Tank Fund and the FY 2010 Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure appropriation from the General Fund are also listed in this report.
The proliferation of Project Labor Agreements as a result of Executive Order Number 22, dated February 3, 2010, issued by Governor Chet Culver has impacted the essence and the spirit of the competitive bidding process for state funded projects and has infringed upon Iowa’s Right to Work law
The act of filing an application for restoration of the rights of citizenship is an important and necessary aspect of an offender’s process of reintegration into society.
Inaugural speech by Governor Terry Branstad
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
En la línea apuntada por la mayoría de la doctrina, la STS de 14.9.2009 considera que desde la entrada en vigor de la Constitución española (1978) debía entenderse derogada la regla de propagación a la esposa de la vecindad civil del marido prevista en el art. 14.4 CCe [redacción de 1974]; ello supone que desde entonces la mujer casada pudo cambiar autónomamente de vecindad civil. Partiendo de ello, en el caso enjuiciado, la mujer cambió de vecindad civil por residencia continuada en Cataluña durante más de diez años sin declaración en contrario (art. 14.3.2.o CCe [1974] y 14.5.2.o CCe [1990]), vecindad civil catalana que mantenía en el momento de su fallecimiento, pese a haber realizado distintas manifestaciones ¿que resultan ineficaces? en el sentido de ostentar o de querer conservar la vecindad civil navarra.