1000 resultados para Hepatite viral humana
Tradicionalmente, las ciencias sociales se han fundado en categorías de sentido común para describir la realidad, de modo que aceptan tácitamente el principio de la folk psychology, según el cual las personas actúan para conseguir aquello que desean, dadas unas creencias. Sin embargo, aunque los deseos y las creencias puedan ser causas de la acción, no hay modo de definir de forma conceptualmente independiente cada uno de estos elementos con el fin de elaborar leyes de la acción que sean informativas y empíricamente corregibles o ajustables. Se hace necesario substituir este sistema explicativo por otro que «divida la naturaleza por sus articulaciones». Alejada del fallido programa de investigación conductista, la ciencia social puede explorar nuevas vías para convertirse en una disciplina rigurosa equipada con un conjunto de teorías que permitan reorganizar las valiosas observaciones disponibles y sugerir nuevas hipótesis interdisciplinariamente integradas. Sin embargo, esto no ocurrirá en la medida en que no haya forma de escapar a las limitaciones de la folk psychology. El presente artículo trata de mostrar cómo la psicología evolucionaria, centrada en los mecanismos evolucionados de procesamiento de información presentes en la mente humana, proporcionaría la conexión causal necesaria entre la biología evolucionaria y los complejos e irreductibles fenómenos sociales y culturales estudiados por sociólogos, economistas, antropólogos e historiadores.
Al pensar en la relación entre el fundamento de la dignidad humana y la resolución de algunos problemas bioéticos, me vino a la cabeza Blade Runner, la película de Ridley Scott basada en un relato de Philip K. Dickque lleva el extravagante título de ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? (extravagante si vemos la película pero no tanto si leemos el relato)...
Con este documento se pretende informar sobre la congelación de ovocitos para la reproducción humana y abordar el problema desde distintos punto de vista, con el fin de proporcionar argumentos y participar en el debate generado sobre el uso y aplicación de las técnicas de reproducción asistida y fomentar la necesaria actualización de una normativa que, si bien fue pionera en su momento, presenta hoy las carencias y contradicciones que el avance científico y el devenir social han ocasionado, y que requieren su puesta al día.
O ensaio aborda a fragilidade teórica da pesquisa educacional brasileira, desdobrando a argumentação em três seções. Na primeira, baseando-se em Bernardete Gatti, o texto alinhava alguns traços do diagnóstico sobre as dificuldades e os limites do atual estágio da pesquisa educacional no país. Na segunda, concentra-se em resumir o aspecto nuclear da ambiguidade da experiência ordinária, científica e filosófica. Pretende mostrar que, se tais formas foram acompanhadas por tendências dogmáticas, também apresentam concepções abertas e plurais. Na última parte, procura justificar a experiência hermenêutica gadameriana como perspectiva promissora para ampliar a noção de experiência humana, visando a descortinar um novo olhar sobre a natureza da pesquisa educacional.
En relación a trabajos recientes sobre los patrones de poblamiento protohistórico en el curso bajo del Ebro y la causalidad económica (Asensio el alii, 1996/ Mascort el alii, 1991), decidimos plantear un estudio que nutriera dichas hipótesis mediante el análisis arqueozoológico de dos yacimientos culturalmente contemporáneos y de cronologías sucesivas, ubicados a orillas de este río.
OBJECTIVES: An article by the Swiss AIDS Commission states that patients with stably suppressed viraemia [i.e. several successive HIV-1 RNA plasma concentrations (viral loads, VL) below the limits of detection during 6 months or more of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)] are unlikely to be infectious. Questions then arise: how reliable is the undetectability of the VL, given the history of measures? What factors determine reliability? METHODS: We assessed the probability (henceforth termed reliability) that the n+1 VL would exceed 50 or 1000 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL when the nth one had been <50 copies/mL in 6168 patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who were continuing to take HAART between 2003 and 2007. General estimating equations were used to analyse potential factors of reliability. RESULTS: With a cut-off at 50 copies/mL, reliability was 84.5% (n=1), increasing to 94.5% (n=5). Compliance, the current type of HAART and the first antiretroviral therapy (ART) received (HAART or not) were predictive factors of reliability. With a cut-off at 1000 copies/mL, reliability was 97.5% (n=1), increasing to 99.1% (n=4). Chart review revealed that patients had stopped their treatment, admitted to major problems with compliance or were taking non-HAART ART in 72.2% of these cases. Viral escape caused by resistance was found in 5.6%. No explanation was found in the charts of 22.2% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: After several successive VLs at <50 copies/mL, reliability reaches approximately 94% with a cut-off of 50 copies/mL and approximately 99% with a cut-off at 1000 copies/mL. Compliance is the most important factor predicting reliability.
OBJECTIVES: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are innate immune sensors that are integral to resisting chronic and opportunistic infections. Mounting evidence implicates TLR polymorphisms in susceptibilities to various infectious diseases, including HIV-1. We investigated the impact of TLR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on clinical outcome in a seroincident cohort of HIV-1-infected volunteers. DESIGN: We analyzed TLR SNPs in 201 antiretroviral treatment-naive HIV-1-infected volunteers from a longitudinal seroincident cohort with regular follow-up intervals (median follow-up 4.2 years, interquartile range 4.4). Participants were stratified into two groups according to either disease progression, defined as peripheral blood CD4(+) T-cell decline over time, or peak and setpoint viral load. METHODS: Haplotype tagging SNPs from TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, and TLR9 were detected by mass array genotyping, and CD4(+) T-cell counts and viral load measurements were determined prior to antiretroviral therapy initiation. The association of TLR haplotypes with viral load and rapid progression was assessed by multivariate regression models using age and sex as covariates. RESULTS: Two TLR4 SNPs in strong linkage disequilibrium [1063 A/G (D299G) and 1363 C/T (T399I)] were more frequent among individuals with high peak viral load compared with low/moderate peak viral load (odds ratio 6.65, 95% confidence interval 2.19-20.46, P < 0.001; adjusted P = 0.002 for 1063 A/G). In addition, a TLR9 SNP previously associated with slow progression was found less frequently among individuals with high viral setpoint compared with low/moderate setpoint (odds ratio 0.29, 95% confidence interval 0.13-0.65, P = 0.003, adjusted P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: This study suggests a potentially new role for TLR4 polymorphisms in HIV-1 peak viral load and confirms a role for TLR9 polymorphisms in disease progression.
Apresenta as possibilidades de inter-relação entre a ciência da informação e os estudos relativos à cognição humana. Discute resultados de pesquisas sobre processamento da informação na psicologia cognitiva referentes ao desempenho dos indivíduos na leitura e na aquisição de conhecimento, assim como na transformação de informação em conhecimento. Focaliza estudos sobre a cognição e metacognição e a importância dessa abordagem para a recuperação de informação, assim como o processo de indexação em sistemas de informação.
The EASL Monothematic Conference on Translational Research in Viral Hepatitis brought together a group of leading scientists and clinicians working on both, basic and clinical aspects of viral hepatitis, thereby building bridges from bench to bedside. This report recapitulates the presentations and discussions at the conference held in Lyon, France on November 29-30, 2013. In recent years, great advances have been made in the field of viral hepatitis, particularly in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The identification of IL28B genetic polymorphisms as a major determinant for spontaneous and treatment-induced HCV clearance was a seminal discovery. Currently, hepatologists are at the doorstep of even greater advances, with the advent of a wealth of directly acting antivirals (DAAs) against HCV. Indeed, promising results have accumulated over the last months and few years, showing sustained virological response (SVR) rates of up to 100% with interferon-free DAA combination therapies. Thus, less than 25years after its identification, HCV infection may soon be curable in the vast majority of patients, highlighting the great success of HCV research over the last decades. However, viral hepatitis and its clinical complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain major global challenges. New therapeutic strategies to tackle hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection are needed, as current therapies have undeniable limitations. Nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NUC) can efficiently control HBV replication and reduce or even reverse liver damage. However, these drugs have to be given for indefinite periods in most patients to maintain virological and biochemical responses. Although sustained responses off treatment can be achieved by treatment with (pegylated) interferon-α, only about 10-30% of patients effectively resolve chronic hepatitis B. It was the goal of this conference to review the progress made over the last years in chronic viral hepatitis research and to identify key questions that need to be addressed in order to close the gap between basic and clinical research and to develop novel preventive and treatment approaches for this most common cause of liver cirrhosis and HCC.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: HIV targets primary CD4(+) T cells. The virus depends on the physiological state of its target cells for efficient replication, and, in turn, viral infection perturbs the cellular state significantly. Identifying the virus-host interactions that drive these dynamic changes is important for a better understanding of viral pathogenesis and persistence. The present review focuses on experimental and computational approaches to study the dynamics of viral replication and latency. RECENT FINDINGS: It was recently shown that only a fraction of the inducible latently infected reservoirs are successfully induced upon stimulation in ex-vivo models while additional rounds of stimulation make allowance for reactivation of more latently infected cells. This highlights the potential role of treatment duration and timing as important factors for successful reactivation of latently infected cells. The dynamics of HIV productive infection and latency have been investigated using transcriptome and proteome data. The cellular activation state has shown to be a major determinant of viral reactivation success. Mathematical models of latency have been used to explore the dynamics of the latent viral reservoir decay. SUMMARY: Timing is an important component of biological interactions. Temporal analyses covering aspects of viral life cycle are essential for gathering a comprehensive picture of HIV interaction with the host cell and untangling the complexity of latency. Understanding the dynamic changes tipping the balance between success and failure of HIV particle production might be key to eradicate the viral reservoir.
Frente a interpretaciones estandarizadas, el presente trabajo pretende poner de relieve elmomento de trascendencia del cogito, acudiendo al concepto de 'naturaleza' y a la noción de 'lenguaje'. Destácase la importancia del concepto de 'encarnación' como idea clave para la constitución del 'hombre verdadero', así como su dimensión intersubjetiva.
Seis cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill): IAS-4, EMBRAPA-4, Davis, BR-16, Iguaçu e IAS-5, destinadas à alimentação humana, foram caracterizadas quanto à composição centesimal, conteúdo de aminoácidos, ácidos graxos e minerais. Os teores de fibra, proteína e óleo variaram significativamente nas amostras analisadas, enquanto que os teores de cinzas não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Com relação aos teores de minerais, o potássio foi o que obteve o maior valor, 1.824,02 mg/100 g para a cultivar Iguaçu, ficando a EMBRAPA-4 com o maior teor de cálcio, 313,93 mg/100 g. Para a composição em ácidos graxos, notou-se que a cultivar IAS-5 apresentou o maior teor de insaturados, 87,45%, enquanto que a Davis, o menor, 83,93%. A cultivar EMBRAPA-4 apresentou um teor de ácido oléico maior e de linoléico e linolênico bem menores que as demais cultivares estudadas, 39,93%, 42,46% e 4,64%, respectivamente. Os demais ácidos graxos estão de acordo com os valores encontrados na literatura no tocante a óleo de soja. Todas as cultivares estudadas apresentaram excelente balanço em aminoácidos essenciais (AAE). Os teores de cada AAE foram superiores aos da proteína padrão estabelecido pela FAO/WHO, com valor total de AAE variando de 39,5 a 45,0 g/100 g de proteína.
El presente trabajo, continuando la línea investigadora acerca de las nociones derazón, conciencia y subjetividad en Descartes, tal como se ha defendido en otros artículos ya publicados, aporta un nuevo argumento a una línea de trabajo previamente iniciada, poniendo de relieve que el problema gnoseológico del error viene condicionado por la misma noción cartesiana de racionalidad, y que ésta dista mucho de lo que tradicionalmente se ha entendido como una racionalidad abstracta y formal, libre de los imperativos humanos. Por otro lado, y a la inversa, también se intenta mostrar como el hecho del error contribuye, cartesianamente hablando, a definir un modelo de racionalidad profundamentehumanizada. El artículo, tras una introducción, se propone analizar las relaciones entre los conceptos básicos de racionalidad, dogma, y naturaleza, lo que permitirá a continuación dejar constancia de la copertenencia entre racionalidad y error, para acabar viendo como la libertad humana es la vez, y para ambos, su fundamento último.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Steatosis is a prominent feature of hepatitis C, especially in patients infected with genotype 3. The analysis of genetic polymorphisms influencing steatosis in chronic hepatitis C has been limited by the studies' small sample size, and important single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), such as those in the patatin-like phospholipase family 3 protein (PNPLA3), were never evaluated. METHODS: We analyzed the role of SNPs, from 19 systematically selected candidate genes, on steatosis in 626 Caucasian hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients. SNPs were extracted from a genome-wide association-generated dataset. Associations of alleles with the presence and/or different severity of steatosis were evaluated by univariate and multivariate logistic regression, accounting for all relevant covariates. RESULTS: The risk of steatosis was increased by carriage of I148M in PNPLA3, but only in patients with HCV genotypes non-3 (odds ratio [OR]=1.9, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.6-2.3, p<0.001) and similar, albeit weaker associations were found for SNPs in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARG) and interleukin-28B (IL28B). Carriage of a SNP in the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) increased the risk of steatosis, but only in patients with HCV genotype 3 (rs1800803, OR=3.4, 95% CI=2.4-4.9, p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The rs738409 SNP in PNPLA3 is associated with an increased risk of steatosis in patients infected with HCV genotypes non-3. Host genes affect steatosis depending on the infecting HCV genotype, suggesting their interaction with viral factors.
En este articulo se estudia La motivaci6n humana, definiendo las caracteristicas basicas de la misma. A continuación, se presentan los principales modelos que interpretan los fenómenos motivacionales humanos dentro de una Linea interpretativa intencionisld. Después dc un analisis de la teoria de ALkinson, como principal representante de dicha corriente, se plantea la hipótesis de una teoria bi-dimensional de la motivación