989 resultados para Hospital centre
Background:Testosterone deficiency in patients with heart failure (HF) is associated with decreased exercise capacity and mortality; however, its impact on hospital readmission rate is uncertain. Furthermore, the relationship between testosterone deficiency and sympathetic activation is unknown.Objective:We investigated the role of testosterone level on hospital readmission and mortality rates as well as sympathetic nerve activity in patients with HF.Methods:Total testosterone (TT) and free testosterone (FT) were measured in 110 hospitalized male patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction < 45% and New York Heart Association classification IV. The patients were placed into low testosterone (LT; n = 66) and normal testosterone (NT; n = 44) groups. Hypogonadism was defined as TT < 300 ng/dL and FT < 131 pmol/L. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was recorded by microneurography in a subpopulation of 27 patients.Results:Length of hospital stay was longer in the LT group compared to in the NT group (37 ± 4 vs. 25 ± 4 days; p = 0.008). Similarly, the cumulative hazard of readmission within 1 year was greater in the LT group compared to in the NT group (44% vs. 22%, p = 0.001). In the single-predictor analysis, TT (hazard ratio [HR], 2.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.58–4.85; p = 0.02) predicted hospital readmission within 90 days. In addition, TT (HR, 4.65; 95% CI, 2.67–8.10; p = 0.009) and readmission within 90 days (HR, 3.27; 95% CI, 1.23–8.69; p = 0.02) predicted increased mortality. Neurohumoral activation, as estimated by MSNA, was significantly higher in the LT group compared to in the NT group (65 ± 3 vs. 51 ± 4 bursts/100 heart beats; p < 0.001).Conclusion:These results support the concept that LT is an independent risk factor for hospital readmission within 90 days and increased mortality in patients with HF. Furthermore, increased MSNA was observed in patients with LT.
AbstractThe image of the hospital representing the modern medicine and its diagnostic and therapeutic advances becomes more evident in the face of an aging population and patients with multiple comorbidities requiring highly complex care. However, recent studies have shown a growing number of hospital readmissions within 30 days after discharge. The post-hospital syndrome is a new clinical entity associated with multiple vulnerabilities that contribute to hospital readmissions. During hospitalization, the patient is exposed to different stressors of physical, environmental, and psychosocial natures that trigger pathophysiological and multisystemic responses and increase the risk of complications after hospital discharge. Patients with a cardiac disease have high rates of readmission within 30 days. Therefore, it is important for cardiologists to recognize the post-hospital syndrome since it may impact their daily practice. This review aims at discussing the current scientific evidence regarding predictors and stressors involved in the post-hospital syndrome and the measures that are currently being taken to minimize their effects.
Abstract Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the modern world. A sedentary lifestyle, present in 85% of the Brazilian population, is considered a risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease. However, the correlation of a sedentary lifestyle with cardiovascular events (CVE) during hospitalization for ACS is not well established. Objective: To evaluate the association between physical activity level, assessed with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), with in-hospital prognosis in patients with ACS. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study with 215 subjects with a diagnosis of ACS consecutively admitted to a referral hospital for cardiac patients between July 2009 and February 2011. All volunteers answered the short version of the IPAQ and were observed for the occurrence of CVE during hospitalization with a standardized assessment conducted by the researcher and corroborated by data from medical records. Results: The patients were admitted with diagnoses of unstable angina (34.4%), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) without ST elevation (41.4%), and AMI with ST elevation (24.2%). According to the level of physical activity, the patients were classified as non-active (56.3%) and active (43.7%). A CVE occurred in 35.3% of the cohort. The occurrence of in-hospital complications was associated with the length of hospital stay (odds ratio [OR] = 1.15) and physical inactivity (OR = 2.54), and was independent of age, systolic blood pressure, and prior congestive heart failure. Conclusion: A physically active lifestyle reduces the risk of CVE during hospitalization in patients with ACS.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015
The Pernambuco Center of Endemism (PCE) in northeastern Brazil is highly fragmented and degraded. Despite its potential conservation importance the bird fauna in this area is still relatively unknown and there are many remnant fragments that have not been systematically surveyed. Here, we report the results of bird surveys in five forest fragments (one pioneer, two ombrophilous and two seasonal). In total, 162 taxa were recorded, 12 of which are endemic to the PCE. The frequency of endangered species was lower than what has been reported in studies from the same area and most of the taxa considered to be at risk of extinction were sub-species of uncertain taxonomic validity. The comparatively low number of endemic/threatened species may be due to the small size of the fragments in the present study - a consequence of the high levels of habitat loss in this region. Analysis of species richness patterns indicates that ombrophilous forest fragments are acting as refuges for those bird species that are most sensitive to environmental degradation.
São relatados os resultados de um inquérito sôbre doença de Chagas realizado na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil), com a finalidade de verificar a incidência desta moléstia e especialmente de sua forma cardíaca crônica entre os doentes ali internados. Foram examinados 181 pacientes adultos não selecionados, adotando-se os seguintes métodos: a) exame clínico geral e exame minucioso do aparelho circulatório; b) eletrocardiograma; c) reação de fixação do complemento para a doença de Chagas (antígeno de cultura do Schizotrypanum cruzi); d) reação de Wassermann; e) xenodiagnóstico e radiografia dos pacientes com reação de fixação do complemento (Guerreiro & Machado) positiva e de portadores de outras cardiopatias. Dos 181 pacientes examinados, 37 (20,44%) tinham provas de laboratório positivas para foença de Chagas. 49 (27,07%) eram portadores de cardiopatias, com as seguintes etiologias: doença de Chagas (18 casos); arteriosclerose (13 casos); hipertensão arterial (12 casos); sífilis (casos); febre reumática (3 casos); cardiopatia congênita (1 caso); cor pulmonale crônico (1 caso). De 34 pacientes com doença de Chagas, 18 (52,95%) apresentavam evidências eletrocardiográficas de comportamento miocárdico. As alterações eletrocardiográficas mais freqüentes foram: bloqueio do ramo direito, extra-sístoles ventriculares, alterações de QRS (isoladas ou associadas a alterações de T), bloqueios auriculo-ventriculares. Estes achados são semelhantes aos já descritos na cardiopatia chagásica crônica por Laranja e cols. (13,26). As alterações eletrocardiográficas mais frequentes no grupo de pacientes com provas de laboratório negativas para doença de Chagas foram: curvas de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (strain) alteralçoes primárias de T e extra-sístoles vemtriculares. A idade de 50,0% dos pacientes com miocardite chagásica crônica não ultrapassou os 30 enquanto que 83,33% dos pacientes portafores de outras cardiopatias eram maiores de 30 anos. A reação de fixação do complemento (antígeno de cultura do Schizotrypanum cruzi), devido à sua especificidade e sensibilidade, mostrou ser muito util para o diagnóstico de laboratório da doença de Chagas em sua fase crônica. O xenodiagnóstico foi positivo em 8 casos (25,8%) de 31 pacientes com reação de Guerreiro & Machado positiva. Foi discutidoo problema da etiologia do megaesôfago e do megacolon, admitindo os Autores que adoença de Chagas possivelmente desempenhe, em determinadas zonas, papel significativo no desenvolvimento destas afecções. Foi brevemente relatada a distribuição geográfica dos triatomídeos no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principais vetores são Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans e Triatoma sordida, se bem que outras 12 espécies ocorrem neste Estado. Estes triatomídeos existem em 204 (64,55%) dos 316 municípios do Estado de Minas. Vetores infetados foram encontrados em 143 municípios (70,09%). Foram assinaladas as áreas infetadas mais importantes. Os Autores salientaram a importância médica da doença de Chagas, acreditando ser esta infecção um dos mais importantes fatores de cardiopatia em amplas zonas rurais do Estado de Minas Gerais.
Estudio elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Karolinska University Hospital, Suecia, entre marzo y junio del 2006. En la radioterapia estereotáxica extracraneal (SBRT) de tumores de pulmón existen principalmente dos problemas en el cálculo de la dosis con los sistemas de planificación disponibles: la precisión limitada de los algoritmos de cálculo en presencia de tejidos con densidades muy diferentes y los movimientos debidos a la respiración del paciente durante el tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido llevar a cabo la simulación con el código Monte Carlo PENELOPE de la distribución de dosis en tumores de pulmón en casos representativos de tratamientos con SBRT teniendo en cuenta los movimientos respiratorios y su comparación con los resultados de varios planificadores. Se han estudiado casos representativos de tratamientos de SBRT en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los haces de radiación se han simulado mediante el código PENELOPE y se han usado para la obtención de los resultados MC de perfiles de dosis. Los resultados obtenidos para el caso estático (sin movimiento respiratorio ) ponen de manifiesto que, en comparación con la MC, la dosis (Gy/MU) calculada por los planificadores en el tumor tiene una precisión del 2-3%. En la zona de interfase entre tumor y tejido pulmonar los planificadores basados en el algoritmo PB sobrestiman la dosis en un 10%, mientras que el algoritmo CC la subestima en un 3-4%. Los resultados de la simulación mediante MC de los movimientos respiratorios indican que los resultados de los planificadores son suficientemente precisos en el tumor, aunque en la interfase hay una mayor subestimación de la dosis en comparación con el caso estático. Estos resultados son compatibles con la experiencia clínica adquirida durante 15 años en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los resultados se han publicado en la revista Acta Oncologica.
El Centre de Noves Tecnologies i nous Processos Alimentaris (CENTA) és una iniciativa conjunta del IRTA i la Universitat de Girona, amb dues seus, una a Monells i l’altre al Parc Tecnològic de la UdG, on es podran trobar les tecnologies més avançades dins del camp del tractament i processament d’aliments, tant per tractar líquids com sòlids. Aquest centre tindrà per missió principal apropar les noves tecnologies a les empreses del nostre país, oferint-les diferents serveis. Probablement el CENTA formarà part de la Xarxa de Centres Tecnològics del CIDEM, i es preveu que en a partir del mes de març es posin en marxa les diferents instal·lacions.
Un premier exercice avait proposé un regroupement des diagnostics pour la planification des lits. Ce regroupement avait été établi empiriquement sur une base de données provenant des hôpitaux de zone vaudois (1983-1984). Lorsqu'il s'est agi d'appliquer cette grille au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), il est rapidement apparu que la structure de la clientèle d'un tel hôpital rendait indispensable le remaniement de la grille descriptive. C'est l'objet du présent cahier... [Auteurs]
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at investigating whether data from medical teleconsultations may contribute to influenza surveillance. METHODS: International Classification of Primary Care 2nd Edition (ICPC-2) codes were used to analyse the proportion of teleconsultations due to influenza-related symptoms. Results were compared with the weekly Swiss Sentinel reports. RESULTS: When using the ICPC-2 code for fever we could reproduce the seasonal influenza peaks of the winter seasons 07/08, 08/09 and 09/10 as depicted by the Sentinel data. For the pandemic influenza 09/10, we detected a much higher first peak in summer 2009 which correlated with a potential underreporting in the Sentinel system. CONCLUSIONS: ICPC-2 data from medical teleconsultations allows influenza surveillance in real time and correlates very well with the Swiss Sentinel system.
Introduction:¦L'incidence annuelle du cancer de l'ovaire en Suisse est de 600 cas, il touche principalement les femmes âgées de plus de 60 ans. Le cancer de l'ovaire est aujourd'hui la 1ère cause de mortalité par cancer gynécologique chez la femme. Le but de notre recherche, est de créer une base de données de toutes les¦patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV pour la prise en charge de leur maladie.¦Cette étude rétrospective monocentrique nous permettra en premier lieu d'analyser les caractéristiques de¦cette tumeur présentées par les patientes, les traitements instaurés pour traiter ce cancer et les taux de¦récidives et de survie des patientes en fonction de ces variables.¦Méthodologie:¦Analyse rétrospective de 147 patientes diagnostiquées d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV entre¦septembre 2001 et mars 2010 pour la prise en charge de leur tumeur ovarienne. Utilisation du programme informatique ARCHIMED qui contient les dossiers médicaux de toutes les patientes inclues dans l'étude et création de 2 bases des données. La 1ère base de données regroupe l'ensemble des patientes de l'étude y¦compris les tumeurs type borderline, la 2ème base de données concerne uniquement les patientes ayant récidivé de leur tumeur. Les tumeurs bénignes ont été exclues de l'étude.¦Résultats:¦La probabilitéde survie à 1 an chez les patientes avec un cancer de l'ovaire, tous stades FIGO et prises en¦charge confondus, hospitalisées au CHUV est de 88,04% (95% CI = 0.7981-‐0.9306), à 3 ans la probabilité de survie est de 70,4% (95% CI = 0.5864-‐0.7936), et à plus de 5 ans, elle est de 60% (95% CI = 0.4315-‐0.6859).¦Nous avons comparé le taux de survie en fonction du stade FIGO de la tumeur ovarienne et nous avons observé une différence significative de survie entre les stades FIGO précoces et les stades avancés (Pvaleur=¦0.0161).¦En plus d'une intervention chirurgicale, les patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire sont normalement traitées par une chimiothérapie. Dans notre étude, 70 patientes ont bénéficié d'une chimiothérapie; un¦traitement adjuvant a été donné dans 78 % des cas (N = 55), un traitement néoadjuvant a été administré chez 22% des patientes (N=15). Le type combiné carboplatine-‐taxane est la chimiothérapie la plus fréquente (75%). Au total sur l'étude, 66 patientes sur les 147 (44%) ont récidivé de leur tumeur. En ce qui¦concerne leur prise en charge, 46% des patientes ont reçu une chimiothérapie unique comme du gemzar, cealyx ou taxotère après leur récidive. Une cytoréduction secondaire a également été effectuée chez 33% de ces patientes ayant une récidive. Nous avons également étudié l'intervalle de temps entre la date de la¦récidive et celle du décès. Parmi les 28 patientes décédées chez les récidives, 10 d'entre-‐elles (36%) ont survécu moins d'un an une fois la récidive diagnostiquée, 8 (28%) patientes ont survécu jusqu'à 2 ans, et¦les 10 (36%) autres patientes ont survécu de 2 à 5 ans. En ce qui concerne le taux de mortalité; 39 patientes sur les 147 étudiées sont décédées pendant la période d'observation, soit 26% des cas. La tumeur¦type borderline, présente une prolifération épithéliale atypique sans invasion dans le stroma et représente¦10 à 20% de toutes les tumeurs ovariennes. Dans notre étude, 41 patientes sont porteuses de cette tumeur¦(28%) et la moyenne d'âge est de 49 ans. En ce qui concerne leur prise en charge, l'intervention chirurgicale¦la plus fréquente, soit 23% des cas, est l'annexectomie unilatérale, qui reste une attitude conservative pour¦ces patientes désirant préserver leur fertilité. 6 patientes présentant ce type de tumeur ont récidivé, soit 14% des cas, avec une progression pelvienne, et 3 de ces 6 patientes sont décédées. Dans notre analyse, on observe que la probabilité de vivre plus longtemps que 1an pour les patientes ayant une tumeur borderline est de 93,8% (95% CI= 0.6323-‐ 0.9910), à 3 ans elle est également de 93,8% (95% CI = 0.6323-‐0.9910) et à 5 ans elle est de 78,1% (95% CI = 0.3171-‐0.9483). Nous n'avons pas observé de¦différence de survie dans notre étude entre les patientes présentant une tumeur borderline et le « non‐borderline ». (Pvaleur=0.3301)
Whether a 1-year nationwide, government supported programme is effective in significantly increasing the number of smoking cessation clinics at major Swiss hospitals as well as providing basic training for the staff running them. We conducted a baseline evaluation of hospital services for smoking cessation, hypertension, and obesity by web search and telephone contact followed by personal visits between October 2005 and January 2006 of 44 major public hospitals in the 26 cantons of Switzerland; we compared the number of active smoking cessation services and trained personnel between baseline to 1 year after starting the programme including a training workshop for doctors and nurses from all hospitals as well as two further follow-up visits. At base line 9 (21%) hospitals had active smoking cessation services, whereas 43 (98%) and 42 (96%) offered medical services for hypertension and obesity respectively. Hospital directors and heads of Internal Medicine of 43 hospitals were interested in offering some form of help to smokers provided they received outside support, primarily funding to get started or to continue. At two identical workshops, 100 health professionals (27 in Lausanne, 73 in Zurich) were trained for one day. After the programme, 22 (50%) hospitals had an active smoking cessation service staffed with at least 1 trained doctor and 1 nurse. A one-year, government-supported national intervention resulted in a substantial increase in the number of hospitals allocating trained staff and offering smoking cessation services to smokers. Compared to the offer for hypertension and obesity this offer is still insufficient.
In this paper we analyse the economic impact of a new museum (the Gaudí Centre) on the local economy of Reus, a city in the province of Tarragona (southern Catalonia). We use a Keynesian income multiplier model to evaluate the effects of this new cultural venue on local income. In our calculation of the economic impact we distinguish between two phases: the construction phase and the exploitation phase. Our results show the important income impact of this cultural investment on the local economy.