1000 resultados para Heat shielding


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Este documento descreve o modelo molecular da proteína XF2234 e a análise preliminar da sua estrutura. O modelo foi construído por modelagem por homologia (ou modelagem comparativa) com a estrutura cristalográfica de uma proteína small heat shock de Triticum aestivum (trigo). A análise da estrutura tridimensional da proteína XF2234 tem o objetivo de contribuir para aumentar o conhecimento sobre o papel biológico das smHSPs, necessário para o combate à CVC.


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Molar heat capacities of ( S)-ibuprofen were precisely measured with a small sample precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 80 to 370 K. Experimental heat capacities were fitted into a polynomial equation of heat capacities ( C-p,C- m) with reduced temperature ( X), [ X = f(T)]. The polynomial equations for ( S)-ibuprofen were C-p,C- m(s) = - 39.483 X-4 - 66. 649 X-3 + 95. 196 X-2 + 210. 84 X + 172. 98 in solid state and C-p,C- m(L) = 7. 191X(3) + 4. 2774 X-2 + 56. 365 X + 498. 5 in liquid state. The thermodynamic functions relative to the reference temperature of 298. 15 K, H-T - H-298.15 and S-T - S-298.15, were derived for the( S)-ibuprofen. A fusion transition at T-m = (324. 15 +/- 0. 02) K was found from the C-p - T curve. The molar enthalpy and entropy of the fusion transition were determined to be (18. 05 +/- 0. 31) kJ.mol(-1) and (55. 71 +/- 0. 95) J.mol(-1).K-1, respectively. The purity of the ( S)-ibuprofen was determined to be 99. 44% on the basis of the heat capacity measurement. Finally, the heat capacities of ( S)-ibuprofen and racemic ibuprofen were compared.


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The molar heat capacities of 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole (molecular formula C8H6ClNS2, CA registry no. 28908-00-1) were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range between (80 and 350) K. The construction and procedures of the calorimeter were described in detail. The performance of the calorimetric apparatus was evaluated by heat capacity measurements on alpha-Al2O3. The deviation of experiment heat capacities from the corresponding smoothed values lies within 0.3%, whereas the uncertainty is within +/-0.5%, compared with that of the recommended reference data over the whole experimental temperature range. A fusion transition was found from the C-p-T curve of 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole. The melting temperature and the molar enthalpy and entropy of fusion of the compound were determined to be T-m = (315.11 +/- 0.04) K, Delta(fus)H(m) = (17.02 +/- 0.03) kJ(.)mol(-1), and Delta(fus)S(m) = (54.04 +/- 0.05) J(.)mol(-1.)K(-1), respectively. The thermodynamic functions (H-T - H-298.15) and (S-T - S-298.15) were also derived from the heat capacity data. The molar fraction purity of the 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole sample used in the present calorimetric study was determined to be 99.21 by fraction melting.


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Molar heat capacities of n-butanol and the azeotropic mixture in the binary system [water (x=0.716) plus n-butanol (x=0.284)] were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter in a temperature range from 78 to 320 K. The functions of the heat capacity with respect to thermodynamic temperature were established for the azeotropic mixture. A glass transition was observed at (111.9 +/- 1.1) K. The phase transitions took place at (179.26 +/- 0.77) and (269.69 +/- 0.14) K corresponding to the solid-liquid phase transitions of. n-butanol and water, respectively. The phase-transition enthalpy and entropy of water were calculated. A thermodynamic function of excess molar heat capacity with respect to temperature was established, which took account of physical mixing, destructions of self-association and cross-association for n-butanol and water, respectively. The thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic ones of the binary systems relative to 298.15 K were derived based on the relationships of the thermodynamic functions and the function of the measured heat capacity and the calculated excess heat capacity with respect to temperature.


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The low-temperature heat capacities of myclobutanil (C15H17CIN4) were precisely measured with an automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 78 to 368 K. The sample was observed to melt at (348.800 +/- 0.06) K. The molar enthalpy and entropy of the melting as well as the chemical purity of the substance were determined to be Delta(fus)H(m) = (30931 +/- 11) J.mol(-1), Delta(fus)S(m) = (88.47 +/- 0.02) J.mol(-1).K-1 and 99.41%, respectively. Further research of the melting process for this compound was carried out by means of DSC technique. The result was in agreement with that obtained from the measurements of heat capacities.


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Fenoxycarb was synthesized and its heat capacities were precisely measured with an automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 79 to 360 K. The sample was observed to melt at (326.31 +/- 0.14) K. The molar enthalpy and entropy of fusion as well as the chemical purity of the compound were determined to be (26.98 +/- 0.04) kJ-mol(-1), (82.69 +/- 0.09) J-K-1-mol(-1) and 99.53% +/- 0.01%, respectively. The thermodynamic functions relative to the reference temperature (298.15 K) were calculated based on the heat capacity measurements in the temperature range between 80 and 360 K. The extrapolated melting temperature for the absolutely pure compound obtained from fractional melting experiments was (326.62 +/- 0.06) K. Further research on the melting process of this compound was carried out by means of differential scanning calorimetry technique. The result was in agreement with that obtained from the measurements of heat capacities.


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Essery, RLH, RJ Granger and JW Pomeroy, 2006. Boundary layer growth and advection of heat over snow and soil patches: Modelling and parametrization. Hydrological Processes, 20, 953 - 967.


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For high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to continue to gain acceptance for cancer treatment it is necessary to understand how the applied ultrasound interacts with gas trapped in the tissue. The presence of bubbles in the target location have been thought to be responsible for shielding the incoming pressure and increasing local heat deposition due to the bubble dynamics. We lack adequate tools for monitoring the cavitation process, due to both limited visualization methods and understanding of the underlying physics. The goal of this project was to elucidate the role of inertial cavitation in HIFU exposures in the hope of applying noise diagnostics to monitor cavitation activity and control HIFU-induced cavitation in a beneficial manner. A number of approaches were taken to understand the relationship between inertial cavitation signals, bubble heating, and bubble shielding in agar-graphite tissue phantoms. Passive cavitation detection (PCD) techniques were employed to detect inertial bubble collapses while the temperature was monitored with an embedded thermocouple. Results indicate that the broadband noise amplitude is correlated to bubble-enhanced heating. Monitoring inertial cavitation at multiple positions throughout the focal region demonstrated that bubble activity increased prefocally as it diminished near the focus. Lowering the HIFU duty cycle had the effect of maintaining a more or less constant cavitation signal, suggesting the shielding effect diminished when the bubbles had a chance to dissolve during the HIFU off-time. Modeling the effect of increasing the ambient temperature showed that bubbles do not collapse as violently at higher temperatures due to increased vapor pressure inside the bubble. Our conclusion is that inertial cavitation heating is less effective at higher temperatures and bubble shielding is involved in shifting energy deposition at the focus. The use of a diagnostic ultrasound imaging system as a PCD array was explored. Filtering out the scattered harmonics from the received RF signals resulted in a spatially- resolved inertial cavitation signal, while the amplitude of the harmonics showed a correlation with temperatures approaching the onset of boiling. The result is a new tool for detecting a broader spectrum of bubble activity and thus enhancing HIFU treatment visualization and feedback.


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Using a classic grounded theory methodology (CGT), this study explores the phenomenon of moral shielding within mental health multidisciplinary teams (MDTS). The study was located within three catchment areas engaged in acute mental health service practice. The main concern identified was the maintenance of a sense of personal integrity during situational binds. Through theoretical sampling thirty two practitioners, including; doctors, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, counsellors and psychologists, where interviewed face to face. In addition, emergent concepts were identified through observation of MDTs in clinical and research practice. Following a classic grounded theory methodology, data collection and analysis occurred simultaneously. A constant comparative approach was adopted and resulted in the immergence of three sub- core categories; moral abdication, moral hinting and pseudo-compliance. Moral abdication seeks to re-position within an event in order to avoid or deflect the initial obligation to act, it is a strategy used to remove or reduce moral ownership. Moral gauging represents the monitoring of an event with the goal of judging the congruence of personal principles and commitments with that of other practitioners. This strategy is enacted in a bid to seek allies for the support of a given moral position. Pseudo-compliance represents behaviour that hides desired principles and commitments in order to shield them from challenge. This strategy portrays agreement with the dominant position within the MDT, whilst holding a contrary position. It seeks to preserve a reservoir of emotional energy required to maintain a sense of personal integrity. Practitioners who were successful in enacting moral shielding were found to not experience significant emotional distress associated with the phenomenon of moral distress; suggesting that these practitioners had found mechanisms to manage situational binds that threatened their sense of personal integrity.


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Absorption heat transformers are thermodynamic systems which are capable of recycling industrial waste heat energy by increasing its temperature. Triple stage heat transformers (TAHTs) can increase the temperature of this waste heat by up to approximately 145˚C. The principle factors influencing the thermodynamic performance of a TAHT and general points of operating optima were identified using a multivariate statistical analysis, prior to using heat exchange network modelling techniques to dissect the design of the TAHT and systematically reassemble it in order to minimise internal exergy destruction within the unit. This enabled first and second law efficiency improvements of up to 18.8% and 31.5% respectively to be achieved compared to conventional TAHT designs. The economic feasibility of such a thermodynamically optimised cycle was investigated by applying it to an oil refinery in Ireland, demonstrating that in general the capital cost of a TAHT makes it difficult to achieve acceptable rates of return. Decreasing the TAHT's capital cost may be achieved by redesigning its individual pieces of equipment and reducing their size. The potential benefits of using a bubble column absorber were therefore investigated in this thesis. An experimental bubble column was constructed and used to track the collapse of steam bubbles being absorbed into a hotter lithium bromide salt solution. Extremely high mass transfer coefficients of approximately 0.0012m/s were observed, showing significant improvements over previously investigated absorbers. Two separate models were developed, namely a combined heat and mass transfer model describing the rate of collapse of the bubbles, and a stochastic model describing the hydrodynamic motion of the collapsing vapour bubbles taking into consideration random fluctuations observed in the experimental data. Both models showed good agreement with the collected data, and demonstrated that the difference between the solution's temperature and its boiling temperature is the primary factor influencing the absorber's performance.


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BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Predictive biological markers (BM) of responsiveness to therapy need to be identified. Evaluation of BM is mainly done at the primary site. However, in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer, the main goal is control of micrometastases. It is still unknown whether heterogeneity in the expression of BM between the primary site and its micrometastases exists. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of some BM with potential predictive value from the primary breast cancer site and metastatic ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Focality (percentage of positive cells) and intensity staining scores were evaluated for each marker. Freshly cut sections (4 microm) from embedded blocks of breast cancer fixed in formalin or bouin were put onto superfrost slides (Menzel-Gläser). Protein expression was evaluated immunohistochemically (IHC) using monoclonal antibodies against: topo II-alpha (clone KiS1, 1 microg/ml, Roche) with a trypsine pre-treatment (P); HSP27 (clone G3.1, 1/60, Biogenex), HSP70 (clone BRM.22, 1/80, Biogenex) and HER2 (clone CB11, 1/40, Novocastra; without P); p53 (clone D07, 1/750, Dako) and bcl-2 (clone 124, 1/60, Dako) with citrate buffer as P. RESULTS: Overall, the percentage of discordant marker status in the primary tumour and its metastatic lymph nodes was 2% for HER2, 6% for p53, 15% for bcl-2, 19% for topoisomerase II-alpha, 24% for HSP27 and 30% for HSP70. For the subgroup of patients with positive BM in the primary tumour, the percentage of discordance was 6% for HER2, 7% for p53, 14% for bcl-2, 19% for HSP70, 21% for topoisomerase II-alpha and 36% for HSP27. For the subgroup of patients with positive BM in the lymph nodes, the percentage of discordance was 9% for bcl-2, 15% for HER2 and p53, 21% for topoisomerase II-alpha, 22% for HSP27 and 25% for HSP70. CONCLUSIONS: 1) No biological marker had 100% concordant results. 2) Although some discordant cases might be explained by the limitations of the IHC technique, future studies aiming to evaluate the predictive value of BM in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer should take into account a possible difference in BM expression between the primary and the metastatic sites.


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Neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington disease are devastating disorders with no therapeutic approaches to ameliorate the underlying protein misfolding defect inherent to poly-glutamine (polyQ) proteins. Given the mounting evidence that elevated levels of protein chaperones suppress polyQ protein misfolding, the master regulator of protein chaperone gene transcription, HSF1, is an attractive target for small molecule intervention. We describe a humanized yeast-based high-throughput screen to identify small molecule activators of human HSF1. This screen is insensitive to previously characterized activators of the heat shock response that have undesirable proteotoxic activity or that inhibit Hsp90, the central chaperone for cellular signaling and proliferation. A molecule identified in this screen, HSF1A, is structurally distinct from other characterized small molecule human HSF1 activators, activates HSF1 in mammalian and fly cells, elevates protein chaperone expression, ameliorates protein misfolding and cell death in polyQ-expressing neuronal precursor cells and protects against cytotoxicity in a fly model of polyQ-mediated neurodegeneration. In addition, we show that HSF1A interacts with components of the TRiC/CCT complex, suggesting a potentially novel regulatory role for this complex in modulating HSF1 activity. These studies describe a novel approach for the identification of new classes of pharmacological interventions for protein misfolding that underlies devastating neurodegenerative disease.