970 resultados para Homogeneous fluids


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A theory is discussed of single-component transport in nanopores, recently developed by Bhatia and coworkers. The theory considers the oscillatory motion of molecules between diffuse wall collisions, arising from the fluid-wall interaction, along with superimposed viscous flow due to fluid-fluid interaction. The theory is tested against molecular dynamics simulations for hydrogen, methane, and carbon tetrafluoride flow in cylindrical nanopores in silica. Although exact at low densities, the theory performs well even at high densities, with the density dependency of the transport coefficient arising from viscous effects. Such viscous effects are reduced at high densities because of the large increase in viscosity, which explains the maximum in the transport coefficient with increase in density. Further, it is seen that in narrow pore sizes of less than two molecular diameters, where a complete monolayer cannot form on the surface, the mutual interference of molecules on opposite sides of the cross section can reduce the transport coefficient, and lead to a maximum in the transport coefficient with increasing density. The theory is also tested for the case of partially diffuse reflection and shows the viscous contribution to be negligible when the reflection is nearly specular. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 52: 29-38, 2006.


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The adsorption of Lennard-Jones fluids (argon and nitrogen) onto a graphitized thermal carbon black surface was studied with a Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation (GCMC). The surface was assumed to be finite in length and composed of three graphene layers. When the GCMC simulation was used to describe adsorption on a graphite surface, an over-prediction of the isotherm was consistently observed in the pressure regions where the first and second layers are formed. To remove this over-prediction, surface mediation was accounted for to reduce the fluid-fluid interaction. Do and co-workers have introduced the so-called surface-mediation damping factor to correct the over-prediction for the case of a graphite surface of infinite extent, and this approach has yielded a good description of the adsorption isotherm. In this paper, the effects of the finite size of the graphene layer on the adsorption isotherm and how these would affect the extent of the surface mediation were studied. It was found that this finite-surface model provides a better description of the experimental data for graphitized thermal carbon black of high surface area (i.e. small crystallite size) while the infinite- surface model describes data for carbon black of very low surface area (i.e. large crystallite size).


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A technique to standardise the analysis of cellular and non-cellular components in epithelial lining fluid (ELF) collected during saline lavage of pulmonary and pleural cavities was developed using the urea dilution method. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and pleural lavage (PL) fluids were collected from 12 clinically healthy cats. Total and differential cell counts in BAL fluid were within normal ranges for the cat, while cell Counts in PL fluid were assumed to be normal based on clinical health during examination, auscultation and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities being comparable with other species. The major clinical implication of this study was that nucleated cell counts within feline ELF could not be predicted from analysis of lavage fluid which suggests that calculation of the proportion of ELF in lavage fluid by the urea dilution method may be necessary to avoid misdiagnosis of health or disease in pulmonary or pleural cavities. (C) 2005 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Saturated phospholipids (PCs), particularly dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), predominate in surfactant lining the alveoli, although little is known about the relationship between saturated and unsaturated PCs on the outer surface of the lung, the pleura. Seven healthy cats were anesthetized and a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed, immediately followed by a pleural lavage (PL). Lipid was extracted from lavage fluid and then analyzed for saturated, primarily dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), and unsaturated PC species using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with combined fluorescence and ultraviolet detection. Dilution of epithelial lining fluid (ELF) in lavage fluids was corrected for using the urea method. The concentration of DPPC in BAL fluid (85.3 +/- 15.7 mu g/mL) was significantly higher (P=0.021) than unsaturated PCs (similar to 40 mu g/mL). However, unsaturated PCs (similar to 34 mu g/mL), particularly stearoyl-linoleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (SLPC; 17.4 +/- 6.8), were significantly higher (P = 0.021) than DPPC (4.3 +/- 1.8 mu g/mL) in PL fluid. These results show that unsaturated PCs appear functionally more important in the pleural cavity, which may have implications for surfactant replenishment following pleural disease or thoracic surgery. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A latin trade is a subset of a latin square which may be replaced with a disjoint mate to obtain a new latin square. A d-homogeneous latin trade is one which intersects each row, each column and each entry of the latin square either 0 or d times. In this paper we give a construction for minimal d-homogeneous latin trades of size dm, for every integer d >= 3, and m >= 1.75d(2) + 3. We also improve this bound for small values of d. Our proof relies on the construction of cyclic sequences whose adjacent sums are distinct. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dynamics of drop formation and pinch-off have been investigated for a series of low viscosity elastic fluids possessing similar shear viscosities, but differing substantially in elastic properties. On initial approach to the pinch region, the viscoelastic fluids all exhibit the same global necking behavior that is observed for a Newtonian fluid of equivalent shear viscosity. For these low viscosity dilute polymer solutions, inertial and capillary forces form the dominant balance in this potential flow regime, with the viscous force being negligible. The approach to the pinch point, which corresponds to the point of rupture for a Newtonian fluid, is extremely rapid in such solutions, with the sudden increase in curvature producing very large extension rates at this location. In this region the polymer molecules are significantly extended, causing a localized increase in the elastic stresses, which grow to balance the capillary pressure. This prevents the necked fluid from breaking off, as would occur in the equivalent Newtonian fluid. Alternatively, a cylindrical filament forms in which elastic stresses and capillary pressure balance, and the radius decreases exponentially with time. A (0+1)-dimensional finitely extensible nonlinear elastic dumbbell theory incorporating inertial, capillary, and elastic stresses is able to capture the basic features of the experimental observations. Before the critical "pinch time" t(p), an inertial-capillary balance leads to the expected 2/3-power scaling of the minimum radius with time: R-min similar to(t(p)-t)(2/3). However, the diverging deformation rate results in large molecular deformations and rapid crossover to an elastocapillary balance for times t>t(p). In this region, the filament radius decreases exponentially with time R-min similar to exp[(t(p)-t)/lambda(1)], where lambda(1) is the characteristic time constant of the polymer molecules. Measurements of the relaxation times of polyethylene oxide solutions of varying concentrations and molecular weights obtained from high speed imaging of the rate of change of filament radius are significantly higher than the relaxation times estimated from Rouse-Zimm theory, even though the solutions are within the dilute concentration region as determined using intrinsic viscosity measurements. The effective relaxation times exhibit the expected scaling with molecular weight but with an additional dependence on the concentration of the polymer in solution. This is consistent with the expectation that the polymer molecules are in fact highly extended during the approach to the pinch region (i.e., prior to the elastocapillary filament thinning regime) and subsequently as the filament is formed they are further extended by filament stretching at a constant rate until full extension of the polymer coil is achieved. In this highly extended state, intermolecular interactions become significant, producing relaxation times far above theoretical predictions for dilute polymer solutions under equilibrium conditions. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics


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The stratiform Century Zn-Pb deposit and the discordant Zn-Pb lode deposits of the Burketown mineral field, northern Australia, host ore and gangue minerals with primary fluid inclusions that have not been affected by the Isan orogeny, thus providing a unique opportunity to investigate the nature of the ore-forming brines. All of the deposits are hosted in shales and siltstones belonging to the Isa superbasin and comprise sphalerite, pyrite, carbonate, quartz, galena, minor chalcopyrite, and minor illite. According to Pb model ages, the main ore stage of mineralization at Century formed at I575 Ma, some 20 m.y. after deposition of the host shale sequence. Microthermometry on undeformed, primary fluid inclusions hosted in porous sphalerite shows that the Zn at Century was transported to the deposit by a homogeneous, Ca2+- and Na+-bearing brine with a salinity of 21.6 wt percent NaCl equiv. delta D-fluid of the fluid inclusion water ranges from -89 to -83 per mil, consistent with a basinal brine that evolved from meteoric water. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures range between 74 degrees and 125 degrees C, which are lower than the 120 degrees to 160 degrees C range calculated from vitrinite reflectance and illite crystallinity data from the deposit. This discrepancy indicates that mineralization likely formed at 50 to 85 Mpa, corresponding to a depth of 1,900 to 3,100 m. Transgressive galena-sphalerite veins that cut stratiform mineralization at Century and breccia-filled quartz-dolomite-sphalerite-galena veins in the discordant Zn-Pb lodes have Pb model ages between 1575 and 1485 Ma. Raman spectroscopy and microthermometry reveal that the primary fluid inclusions in these veins contain Ca2+, Na+. but they have lower salinities between 23 and 10 wt percent NaCl equiv and higher delta D-fluid values ranging from -89 to -61 per mil than fluid inclusions in porous sphalerite from Century. Fluid inclusion water from sphalerite in one of the lode deposits has delta O-18(fluid) values of 1.6 and 2.4 per mil, indistinguishable from delta O-18(fluid) values between -0.3 to +7.4 per mil calculated from the isotopic composition of coexisting quartz, dolomite, and illite. The trend toward lower salinities and higher delta D-fluid values relative to the earlier mineralizing fluids is attributed to mixing between the fluid that formed Century and a seawater-derived fluid from a different source. Based on seismic data from the Lawn Hill platform and paragenetic and geochemical results from the Leichhardt River fault trough to the south, diagenetic aquifers in the Underlying Calvert superbasin appear to have been the most likely sources for the fluids that formed Century and the discordant lode deposits. Paragenetically late sphalerite and calcite cut sphalerite, quartz, and dolomite in the lode deposits and contain Na+-dominated fluid inclusions with much lower salinities than their older counterparts. The isotopic composition of calcite also indicates delta O-18(fluid) from 3.3 to 10.7 per mil, which is larger than the range obtained from synmineralization minerals, supporting the idea that a unique fluid source was involved. The absolute timing of this event is unclear, but a plethora of Pb model, K-Ar, and Ar-40/Ar-39 ages between 1440 and 1300 Ma indicate that a significant volume of fluid was mobilized at this time. The deposition of the Roper superbasin from ca. 1492 +/- 4 Ma suggests that these late veins formed from fluids that may have been derived from aquifers in overlying sediments of the Roper superbasin. Clear, buck, and drusy quartz in veins unrelated to any form of Pb-Zn mineralization record the last major fluid event in the Burketown mineral field and form distinct outcrops and ridges in the district. Fluid inclusions in these veins indicate formation from a low-salinity, 300 degrees +/- 80 degrees C fluid. Temperatures approaching 300 degrees C recorded in organic matter adjacent to faults and at sequence boundaries correspond to K-Ar ages spanning 1300 to 1100 Ma, which coincides with regional hydrothermal activity in the northern Lawn Hill platform and the emplacement of the Lakeview Dolerite at the time of assemblage of the Rodinia supercontinent.


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In this thesis the results of experimental work performed to determine local heat transfer coefficients for non-Newtonian fluids in laminar flow through pipes with abrupt discontinuities are reported. The fluids investigated were water-based polymeric solutiorrs of time-indpendent, pseudoplastic materials, with flow indices "n" ranging from 0.39 to 0.9.The tube configurations were a 3.3 :1 sudden convergence, and a 1: 3.3 sudden divergence.The condition of a prescribed uniform wall heat flux was considered, with both upstream and downstream tube sections heated. Radial temperature traverses were also under­ taken primarily to justify the procedures used in estimating the tube wall and bulk fluid temperatures and secondly to give further insight into the mechanism of heat transfer beyond a sudden tube expansion. A theoretical assessment of the influence of viscous dissipation on a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid of' arbitrary index "n" was carried out. The effects of other secondary factors such as free convection and temperature-dependent consistency were evaluated empirically. In the present investigations, the test conditions were chosen to minimise the effects of natural convection and the estimates of viscous heat generation showed the effect to be insignificant with the polymeric concentrations tested here. The final results have been presented as the relationships between local heat transfer coef'ficient and axial distance downstream of the discontinuities and relationships between dimensionless wall temperature and reduced radius. The influence of Reynolds number, Prandtl number, non-Newtonian index and heat flux have been indicated.


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This thesis is concerned with exact solutions of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, in particular, when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid with a purely electric Weyl tensor. General relativity, cosmology and computer algebra are discussed briefly. A mathematical introduction to Riemannian geometry and the tetrad formalism is then given. This is followed by a review of some previous results and known solutions concerning purely electric perfect fluids. In addition, some orthonormal and null tetrad equations of the Ricci and Bianchi identities are displayed in a form suitable for investigating these space-times. Conformally flat perfect fluids are characterised by the vanishing of the Weyl tensor and form a sub-class of the purely electric fields in which all solutions are known (Stephani 1967). The number of Killing vectors in these space-times is investigated and results presented for the non-expanding space-times. The existence of stationary fields that may also admit 0, 1 or 3 spacelike Killing vectors is demonstrated. Shear-free fluids in the class under consideration are shown to be either non-expanding or irrotational (Collins 1984) using both orthonormal and null tetrads. A discrepancy between Collins (1984) and Wolf (1986) is resolved by explicitly solving the field equations to prove that the only purely electric, shear-free, geodesic but rotating perfect fluid is the Godel (1949) solution. The irrotational fluids with shear are then studied and solutions due to Szafron (1977) and Allnutt (1982) are characterised. The metric is simplified in several cases where new solutions may be found. The geodesic space-times in this class and all Bianchi type 1 perfect fluid metrics are shown to have a metric expressible in a diagonal form. The position of spherically symmetric and Bianchi type 1 space-times in relation to the general case is also illustrated.


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Mineralogical investigations have determined the sites of u and Th associated with two radioelement-enriched granites from different geological settings. In the Ririwai ring complex, Nigeria, the u- and Th-bearing accessories have been greatly affected by post-magmatic alteration of the biotite granite. Primary thorite, zircon and monazite were altered to Zr(±Y)-rich thorite, partially metamict zircon (enriched in Th, U, Y, P, Fe, Mn, Ca) and an unidentified LREE-phase respectively, by pervasive fluids which later precipitated Zr-rich coffinite. More intense, localised alteration and albitisation completely remobilised primary accessories and gave rise to a distinctive generation of haematite- and uranothorite-enriched zircon with clear, Hi-enriched rims and xenotime overgrowths. In the Ririwai lode, microclinisation and later greisenisation locally remobilised or altered zircon and deposited Y-ricl1 coffinite and Y(±Zr)-rich thorite which was overgrown by traces of xenotime and LREE-phase(s) of complex and variable composition. Compositions indicating extensive solid-solution among thorite, coffinite, xenotime and altered zircon are probably metastable and formed at low temperatures. The widespread occurrence of REE-rich fluorite suggests that F-complexing aided the mobility of REE, Y, U, Th and Zr during late-magmatic to post-magmatic alteration, while uranyl-carbonate complexing may have occurred during albitisation. The Caledonian, Helmsdale granite in northern Scotland has undergone pervasive and localised hydrothermal alteration associated with U enrichment. Zircon xenocrysts, primary sphene and apatite contain a small.proportion of this U which is largely adsorbed on to secondary iron-oxide, TiOand phyllosilicates.Additional sites for U in the overlying, Lower Devonian Ousdale arkose include coffinite, secondary uranyl phosphates, hydrocarbon and traces of xenotime and unidentified LREE-phases. U may have been leached from the granite and deposited in the arkose, along channelways associated with the Helmsdale fault, by convecting, hydrothermal fluids


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Previous research has indicated that schematic eyes incorporating aspheric surfaces but lacking gradient index are unable to model ocular spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism simultaneously. This limits their use as wide-angle schematic eyes. This thesis challenges this assumption by investigating the flexibility of schematic eyes comprising aspheric optical surfaces and homogeneous optical media. The full variation of ocular component dimensions found in human eyes was established from the literature. Schematic eye parameter variants were limited to these dimensions. The levels of spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism modelled by these schematic eyes were compared to the range of measured levels. These were also established from the literature. To simplify comparison of modelled and measured data, single value parameters were introduced; the spherical aberration function (SAF), and peripheral astigmatism function (PAF). Some ocular components variations produced a wide range of aberrations without exceeding the limits of human ocular components. The effect of ocular component variations on coma was also investigated, but no comparison could be made as no empirical data exists. It was demonstrated that by combined manipulation of a number of parameters in the schematic eyes it was possible to model all levels of ocular spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism. However, the unique parameters of a human eye could not be obtained in this way, as a number of models could be used to produce the same spherical aberration and peripheral astigmatism, while giving very different coma levels. It was concluded that these schematic eyes are flexible enough to model the monochromatic aberrations tested, the absence of gradient index being compensated for by altering the asphericity of one or more surfaces.


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The fluids used in hydraulic systems inevitably contain large numbers of small, solid particles, a phenomenon known as 'fluid contamination'. Particles enter a hydraulic system from the environment, and are generated within it by processes of wear. At the same time, particles are removed from the system fluid by sedimentation and in hydraulic filters. This thesis considers the problems caused by fluid contamination, as they affect a manufacturer of axial piston pumps. The specific project aim was to investigate methods of predicting or determining the effects of fluid contamination on this type of pump. The thesis starts with a theoretical analysis of the contaminated lubrication of a slipper-pad bearing. Statistical methods are used to develop a model of the blocking, by particles, of the control capillaries used in such bearings. The results obtained are compared to published, experimental data. Poor correlation between theory and practice suggests that more research is required in this area before such theoretical analysis can be used in industry. Accelerated wear tests have been developed in the U.S.A. in an attempt to predict pump life when operating on contaminated fluids. An analysis of such tests shows that reliability data can only be obtained from extensive test programmes. The value of contamination testing is suggested to be in determining failure modes, and in identifying those pump components which are susceptible to the effects of contamination. A suitable test is described, and the results of a series of tests on axial piston pumps are presented and discussed. The thesis concludes that pump reliability data can only be obtained from field experience. The level of confidence which can be placed in results from normal laboratory testing is shown to be too low for the data to be of real value. Recommendations are therefore given for the ways in which service data should be collected and analysed.