931 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY


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To identify potential signaling molecules involved in mediating insulin-induced biological responses, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed with the cytoplasmic domain of the human insulin receptor (IR) as bait to trap high-affinity interacting proteins encoded by human liver or HeLa cDNA libraries. A SH2-domain-containing protein was identified that binds with high affinity in vitro to the autophosphorylated IR. The mRNA for this protein was found by Northern blot analyses to be highest in skeletal muscle and was also detected in fat by PCR. To study the role of this protein in insulin signaling, a full-length cDNA encoding this protein (called Grb-IR) was isolated and stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing the human IR. Insulin treatment of these cells resulted in the in situ formation of a complex of the IR and the 60-kDa Grb-IR. Although almost 75% of the Grb-IR protein was bound to the IR, it was only weakly tyrosine-phosphorylated. The formation of this complex appeared to inhibit the insulin-induced increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of two endogenous substrates, a 60-kDa GTPase-activating-protein-associated protein and, to a lesser extent, IR substrate 1. The subsequent association of this latter protein with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase also appeared to be inhibited. These findings raise the possibility that Grb-IR is a SH2-domain-containing protein that directly complexes with the IR and serves to inhibit signaling or redirect the IR signaling pathway.


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Small molecules that specifically bind with high affinity to any designated DNA sequence in the human genome would be useful tools in molecular biology and potentially in human medicine. Simple rules have been developed to rationally alter the sequence specificity of minor groove-binding polyamides containing N-methylimidazole and N-methylpyrrole amino acids. Crescent-shaped polyamides bind as antiparallel dimers with each polyamide making specific contacts with each strand on the floor of the minor groove. Cyclic polyamides have now been synthesized that bind designated DNA sequences at subnanomolar concentrations.


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Gene targeting was used to create mice with a null mutation of the gene encoding the common beta subunit (beta C) of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 3 (IL-3; multi-CSF), and interleukin 5 (IL-5) receptor complexes (beta C-/- mice). High-affinity binding of GM-CSF was abolished in beta C-/- bone marrow cells, while cells from heterozygous animals (beta C+/- mice) showed an intermediate number of high-affinity receptors. Binding of IL-3 was unaffected, confirming that the IL-3-specific beta chain remained intact. Eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood and bone marrow of beta C-/- animals were reduced, while other hematological parameters were normal. In clonal cultures of beta C-/- bone marrow cells, even high concentrations of GM-CSF and IL-5 failed to stimulate colony formation, but the cells exhibited normal quantitative responsiveness to stimulation by IL-3 and other growth factors. beta C-/- mice exhibited normal development and survived to young adult life, although they developed pulmonary peribronchovascular lymphoid infiltrates and areas resembling alveolar proteinosis. There was no detectable difference in the systemic clearance and distribution of GM-CSF between beta C-/- and wild-type littermates. The data establish that beta C is normally limiting for high-affinity binding of GM-CSF and demonstrate that systemic clearance of GM-CSF is not mediated via such high-affinity receptor complexes.


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The sensing of an odorant by an animal must be a rapid but transient process, requiring an instant response and also a speedy termination of the signal. Previous biochemical and electrophysiological studies suggest that one or more phosphodiesterases (PDEs) may play an essential role in the rapid termination of the odorant-induced cAMP signal. Here we report the molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of a cDNA from rat olfactory epithelium that encodes a member of the calmodulin-dependent PDE family designated as PDE1C. This enzyme shows high affinity for cAMP and cGMP, having a Km for cAMP much lower than that of any other neuronal Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent PDE. The mRNA encoding this enzyme is highly enriched in olfactory epithelium and is not detected in six other tissues tested. However, RNase protection analyses indicate that other alternative splice variants related to this enzyme are expressed in several other tissues. Within the olfactory epithelium, this enzyme appears to be expressed exclusively in the sensory neurons. The high affinity for cAMP of this Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent PDE and the fact that its mRNA is highly concentrated in olfactory sensory neurons suggest an important role for it in a Ca(2+)-regulated olfactory signal termination.


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A DNA-binding factor with high affinity and specificity for the [Leu5]enkephalin-encoding sequences in the prodynorphin and proenkephalin genes has been characterized. The factor has the highest affinity for the [Leu5]-enkephalin-encoding sequence in the dynorphin B-encoding region of the prodynorphin gene, has relatively high affinity for other [Leu5]enkephalin-encoding sequences in the prodynorphin and proenkephalin genes, but has no apparent affinity for similar DNA sequences coding for [Met5]-enkephalin in the prodynorphin or proopiomelanocortin genes. The factor has been named [Leu5]enkephalin-encoding sequence DNA-binding factor (LEF). LEF has a nuclear localization and is composed of three subunits of about 60, 70, and 95 kDa, respectively. The highest levels were observed in rat testis, cerebellum, and spleen and were generally higher in late embryonal compared to newborn or adult animals. LEF activity was also recorded in human clonal tumor cell lines. LEF inhibited the transcription of reporter genes in artificial gene constructs where a [Leu5]enkephalin-encoding DNA fragment had been inserted between the transcription initiation site and the coding region of the reporter genes. These observations suggest that the [Leu5]enkephalin-encoding sequences in the prodynorphin and proenkephalin genes also have regulatory functions realized through interaction with a specific DNA-binding factor.


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High-affinity folate receptors (FRs) are expressed at elevated levels on many human tumors. Bispecific antibodies that bind the FR and the T-cell receptor (TCR) mediate lysis of these tumor cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In this report, conjugates that consist of folate covalently linked to anti-TCR antibodies are shown to be potent in mediating lysis of tumor cells that express either the alpha or beta isoform of the FR. Intact antibodies with an average of five folate per molecule exhibited high affinity for FR+ tumor cells but did not bind to FR- tumor cells. Lysis of FR+ cell lines could be detected at concentrations as low as 1 pM (approximately 0.1 ng/ml), which was 1/1000th the concentration required to detect binding to the FR+ cells. Various FR+ mouse tumor cell lines could be targeted with each of three different anti-TCR antibodies that were tested as conjugates. The antibodies included 1B2, a clonotypic antibody specific for the cytotoxic T cell clone 2C; KJ16, an anti-V beta 8 antibody; and 2C11, an anti-CD3 antibody. These antibodies differ in affinities by up to 100-fold, yet the cytolytic capabilities of the folate/antibody conjugates differed by no more than 10-fold. The reduced size (in comparison with bispecific antibodies) and high affinity of folate conjugates suggest that they may be useful as immunotherapeutic agents in targeting tumors that express folate receptors.


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Receptor-G protein interaction is characterized by cycles of association and dissociation. We present evidence which indicates that during receptor-G protein interaction, the C-terminal tail of the G protein gamma subunit, which is masked in the beta gamma complex, is exposed and establishes high-affinity contact with the receptor. This potential conformational switch provides a mechanism to regulate receptor-G protein coupling. This switch may also be significant for the role of the beta gamma complex in regulation of effector function.


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Detergent-resistant plasma membrane structures, such as caveolae, have been implicated in signalling, transport, and vesicle trafficking functions. Using sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, we have isolated low-density, Triton X-100-insoluble membrane domains from RBL-2H3 mucosal mast cells that contain several markers common to caveolae, including a src-family tyrosine kinase, p53/56lyn. Aggregation of Fc epsilon RI, the high-affinity IgE receptor, causes a significant increase in the amount of p53/56lyn associated with these low-density membrane domains. Under our standard conditions for lysis, IgE-Fc epsilon RI fractionates with the majority of the solubilized proteins, whereas aggregated receptor complexes are found at a higher density in the gradient. Stimulated translocation of p53/56lyn is accompanied by increased tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in the low-density membrane domains as well as enhanced in vitro tyrosine kinase activity toward these proteins and an exogenous substrate. With a lower detergent-to-cell ratio during lysis, significant Fc epsilon RI remains associated with these membrane domains, consistent with the ability to coimmunoprecipitate tyrosine kinase activity with Fc epsilon RI under similar lysis conditions [Pribluda, V. S., Pribluda, C. & Metzger, H. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 11246-11250]. These results indicate that specialized membrane domains may be directly involved in the coupling of receptor aggregation to the activation of signaling events.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are essential components of cell signaling. In this study, we investigated the regulation of PKC-alpha in murine B16 amelanotic melanoma (B16a) cells by the monohydroxy fatty acids 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid [12(S)-HETE] and 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid [13(S)-HODE]. 12(S)-HETE induced a translocation of PKC-alpha to the plasma membrane and focal adhesion plaques, leading to enhanced adhesion of B16a cells to the matrix protein fibronectin. However, 13(S)-HODE inhibited these 12(S)-HETE effects on PKC-alpha. A receptor-mediated mechanism of action for 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE is supported by the following findings. First, 12(S)-HETE triggered a rapid increase in cellular levels of diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate in B16a cells. 13(S)-HODE blocked the 12(S)-HETE-induced bursts of both second messengers. Second, the 12(S)-HETE-increased adhesion of B16a cells to fibronectin was sensitive to inhibition by a phospholipase C inhibitor and pertussis toxin. Finally, a high-affinity binding site (Kd = 1 nM) for 12(S)-HETE was detected in B16a cells, and binding of 12(S)-HETE to B16a cells was effectively inhibited by 13(S)-HODE (IC50 = 4 nM). In summary, our data provide evidence that regulation of PKC-alpha by 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE may be through a guanine nucleotide-binding protein-linked receptor-mediated hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids.


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Three plant sulfate transporter cDNAs have been isolated by complementation of a yeast mutant with a cDNA library derived from the tropical forage legume Stylosanthes hamata. Two of these cDNAs, shst1 and shst2, encode high-affinity H+/sulfate cotransporters that mediate the uptake of sulfate by plant roots from low concentrations of sulfate in the soil solution. The third, shst3, represents a different subtype encoding a lower affinity H+/sulfate cotransporter, which may be involved in the internal transport of sulfate between cellular or subcellular compartments within the plant. The steady-state level of mRNA corresponding to both subtypes is subject to regulation by signals that ultimately respond to the external sulfate supply. These cDNAs represent the identification of plant members of a family of related sulfate transporter proteins whose sequences exhibit significant amino acid conservation in filamentous fungi, yeast, plants, and mammals.


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Protein-protein interactions allow the retinoid X receptor (RXR) to bind to cognate DNA as a homo- or a heterodimer and to participate in mediating the effects of a variety of hormones on gene transcription. Here we report a systematic study of the oligomeric state of RXR in the absence of a DNA template. We have used electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and chemical crosslinking to show that in solution, RXR alpha forms homodimers as well as homotetramers. The dissociation constants governing dimer and tetramer formation were estimated by fluorescence anisotropy studies. The results indicate that RXR tetramers are formed with a high affinity and that at protein concentrations higher than about 70 nM, tetramers will constitute the predominant species. Tetramer formation may provide an additional level of the regulation of gene transcription mediated by RXRs.


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A G protein-coupled receptor for the pineal hormone melatonin was recently cloned from mammals and designated the Mel1a melatonin receptor. We now report the cloning of a second G protein-coupled melatonin receptor from humans and designate it the Mel1b melatonin receptor. The Mel1b receptor cDNA encodes a protein of 362 amino acids that is 60% identical at the amino acid level to the human Mel1a receptor. Transient expression of the Mel1b receptor in COS-1 cells results in high-affinity 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding (Kd = 160 +/- 30 pM). In addition, the rank order of inhibition of specific 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding by eight ligands is similar to that exhibited by the Mel1a melatonin receptor. Functional studies of NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing the Mel1b melatonin receptor indicate that it is coupled to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Comparative reverse transcription PCR shows that the Mel1b melatonin receptor is expressed in retina and, to a lesser extent, brain. PCR analysis of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids maps the Mel1b receptor gene (MTNR1B) to human chromosome 11q21-22. The Mel1b melatonin receptor may mediate the reported actions of melatonin in retina and participate in some of the neurobiological effects of melatonin in mammals.


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The WW domain has previously been described as a motif of 38 semiconserved residues found in seemingly unrelated proteins, such as dystrophin, Yes-associated protein (YAP), and two transcriptional regulators, Rsp-5 and FE65. The molecular function of the WW domain has been unknown until this time. Using a functional screen of a cDNA expression library, we have identified two putative ligands of the WW domain of YAP, which we named WBP-1 and WBP-2. Peptide sequence comparison between the two partial clones revealed a homologous region consisting of a proline-rich domain followed by a tyrosine residue (with the shared sequence PPPPY), which we shall call the PY motif. Binding assays and site-specific mutagenesis have shown that the PY motif binds with relatively high affinity and specificity to the WW domain of YAP, with the preliminary consensus XPPXY being critical for binding. Herein, we have implicated the WW domain with a role in mediating protein-protein interactions, as a variant of the paradigm set by Src homology 3 domains and their proline-rich ligands.


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Increases in plasma cholesterol are associated with progressive increases in the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In humans plasma cholesterol is contained primarily in apolipoprotein B-based low density lipoprotein (LDL). Cells stop making the high-affinity receptor responsible for LDL removal as they become cholesterol replete; this slows removal of LDL from plasma and elevates plasma LDL. As a result of this delayed uptake, hypercholesterolemic individuals not only have more LDL but have significantly older LDL. Oxidative modification of LDL enhances their atherogenicity. This study sought to determine whether increased time spent in circulation, or aging, by lipoprotein particles altered their susceptibility to oxidative modification. Controlled synchronous production of distinctive apolipoprotein B lipoproteins (yolk-specific very low density lipoproteins; VLDLy) with a single estrogen injection into young turkeys was used to model LDL aging in vivo. VLDLy remained in circulation for at least 10 days. Susceptibility to oxidation in vitro was highly dependent on lipoprotein age in vivo. Oxidation, measured as hexanal release from n-6 fatty acids in VLDLy, increased from 13.3 +/- 5.5 nmol of 2-day-old VLDLy per ml, to 108 +/- 17 nmol of 7-day-old VLDLy per ml. Oxidative instability was not due to tocopherol depletion or conversion to a more unsaturated fatty acid composition. These findings establish mathematically describable linkages between the variables of LDL concentration and LDL oxidation. The proposed mathematical models suggest a unified investigative approach to determine the mechanisms for acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk as plasma cholesterol rises.


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Electron microscopic visualization indicates that the transcription activator NRI (NTRC) binds with exceptional selectivity and efficiency to a sequence-induced superhelical (spiral) segment inserted upstream of the glnA promoter, accounting for its observed ability to substitute for the natural glnA enhancer. The cooperative binding of NRI to the spiral insert leads to protein oligomerization which, at higher concentration, promotes selective coating of the entire superhelical segment with protein. Localization of NRI at apical loops is observed with negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA. With a linear plasmid, bending of DNA is observed. We confirm that NRI is a DNA-bending protein, consistent with its high affinity for spiral DNA. These results prove that spiral DNA without any homology to the NRI-binding sequence site can substitute for the glnA enhancer by promoting cooperative activator binding to DNA and facilitating protein oligomerization. Similar mechanisms might apply to other prokaryotic and eukaryotic activator proteins that share the ability to bend DNA and act efficiently as multimers.