824 resultados para Heather Honey


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Recentemente, vari ricercatori si sono concentrati sulle proprietà funzionali dei muscoli, sulla meccanica e sulla cinematica legata al volo, ma senza la possibilità di consultare un’adeguata letteratura poiché assente o incompleta. Si è quindi ritenuto utile studiare la miologia della regione della spalla e del braccio di specie non in precedenza esaminate e che mostrassero differenti stili di volo, al fine di creare una base di informazioni per futuri studi funzionali. Tutte le specie prese in esame sono membri della famiglia degli Accipitridae e nello specifico si sono selezionati: il Falco pecchiaiolo (Pernis apivorus Linnaeus, 1758), l’Astore comune (Accipiter gentilis Linnaeus, 1758) e lo Sparviero eurasiatico (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). Questi animali attuano stili di volo differenti e sono stati pertanto scelti per capire se diverse performance di volo potessero indurre una differenziazione dell’apparato muscolare. La comparazione dei dati raccolti durante questo studio con quelli presenti in letteratura in altre specie aviarie ha evidenziato che, mentre alcuni muscoli non sembrano andare incontro a grandi modificazioni nei rapaci, altri invece presentano una grande eterogeneità. In particolare, grazie alle caratteristiche dei diversi muscoli, si è potuto raggruppare questi ultimi in base a possibili funzioni comuni: a) muscoli che concorrono a stabilizzare l’ala rispetto al tronco e che assorbono le forze generate durante il volo; b) muscoli con possibile ruolo nel controllo della rotazione dell’omero; c) muscoli con possibile funzione propriocettiva. Il presente studio ha inoltre evidenziato, nei muscoli esaminati, alcune similitudini e molteplici peculiarità anatomiche non precedentemente segnalate in letteratura. Si ritiene che questo studio macroscopico possa rappresentare un punto di partenza per futuri studi microscopici o elettrofisiologici, a dimostrazione dell’importanza della dissezione quale primo strumento di indagine.


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Die westliche Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) ist von großer ökologischer und ökonomischer Bedeutung. Seit Jahren zeichnen sich in Nordamerika sowie in manchen Teilen Europas rückläufige Bienenvölkerzahlen und eine abnehmende Artenvielfalt innerhalb der Bienenfamilie ab. Mittlerweile ist von einer globalen Bestäuberkrise die Rede und es wird verstärkt nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, um dieser Krise entgegenzuwirken. Eine Konservierung von Bienenspermien in flüssigem Stickstoff ohne Fruchtbarkeitsreduzierung würde die Bienenzucht revolutionieren und stark beschleunigen, da räumliche und zeitliche Restriktionen bei der Wahl des Bienenspermas wegfielen. Zudem wäre eine Möglichkeit zur Sicherung der genetischen Diversität geschaffen. Im Rahmen des hier vorgestellten Projektes wurde eine solche Methode erarbeitet. In umfangreichen Abkühl- und Einfrierversuchen konnte eine neue Konservierungstechnik entwickelt werden, bei der das Kryoprotektivum mittels Dialyse dem Bienensperma zugesetzt wird. Dieses Verfahren erhält die native Spermaform, in der die Spermien parallel und inaktiv in dicht gepackten Clustern vorliegen, und erzielt bisher unerreichte Besamungserfolge. So konnten durchschnittlich 1,25 Mio. Spermien in den Spermatheken besamter Königinnen gezählt werden und davon waren ungefähr 90% motil. Besonders vielversprechend ist jedoch, dass 79,4% der Brut weiblich waren. Ein so hoher Anteil weiblicher Brut konnte bislang nicht erreicht werden und wäre für züchterische Zwecke ausreichend.


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Ziel der Dissertation war es, eine Gesamtbetrachtung der altägyptischen Bienenhaltung zu geben, die Bedeutung der Biene herauszuarbeiten und den Gebrauch des Honigs im alten Ägypten vorzustellen. Darüber hinaus wurde die Herkunft und Zusammensetzung des Honigs untersucht sowie ein Vergleich mit der Bienenhaltung in den Nachbarländern gezogen. rnrnDie Biene ist mehrfach als Symbol oder Dekorationselement vorzufinden. Bereits am Ende des Alten Reiches, einem Zeitpunkt, als sich die Domestikation der Bienen nachweisen läßt, treten Figurenzylinder, Stempelsiegel-Amulette und Amulettanhänger mit dem Bildnis der Biene auf. Auf diesen Zeugnissen repräsentierte sie Schutz, Fruchtbarkeit, Regeneration und Todesüberwindung. Diesen Eigenschaften lagen wahrscheinlich die Beobachtungen der verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Honigbiene vom Ei über die mumienartige Larve bis zur Imago sowie ihre intensive Brutpflege zugrunde. rnrnÜber den Arbeitsablauf und die Organisation des Imkereibetriebes gaben vor allem die Topfaufschriften deutliche Hinweise. Für die Produktion des Honigs waren Imker verantwortlich, die sowohl im Staats- als auch im Tempeldienst stehen konnten. Sie waren in die Struktur der Warenschatzhäuser eingebunden. Meines Erachtens war die Imkerei stärker verbreitet als es die wenigen Quellen erahnen lassen. Denn allein für den Tempelkult wurden große Honigmengen benötigt. Neben den offiziellen Imkern des Königs und der Göttertempel muß es deshalb auch eine private Bienenhaltung gegeben haben. Wahrscheinlich betrieben mehrere Berufsgruppen aus dem Bereich der Landwirtschaft sowie Beamte und Schreiber, die über Land verfügten, eine eigene Honigproduktion. Dies ist aus den Angaben der Steuereinnahmen zu schließen, unter denen sich Produkte der Bienenwirtschaft befanden. rnrnDa aus dem pharaonischen Ägypten keine Berichte über den Ablauf der Bienenhaltung überliefert sind und archäologisch bislang keine Bienenstände in situ belegt sind, wurden vor allem die Beschreibungen griechischer und römischer Autoren sowie der Fund des Bienenhauses aus Tel Rehov in Israel als Vergleichsmaterial herangezogen.rnrnHonig war im pharaonischen Ägypten ein wertvoller Süßstoff, deshalb war die Biene auch in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht wichtig und ihre ab der 5. Dynastie bildlich nachweisbare Domestikation führte zu höheren Honigerträgen. Honig war neben Fruchtsirup aus Datteln, Feigen oder Johannisbrotfrucht der einzige Süßstoff, da Zuckerrohr und Rübenzucker noch nicht bekannt waren. rnVerschiedene Honigsorten und -begriffe sind nachweißbar. Während bj.t allgemein den Honig bezeichnet, ist mit sn-bj.t Wabenhonig gemeint. Hinzu kommen verschiedene Adjektive, die die Honigsorte näher bestimmen. So wird roter (dSr.t), weißer (HD.t), flüssiger (stf), fester (gmgm), guter (nfr.t) und alter (is.t) unterschieden. rnAls Heilmittel findet Honig in zahlreichen medizinischen Rezepten Verwendung. In dieser Arbeit werden Augenkrankheiten und Fleischwunden näher behandelt. Eine große Rolle kam dem Honig im Götterkult zu. Die zahlreichen Opferstiftungen und Festkalender lassen auf eine üppige Verwendung sowohl im täglichen Tempelritual als auch bei Festen schließen. Durch das Opfern von Honig wollte der König seine Herrschaft über Ägypten sowie die Fruchtbarkeit des Landes sichern. rn


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The transmission of honeybee pathogens by free-flying pests, such as small hive beetles (=SHB), would be independent of bees and beekeepers and thereby constitute a new challenge for pathogen control measures. Here we show that larval and adult SHB become contaminated with Paenibacillus larvae spores when exposed to honeybee brood combs with clinical American foulbrood (=AFB) symptoms in the laboratory. This contamination persists in pupae and newly emerged adults. After exposure to contaminated adult SHB, honeybee field colonies showed higher numbers of P. larvae spores in worker and honey samples after five weeks. Despite these results, the rather low number of P. larvae spores on adult SHB suggests that clinical AFB outbreaks are not likely. However, even small spore numbers can be sufficient to spread P. larvae. Therefore, our data clearly show that SHB are vectors of P. larvae. We suggest considering the role of SHB in AFB control in areas where both pests are established.


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Over the past 7 years, the enediyne anticancer antibiotics have been widely studied due to their DNA cleaving ability. The focus of these antibiotics, represented by kedarcidin chromophore, neocarzinostatin chromophore, calicheamicin, esperamicin A, and dynemicin A, is on the enediyne moiety contained within each of these antibiotics. In its inactive form, the moiety is benign to its environment. Upon suitable activation, the system undergoes a Bergman cycloaromatization proceeding through a 1,4-dehydrobenzene diradical intermediate. It is this diradical intermediate that is thought to cleave double-stranded dna through hydrogen atom abstraction. Semiempirical, semiempiricalci, Hartree–Fock ab initio, and mp2 electron correlation methods have been used to investigate the inactive hex-3-ene-1,5-diyne reactant, the 1,4-dehydrobenzene diradical, and a transition state structure of the Bergman reaction. Geometries calculated with different basis sets and by semiempirical methods have been used for single-point calculations using electron correlation methods. These results are compared with the best experimental and theoretical results reported in the literature. Implications of these results for computational studies of the enediyne anticancer antibiotics are discussed.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Tamoxifen is the preferred drug for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treatment, yet many of these cancers are intrinsically resistant to tamoxifen or acquire resistance during treatment. Therefore, scientists are searching for breast cancer drugs that have different molecular targets. Previous work revealed that 8-mer and cyclic 9-mer peptides inhibit breast cancer in mouse and rat model systems, interacting with an unknown receptor, while peptides smaller than eight amino acids did not inhibit breast cancer. We have shown that the use of replica exchange molecular dynamics predicts structure and dynamics of active peptides, leading to the discovery of smaller peptides with full biological activity. These simulations identified smaller peptide analogs with a conserved turn, a β-turn formed in the larger peptides. These analogs inhibit estrogen-dependent cell growth in a mouse uterine growth assay, a test showing reliable correlation with human breast cancer inhibition. We outline the computational methods that were tried and used with the experimental information that led to the successful completion of this research.


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Dielectric heating has been successfully used in the preparation of a range of arylgold compounds. The approach is tolerant of a number of functional groups and rapidly generates the organometallic complexes in moderate to excellent yields.


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Using an epistemological and feminist lens, this thesis analyzes the political and social forces that actively construct both knowledge and ignorance around female sexual pleasure. It draws from interviews and a focus group, all conducted at Bucknell Unviersity to explore the journeys that women take to gain knowledge about sexual pleasure, and how the sources and cultural mores that women in the twenty-first century rely on or go up against in order to gain such knowledge are often limited, unauthorized or phallocentric. This aids in the construction and perpetuation of ignorance. This thesis looks at how women feel shame or enact self-censorship, regardless of their assertion of knowledge concerning their sexual appetites, which results in consequential ambivalence. For this reason, it concludes that more informed and educational conversations between peers, parents and partners need to take place. These conversations will help to ignite change and to raise awareness about the knowledge and ignorance surrounding female sexual pleasure, which would allow for more pleasurable experiences to take place generally and with a brief over view on Bucknell's campus specifically.


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Active participation is as essential a skill to children with autism as it is for children without autism, as children are expected to engage in these skills both in and outside the classroom. Without participation skills, children are at a disadvantage when it comes to school and other settings, such as extracurricular activities and the workforce. Recent research has shown that there are interventions available that aim to improve the social skills of children in the home and in the school. These interventions can be delivered in varying forms with the primary caregiver as the interventionist, the specialist as the interventionist, and naturalistic interventions. The purpose of this study was to investigate one of the naturalistic interventions, the Competent Learner Model, and determine its effects on the participation and social skills of students with autism. Three middle school male students diagnosed with autism from a rural northeast middle school participated in the study. They were assessed using the Competent Learner Repertoire Assessments of the Competent Learner Model and the adaptive measures of the Vineland-II and ABAS-II. The results showed improvement for one of the three students and little to no improvement for the other two students.


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ABSTRACT FOR PART I: PHOSPHA-MICHAEL ADDITIONS TO ACTIVATED INTERNAL ALKENES: STERIC AND ELECTRONIC EFFECTS A method for the phospha-Michael addition of bis(4-methyl)phenyl phosphine oxide to activated internal alkenes has been developed. Michael acceptors including cinnamates, crotonates, chalcones, and internal alkenes containing multiple activating groups were all successfully utilized in this reaction. The reaction was fairly tolerant of electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents on the Michael acceptor, and moderate to excellent yields (49-96%) of the adducts were isolated. When steric bulk was increased by a second substituent on the -position of the Michael-acceptor the reaction was suppressed. This was usually overcome by adding a second activating substituent to the -position. ABSTRACT FOR PART II: MICROWAVE-ASSISTED ARYLGOLD BOND FORMATION A microwave-assisted method was developed for the formation of arylgold complexes containing (2-Biphenyl)di-tert-butylphosphine (JohnPhos) as the supporting phosphine ligand. Arylboronic acids with increasingly bulky aromatic groups were screened to determine the steric limitations of the reaction. Arylgold complexes (JohnPhos)Au(p-methoxyphenyl), (JohnPhos)Au(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl), and (JohnPhos)Au(4-bromo-10-anthracene) were all synthesized by microwave irradiation at 70ºC in the presence of Cs2CO3 in either THF or iPrOH. Reactions performed with arylboronic acids containing unhindered ortho positions were carried out in THF. Arylboronic acids with substituents on the ortho position required iPrOH as the reaction solvent. Arylboronic acids with extreme steric hindrance on the ortho position of the aryl substituent, 2,4,6-triisopropylpphenylboronic acid, were unreactive. It was determined that increasing the irradiation temperature increased the formation of side products, therefore to promote conversion to the arylgold complex the duration of the reaction time was increased while maintaining a temperature of 70ºC. Arylgold complexes (JohnPhos)Au(p-methoxyphenyl), (JohnPhos)Au(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl), and (JohnPhos)Au(4-bromo-10-anthracene) were synthesized with moderate yields (40-69%).


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Abstract Background. In 2011, Alabama, neither a border state nor hold a significantly large Hispanic population, passed the most restrictive state immigration law, The Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, HB 56. This omnibus law was far-reaching in its restrictions, including, but not limited to, identification, public services, employment, housing, and law enforcement. Objectives. This research explores the dominant tropes present in the narrative surrounding the anti-immigration legislative activity in Alabama that created fertile ground for the passage of such a punitive immigration law. Methods. Newspaper articles from 2007 to 2011 in Alabama¿s Birmingham News and Press-Register, the two most circulated newspapers in the state, were attained from NewsLibrary.com, an online database of 5,311 newspapers and other news sources. Results. Seven dominant tropes were identified in the articles that pushed for anti-immigration policies. These tropes claimed (1) the US-Mexico border is not secure, (2) the federal government has failed to enact comprehensive immigration reform, (3) immigrants steal jobs, hurt the economy, and (4) burden public services, (5) immigrants are criminals and terrorists, (6) they refuse to assimilate and learn English, and (7) there has been a dramatic percent change in the Hispanic and illegal populations. These tropes cumulatively worked together to create anti-immigration sentiment that pushed for the passage of HB 56.


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Diagnostic tests in patients with Hymenoptera venom allergy are frequently positive to venoms of both honey bee and wasp (Vespula). Component-resolved analysis with recombinant species-specific major allergens (rSSMA) may help to distinguish true double sensitization from crossreactivity.