999 resultados para História do Mediterrâneo Islâmico e Medieval


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Els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la història, a més de tenir una problemàtica força específica a la disciplina i que és la lligada a la susceptibilitat d‟una tria polítitzada i ideològicament interessada dels continguts a ensenyar, tenen, com totes les altres matèries, una problemàtica lligada als aspectes cognitius dels alumnes i que sovint no s'han abordat de manera adequada, si més no en el sistema curricular espanyol. Proposem, en aquest article, una possible aproximació a un currículum integrat que faciliti l'aprenentatge en profunditat basat en mostrar un model o mètode que l'alumne sigui capaç de reproduir per assolir futurs aprenentatges; i l'eix vertebrador de la nostra proposta és l'element indumentari.


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[spa]Los bozales y las muserolas en bronce para caballo constituyen unos excepcionales complementos ecuestres cuyo conocimiento se encuentra disperso en una extensa bibliografía. De muchos ejemplares apenas se ha publicado una breve descripción y nunca hasta el presente han sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, quizás por el desaliento que produce el desconocimiento de su procedencia en unos casos, o la superficial noticia del contexto de aparición en la mayoría de ellos, hecho que ha limitado las consideraciones cronológicas y de asociación. La identificación de nuevos ejemplares inéditos en los museos de Barcelona y Lleida ha animado a los autores a emprender un trabajo que por primera vez reúne y revisa los ejemplares conocidos de la Península Ibérica, para los que se propone una descripción normalizada, una clasificación tipológica y, en determinadas piezas, una sustancial revisión de las escenas decorativas y cronologías comúnmente admitidas. La seriación formal y la propuesta de datación implican la referencia de los ejemlares aparecidos en Grecia e Italia. Esa ampliación espacial conduce a replantear los agentes sociales que pueden estar detrás de la propagación de ese complemento ecuestre hasta la peninsua más occidental del Mediterráneo. [eng] Horse muzzles and Bronze muzzles are unique equestrian tools that have been referred to in scattered accounts throughout history. Nevertheless, the majority of these objects have received short descriptions and an overall study is still missing. The lack of a comprehensive study hinges on the over looked importance of these items and the superficial manner that have characterized their documentation. Both these reasons have limited observations on chronology and archaeological investigation. The recent identification of new unpublished exemplars among the Museums" collections in Barcelona and Lleida has encouraged the authors of this paper to start a new study dedicated to these objects. Starting from a catalogue inclusive of all muzzles and muzzles currently known in the Iberian Peninsula, an attempt will be made to propose an accurate description, typological classification and, for some of the items, a revision of the decorative scenes that have marked their place in bronze horse muzzle and muzzle chronology. The formal development and the chronological framework here proposed refer to those of the exemplars found in Greece and in Italy. The broadening of the geographical area will allow reconsideration of those social phenomena that have in the past determined the diffusion of elements in horse tack throughout most of the western Peninsula in the Mediterranean.


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L"estudi sobre la producció ceràmica de Barcelona en època medieval i postmedieval s'està fent des del Museu d"Història de Barcelona i des de l"ARQUB en aquest darrers anys. Aquest estudi s"ha reforçat amb els treballdesenvolupats en el marc del projecte de recerca Tecnolonial, cosa que ha permès ampliar les classes ceràmiques i el marc cronològic d"estudi. Els resultats aconseguits fins ara mostren que per a un mateix moment cronològic es preparen diverses pastes segons el producte final que es vol obtenir. Finalment, el canvi d"ubicació dels tallers que segurament es va produïr cap a finals del segle XIII / inicis del segle XIV podria estar relacionat amb l"explotació d"un nou llit d"argiles, la qual cosa coincidiria amb el fet que la producció del segle XIII és completament diferent químicament a la del segle XIV en endavant.


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Este artículo se inicia con la presentación de la moderna concepción científica de la enseñanza/ aprendizaje de la historia que considera que la mejor manera de enseñar esta disciplina social es reproduciendo el método que utiliza el historiador en la construcción de la historia. Se da a conocer una experiencia docente de integración de la didáctica del patrimonio en el curriculum de la formación de maestros. Siguiendo la idea ya señalada por otros especialistas, se defiende la necesidad de utilizar el patrimonio como un elemento del entorno que, en tanto que proyecta el pasado en el presente, se convierte en una fuente primaria de primer orden que favorece una enseñanza/aprendizaje de la historia y del método del historiador, de forma inducida, realista y por descubrimiento dirigido, mediante el análisis de las fuentes documentales de carácter muy diverso que encierra el propio elemento patrimonial estudiado. Al mismo tiempo, desde una perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje manifiesta la necesidad de la previa investigación que sobre dicho elemento patrimonial debe realizar el profesor universitario de didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales para llevar a cabo y definitivamente normalizar este tipo de docencia innovadora.


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The purpose of this PhD thesis is to investigate a semantic relation present in the connection of sentences (more specifically: propositional units). This relation, which we refer to as contrast, includes the traditional categories of adversatives - predominantly represented by the connector but in English and pero in Modern Spanish - and concessives, prototypically verbalised through although / aunque. The aim is to describe, analyse and - as far as possible - to explain the emergence and evolution of different syntactic schemes marking contrast during the first three centuries of Spanish (also referred to as Castilian) as a literary language, i.e., from the 13th to the 15th century. The starting point of this question is a commonplace in syntax, whereby the semantic and syntactic complexity of clause linkage correlates with the degree of textual elaboration. In historical linguistics, i.e., applied to the phylogeny of a language, it is commonly referred to as the parataxis hypothesis A crucial part of the thesis is dedicated by the definition of contrast as a semantic relation. Although the label contrast has been used in this sense, mainly in functional grammar and text linguistics, mainstream grammaticography and linguistics remain attached to the traditional categories adversatives and concessives. In opposition to this traditional view, we present our own model of contrast, based on a pragma-semantic description proposed for the analysis of adversatives by Oswald Ducrot and subsequently adopted by Ekkehard König for the analysis of concessives. We refine and further develop this model in order for it to accommodate all, not just the prototypical instances of contrast in Spanish, arguing that the relationship between adversatives and concessives is a marked opposition, i.e., that the higher degree of semantic and syntactic integration of concessives restricts some possible readings that the adversatives may have, but that this difference is almost systematically neutralised by contextual factors, thus justifying the assumption of contrast as a comprehensive onomasiological category. This theoretical focus is completed by a state-of-the-question overview attempting to account for all relevant forms in which contrast is expressed in Medieval Spanish, with the aid of lexicographic and grammaticographical sources, and an empirical study investigating the expression of corpus in a corpus study on the textual functions of contrast in nine Medieval Spanish texts: Cantar de Mio Cid, Libro de Alexandre, Milagros de Nuestra Sehora, Estoria de Espana, Primera Partida, Lapidario, Libro de buen amor, Conde Lucanor, and Corbacho. This corpus is analysed using quantitative and qualitative tools, and the study is accompanied by a series of methodological remarks on how to investigate a pragma-semantic category in historical linguistics. The corpus study shows that the parataxis hypothesis fails to prove from a statistical viewpoint, although a qualitative analysis shows that the use of subordination does increase over time in some particular contexts.


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Dos importantes sistemas lacustres-palustres se desarrollaron durante el Paleógeno en las Baleares. En el primero de ellos, de edad Bartoniense (Eoceno medio), se formó una importante acumulación de sedimentos carbonatados biogénicos y organógenos (lignitos). La organización megasecuencial de las sucesiones lacustres registra la siguiente evolución del sistema: 1) implantación de los medios lacustres, 2) expansión y relativa profundización, 3) colmatación por progradación de los depósitos de las zonas marginales del sistema sobre las internas y 4) etapa final, dominantemente agradante, con un pronunciado equilibrio entre las tasas de sedimentación y subsidencia. El segundo sistema, de edad oligocena (Estampiense superior- Chatiense), esta constituido por una asociación de depósitos lacustres y palustres relacionados con facies distales de un sistema aluvial. Por ello, el aporte de materiales detriticos finos al sistema lacustre jugó un papel primordial; aunque en las zonas mis protegidas de las cubetas lacustres, la acumulación de carbonatos biogénicos y la de maicriaorginica fue también importante. Su evolución megasecuencial sugiere las siguientes fases: 1) implantación en zonas terminalesdistales del sistema aluvial, 2) expansión e implantación de depocentros carbonatados, y 3) colmatación final relacionada con laprogradación de las zonas terminales del sistema aluvial. Ambos sistemas lacustres indican el desarrollo de etapas de estratificación permanente u ocasional de la columna de agua. El10 permitió lapreservación de materia orgánica derivada de macrófitos superiores y de organismos algales y bacterias


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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La presentació del patrimoni en els museus i altres espais afins (exposicions, parcs arqueològics, centres d"interpretació patrimonial, etcètera) s"està beneficiant en els últims anys dels avenços a nivell didàctic que ofereixen les noves tecnologies. Però, sovint es fa palès que aquestes estratègies comunicatives no impliquen necessàriament una òptima assimilació del discurs històric i museogràfic per part del públic. La modernització dels espais patrimonials amb la incorporació d"audiovisuals i sistemes informàtics multimèdia no serveix de gran cosa si es planteja com un mer recurs passiu de delectació o com una concessió a la creixent implantació social de les noves tecnologies. És per això que es fa imprescindible plantejar des d"un punt de vista didàctic i comunicatiu com aquests recursos poden construir i/o enriquir el discurs a l"entorn del patrimoni (històric, arqueològic, artístic, etcètera) per a una museografia veritablement comprensiva i, més enllà dels objectes, educadora en valors.


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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We investigated the decayed historical church window glasses of two Catalonian churches, both under Mediterranean climate. Glass surfaces were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Their chemical composition was determined by avelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS) microprobe analysis. The biodiversity was investigated by molecular methods: DNA extraction from glass, amplification by PCR targeting the16S rRNA and ITS regions, and fingerprint analyses by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Clone libraries containing either PCR fragments of the bacterial 16S rDNA or the fungal ITS regions were screened by DGGE. Clone inserts were sequenced and compared with the EMBL database.


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A ultra-sonografia intra-operatória foi realizada especialmente a partir de 1960, com alguns relatos de experiências iniciais nos anos 50. Inicialmente foram avaliados tumores cerebrais, posteriormente estudando-se também cálculos de vias biliares e cálculos renais. Entretanto, a ultra-sonografia intra-operatória em modo A ou modo B estático não adquiriu grande aceitação no meio médico. Não obstante, os primeiros estudos forneceram as bases para o desenvolvimento da moderna ultra-sonografia intra-operatória, com a utilização dos equipamentos ultra-sonográficos em modo B em tempo real. Os autores discorrem sobre a utilização da ultra-sonografia intra-operatória desde o seu início até os dias atuais.


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The aim of this study is to explore the role and importance of different animal species in Turku through an analysis of osteological data and documentary evidence. The osteological material used in this study is derived from two town plots in Turku dating from the 13th century to the 19th century. The osteological material deposited in Turku represents animals bred both in the town and in the surrounding landscape. Animal husbandry in SW-Finland can also be examined through a number of historical documents. The importance of animals in Turku and its hinterland are closely connected and therefore the roles of the animals in both urban and rural settings are examined. The study has revealed the complexity of the depositional patterns in medieval and post-medieval Turku. In the different areas of Turku, characteristic patterns in the osteological material and different deposit types were evident. These patterns are reflections of the activities and therefore of the lifestyles practiced in Turku. The results emphasise the importance of context- awareness in the study of material culture from archaeological sites. Both the zooarchaeological and historical sources indicate that cattle were important in animal husbandry in Turku from the Middle Ages up to the 19th century. Sheep were the second most common species. When taking into consideration the larger size of cattle, the dominance of these animals when it come to meat consumption seems clear even in those phases where sheep bones are more abundant. Pig is less abundant in the material than either cattle or sheep and their importance for subsistence was probably fairly modest, albeit constant. Goats were not abundant in the material. Most of the identified goat bones came from low utility body parts (e.g. skulls and lower extremities), but some amount of goat meat was also consumed. Wild species were of minor importance when it came to consumption practices in Turku. The changes in Turku’s animal husbandry patterns between the medieval and post medieval periods is reflected in the change in age of the animals slaughtered, which was part of a wider pattern seen in North- and Central Europe. More mature animals are also present in the assemblages. This pattern is related to the more pronounced importance of cattle as a manure producer and a draught animal as a result of the intensification of crop cultivation. This change seems to occur later in Finland than in the more Southerly regions, and indeed it did not necessarily take hold in all parts of the country.